/*++ Copyright (C) 1989-1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: pxbusdat.c Abstract: This module contains the IoXxx routines for the NT I/O system that are hardware dependent. Were these routines not hardware dependent, they would reside in the iosubs.c module. Author: Ken Reneris (kenr) July-28-1994 Environment: Kernel mode Revision History: Jim Wooldridge Ported to PowerPC --*/ #include "halp.h" VOID HalpInitOtherBuses (VOID); ULONG HalpNoBusData ( IN PVOID BusHandler, IN PVOID RootHandler, IN ULONG SlotNumber, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN ULONG Length ); // // Prototype for system bus handlers // NTSTATUS HalpAdjustIsaResourceList ( IN PVOID BusHandler, IN PVOID RootHandler, IN OUT PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST *pResourceList ); ULONG HalpGetSystemInterruptVector ( IN PVOID BusHandler, IN PVOID RootHandler, IN ULONG BusInterruptLevel, IN ULONG BusInterruptVector, OUT PKIRQL Irql, OUT PKAFFINITY Affinity ); ULONG HalpGetIsaInterruptVector ( IN PVOID BusHandler, IN PVOID RootHandler, IN ULONG BusInterruptLevel, IN ULONG BusInterruptVector, OUT PKIRQL Irql, OUT PKAFFINITY Affinity ); BOOLEAN HalpTranslateSystemBusAddress ( IN PVOID BusHandler, IN PVOID RootHandler, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BusAddress, IN OUT PULONG AddressSpace, OUT PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS TranslatedAddress ); VOID HalpRegisterInternalBusHandlers ( VOID ); #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpRegisterInternalBusHandlers) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpAllocateBusHandler) #endif VOID HalpRegisterInternalBusHandlers ( VOID ) { PBUS_HANDLER Bus; if (KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number) { // only need to do this once return ; } // // Initalize BusHandler data before registering any handlers // HalpInitBusHandler (); // // Build internal-bus 0, or system level bus // Bus = HalpAllocateBusHandler ( Internal, ConfigurationSpaceUndefined, 0, // Internal BusNumber 0 InterfaceTypeUndefined, // no parent bus 0, 0 // no bus specfic data ); Bus->GetInterruptVector = HalpGetSystemInterruptVector; Bus->TranslateBusAddress = HalpTranslateSystemBusAddress; // // Build Isa bus 0 // Bus = HalpAllocateBusHandler (Isa, -1, 0, Internal, 0, 0); Bus->GetBusData = HalpNoBusData; Bus->GetInterruptVector = HalpGetIsaInterruptVector; Bus->AdjustResourceList = HalpAdjustIsaResourceList; HalpInitOtherBuses (); } PBUS_HANDLER HalpAllocateBusHandler ( IN INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType, IN BUS_DATA_TYPE BusDataType, IN ULONG BusNumber, IN INTERFACE_TYPE ParentBusInterfaceType, IN ULONG ParentBusNumber, IN ULONG BusSpecificData ) /*++ Routine Description: Stub function to map old style code into new HalRegisterBusHandler code. Note we can add our specific bus handler functions after this bus handler structure has been added since this is being done during hal initialization. --*/ { PBUS_HANDLER Bus; // // Create bus handler - new style // HaliRegisterBusHandler ( InterfaceType, BusDataType, BusNumber, ParentBusInterfaceType, ParentBusNumber, BusSpecificData, NULL, &Bus ); if (InterfaceType != InterfaceTypeUndefined) { Bus->BusAddresses = ExAllocatePool (SPRANGEPOOL, sizeof (SUPPORTED_RANGES)); RtlZeroMemory (Bus->BusAddresses, sizeof (SUPPORTED_RANGES)); Bus->BusAddresses->Version = BUS_SUPPORTED_RANGE_VERSION; Bus->BusAddresses->Dma.Limit = 7; Bus->BusAddresses->Memory.Limit = 0x3EFFFFFF; Bus->BusAddresses->Memory.SystemAddressSpace = 0; Bus->BusAddresses->Memory.SystemBase = PCI_MEMORY_PHYSICAL_BASE; Bus->BusAddresses->IO.SystemBase = 0x80000000; Bus->BusAddresses->IO.Limit = 0x3F7FFFFF; Bus->BusAddresses->IO.SystemAddressSpace = 0; Bus->BusAddresses->PrefetchMemory.Base = 1; } return Bus; }