/* NetOBJ.h Include file for the Net object. */ /* NetOBJ messages */ #define NM_SETUSERNAME (WM_USER+300) // lParam is LPSTR to local name #define NM_CONNECT (WM_USER+301) // lParam is LPSTR to host name #define NM_WRITE (WM_USER+302) // wParam is count of bytes in buffer // lParam is LPSTR to buffer #define NM_READ (WM_USER+303) // wParam is count of bytes in buffer // lParam is LPSTR to buffer #define NM_HANGUP (WM_USER+304) // hangup on host #define NM_CANCEL (WM_USER+305) // send cancel to host /* Owner Notification Messages */ #define NN_RECV (WM_USER+400) // wParam is count of current bytes in // the buffer. #define NN_LOST (WM_USER+401) // Connection is lost. #define NN_OVERRUN (WM_USER+402) // internal buffer overrun #define NETOBJ_CLASS "NetOBJClass" HWND FAR PASCAL CreateNetObj(HWND, HANDLE) ;