/*** *mbsrchr.c - Search for last occurence of character (MBCS) * * Copyright (c) 1985-1992, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * Search for last occurence of character (MBCS) * *Revision History: * 11-19-92 KRS Ported from 16-bit sources. * 08-20-93 CFW Change short params to int for 32-bit tree. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef _MBCS #include #include #include #include #include /*** * _mbsrchr - Search for last occurence of character (MBCS) * *Purpose: * Find the last occurrence of the specified character in * the supplied string. Handles MBCS chars/strings correctly. * *Entry: * unsigned char *str = string to search in * unsigned int c = character to search for * *Exit: * returns pointer to last occurrence of c in str * returns NULL if c not found * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ unsigned char * _CRTAPI1 _mbsrchr( const unsigned char *str, unsigned int c ) { char *r = NULL; unsigned int cc; do { cc = *str; if (_ISLEADBYTE(cc)) { if(*++str) { if (c == ((cc<<8)|*str)) r = (char *)str - 1; } else if(!r) /* return pointer to '\0' */ r = (char *)str; } else if (c == cc) r = (char *)str; } while (*str++); return(r); } #endif /* _MBCS */