title WINHOOK.ASM - SetWindowsHook() and friends ifdef WOW NOEXTERNS equ 1 SEGNAME equ endif .xlist include user.inc .list swappro = 0 ; include NEW_SEG1 struc used in GetProcModule include newexe.inc ExternFP ExternFP ExternFP ExternFP createSeg _%SEGNAME,%SEGNAME,WORD,PUBLIC,CODE createSeg _DATA,DATA,WORD,PUBLIC,DATA,DGROUP defgrp DGROUP,DATA ;=========================================================================== sBegin %SEGNAME assumes CS,%SEGNAME assumes DS,DATA assumes ES,NOTHING ;============================================================================ ; ; HANDLE GetProcModule(FARPROC lpfn); ; ; This function returns the module handle corresponding to a given ; hook proc address. ; ; CAUTION: This uses the undocumented feature of "GetCodeInfo()" that it ; returns the module handle in ES register. ; cProc GetProcModule, ParmD lpfn LocalV seginfofromkernel, %size NEW_SEG1+2 cBegin ; Turns out GetCodeInfo ; pushd lpfn ; GetCodeInfo(lpfn, &seginfo) lea ax,seginfofromkernel push ss push ax call GetCodeInfo or ax,ax ; AX is BOOL fSuccess (even though windows.h says void) mov ax,es ; ES contains the module handle according ; to David Weise... jnz gpmexit ; We're ok ; Sleazy hack from hell. Excel global allocs some memory, puts ; code into it and passes it to us. The GetCodeInfo fails in this ; case so we need to get the module handle for a globalalloced ; chunk of memory. push word ptr lpfn+2 call GetExePtr gpmexit: ifdef DEBUG or ax,ax jnz gpm900 DebugErr DBF_ERROR, "Invalid Hook Proc Addr" xor ax,ax gpm900: endif cEnd ;============================================================================== ; ; FARPROC FAR PASCAL SetWindowsHook(int idHook, FARPROC lpfn) ; { ; SetWindowsHookEx2(idHook, ; (HOOKPROC)lpfn, ; GetProcModule(lpfn), ; (idHook == WH_MSGFILTER ? GetCurrentTask() : NULL)); ; } ; cProc ISetWindowsHook, ParmW idHook ParmD lpfn LocalW hmodule LocalW htask cBegin ; Check if some apps are trying to unhook a hook using SetWindowsHook() mov bx, seg_lpfn cmp bx, HHOOK_MAGIC jz swhHookMagic cmp idHook,WH_MSGFILTER jnz swh10 call GetCurrentTask jmp swhMakeCall swhHookMagic: ; Now, it is clear that this app wants to unhook by calling SetWindowsHook() ; All Micrographix apps do this trick to unhook their keyboard hooks. ; Fix for Bug #7972 -- SANKAR -- 05/30/91 -- ; Let us unhook the node passed in thro lpfn; ifdef DEBUG DebugErr , "SetWindowsHook called to unhook: use UnhookWindowsHook" endif xor ax,ax jmps swhMakeCall swh10: pushd lpfn call GetProcModule swhMakeCall: push ax push idHook pushd lpfn call SetWindowsHookInternal swhExit: cEnd sEnd %SEGNAME END