/*++ Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: secmgid.h Abstract: This module contains defines related to security manager dialogs and their controls. Author: Jim Kelly (JimK) 22-Sep-1994 Revision History: --*/ #define SECMGR_UNUSED_1 100 // // Common Buttons and other controls // #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_HELP 110 #define SECMGR_ID_TEXT_SECURITY_LEVEL 111 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_YES 112 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_NO 113 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_OPEN 114 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_CLOSE 115 #define SECMGR_ID_BITMAP_CHECK 120 #define SECMGR_ID_BITMAP_X 121 #define SECMGR_ID_BITMAP_UP_ARROW 122 #define SECMGR_ID_BITMAP_ERASE 123 #define SECMGR_ID_BITMAP_X_MASK 124 // // Splash window IDs // #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_SPLASH 130 #define SECMGR_ID_APP_SPLASH_CLASS 131 #define SECMGR_ID_BITMAP_SPLASH 132 // // Main dialog control IDs // #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_MAIN 200 #define SECMGR_ID_BITMAP_SECMGR_LOGO 201 #define SECMGR_ID_ICON_SECURITY_LEVEL 202 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_CHANGE_LEVEL 205 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_REPORT 208 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_CONFIGURE 209 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_PROFILE 210 #define SECMGR_ID_BITMAP_WINTUEOR_LOGO 211 #define SECMGR_ID_ICON_LOW_LEVEL 212 #define SECMGR_ID_ICON_STANDARD_LEVEL 213 #define SECMGR_ID_ICON_HIGH_LEVEL 214 #define SECMGR_ID_ICON_C2_LEVEL 215 // // Change Security Level Dialog control IDs // #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_CHANGE_SECURITY_LEVEL 220 #define SECMGR_ID_RADIO_LEVEL_LOW 221 #define SECMGR_ID_RADIO_LEVEL_STANDARD 222 #define SECMGR_ID_RADIO_LEVEL_HIGH 223 #define SECMGR_ID_RADIO_LEVEL_C2 224 // // Popup dialog control IDs. // #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_POPUP 300 #define SECMGR_ID_TEXT_POPUP_MESSAGE 301 // // Yes/No Popup dialog controls // #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_YES_NO_POPUP 320 #define SECMGR_ID_TEXT_YES_NO_POPUP_MESSAGE 321 // // Security Area dialog control IDs // // There are three different dialoges for displaying security // Area buttons. One has 4 buttons, one has 9, and one has 16. // All control IDs are th500 same for these three dialoges, so // that any one may be started and used (depending upon how // many Areas you have to display). // #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_SECURITY_AREAS_4 400 #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_SECURITY_AREAS_6 450 #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_SECURITY_AREAS_9 500 #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_SECURITY_AREAS_12 550 #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_SECURITY_AREAS_16 600 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_LIST_ALL 420 #define SECMGR_ID_CHKBOX_ALLOW_CHANGES 421 // // !! Warning !!!! // The following area buttons must have sequential numbering. // In some cases, only the first value is referenced, the others // are calculated by adding to the first button's ID. // #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_0 401 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_1 402 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_2 403 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_3 404 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_4 405 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_5 406 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_6 407 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_7 408 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_8 409 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_9 410 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_10 411 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_11 412 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_12 413 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_13 414 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_14 415 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_AREA_15 416 // // Security Items dialog control IDs // #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_SECURITY_ITEMS 700 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_VIEW_DETAILS 701 #define SECMGR_ID_LISTBOX_ITEM_LIST 702 // // Reboot dialog control IDs #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_REBOOT 800 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_REBOOT_NOW 801 #define SECMGR_ID_BUTTON_DONT_REBOOT_NOW 802 // // Report dialog control IDs // Main report dialog and "please wait" dialog // #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_REPORT 850 #define SECMGR_ID_TEXT_CURRENT_REPORT 851 #define SECMGR_ID_DLG_INIT_REPORT 860 // // SecMgr defined window messages // #define SECMGR_MSG (WM_USER + 201) #define SECMGR_MSG_SHOW_MAIN_WINDOW (SECMGR_MSG + 0) #define SECMGR_MSG_INIT_COMPLETE (SECMGR_MSG + 1) #define SECMGR_MSG_DISPLAY_COMPLETE (SECMGR_MSG + 2) #define SECMGR_MSG_CHECK_COMPLETE (SECMGR_MSG + 3)