/* * RICHEDIT.H * * Purpose: * RICHEDIT public definitions * * Copyright (c) 1985-1995, Microsoft Corporation */ #ifndef _RICHEDIT_ #define _RICHEDIT_ #ifdef _WIN32 #include #elif !defined(RC_INVOKED) #pragma pack(4) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* * To make some structures which can be passed between 16 and 32 bit windows * almost compatible, padding is introduced to the 16 bit versions of the * structure. */ #ifdef _WIN32 # define _WPAD /##/ #else # define _WPAD WORD #endif #define cchTextLimitDefault 32767 /* RichEdit messages */ #ifndef WM_CONTEXTMENU #define WM_CONTEXTMENU 0x007B #endif #ifndef WM_PRINTCLIENT #define WM_PRINTCLIENT 0x0318 #endif #ifndef EM_GETLIMITTEXT #define EM_GETLIMITTEXT (WM_USER + 37) #endif #ifndef EM_POSFROMCHAR #define EM_POSFROMCHAR (WM_USER + 38) #define EM_CHARFROMPOS (WM_USER + 39) #endif #ifndef EM_SCROLLCARET #define EM_SCROLLCARET (WM_USER + 49) #endif #define EM_CANPASTE (WM_USER + 50) #define EM_DISPLAYBAND (WM_USER + 51) #define EM_EXGETSEL (WM_USER + 52) #define EM_EXLIMITTEXT (WM_USER + 53) #define EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR (WM_USER + 54) #define EM_EXSETSEL (WM_USER + 55) #define EM_FINDTEXT (WM_USER + 56) #define EM_FORMATRANGE (WM_USER + 57) #define EM_GETCHARFORMAT (WM_USER + 58) #define EM_GETEVENTMASK (WM_USER + 59) #define EM_GETOLEINTERFACE (WM_USER + 60) #define EM_GETPARAFORMAT (WM_USER + 61) #define EM_GETSELTEXT (WM_USER + 62) #define EM_HIDESELECTION (WM_USER + 63) #define EM_PASTESPECIAL (WM_USER + 64) #define EM_REQUESTRESIZE (WM_USER + 65) #define EM_SELECTIONTYPE (WM_USER + 66) #define EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR (WM_USER + 67) #define EM_SETCHARFORMAT (WM_USER + 68) #define EM_SETEVENTMASK (WM_USER + 69) #define EM_SETOLECALLBACK (WM_USER + 70) #define EM_SETPARAFORMAT (WM_USER + 71) #define EM_SETTARGETDEVICE (WM_USER + 72) #define EM_STREAMIN (WM_USER + 73) #define EM_STREAMOUT (WM_USER + 74) #define EM_GETTEXTRANGE (WM_USER + 75) #define EM_FINDWORDBREAK (WM_USER + 76) #define EM_SETOPTIONS (WM_USER + 77) #define EM_GETOPTIONS (WM_USER + 78) #define EM_FINDTEXTEX (WM_USER + 79) #ifdef _WIN32 #define EM_GETWORDBREAKPROCEX (WM_USER + 80) #define EM_SETWORDBREAKPROCEX (WM_USER + 81) #endif /* Far East specific messages */ #define EM_SETPUNCTUATION (WM_USER + 100) #define EM_GETPUNCTUATION (WM_USER + 101) #define EM_SETWORDWRAPMODE (WM_USER + 102) #define EM_GETWORDWRAPMODE (WM_USER + 103) #define EM_SETIMECOLOR (WM_USER + 104) #define EM_GETIMECOLOR (WM_USER + 105) #define EM_SETIMEOPTIONS (WM_USER + 106) #define EM_GETIMEOPTIONS (WM_USER + 107) /* new notifications */ #define EN_MSGFILTER 0x0700 #define EN_REQUESTRESIZE 0x0701 #define EN_SELCHANGE 0x0702 #define EN_DROPFILES 0x0703 #define EN_PROTECTED 0x0704 /* PenWin specific */ #define EN_CORRECTTEXT 0x0705 /* back to new notifications */ #define EN_STOPNOUNDO 0x0706 /* Far East specific notification */ #define EN_IMECHANGE 0x0707 /* back to new notifications */ #define EN_SAVECLIPBOARD 0x0708 #define EN_OLEOPFAILED 0x0709 /* event notification masks */ #define ENM_NONE 0x00000000 #define ENM_CHANGE 0x00000001 #define ENM_UPDATE 0x00000002 #define ENM_SCROLL 0x00000004 #define ENM_KEYEVENTS 0x00010000 #define ENM_MOUSEEVENTS 0x00020000 #define ENM_REQUESTRESIZE 0x00040000 #define ENM_SELCHANGE 0x00080000 #define ENM_DROPFILES 0x00100000 #define ENM_PROTECTED 0x00200000 /* PenWin specific */ #define ENM_CORRECTTEXT 0x00400000 /* Far East specific notification mask */ #define ENM_IMECHANGE 0x00800000 /* new edit control styles */ #define ES_SAVESEL 0x00008000 #define ES_SUNKEN 0x00004000 #define ES_DISABLENOSCROLL 