@echo off setlocal REM ********************************************************************* REM REM (c) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992-1993 All Rights Reserved REM REM File: REM REM make.bat REM REM Purpose: REM REM oleprog project tests master make batch file. REM REM Description: REM REM Usage: run make with no arguments for usage. REM This batch file will set up all required variables and fire up REM one of disptest\makefile or sdisptst\makefile REM REM REM The structure of the TESTS direcoty is REM REM %OLEPROG%\TESTS The root of the directory REM |___DISPTEST makefile and .c** .h** files REM |___WIN32 Win32 .obj, .exe files REM |___WIN16 .. REM |___MAC .. REM |___MACPPC .. REM |___CDISPTST makefile and .c** .h** files REM |___WIN32 Win32 .obj, .exe files REM |___WIN16 .. REM |___MAC .. REM |___MACPPC .. REM ... REM REM REM Environment: REM REM oleprog, HOST must be set REM REM Revision History: REM REM [00] 02-Aug-94 t-issacl: Created REM REM ********************************************************************* if '%oleprog%' == '' goto ERROR_BadEnv REM set VERS=2 for %%a in ( win16 win32 mac macppc) do if "%1"=="%%a" goto %1 :usage echo USAGE: make VERSION [TESTS] options echo where VERSION is: echo win16 Win16 build echo win32 Win32 build echo mac Mac build echo macppc PPC build echo. echo where TEST is: (default to disptest and sdisptst) echo disptest will build disptest tests echo sdisptst will build sdisptst tests echo. echo options will be passed to makefile by nmake echo "clean" option will clean up the target directory. echo. goto end :win16 set BUILDBATCHFILE=build16 set MKTYPLIBSRC=%OLEPROG%\dwin32 goto build :win32 set BUILDBATCHFILE=build32 set MKTYPLIBSRC=%OLEPROG%\dwin32 goto build :mac set BUILDBATCHFILE=build68k set MKTYPLIBSRC=%OLEPROG%\dwin32 goto build :macppc set BUILDBATCHFILE=buildppc set MKTYPLIBSRC=%OLEPROG%\dwin32 goto build REM ********************************************************************* REM here we call nmake to make it REM ********************************************************************* :build set TESTBUILDALL=FALSE for %%a in ( disptest sdisptst nlstest) do if "%2"=="%%a" goto NeedShift set TESTBUILDALL=TRUE goto disptest :NeedShift set TEMPFLAG=%2 shift goto %TEMPFLAG% :disptest REM Build disptest cd disptest REM call ..\%BUILDBATCHFILE% clean call ..\%BUILDBATCHFILE% %2 %3 %4 cd .. if "%TESTBUILDALL%"=="FALSE" goto end :sdisptst REM Build sdisptst cd sdisptst REM call ..\%BUILDBATCHFILE% clean copy %MKTYPLIBSRC%\mktyplib.exe call ..\%BUILDBATCHFILE% %2 %3 %4 cd .. if "%TESTBUILDALL%"=="FALSE" goto end :nlstest REM Build nlstest cd nlstest REM call ..\%BUILDBATCHFILE% clean call ..\%BUILDBATCHFILE% %2 %3 %4 cd .. if "%TESTBUILDALL%"=="FALSE" goto end goto end :ERROR_BadEnv echo. echo Must set oleprog variable :end endlocal @echo on