;++ ; ; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation ; ; Module Name: ; ; abios.inc ; ; Abstract: ; ; This module contains the assembly structures and definitions ; for ABIOS support code. ; ; Author: ; ; Shie-Lin (shielint) 23-May-1991 ; ; Revision History: ; ;-- ; ; ABIOS System Parameter Table definition ; ABIOS_SYSTEM_PARAMETER_TABLE struc SP_CommonStartRoutine dd 0 SP_CommonInterruptRoutine dd 0 SP_CommonTimeoutroutine dd 0 SP_StackSize dw 0 SP_Reserved1 dd 0 SP_Reserved2 dd 0 SP_Reserved3 dd 0 SP_Reserved4 dd 0 SP_NumberOfEntries dw 0 ABIOS_SYSTEM_PARAMETER_TABLE ends ABIOS_SPT_SIZE equ size ABIOS_SYSTEM_PARAMETER_TABLE ABIOS_BUILD_SPT equ 04 ABIOS_BUILD_IT equ 05 RETURN_SYSTEM_CONFIG equ 0C0h ; ; CBIOS machine configuration structure ; MACHINE_CONFIGURATION struc MC_Length dw 0 MC_Model db 0 MC_Submodel db 0 MC_BiosRevision db 0 MACHINE_CONFIGURATION ends ; ; ABIOS Initialization Table definitions ; INITIALIZATION_TABLE_ENTRY_SIZE equ 18H ABIOS_IT_ENTRY struc IT_DeviceId dw 0 IT_NumberLid dw 0 IT_DeviceBlockLength dw 0 IT_InitializeRoutine dd 0 IT_RequestBlockLength dw 0 IT_FttLength dw 0 IT_DataPointerLength dw 0 IT_SecondDeviceId db 0 IT_Revision db 0 IT_Reserved1 dw 0, 0, 0 ABIOS_IT_ENTRY ends ; ; machine Configuration definition ; MACHINE_INFORMATION struc Model db 0 SubModel db 0 BiosRevision db 0 Valid db 0 MACHINE_INFORMATION ends MEMORY_MAP_TABLE struc ReturnedLength dw 0 Local1to16M dd 0 Local16to4G dd 0 System1to16M dd 0 System16to4G dd 0 Cached1to16M dd 0 Cached1to4G dd 0 NonSystemStart1 dd 0 NonSystemStart16 dd 0 DataReserved dd 0 MEMORY_MAP_TABLE ends ; ; Misc. definitions ; TRUE equ 1 FALSE equ 0