@echo off IF "%V4TOOLS%" == "" goto Usage1 setlocal IF "%1" == "PMAC" goto buildpmac IF "%1" == "PMac" goto buildpmac IF "%1" == "pmac" goto buildpmac IF "%1" == "" goto dobuild goto Usage2 :buildpmac set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=PMAC set PATH=%V4TOOLS%\mac\mppc\bin;%V4TOOLS%\mac\bin;%PATH% set INCLUDE=%V4TOOLS%\mac\include;%V4TOOLS%\mac\include\macos;%INCLUDE% set LIB=%V4TOOLS%\mac\mppc\lib;%LIB% :dobuild nmake endlocal goto End :Usage1 echo The environment variable V4TOOLS must be set to point echo to the root of your VC++ 4.0 installation. goto End :Usage2 echo "bldnt" builds the runtimes for Intel platforms. echo "bldnt PMac" builds the runtimes for the Power Macintosh. :End