;static char *SCCSID = "@(#)misc.h 12.2 88/12/19"; ; #define DEBUG 1 ifdef MASM include filemode.inc BREAK endif ERROR_OPLOCKED equ 0eeh ;* MISC.INC - Miscelaneous structure definitions. ; ; These need to be included first because other structures ; make use of them. ; ;* SecPtr - Sector Pointer Structure ; ; Structures which contain a sector number usually use the ; SecPtr structure, which contains an advisory pointer. The ; pointer points to a buffer header, which is *probably* the ; header for the sector named in SecPtr, but the user must check. ; SECPTR struc SNUM dd ? ; VSector number SHINT dw ? ; hint address, 0 if none SECPTR ends ;* Write type flags for SDW ; WT_CACH equ 01h ; write via cache WT_DIR equ 02h ; write direct as much as possible WT_EXT equ 04h ; write is extending the file ;* Bit Map Sets BITMAPL equ -4 ; bit map length preceeds table BITMAPC equ -8 ; count of sectors left in bitmap ;* conditional short value ifdef MASM ifdef USE16 SHRT EQU < > else ifdef DEBUG SHRT EQU < > else SHRT EQU endif endif endif