;/*++ ; ;Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation ; ;Module Name: ; ; histctrs.h ; (derived from histctrs.mc by message compiler) ; ;Abstract: ; ; Event message definitions used by routines in HISTCTRS.DLL ; ;Created: ; ; 2/5/95 ; ;Revision History ; ;--*/ ; ;// ;#ifndef _HISTCTRS_H_ ;#define _HISTCTRS_H_ ; ;// MessageIdTypedef=DWORD ;// ;// Pertuil Messages ;// MessageId=1900 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=UTIL_LOG_OPEN Language=English An extensible counter has opened the Event Log for HISTCTRS.DLL . ;// MessageId=1999 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=UTIL_CLOSING_LOG Language=English An extensible counter has closed the Event Log for HISTCTRS.DLL . ;// MessageId=2000 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=HIST_OPEN_ENTERED Language=English OpenHistGramPerformanceData Routine Entered. . ;// MessageId=+1 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=HIST_CLOSE_ENTERED Language=English CloseHistGramPerformanceData Routine Entered. . ;// MessageId=+1 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=HIST_OPEN_PERFORMANCE_DATA Language=English OpenHistGramPerformanceData Successfully Completed. . ;// MessageId=+1 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=HIST_COLLECT_ENTERED Language=English CollectHistGramPerformanceData Routine Entered. . ;// MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=HIST_COLLECT_INIT_ERROR Language=English CollectHistGramPerformanceData could find no open devices . ;// MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=HIST_OPEN_OUT_OF_MEMORY Language=English OpenHistGramPerformanceData ran out of heap space. Please close one or more applications. . ;// MessageId=+1 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=HIST_COLLECT_INIT_SUCCESS Language=English CollectHistGramPerformanceData successfully passed data initialization. . ;// MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=HIST_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE Language=English The data buffer passed to the collection routine was too small to receive the data from the HistGram device. No data was returned to the caller. The bytes available and the bytes required are in the message data. . ;// MessageId=+1 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=HIST_COLLECT_DATA_SUCCESS Language=English CollectHistGramPerformanceData successfully. . ;// ;#endif // HISTCTRS_H_