;/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects ; ;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation ; ;Module Name: ; ; ntiologc.h ; ;Abstract: ; ; Constant definitions for the I/O error code log values. ; ;Author: ; ; Bob Rinne (BobRi) 11-Nov-1992 ; ;Revision History: ; ;--*/ ; ;#ifndef _FTLOG_ ;#define _FTLOG_ ; ;// ;// Status values are 32 bit values layed out as follows: ;// ;// 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;// 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ;// +---+-+-------------------------+-------------------------------+ ;// |Sev|C| Facility | Code | ;// +---+-+-------------------------+-------------------------------+ ;// ;// where ;// ;// Sev - is the severity code ;// ;// 00 - Success ;// 01 - Informational ;// 10 - Warning ;// 11 - Error ;// ;// C - is the Customer code flag ;// ;// Facility - is the facility code ;// ;// Code - is the facility's status code ;// ; MessageIdTypedef=NTSTATUS SeverityNames=(Success=0x0:STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational=0x1:STATUS_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning=0x2:STATUS_SEVERITY_WARNING Error=0x3:STATUS_SEVERITY_ERROR ) FacilityNames=(System=0x0 RpcRuntime=0x2:FACILITY_RPC_RUNTIME RpcStubs=0x3:FACILITY_RPC_STUBS Io=0x4:FACILITY_IO_ERROR_CODE Ft=0x5:FACILITY_FT_ERROR_CODE ) MessageId=0x0001 Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_SECTOR_FAILURE Language=English An I/O failure occurred on %1. . MessageId=0x0002 Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_SECTOR_RECOVERED Language=English The fault tolerance driver was able to recover data from the duplicate copy for an I/O failure on %1. . MessageId=0x0003 Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_SECTOR_MAPPED Language=English The fault tolerance driver was able to map a faulty sector from use by the system on %1. . MessageId=0x0004 Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_RECOVERY_ERROR Language=English An error occurred while attempting to recover data from the fault tolerance set containing %1. . MessageId=0x0005 Facility=Ft Severity=Warning SymbolicName=FT_MAP_FAILED Language=English The fault tolerance driver was unable to map a faulty sector from use by the system on %1. . MessageId=0x0006 Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_ORPHANING Language=English The device %1 that is part of a fault tolerance set has failed and will no longer be used. . MessageId=0x0007 Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_SET_DISABLED Language=English The fault tolerance set containing device %1 has been disabled. . MessageId=0x0008 Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_RECOVERY_NO_MEMORY Language=English During the recovery process, the fault tolerance driver was not able to allocate needed memory. . MessageId=0x0009 Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_RECOVER_SINGLE_MEMBER Language=English The fault tolerance member %1 data was recovered from redundant copy. . MessageId=0x000a Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_DOUBLE_FAILURE Language=English A sector failure occurred on accesses to both copies of the data. . MessageId=0x000b Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_ORPHANED_MEMBER Language=English A disk fault tolerance set member listed in the configuration information was missing. . MessageId=0x000c Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_MISSING_MEMBER Language=English A stripe set or volume set member listed in the configuration information was missing. . MessageId=0x000d Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_BAD_CONFIGURATION Language=English The fault tolerance driver configuration information is corrupt. . MessageId=0x000e Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_CANT_USE_SET Language=English The FT set containing %1 cannot be used. . MessageId=0x000f Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_MIRROR_COPY_STARTED Language=English Mirror initialization or synchronization started. . MessageId=0x0010 Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_PARITY_SYNCHRONIZATION_STARTED Language=English Synchronization of a stripe with parity set started. . MessageId=0x0011 Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_PARITY_INITIALIZATION_STARTED Language=English Initialization of a stripe with parity set started. . MessageId=0x0012 Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_REGENERATION_STARTED Language=English Regeneration of a stripe with parity or mirror set started. . MessageId=0x0013 Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_MIRROR_COPY_ENDED Language=English Mirror initialization or synchronization is complete. . MessageId=0x0014 Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_PARITY_SYNCHRONIZATION_ENDED Language=English Synchronization of a stripe with parity set is complete. . MessageId=0x0015 Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_PARITY_INITIALIZATION_ENDED Language=English Initialization of a stripe with parity set is complete. . MessageId=0x0016 Facility=Ft Severity=Informational SymbolicName=FT_REGENERATION_ENDED Language=English Regeneration of a stripe with parity or mirror set is complete. . MessageId=0x0017 Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_MIRROR_COPY_FAILED Language=English Initialization of a mirror failed. . MessageId=0x0018 Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_PARITY_SYNCHRONIZATION_FAILED Language=English Synchronization of a stripe with parity set failed. . MessageId=0x0019 Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_REGENERATION_FAILED Language=English Regeneration of a stripe with parity or mirror set failed. . MessageId=0x001a Facility=Ft Severity=Error SymbolicName=FT_PARITY_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Language=English Initialization of a stripe with parity set failed. . MessageId=0x001b Facility=Ft Severity=Warning SymbolicName=FT_DIRTY_SHUTDOWN Language=English The fault tolerant driver detected the system was shutdown dirty. . ;#endif /* _NTIOLOGC_ */