0x00002000 /* same as WS_MAXIMIZE, but that doesn't make sense so we re-use the value */ #define ES_SELECTIONBAR 0x01000000 /* new edit control extended style */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define ES_EX_NOCALLOLEINIT 0x01000000 #endif /* These flag are used in the only FE Windows. */ #define ES_VERTICAL 0x00400000 #define ES_NOIME 0x00080000 #define ES_SELFIME 0x00040000 /* edit control options */ #define ECO_AUTOWORDSELECTION 0x00000001 #define ECO_AUTOVSCROLL 0x00000040 #define ECO_AUTOHSCROLL 0x00000080 #define ECO_NOHIDESEL 0x00000100 #define ECO_READONLY 0x00000800 #define ECO_WANTRETURN 0x00001000 #define ECO_SAVESEL 0x00008000 #define ECO_SELECTIONBAR 0x01000000 /* used only in FE Windows version */ #define ECO_VERTICAL 0x00400000 /* ECO operations */ #define ECOOP_SET 0x0001 #define ECOOP_OR 0x0002 #define ECOOP_AND 0x0003 #define ECOOP_XOR 0x0004 /* new word break function actions */ #define WB_CLASSIFY 3 #define WB_MOVEWORDLEFT 4 #define WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT 5 #define WB_LEFTBREAK 6 #define WB_RIGHTBREAK 7 /* Far East specific flags */ #define WB_MOVEWORDPREV 4 #define WB_MOVEWORDNEXT 5 #define WB_PREVBREAK 6 #define WB_NEXTBREAK 7 #define PC_FOLLOWING 1 #define PC_LEADING 2 #define PC_OVERFLOW 3 #define PC_DELIMITER 4 #define WBF_WORDWRAP 0x010 #define WBF_WORDBREAK 0x020 #define WBF_OVERFLOW 0x040 #define WBF_LEVEL1 0x080 #define WBF_LEVEL2 0x100 #define WBF_CUSTOM 0x200 /* Far East specific flags */ #define IMF_FORCENONE 0x0001 #define IMF_FORCEENABLE 0x0002 #define IMF_FORCEDISABLE 0x0004 #define IMF_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW 0x0008 #define IMF_VERTICAL 0x0020 #define IMF_FORCEACTIVE 0x0040 #define IMF_FORCEINACTIVE 0x0080 #define IMF_FORCEREMEMBER 0x0100 /* word break flags (used with WB_CLASSIFY) */ #define WBF_CLASS ((BYTE) 0x0F) #define WBF_ISWHITE ((BYTE) 0x10) #define WBF_BREAKLINE ((BYTE) 0x20) #define WBF_BREAKAFTER ((BYTE) 0x40) /* new data types */ #ifdef _WIN32 /* extended edit word break proc (character set aware) */ typedef LONG (*EDITWORDBREAKPROCEX)(char *pchText, LONG cchText, BYTE bCharSet, INT action); #endif /* all character format measurements are in twips */ typedef struct _charformat { UINT cbSize; _WPAD _wPad1; DWORD dwMask; DWORD dwEffects; LONG yHeight; LONG yOffset; /* > 0 for superscript, < 0 for subscript */ COLORREF crTextColor; BYTE bCharSet; BYTE bPitchAndFamily; TCHAR szFaceName[LF_FACESIZE]; _WPAD _wPad2; } CHARFORMAT; /* CHARFORMAT masks */ #define CFM_BOLD 0x00000001 #define CFM_ITALIC 0x00000002 #define CFM_UNDERLINE 0x00000004 #define CFM_STRIKEOUT 0x00000008 #define CFM_PROTECTED 0x00000010 #define CFM_SIZE 0x80000000 #define CFM_COLOR 0x40000000 #define CFM_FACE 0x20000000 #define CFM_OFFSET 0x10000000 #define CFM_CHARSET 0x08000000 /* CHARFORMAT effects */ #define CFE_BOLD 0x0001 #define CFE_ITALIC 0x0002 #define CFE_UNDERLINE 0x0004 #define CFE_STRIKEOUT 0x0008 #define CFE_PROTECTED 0x0010 /* NOTE: CFE_AUTOCOLOR corresponds to CFM_COLOR, which controls it */ #define CFE_AUTOCOLOR 0x40000000 #define yHeightCharPtsMost 1638 /* EM_SETCHARFORMAT wParam masks */ #define SCF_SELECTION 0x0001 #define SCF_WORD 0x0002 typedef struct _charrange { LONG cpMin; LONG cpMax; } CHARRANGE; typedef struct _textrange { CHARRANGE chrg; LPSTR lpstrText; /* allocated by caller, zero terminated by RichEdit */ } TEXTRANGE; typedef DWORD (CALLBACK *EDITSTREAMCALLBACK)(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb); typedef struct _editstream { DWORD dwCookie; /* user value passed to callback as first parameter */ DWORD dwError; /* last error */ EDITSTREAMCALLBACK