## ## Special MakeFile instructions for the IProp Setup ## (PrpSetup) utility ## ## This makefile compiles the resources. Ordinarily, ## you cause the resources to be compiled by including ## the .rc file in your SOURCES macro. This, however, ## compiles the .rc file during pass 1. But our .rc ## file uses iprop.dll, which doesn't exist until pass 2. ## So, we don't include the .rc file in SOURCES, and ## we add all the necessary rules for building it here. ## # # Make sure we're not here on passes 0/1 # !IF "$(NOLINK)" != "" !ERROR *** PrpSetup makefile.inc included in pass 0/1 !ENDIF # # Make the exe file dependent on the res file. # $(TARGET) : $O\prpsetup.res # # Show how what resources need to be compiled. # $O\prpsetup.res : .\prpsetup.rc # Show that the RC file should be re-compiled if the compressed # DLL is updated. prpsetup.rc : iprop.dl_ # Show how to build the compressed IProp DLL file iprop.dl_ : $(_NTTREE)\Dump\iprop.dll @echo Compressing - $** to $@ > con: compress $** $@