!IF 0 Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: sources. Abstract: This file specifies the target component being built and the list of sources files needed to build that component. Also specifies optional compiler switches and libraries that are unique for the component being built. NT_UP must be 0, because x4clock.s (profile interrupt) must be assembled for multi-processor. !ENDIF NT_UP=0 MAJORCOMP=ntos MINORCOMP=hal TARGETNAME=halnecmp TARGETPATH=$(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib TARGETLIBS=$(BASEDIR)\private\ntos\nthals\x86new\obj\mips\x86new.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\libcntpr.lib !IF $(MIPS) TARGETTYPE=HAL !ELSE TARGETTYPE=DRIVER !ENDIF C_DEFINES=-D_DUO_ -DDBCS INCLUDES=..\x86new;..\..\inc MIPS_ENABLE_MIPS3=1 MSC_WARNING_LEVEL=/W3 /WX SOURCES= MIPS_SOURCES=hal.rc \ drivesup.c \ mips\allstart.c \ mips\cacherr.s \ mips\jxbeep.c \ mips\jxdmadsp.s \ mips\jxenvirv.c \ mips\j4flshbf.s \ mips\j4flshio.c \ mips\jxdisp.c \ mips\jxebsup.c \ mips\jxhwsup.c \ mips\jxmapio.c \ mips\jxmaptb.c \ mips\jxport.c \ mips\j4cache.s \ mips\j4prof.c \ mips\jxreturn.c \ mips\jxsysint.c \ mips\jxtime.c \ mips\jxusage.c \ mips\x86bios.c \ mips\x4clock.s \ mips\xxcalstl.c \ mips\xxclock.c \ mips\xxidle.s \ mips\xxinitnt.c \ mips\xxinithl.c \ mips\xxipiint.s \ mips\x4tb.s DLLDEF=obj\*\hal.def !IF $(MIPS) NTTARGETFILE0=$(SOURCES) NTTARGETFILES=$(TARGETPATH)\mips\hal.lib !ENDIF