pfnCallback; } EDITSTREAM; /* stream formats */ #define SF_TEXT 0x0001 #define SF_RTF 0x0002 #define SF_RTFNOOBJS 0x0003 /* outbound only */ #define SF_TEXTIZED 0x0004 /* outbound only */ /* Flag telling stream operations to operate on the selection only */ /* EM_STREAMIN will replace the current selection */ /* EM_STREAMOUT will stream out the current selection */ #define SFF_SELECTION 0x8000 /* Flag telling stream operations to operate on the common RTF keyword only */ /* EM_STREAMIN will accept the only common RTF keyword */ /* EM_STREAMOUT will stream out the only common RTF keyword */ #define SFF_PLAINRTF 0x4000 typedef struct _findtext { CHARRANGE chrg; LPSTR lpstrText; } FINDTEXT; typedef struct _findtextex { CHARRANGE chrg; LPSTR lpstrText; CHARRANGE chrgText; } FINDTEXTEX; typedef struct _formatrange { HDC hdc; HDC hdcTarget; RECT rc; RECT rcPage; CHARRANGE chrg; } FORMATRANGE; /* all paragraph measurements are in twips */ #define MAX_TAB_STOPS 32 #define lDefaultTab 720 typedef struct _paraformat { UINT cbSize; _WPAD _wPad1; DWORD dwMask; WORD wNumbering; WORD wReserved; LONG dxStartIndent; LONG dxRightIndent; LONG dxOffset; WORD wAlignment; SHORT cTabCount; LONG rgxTabs[MAX_TAB_STOPS]; } PARAFORMAT; /* PARAFORMAT mask values */ #define PFM_STARTINDENT 0x00000001 #define PFM_RIGHTINDENT 0x00000002 #define PFM_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define PFM_ALIGNMENT 0x00000008 #define PFM_TABSTOPS 0x00000010 #define PFM_NUMBERING 0x00000020 #define PFM_OFFSETINDENT 0x80000000 /* PARAFORMAT numbering options */ #define PFN_BULLET 0x0001 /* PARAFORMAT alignment options */ #define PFA_LEFT 0x0001 #define PFA_RIGHT 0x0002 #define PFA_CENTER 0x0003 /* notification structures */ #ifndef WM_NOTIFY #define WM_NOTIFY 0x004E typedef struct _nmhdr { HWND hwndFrom; _WPAD _wPad1; UINT idFrom; _WPAD _wPad2; UINT code; _WPAD _wPad3; } NMHDR; #endif /* !WM_NOTIFY */ typedef struct _msgfilter { NMHDR nmhdr; UINT msg; _WPAD _wPad1; WPARAM wParam; _WPAD _wPad2; LPARAM lParam; } MSGFILTER; typedef struct _reqresize { NMHDR nmhdr; RECT rc; } REQRESIZE; typedef struct _selchange { NMHDR nmhdr; CHARRANGE chrg; WORD seltyp; } SELCHANGE; #define SEL_EMPTY 0x0000 #define SEL_TEXT 0x0001 #define SEL_OBJECT 0x0002 #define SEL_MULTICHAR 0x0004 #define SEL_MULTIOBJECT 0x0008 typedef struct _endropfiles { NMHDR nmhdr; HANDLE hDrop; LONG cp; BOOL fProtected; } ENDROPFILES; typedef struct _enprotected { NMHDR nmhdr; UINT msg; _WPAD _wPad1; WPARAM wParam; _WPAD _wPad2; LPARAM lParam; CHARRANGE chrg; } ENPROTECTED; typedef struct _ensaveclipboard { NMHDR nmhdr; LONG cObjectCount; LONG cch; } ENSAVECLIPBOARD; typedef struct _enoleopfailed { NMHDR nmhdr; LONG iob; LONG lOper; HRESULT hr; } ENOLEOPFAILED; #define OLEOP_DOVERB 1 /* PenWin specific */ typedef struct _encorrecttext { NMHDR nmhdr; CHARRANGE chrg; WORD seltyp; } ENCORRECTTEXT; /* Far East specific */ typedef struct _punctuation { UINT iSize; LPSTR szPunctuation; } PUNCTUATION; /* Far East specific */ typedef struct _compcolor { COLORREF crText; COLORREF crBackground; DWORD dwEffects; }COMPCOLOR; /* clipboard formats - use as parameter to RegisterClipboardFormat() */ #define CF_RTF "Rich Text Format" #define CF_RTFNOOBJS "Rich Text Format Without Objects" #define CF_RETEXTOBJ "RichEdit Text and Objects" /* Paste Special */ typedef struct _repastespecial { DWORD dwAspect; DWORD dwParam; } REPASTESPECIAL; #ifdef MAC BOOL WINAPI EntryFunc_RICHEDIT(HMODULE hmod, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved); #endif #undef _WPAD #ifdef _WIN32 #include #elif !defined(RC_INVOKED) #pragma pack() #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* !_RICHEDIT_ */