#ifdef _PPCMAC include "cfrg.rsc"; #endif #include "systypes.r" #include "types.r" #include "macmain.h" resource 'vers' (1) { 0x02, 0x00, release, 0x00, verUS, "1.02", "1.02, Copyright \251 1993 Microsoft." }; /* we use an MBAR resource to conveniently load all the menus */ resource 'MBAR' (rMenuBar, preload) { { mApple, mFile, mEdit, mSuite, mOptions }; }; resource 'MENU' (mApple, preload) { mApple, textMenuProc, 0b1111111111111111111111111111101, enabled, apple, { "About CDispTst\311", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "-", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain } }; resource 'MENU' (mFile, preload) { mFile, textMenuProc, 0b0000000000000000000100000000000, enabled, "File", { "New", noicon, "N", nomark, plain; "Open", noicon, "O", nomark, plain; "-", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Close", noicon, "W", nomark, plain; "Save", noicon, "S", nomark, plain; "Save As\311", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Revert", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "-", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Page Setup\311", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Print\311", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "-", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Quit", noicon, "Q", nomark, plain } }; resource 'MENU' (mEdit, preload) { mEdit, textMenuProc, 0b0000000000000000000000000000000, enabled, "Edit", { "Undo", noicon, "Z", nomark, plain; "-", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Cut", noicon, "X", nomark, plain; "Copy", noicon, "C", nomark, plain; "Paste", noicon, "V", nomark, plain; "Clear", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain } }; resource 'MENU' (mSuite, preload) { mSuite, textMenuProc, 0b0000000000000000000111111111111, enabled, "Suite", { "Bstr API", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Time API", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Date Coersions", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Variant API", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "SafeArray API", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "NLS API", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Binding", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Invoke ByVal", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Invoke ByRef", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Invoke Array", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Invoke Excepinfo", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain; "Collections", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain } }; resource 'MENU' (mOptions, preload) { mOptions, textMenuProc, 0b0000000000000000000000000000011, enabled, "Options", { "Clear", noicon, "C", nomark, plain; "Debugger", noicon, nokey, nomark, plain } }; /* this ALRT and DITL are used as an About screen */ resource 'ALRT' (rAboutAlert, purgeable) { {40, 20, 160, 296}, rAboutAlert, { OK, visible, silent; OK, visible, silent; OK, visible, silent; OK, visible, silent }; }; resource 'DITL' (rAboutAlert, purgeable) { { /* array DITLarray: 5 elements */ /* [1] */ {88, 184, 108, 264}, Button { enabled, "OK" }, /* [2] */ {8, 8, 24, 274}, StaticText { disabled, "IDispatch Test Application" }, /* [3] */ {32, 8, 48, 237}, StaticText { disabled, "Copyright \251 1993 Microsoft" }, /* [4] */ {56, 8, 72, 136}, StaticText { disabled, "Brought to you by:" }, /* [5] */ {80, 24, 112, 167}, StaticText { disabled, "The Ole Automation Team" } } }; /* this ALRT and DITL are used as an error screen */ resource 'ALRT' (rUserAlert, purgeable) { {40, 20, 150, 260}, rUserAlert, { /* array: 4 elements */ /* [1] */ OK, visible, silent, /* [2] */ OK, visible, silent, /* [3] */ OK, visible, silent, /* [4] */ OK, visible, silent } }; resource 'DITL' (rUserAlert, purgeable) { { /* array DITLarray: 3 elements */ /* [1] */ {80, 150, 100, 230}, Button { enabled, "OK" }, /* [2] */ {10, 60, 60, 230}, StaticText { disabled, "Error. ^0." }, /* [3] */ {8, 8, 40, 40}, Icon { disabled, 2 } } }; resource 'WIND' (rDocWindow, preload, purgeable) { {64, 60, 314, 460}, zoomDocProc, invisible, goAway, 0x0, "untitled" }; resource 'CNTL' (rVScroll, preload, purgeable) { {-1, 385, 236, 401}, 0, visible, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, 0, "" }; resource 'CNTL' (rHScroll, preload, purgeable) { {235, -1, 251, 386}, 0, visible, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, 0, "" }; resource 'STR#' (kErrStrings, purgeable) { { "You must run on 512Ke or later"; "Application Memory Size is too small"; "Not enough memory to run CDispTst"; "Not enough memory to do Cut"; "Cannot do Cut"; "Cannot do Copy"; "Cannot exceed 32,000 characters with Paste"; "Not enough memory to do Paste"; "Cannot create window"; "Cannot exceed 32,000 characters"; "Cannot do Paste" } }; resource 'SIZE' (-1) { dontSaveScreen, acceptSuspendResumeEvents, enableOptionSwitch, canBackground, multiFinderAware, backgroundAndForeground, dontGetFrontClicks, ignoreChildDiedEvents, is32BitCompatible, isHighLevelEventAware, localAndRemoteHLEvents, reserved, reserved, reserved, reserved, reserved, kPrefSize * 1024, kMinSize * 1024 }; type 'MOOT' as 'STR '; resource 'MOOT' (0) { "MultiFinder-Aware TextEdit Sample Application" }; resource 'BNDL' (128) { 'MOOT', 0, { 'ICN#', { 0, 128 }, 'FREF', { 0, 128 } } }; resource 'FREF' (128) { 'APPL', 0, "" }; resource 'ICN#' (128) { { /* array: 2 elements */ /* [1] */ $"04 30 40 00 0A 50 A0 00 0B 91 10 02 08 22 08 03" $"12 24 04 05 20 28 02 09 40 10 01 11 80 0C 00 A1" $"80 03 FF C2 7E 00 FF 04 01 00 7F 04 03 00 1E 08" $"04 E0 00 0C 08 E0 00 0A 10 E0 00 09 08 C0 00 06" $"04 87 FE 04 02 88 01 04 01 88 00 84 00 88 00 44" $"00 88 00 44 00 88 00 C4 01 10 01 88 02 28 03 10" $"01 C4 04 E0 00 02 08 00 73 BF FB EE 4C A2 8A 2A" $"40 AA AA EA 52 AA AA 24 5E A2 8A EA 73 BE FB 8E", /* [2] */ $"04 30 40 00 0E 70 E0 00 0F F1 F0 02 0F E3 F8 03" $"1F E7 FC 07 3F EF FE 0F 7F FF FF 1F FF FF FF BF" $"FF FF FF FE 7F FF FF FC 01 FF FF FC 03 FF FF F8" $"07 FF FF FC 0F FF FF FE 1F FF FF FF 0F FF FF FE" $"07 FF FF FC 03 FF FF FC 01 FF FF FC 00 FF FF FC" $"00 FF FF FC 00 FF FF FC 01 FF FF F8 03 EF FF F0" $"01 C7 FC E0 00 03 F8 00 73 BF FB EE 7F BE FB EE" $"7F BE FB EE 7F BE FB E4 7F BE FB EE 73 BE FB 8E" } };