// Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // Copyright (C) 1992 Microsoft Corporation, // All rights reserved. // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and Microsoft // QuickHelp and/or WinHelp documentation provided with the library. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the // Microsoft Foundation Classes product. // winres.h - Windows resource definitions // extracted from WINDOWS.H // Version 3.10 // Copyright (c) 1985-1992, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. // #define VS_VERSION_INFO 1 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #define APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS // Ignore following symbols #endif #define OBM_CLOSE 32754 #define OBM_UPARROW 32753 #define OBM_DNARROW 32752 #define OBM_RGARROW 32751 #define OBM_LFARROW 32750 #define OBM_REDUCE 32749 #define OBM_ZOOM 32748 #define OBM_RESTORE 32747 #define OBM_REDUCED 32746 #define OBM_ZOOMD 32745 #define OBM_RESTORED 32744 #define OBM_UPARROWD 32743 #define OBM_DNARROWD 32742 #define OBM_RGARROWD 32741 #define OBM_LFARROWD 32740 #define OBM_MNARROW 32739 #define OBM_COMBO 32738 #define OBM_UPARROWI 32737 #define OBM_DNARROWI 32736 #define OBM_RGARROWI 32735 #define OBM_LFARROWI 32734 #define OBM_OLD_CLOSE 32767 #define OBM_SIZE 32766 #define OBM_OLD_UPARROW 32765 #define OBM_OLD_DNARROW 32764 #define OBM_OLD_RGARROW 32763 #define OBM_OLD_LFARROW 32762 #define OBM_BTSIZE 32761 #define OBM_CHECK 32760 #define OBM_CHECKBOXES 32759 #define OBM_BTNCORNERS 32758 #define OBM_OLD_REDUCE 32757 #define OBM_OLD_ZOOM 32756 #define OBM_OLD_RESTORE 32755 #define OCR_NORMAL 32512 #define OCR_IBEAM 32513 #define OCR_WAIT 32514 #define OCR_CROSS 32515 #define OCR_UP 32516 #define OCR_SIZE 32640 #define OCR_ICON 32641 #define OCR_SIZENWSE 32642 #define OCR_SIZENESW 32643 #define OCR_SIZEWE 32644 #define OCR_SIZENS 32645 #define OCR_SIZEALL 32646 #define OCR_ICOCUR 32647 #define OIC_SAMPLE 32512 #define OIC_HAND 32513 #define OIC_QUES 32514 #define OIC_BANG 32515 #define OIC_NOTE 32516 #define WS_OVERLAPPED 0x00000000L #define WS_POPUP 0x80000000L #define WS_CHILD 0x40000000L #define WS_CLIPSIBLINGS 0x04000000L #define WS_CLIPCHILDREN 0x02000000L #define WS_VISIBLE 0x10000000L #define WS_DISABLED 0x08000000L #define WS_MINIMIZE 0x20000000L #define WS_MAXIMIZE 0x01000000L #define WS_CAPTION 0x00C00000L #define WS_BORDER 0x00800000L #define WS_DLGFRAME 0x00400000L #define WS_VSCROLL 0x00200000L #define WS_HSCROLL 0x00100000L #define WS_SYSMENU 0x00080000L #define WS_THICKFRAME 0x00040000L #define WS_MINIMIZEBOX 0x00020000L #define WS_MAXIMIZEBOX 0x00010000L #define WS_GROUP 0x00020000L #define WS_TABSTOP 0x00010000L // other aliases #define WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW (WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX) #define WS_POPUPWINDOW (WS_POPUP | WS_BORDER | WS_SYSMENU) #define WS_CHILDWINDOW (WS_CHILD) #define WS_TILED WS_OVERLAPPED #define WS_ICONIC WS_MINIMIZE #define WS_SIZEBOX WS_THICKFRAME #define WS_TILEDWINDOW WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW #define VK_LBUTTON 0x01 #define VK_RBUTTON 0x02 #define VK_CANCEL 0x03 #define VK_MBUTTON 0x04 #define VK_BACK 0x08 #define VK_TAB 0x09 #define VK_CLEAR 0x0C #define VK_RETURN 0x0D #define VK_SHIFT 0x10 #define VK_CONTROL 0x11 #define VK_MENU 0x12 #define VK_PAUSE 0x13 #define VK_CAPITAL 0x14 #define VK_ESCAPE 0x1B #define VK_SPACE 0x20 #define VK_PRIOR 0x21 #define VK_NEXT 0x22 #define VK_END 0x23 #define VK_HOME 0x24 #define VK_LEFT 0x25 #define VK_UP 0x26 #define VK_RIGHT 0x27 #define VK_DOWN 0x28 #define VK_SELECT 0x29 #define VK_PRINT 0x2A #define VK_EXECUTE 0x2B #define VK_SNAPSHOT 0x2C #define VK_INSERT 0x2D #define VK_DELETE 0x2E #define VK_HELP 0x2F #define VK_NUMPAD0 0x60 #define VK_NUMPAD1 0x61 #define VK_NUMPAD2 0x62 #define VK_NUMPAD3 0x63 #define VK_NUMPAD4 0x64 #define VK_NUMPAD5 0x65 #define VK_NUMPAD6 0x66 #define VK_NUMPAD7 0x67 #define VK_NUMPAD8 0x68 #define VK_NUMPAD9 0x69 #define VK_MULTIPLY 0x6A #define VK_ADD 0x6B #define VK_SEPARATOR 0x6C #define VK_SUBTRACT 0x6D #define VK_DECIMAL 0x6E #define VK_DIVIDE 0x6F #define VK_F1 0x70 #define VK_F2 0x71 #define VK_F3 0x72 #define VK_F4 0x73 #define VK_F5 0x74 #define VK_F6 0x75 #define VK_F7 0x76 #define VK_F8 0x77 #define VK_F9 0x78 #define VK_F10 0x79 #define VK_F11 0x7A #define VK_F12 0x7B #define VK_F13 0x7C #define VK_F14 0x7D #define VK_F15 0x7E #define VK_F16 0x7F #define VK_F17 0x80 #define VK_F18 0x81 #define VK_F19 0x82 #define VK_F20 0x83 #define VK_F21 0x84 #define VK_F22 0x85 #define VK_F23 0x86 #define VK_F24 0x87 #define VK_NUMLOCK 0x90 #define VK_SCROLL 0x91 #define SC_SIZE 0xF000 #define SC_MOVE 0xF010 #define SC_MINIMIZE 0xF020 #define SC_MAXIMIZE 0xF030 #define SC_NEXTWINDOW 0xF040 #define SC_PREVWINDOW 0xF050 #define SC_CLOSE 0xF060 #define SC_VSCROLL 0xF070 #define SC_HSCROLL 0xF080 #define SC_MOUSEMENU 0xF090 #define SC_KEYMENU 0xF100 #define SC_ARRANGE 0xF110 #define SC_RESTORE 0xF120 #define SC_TASKLIST 0xF130 #define SC_SCREENSAVE 0xF140 #define SC_HOTKEY 0xF150 #define DS_ABSALIGN 0x01L #define DS_SYSMODAL 0x02L #define DS_3DLOOK 0x04L #define DS_LOCALEDIT 0x20L #define DS_SETFONT 0x40L #define DS_MODALFRAME 0x80L #define DS_NOIDLEMSG 0x100L #ifdef _MAC #define DS_WINDOWSUI 0x8000L #endif #define SS_LEFT 0x00000000L #define SS_CENTER 0x00000001L #define SS_RIGHT 0x00000002L #define SS_ICON 0x00000003L #define SS_BLACKRECT 0x00000004L #define SS_GRAYRECT 0x00000005L #define SS_WHITERECT 0x00000006L #define SS_BLACKFRAME 0x00000007L #define SS_GRAYFRAME 0x00000008L #define SS_WHITEFRAME 0x00000009L #define SS_SIMPLE 0x0000000BL #define SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP 0x0000000CL #define SS_NOPREFIX 0x00000080L #define BS_PUSHBUTTON 0x00000000L #define BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON 0x00000001L #define BS_CHECKBOX 0x00000002L #define BS_AUTOCHECKBOX 0x00000003L #define BS_RADIOBUTTON 0x00000004L #define BS_3STATE 0x00000005L #define BS_AUTO3STATE 0x00000006L #define BS_GROUPBOX 0x00000007L #define BS_USERBUTTON 0x00000008L #define BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON 0x00000009L #define BS_OWNERDRAW 0x0000000BL #define BS_LEFTTEXT 0x00000020L #define ES_LEFT 0x00000000L #define ES_CENTER 0x00000001L #define ES_RIGHT 0x00000002L #define ES_MULTILINE 0x00000004L #define ES_UPPERCASE 0x00000008L #define ES_LOWERCASE 0x00000010L #define ES_PASSWORD 0x00000020L #define ES_AUTOVSCROLL 0x00000040L #define ES_AUTOHSCROLL 0x00000080L #define ES_NOHIDESEL 0x00000100L #define ES_OEMCONVERT 0x00000400L #define ES_READONLY 0x00000800L #define ES_WANTRETURN 0x00001000L #define SBS_HORZ 0x0000L #define SBS_VERT 0x0001L #define SBS_TOPALIGN 0x0002L #define SBS_LEFTALIGN 0x0002L #define SBS_BOTTOMALIGN 0x0004L #define SBS_RIGHTALIGN 0x0004L #define SBS_SIZEBOXTOPLEFTALIGN 0x0002L #define SBS_SIZEBOXBOTTOMRIGHTALIGN 0x0004L #define SBS_SIZEBOX 0x0008L #define LBS_NOTIFY 0x0001L #define LBS_SORT 0x0002L #define LBS_NOREDRAW 0x0004L #define LBS_MULTIPLESEL 0x0008L #define LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 0x0010L #define LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE 0x0020L #define LBS_HASSTRINGS 0x0040L #define LBS_USETABSTOPS 0x0080L #define LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT 0x0100L #define LBS_MULTICOLUMN 0x0200L #define LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT 0x0400L #define LBS_EXTENDEDSEL 0x0800L #define LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL 0x1000L #define LBS_STANDARD (LBS_NOTIFY | LBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_BORDER) #define CBS_SIMPLE 0x0001L #define CBS_DROPDOWN 0x0002L #define CBS_DROPDOWNLIST 0x0003L #define CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 0x0010L #define CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE 0x0020L #define CBS_AUTOHSCROLL 0x0040L #define CBS_OEMCONVERT 0x0080L #define CBS_SORT 0x0100L #define CBS_HASSTRINGS 0x0200L #define CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT 0x0400L #define CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL 0x0800L // operation messages sent to DLGINIT #define WM_USER 0x0400 #define LB_ADDSTRING (WM_USER+1) #define CB_ADDSTRING (WM_USER+3) #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #undef APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS #endif #define IDOK 1 #define IDCANCEL 2 #define IDABORT 3 #define IDRETRY 4 #define IDIGNORE 5 #define IDYES 6 #define IDNO 7