STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_INTERNAL_ERROR "An internal error has occurred." IDS_ASSERTION_FAILURE "\n%s(%u) : Assertion failure: %s\n" IDS_OOM "There is not enough memory available for this task.\nQuit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again." #ifdef INTERNAL IDS_ASSRT_COPY_MSG "An internal error has occurred. An error record has been saved to %s. Please send mail to ralphw, including this file." IDS_ASSRT_COPIED_MSG "An internal error has occurred. An error record has been saved to %s. Please send mail to ralphw." #else IDS_ASSRT_COPY_MSG "An internal error has occurred. An error record has been saved to %s." #endif IDS_DLL_OUT_OF_DATE "Your version of hwdll.dll is out of date." IDS_CANNOT_OPEN "Cannot open " IDS_COMMDLG_ERROR "Common Dialog Box error: " IDS_WINHELP_CAPTION "Windows Help" // Used for windows caption IDS_FIND_STARTUP "Find startup time:" IDS_GID_CREATION_TIME "Gid creation time:" IDS_TEST2_TIME "Test(2) time:" END #include "hwdll.rcv"