// // // #include "olecnfg.h" BOOL SetGlobalKey( int Key, int Value ) { DWORD RegStatus; HKEY hReg; DWORD Disposition; char * ValueName; if ( hRegOle == 0 ) { RegStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\OLE", 0, "REG_SZ", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hRegOle, &Disposition ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\OLE for writing\n" ); return FALSE; } } // BUGBUG : Extra stuff to do for PersonalClasses and InstallCommon. if ( (Key == DEFAULT_LAUNCH_PERMISSION) || (Key == DEFAULT_ACCESS_PERMISSION) ) { RegStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( hRegOle, GlobalKeyNames[Key], 0, "REG_SZ", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hReg, &Disposition ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Unable to open or add global key %s (status %d)\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key], RegStatus ); return FALSE; } ValueName = NULL; } else { hReg = hRegOle; ValueName = (char *)GlobalKeyNames[Key]; } if ( Key == LEGACY_AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL ) { RegStatus = RegSetValueEx( hReg, ValueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&Value, sizeof(DWORD) ); } else if ( Key != DEFAULT_ACCESS_PERMISSION ) { RegStatus = RegSetValueEx( hReg, ValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(Value == YES ? "Y" : "N"), 2 * sizeof(char) ); } else RegStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Unable to set value for %s (status %d)\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key], RegStatus ); return FALSE; } if ( Key == LEGACY_AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL ) { printf( "Global setting %s set to %d.\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key], Value ); } else if ( Key == DEFAULT_ACCESS_PERMISSION ) { printf( "Global setting %s set to on.\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key] ); } else { printf( "Global setting %s set to %c.\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key], Value == YES ? 'Y' : 'N' ); } return TRUE; } void DisplayGlobalSettings() { HKEY hReg; DWORD RegStatus; int Key; DWORD Type; DWORD Value; DWORD BufSize; char * ValueName; RegStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\OLE", 0, KEY_READ, &hRegOle ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\OLE\n" ); return; } printf( "\nGlobal OLE registry settings :\n" ); for ( Key = 1; Key <= GLOBAL_KEYS; Key++ ) { if ( (Key == DEFAULT_LAUNCH_PERMISSION) || (Key == DEFAULT_ACCESS_PERMISSION) ) { RegStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( hRegOle, GlobalKeyNames[Key], 0, KEY_READ, &hReg ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( " %-28sN (key does not exist or could not be opened)\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key] ); continue; } ValueName = NULL; } else { hReg = hRegOle; ValueName = (char *)GlobalKeyNames[Key]; } if ( Key != DEFAULT_ACCESS_PERMISSION ) { BufSize = sizeof(DWORD); RegStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hReg, ValueName, 0, &Type, (LPBYTE) &Value, &BufSize ); } else RegStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( Key == DEFAULT_LAUNCH_PERMISSION ) printf( " %-28sN (key value could not be read)\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key] ); else printf( " %-28s%c (value not present)\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key], (Key == LEGACY_AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL) ? '2' : 'N' ); continue; } if ( Key == LEGACY_AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL ) { printf( " %-28s%d\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key], Value ); } else if ( Key == DEFAULT_ACCESS_PERMISSION ) { printf( " %-28son\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key] ); } else { printf( " %-28s%c\n", GlobalKeyNames[Key], (char)CharUpper((LPSTR)((char *)&Value)[0]) ); } } } void DisplayClsidKeys( CLSID_INFO * ClsidInfo ) { HKEY hProgId; HKEY hClsid; HKEY hProgIdClsid; HKEY hKey; DWORD RegStatus; DWORD RegType; DWORD BufSize; char ProgIdClsid[64]; char Value[128]; int Key; BOOL HasRunAs; char Password[64]; LSA_HANDLE hPolicy; LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjAttributes; LSA_UNICODE_STRING LsaKey; LSA_UNICODE_STRING * LsaData; WCHAR wszKey[64]; WCHAR wszPassword[64]; NTSTATUS NtStatus; RegStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", 0, KEY_READ, &hRegClsid ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID for reading.