@echo off setlocal rem *** rem *make.bat rem * rem *batch file to invoke the linker build process rem * rem ************************************************************************* rem Set default values for INCLUDE and LIB so nmake passes them to children if "%INCLUDE%"=="" set INCLUDE=. if "%LIB%"=="" set LIB=. if "%1" == "" goto default :parse if "%1" == "/help" goto usage if "%1" == "/debug" goto setdebug if "%1" == "clean" goto clean if "%1" == "debug" goto debug if "%1" == "release" goto release if "%1" == "" goto end goto usage :setdebug shift set DEBUG=1 goto parse :debug shift :default set DEBUG=1 goto build :release shift set DEBUG=0 goto build :build cd disasm nmake cd ..\disasm68 nmake cd ..\coff nmake cd ..\stubs nmake cd .. goto parse :clean shift cd coff nmake DEBUG=0 clean nmake DEBUG=1 clean cd .. goto parse :usage echo Linker Build Script echo. echo Usage: make [options] [targets] echo. echo [options] echo /help this message echo. echo [targets] echo debug builds debug link.exe echo release builds release link.exe echo clean deletes all .obj, .exe and .map files echo in the target directory :end