!IF 0 Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dirs. Abstract: This file specifies the subdirectories of the current directory that contain component makefiles for building the Multimedia system drivers Author: Robin Speed (RobinSp) 30-Jan-92 Mike Tricker (MikeTri) 14-Mar-93 Removed references to Adlib and Sndblst Mike Tricker (MikeTri) 31-Mar-93 Added MVAUDIO and MVOPL3 Chris Karamatas (ckaramatas@ibm.vnet.com) 15-Aug-95 Added CS4231 Noel Cross (NoelC) 5-Jan-96 Added NECSND !ENDIF DIRS=soundlib \ soundsys \ mipssnd \ synth \ mvaudio \ necsnd \ mpu401 OPTIONAL_DIRS=cs423x cs4231 creative