\n" ); return; } if ( ClsidInfo->ProgId ) { RegStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ClsidInfo->ProgId, 0, KEY_READ, &hProgId ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Couldn't open ProgID %s\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId ); return; } RegStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( hProgId, "CLSID", 0, KEY_READ, &hProgIdClsid ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Couldn't open CLSID key for ProgID %s\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId ); return; } BufSize = sizeof(ProgIdClsid); RegStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hProgIdClsid, NULL, 0, &RegType, (LPBYTE) ProgIdClsid, &BufSize ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Couldn't open CLSID value for ProgID %s\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId ); return; } if ( ClsidInfo->Clsid && (_stricmp( ClsidInfo->Clsid, ProgIdClsid ) != 0) ) { printf( "ProgID %s CLSID key value %s differs from given CLSID %s.\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId, ProgIdClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid ); return; } else ClsidInfo->Clsid = ProgIdClsid; } if ( ! ClsidInfo->Clsid ) { printf( "Could not determine CLSID.\n" ); return; } RegStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( hRegClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, 0, KEY_READ, &hClsid ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not open CLSID %s\n", ClsidInfo->Clsid ); return; } putchar( '\n' ); if ( ClsidInfo->ProgId ) printf( "Server settings for ProgID %s, ", ClsidInfo->ProgId ); else printf( "Server settings for " ); printf( "CLSID %s\n", ClsidInfo->Clsid ); HasRunAs = FALSE; for ( Key = 1; Key <= CLSID_KEYS; Key++ ) { RegStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( hClsid, ClsidKeyNames[Key], 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) continue; BufSize = sizeof(Value); if ( Key != ACCESS_PERMISSION ) { RegStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, NULL, 0, &RegType, (LPBYTE) Value, &BufSize ); } else RegStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( " %-28s(key exists, but value could not be read)\n", ClsidKeyNames[Key] ); continue; } printf( " %-28s%s\n", ClsidKeyNames[Key], (Key == ACCESS_PERMISSION) ? "on" : Value ); if ( (Key == RUN_AS) && (_stricmp(Value,"Interactive User") != 0) ) HasRunAs = TRUE; } if ( ! HasRunAs ) return; // // Give the option of verifying the RunAs password. // printf( "\nCLSID configured with RunAs. Would you like to verify the password? " ); if ( (char)CharUpper((LPSTR)getchar()) != 'Y' ) return; while ( getchar() != '\n' ) ; putchar( '\n' ); lstrcpyW( wszKey, L"SCM:" ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, ClsidInfo->Clsid, -1, &wszKey[lstrlenW(wszKey)], sizeof(wszKey)/2 - lstrlenW(wszKey) ); LsaKey.Length = (lstrlenW(wszKey) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); LsaKey.MaximumLength = sizeof(wszKey); LsaKey.Buffer = wszKey; InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjAttributes, NULL, 0L, NULL, NULL ); // Open the local security policy NtStatus = LsaOpenPolicy( NULL, &ObjAttributes, POLICY_CREATE_SECRET, &hPolicy ); if ( ! NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { printf( "Could not open RunAs password (0x%x)\n", NtStatus ); return; } // Retrive private data NtStatus = LsaRetrievePrivateData( hPolicy, &LsaKey, &LsaData ); if ( ! NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { printf( "Could not open RunAs password (0x%x)\n", NtStatus ); return; } LsaClose(hPolicy); for (;;) { printf( "Password : " ); ReadPassword( Password ); if ( strcmp( Password, "dcom4ever" ) == 0 ) { printf( "\nThe RunAs password is %ws\n", LsaData->Buffer ); return; } MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, Password, -1, wszPassword, sizeof(wszPassword) ); if ( lstrcmpW( wszPassword, LsaData->Buffer ) != 0 ) { printf( "\nPassword does not match RunAs password.\n" ); printf( "Enter another password or hit Control-C to exit.\n\n" ); } else { printf( "\nPasswords match.\n" ); return; } } } void UpdateClsidKeys( CLSID_INFO * ClsidInfo ) { HKEY hProgId; HKEY hClsid; HKEY hProgIdClsid; HKEY hKey; DWORD RegStatus; DWORD Disposition; DWORD RegType; char ProgIdClsid[64]; char Response[64]; DWORD BufSize; int n; RegStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hRegClsid ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID for writing\n" ); return; } hProgId = 0; hClsid = 0; if ( ClsidInfo->ProgId ) { RegStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ClsidInfo->ProgId, 0, "REG_SZ", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hProgId, &Disposition ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not open or create ProgID key %s.\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId); return; } if ( Disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY ) printf( "ProgId key %s created.