@rem @rem If no drive has been specified for the NT development tree, assume @rem W:. To override this, place a SET _NTDRIVE=X: in your CONFIG.SYS @rem if "%_NTDRIVE%" == "" set _NTDRIVE=W: if NOT "%USERNAME%" == "" goto skip1 echo !!! Error - USERNAME environment varialbe not set in CONFIG.SYS goto done :skip1 @rem @rem This command file is either invoked by NTENV.CMD during the startup of @rem a Razzle screen group. Or it is invoked directly by a developer to @rem switch developer environment variables on the fly. If invoked with @rem no argument, then restores the original developer's environment (as @rem remembered by the NTENV.CMD command file). Otherwise the argument is @rem a developer's email name and that developer's environment is established. @rem if NOT "%1" == "" set USERNAME=%1 if "%_NTUSER%" == "" goto skip2 if "%1" == "" if "%USERNAME%" == "%_NTUSER%" alias src /d if "%1" == "" set USERNAME=%_NTUSER% :skip2 @rem @rem Most tools look for .INI files in the INIT environment variable, so set @rem it. MS WORD looks in MSWNET of all places. @rem set INIT=%_NTBINDIR%\private\developr\%USERNAME% set MSWNET=%INIT% @rem @rem Load CUE with the standard public aliases and the developer's private ones @rem if "%_NTUSER%" == "" goto skip3 @rem @rem Initialize user settable NT nmake environment variables @rem set NTPROJECTS=public set NT386FLAGS= set NTMIPSFLAGS= set NTCPPFLAGS= set NTDEBUG=cvp set BUILD_OPTIONS= set 386_OPTIMIZATION= set 386_WARNING_LEVEL= alias src > nul if NOT errorlevel 1 goto skip4 alias -p remote.exe -f %_NTBINDIR%\private\developr\cue.pub -f %_NTBINDIR%\private\developr\ntcue.pub -f %INIT%\cue.pri alias -f %_NTBINDIR%\private\developr\cue.pub -f %_NTBINDIR%\private\developr\ntcue.pub -f %INIT%\cue.pri goto skip4 :skip3 alias src > nul if errorlevel 1 goto skip4 alias -f %_NTBINDIR%\private\developr\cue.pub -f %INIT%\cue.pri :skip4 @rem @rem Load the developer's private environment initialization (keyboard rate, @rem screen size, colors, environment variables, etc). @rem call %INIT%\setenv.cmd echo Current user is now %USERNAME% :done