/****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Microsoft Confidential */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. 1987, 1990 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Module Header ******************************* * Module Name: globals.h * * Declares global data for the image editor. * * History: * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Initialized data and structures ----------------------------------------- */ extern INIENTRY gaie[]; // Initialization data structure. extern BOOL gfGrid; // TRUE if the grid is on. extern BOOL gfShowColor; // TRUE if Color palette is to be shown. extern BOOL gfShowView; // TRUE if View window is to be shown. extern BOOL gfShowToolbox; // TRUE if Toolbox is to be shown. extern INT gnBrushSize; // Current brush size. extern CHAR szAppPos[]; // App window's position keyname. extern CHAR szTBPos[]; // Toolbox window's position keyname. extern CHAR szViewPos[]; // View window's position keyname. extern CHAR szColorPos[]; // Color palette window's position keyname. extern CHAR szrgbScreen[]; // Screen color keyname. /* * Instance handles, window handles and class strings ---------------------- */ extern HANDLE ghInst; // App instance handle. extern HANDLE haccelTbl; // Accelerator table handle. extern HCURSOR hcurWait; // Standard hourglass cursor. extern HWND ghwndMain; // Main app window handle. extern HWND ghwndWork; // Workspace window handle. extern HWND ghwndPropBar; // Properties Bar window handle. extern HWND ghwndToolbox; // Toolbox window handle. extern HWND ghwndView; // View window handle. extern HWND ghwndColor; // Color palette window handle. extern CHAR szMainClass[]; // Main window class. extern CHAR szWorkClass[]; // Work window class. extern CHAR szToolboxClass[]; // Toolbox window class. extern CHAR szToolBtnClass[]; // Toolbox button window class. extern CHAR szViewClass[]; // View window class. extern CHAR szColorBoxClass[]; // Color box window class. extern CHAR szColorLRClass[]; // Color Left-Right sample class. /* * Device list globals ----------------------------------------------------- */ extern PDEVICE gpIconDeviceHead; // Head of icon device list. extern INT gnIconDevices; // Number of icon devices. extern PDEVICE gpCursorDeviceHead; // Head of cursor device list. extern INT gnCursorDevices; // Number of cursor devices. /* * Globals that describe the current file and image being edited ----------- */ extern CHAR gszFullFileName[]; // Full path name of current file. extern PSTR gpszFileName; // Current file name (or NULL). extern INT giType; // Type of object being edited currently. extern PIMAGEINFO gpImageHead; // Head of image linked list. extern INT gnImages; // Number of images in the file. extern BOOL fFileDirty; // TRUE if the file is dirty. extern PIMAGEINFO gpImageCur; // Pointer to current image. extern INT gcxImage; // Width of the image. extern INT gcyImage; // Height of the image. extern INT gnColors; // Number of colors of current image. extern BOOL fImageDirty; // TRUE if the image is dirty. /* * Drawing DC's and bitmaps ------------------------------------------------ */ extern HDC ghdcImage; // Image XOR DC. extern HBITMAP ghbmImage; // Image XOR bitmap. extern HDC ghdcANDMask; // Image AND mask DC. extern HBITMAP ghbmANDMask; // Image AND mask bitmap. extern HBITMAP ghbmUndo; // Backup of XOR bitmap for undo. extern HBITMAP ghbmUndoMask; // Backup of AND mask bitmap for undo. /* * Globals for the color palette and drawing ------------------------------- */ extern INT giColorLeft; // Index to the left color in gargbCurrent. extern INT giColorRight; // Index to the right color in gargbCurrent. extern INT gfModeLeft; // Mode of the left color brush. extern INT gfModeRight; // Mode of the right color brush. extern HBRUSH ghbrLeft; // Brush with left mouse button color. extern HBRUSH ghbrLeftSolid; // Brush with solid left button color. extern HBRUSH ghbrRight; // Brush with right mouse button color. extern HBRUSH ghbrRightSolid; // Brush with solid right button color. extern HBRUSH ghbrScreen; // Brush with screen color. extern HBRUSH ghbrInverse; // Brush with inverse screen color. extern HPEN ghpenLeft; // Left color pen. extern HPEN ghpenRight; // Right color pen. extern DWORD grgbScreenDefault; // Default screen color. extern DWORD grgbScreen; // RGB of screen color. extern DWORD grgbInverse; // RGB of inverse screen color. extern DWORD *gargbCurrent; // Points to the current color table. extern DWORD gargbColor[]; // Current color color table. extern DWORD gargbMono[]; // Current monochrome color table. extern HPEN hpenDarkGray; // A dark gray pen. extern DRAWPROC gpfnDrawProc; // Current drawing functions. extern INT gCurTool; // Current tool (TOOL_* define). extern HBRUSH ghbrDraw; // Current drawing brush. extern HBRUSH ghbrDrawSolid; // Current solid drawing brush. extern HPEN ghpenDraw; // Current drawing pen. extern INT gfDrawMode; // Mode of current drawing brush. extern DWORD gargbDefaultColor[]; // The default color palette. extern DWORD gargbDefaultMono[]; // The default monochrome palette. extern DWORD gargbColorTable2[]; // Color table for monochrome DIB's. extern TOOLS gaTools[]; // Tool table. /* * Globals and tables for messages and help -------------------------------- */ extern MESSAGEDATA gamdMessages[]; // Message box messages table. extern INT gidCurrentDlg; // Current dialog id (null if none). extern INT gMenuSelected; // Currently selected menu item. extern CHAR gszHelpFile[]; // Path to the help file. extern HHOOK ghhkMsgFilter; // Hook handle for message filter func. extern FARPROC lpfnMsgFilterHookFunc; // The message filter proc instance. extern HELPMAP gahmapMenu[]; // Menu item to help topic mapping table. extern HELPMAP gahmapDialog[]; // Dialog id to help topic mapping table. /* * Misc. globals ----------------------------------------------------------- */ extern INT gcxWorkSpace; // Width of workspace window. extern INT gcyWorkSpace; // Height of workspace window. extern INT gZoomFactor; // Magnification factor of image. extern RECT grcPick; // The current picking rectangle. extern INT gcxPick; // Width of picking rectangle. extern INT gcyPick; // Height of picking rectangle. extern UINT ClipboardFormat; // ID of private clipboard format. extern BOOL fStretchClipboardData; // TRUE to default to stretch on paste. extern INT iNewFileType; // New file type the user selected. extern INT gcyBorder; // System border height. extern INT gcyPropBar; // Height of PropBar window. extern WNDPROC lpfnPropBarDlgProc; // Proc inst. of PropBar dialog proc. extern WNDPROC lpfnColorDlgProc; // Proc inst. of Color palette dlg proc.