\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId ); if ( ClsidInfo->ProgIdDescription ) { RegStatus = RegSetValueEx( hProgId, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) ClsidInfo->ProgIdDescription, strlen(ClsidInfo->ProgIdDescription) + sizeof(char) ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not set description value for ProgID %s.\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId ); return; } printf( "Setting description value %s for ProgID %s.\n", ClsidInfo->ProgIdDescription, ClsidInfo->ProgId ); } RegStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( hProgId, "CLSID", 0, "REG_SZ", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hProgIdClsid, &Disposition ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not open or create CLSID key for ProgID %s.\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId ); return; } // // Check if a CLSID key value already exists for this ProgID. If so, // and a CLSID was specified to us then check if they differ. // BufSize = sizeof(ProgIdClsid); RegStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hProgIdClsid, NULL, 0, &RegType, (LPBYTE) ProgIdClsid, &BufSize ); if ( RegStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( ClsidInfo->Clsid && (_stricmp(ClsidInfo->Clsid, ProgIdClsid) != 0) ) { printf( "ProgID %s has existing CLSID key value %s\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId, ProgIdClsid ); printf( "which differs from given CLSID %s.\n", ClsidInfo->Clsid ); printf( "Would you like to replace the existing CLSID value with the new CLSID value? " ); gets( Response ); if ( (char)CharUpper((LPSTR)Response[0]) != 'Y' ) ClsidInfo->Clsid = ProgIdClsid; } else ClsidInfo->Clsid = ProgIdClsid; } if ( ! ClsidInfo->Clsid ) { printf( "CLSID for ProgID %s not specified.\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId ); return; } if ( ClsidInfo->Clsid != ProgIdClsid ) { RegStatus = RegSetValueEx( hProgIdClsid, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) ClsidInfo->Clsid, strlen(ClsidInfo->Clsid) + sizeof(char) ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not set CLSID value for ProgID %s.\n", ClsidInfo->ProgId ); return; } printf( "Setting CLSID value %s for ProgID %s.\n", ClsidInfo->Clsid, ClsidInfo->ProgId ); } } RegStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( hRegClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, 0, "REG_SZ", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hClsid, &Disposition ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not open or create CLSID key %s.\n", ClsidInfo->Clsid ); return; } if ( Disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY ) printf( "CLSID key %s created.\n", ClsidInfo->Clsid ); if ( ClsidInfo->ClsidDescription ) { RegStatus = RegSetValueEx( hClsid, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) ClsidInfo->ClsidDescription, strlen(ClsidInfo->ClsidDescription) + sizeof(char) ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not set description value for CLSID %s.\n", ClsidInfo->Clsid ); return; } printf( "Setting description value %s for CLSID %s.\n", ClsidInfo->ClsidDescription, ClsidInfo->Clsid ); } // // Now add and delete individual keys on this CLSID. // if ( (ClsidInfo->LaunchPermission == YES) || (ClsidInfo->LaunchPermission == NO) ) { SetClsidKey( hClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, ClsidKeyNames[LAUNCH_PERMISSION], (ClsidInfo->LaunchPermission == YES) ? "Y" : "N" ); } if ( ClsidInfo->AccessPermission == YES ) { SetClsidKey( hClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, ClsidKeyNames[ACCESS_PERMISSION], NULL ); } if ( (ClsidInfo->ActivateAtStorage == YES) || (ClsidInfo->ActivateAtStorage == NO) ) { SetClsidKey( hClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, ClsidKeyNames[ACTIVATE_AT_STORAGE], (ClsidInfo->ActivateAtStorage == YES) ? "Y" : "N" ); } for ( n = 1; n <= CLSID_PATH_KEYS; n++ ) { if ( ! ClsidInfo->ServerPaths[n] ) continue; if ( ClsidInfo->ServerPaths[n][0] == '\0' ) DeleteClsidKey( hClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, ClsidKeyNames[n] ); else SetClsidKey( hClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, ClsidKeyNames[n], ClsidInfo->ServerPaths[n] ); } if ( ClsidInfo->RemoteServerName ) { if ( ClsidInfo->RemoteServerName[0] == '\0' ) DeleteClsidKey( hClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, ClsidKeyNames[REMOTE_SERVER_NAME] ); else SetClsidKey( hClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, ClsidKeyNames[REMOTE_SERVER_NAME], ClsidInfo->RemoteServerName ); } if ( ClsidInfo->RunAsUserName ) { DWORD CharRead; char Password1[64]; char Password2[64]; LSA_HANDLE hPolicy; LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjAttributes; LSA_UNICODE_STRING LsaKey; LSA_UNICODE_STRING LsaData; WCHAR wszKey[64]; WCHAR wszPassword[64]; NTSTATUS NtStatus; BOOL Status; BOOL RunAsInteractiveUser; RunAsInteractiveUser = (_stricmp(ClsidInfo->RunAsUserName,"Interactive User") == 0); if ( ! RunAsInteractiveUser ) { InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjAttributes, NULL, 0L, NULL, NULL ); // Open the local security policy NtStatus = LsaOpenPolicy( NULL, &ObjAttributes, POLICY_CREATE_SECRET, &hPolicy ); if ( ! NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { printf( "Could not setup RunAs (0x%x)\n", NtStatus ); return; } lstrcpyW( wszKey, L"SCM:" ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, ClsidInfo->Clsid, -1, &wszKey[lstrlenW(wszKey)], sizeof(wszKey)/2 - lstrlenW(wszKey) ); LsaKey.Length = (lstrlenW(wszKey) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); LsaKey.MaximumLength = sizeof(wszKey); LsaKey.Buffer = wszKey; } if ( ClsidInfo->RunAsUserName[0] == '\0' ) { DeleteClsidKey( hClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, ClsidKeyNames[RUN_AS] ); LsaStorePrivateData( hPolicy, &LsaKey, NULL ); } else { Status = SetClsidKey( hClsid, ClsidInfo->Clsid, ClsidKeyNames[RUN_AS], ClsidInfo->RunAsUserName ); if ( ! Status ) return; if ( ! RunAsInteractiveUser && (ClsidInfo->RunAsPassword[0] == '*') ) { for (;;) { printf( "Enter RunAs password for %s : ", ClsidInfo->RunAsUserName ); ReadPassword( Password1 ); printf( "Confirm password : " ); ReadPassword( Password2 ); if ( strcmp( Password1, Password2 ) != 0 ) { printf( "Passwords differ, try again or hit Control-C to exit.\n" ); continue; } if ( Password1[0] == '\0' ) { printf( "Do you really want a blank password? " ); gets( Response ); if ( (char)CharUpper((LPSTR)Response[0]) != 'Y' ) continue; } break; } ClsidInfo->RunAsPassword = Password1; } // if password == "*" // Got a good one! if ( ! RunAsInteractiveUser ) { MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, ClsidInfo->RunAsPassword, -1, wszPassword, sizeof(wszPassword)/2 ); LsaData.Length = (lstrlenW(wszPassword) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); LsaData.MaximumLength = sizeof(wszPassword); LsaData.Buffer = wszPassword; // Store private data NtStatus = LsaStorePrivateData( hPolicy, &LsaKey, &LsaData ); if ( ! NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { printf( "Could not store password securely (0x%x)\n", NtStatus ); return; } LsaClose(hPolicy); } } } printf( "CLSID keys updated successfully.\n" ); } BOOL SetClsidKey( HKEY hClsid, char * Clsid, const char * Key, char * Value ) { HKEY hKey; DWORD RegStatus; DWORD Disposition; DWORD ValueType; DWORD ValueSize; char OldValue[256]; BOOL HasOldValue; HasOldValue = FALSE; RegStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( hClsid, Key, 0, "REG_SZ", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, &Disposition ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not create key %s for CLSID %s\n", Key, Clsid ); return FALSE; } if ( Disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY ) { printf( "Added key %s for CLSID %s\n", Key, Clsid ); } else { ValueSize = sizeof(OldValue); RegStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, NULL, 0, &ValueType, OldValue, &ValueSize ); HasOldValue = (RegStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS); } if ( ! Value ) return TRUE; RegStatus = RegSetValueEx( hKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) Value, strlen(Value) + sizeof(char) ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not set value %s for key %s\n", Value, Key ); return FALSE; } if ( HasOldValue ) printf( "Changed value from %s to %s for key %s\n", OldValue, Value, Key ); else printf( "Added value %s for key %s\n", Value, Key ); return TRUE; } BOOL DeleteClsidKey( HKEY hClsid, char * Clsid, const char * Key ) { DWORD RegStatus; RegStatus = RegDeleteKey( hClsid, Key ); if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Could not delete key %s for CLSID %s\n", Key, Clsid ); return FALSE; } printf( "Deleted key %s for CLSID %s\n", Key, Clsid ); return TRUE; } void ReadPassword( char * Password ) { int c, n; n = 0; for (;;) { c = _getch(); // ^C if ( c == 0x3 ) { putchar( '\n' ); ExitProcess( 0 ); } // Backspace if ( c == 0x8 ) { if ( n ) { n--; _putch( 0x8 ); _putch( ' ' ); _putch( 0x8 ); } continue; } // Return if ( c == '\r' ) break; Password[n++] = c; _putch( '*' ); } Password[n] = 0; putchar( '\n' ); } BOOL ControlCConsoleHandler( DWORD ControlType ) { if ( (ControlType == CTRL_C_EVENT) || (ControlType == CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) ) { printf( "RunAs password unchanged\n" ); ExitProcess( 0 ); } return FALSE; }