/****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Microsoft Confidential */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. 1987, 1990 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Module Header ******************************* * Module Name: viewwp.c * * Contains routines that handle the View window. * * History: * * 07/17/91 - Byron Dazey - Created. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "imagedit.h" #include "dialogs.h" /* * Style of the view window. */ #define VIEWSTYLE (WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU) STATICFN VOID NEAR ViewChar(UINT uiChar); static INT gViewBackMargin; // Margin of background within view window. /**************************************************************************** * ViewCreate * * This function creates the View window. * * History: * ****************************************************************************/ VOID ViewCreate(VOID) { INT x; INT y; INT cxDummy; INT cyDummy; RECT rc; BOOL fMaximized; gViewBackMargin = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) / 2; /* * Get the saved position of the Toolbox. Note that we throw away * the size fields, because we will calculate the required size * later based on the image size. */ if (!ReadWindowPos(szViewPos, &x, &y, &cxDummy, &cyDummy, &fMaximized)) { /* * The previous position of the View window couldn't be found. * Position the window to the right side of the editor, just * below the Toolbox. */ if (ghwndToolbox) { GetWindowRect(ghwndToolbox, &rc); x = rc.left; y = rc.bottom + (2 * PALETTEMARGIN); } else { /* * Last resort. Position it in the upper left corner * of the screen if the Toolbox cannot be found. This * is unlikely because if the previous position of the * View window could not be found, this implies that * the editor has not been run before on this machine. * If this is true, the toolbox will come up by default * before this routine is called. But just in case... */ x = 2 * PALETTEMARGIN; y = 2 * PALETTEMARGIN; } } if (!(ghwndView = CreateWindow(szViewClass, NULL, VIEWSTYLE, x, y, 0, 0, ghwndMain, NULL, ghInst, NULL))) return; } /**************************************************************************** * ViewShow * * This function shows or hides the view window. * * History: * ****************************************************************************/ VOID ViewShow( BOOL fShow) { if (fShow) { /* * Only show it if there is an image to display! */ if (gpImageCur) ShowWindow(ghwndView, SW_SHOWNA); } else { ShowWindow(ghwndView, SW_HIDE); } } /**************************************************************************** * ViewUpdate * * This function updates the view window. It should be called any time that * the image changes (is drawn upon). * * History: * ****************************************************************************/ VOID ViewUpdate(VOID) { InvalidateRect(ghwndView, NULL, TRUE); /* * Update the workspace window also, because it must always * match the state of the View window. */ WorkUpdate(); } /**************************************************************************** * ViewReset * * This function resets the view window, sizing it to fit a new * image. It should be called any time that the current image * is changed to another one. * * History: * ****************************************************************************/ VOID ViewReset(VOID) { RECT rc; RECT rcT; GetWindowRect(ghwndView, &rc); rcT.left = 0; rcT.top = 0; rcT.right = PALETTEMARGIN + gViewBackMargin + gpImageCur->cx + gViewBackMargin + PALETTEMARGIN; rcT.bottom = PALETTEMARGIN + gViewBackMargin + gpImageCur->cy + gViewBackMargin + PALETTEMARGIN; AdjustWindowRect(&rcT, VIEWSTYLE, FALSE); rc.right = rc.left + (rcT.right - rcT.left); rc.bottom = rc.top + (rcT.bottom - rcT.top); FitRectToScreen(&rc); SetWindowPos(ghwndView, NULL, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER); /* * If the user wants it, show the View window now. */ if (gfShowView) ViewShow(TRUE); ViewUpdate(); /* * Clear out the propbar size and position fields, because they * probably show the wrong information now. */ PropBarClearPos(); PropBarClearSize(); } /**************************************************************************** * ViewWndProc * * This is the window procedure for the view window. * * History: * ****************************************************************************/ WINDOWPROC ViewWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LONG lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: { HMENU hmenu = GetSystemMenu(hwnd, FALSE); RemoveMenu(hmenu, 7, MF_BYPOSITION); // Second separator. RemoveMenu(hmenu, 5, MF_BYPOSITION); // First separator. RemoveMenu(hmenu, SC_RESTORE, MF_BYCOMMAND); RemoveMenu(hmenu, SC_SIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND); RemoveMenu(hmenu, SC_MINIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND); RemoveMenu(hmenu, SC_MAXIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND); RemoveMenu(hmenu, SC_TASKLIST, MF_BYCOMMAND); } return 0; case WM_PAINT: { HDC hdc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HBRUSH hbrOld; RECT rc; hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); /* * The view window should not be showing if there * is not an image to view! */ if (gpImageCur) { DrawMarginBorder(hwnd, hdc); GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); hbrOld = SelectObject(hdc, ghbrScreen); PatBlt(hdc, PALETTEMARGIN + 1, PALETTEMARGIN + 1, rc.right - (PALETTEMARGIN * 2) - 2, rc.bottom - (PALETTEMARGIN * 2) - 2, PATCOPY); SelectObject(hdc, hbrOld); BitBlt(hdc, PALETTEMARGIN + gViewBackMargin, PALETTEMARGIN + gViewBackMargin, gcxImage, gcyImage, ghdcImage, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); } break; case WM_ACTIVATE: if (GET_WM_ACTIVATE_STATE(wParam, lParam)) gidCurrentDlg = DID_VIEW; break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: SetScreenColor(gargbCurrent[giColorLeft]); break; case WM_CHAR: ViewChar(wParam); break; case WM_CLOSE: /* * The user closed the view window from the system menu. * Hide the window (we don't actually destroy it so * that it will appear in the same spot when they show * it again). */ ViewShow(FALSE); gfShowView = FALSE; break; case WM_DESTROY: { RECT rc; /* * Save the position of the toolbox. */ GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); WriteWindowPos(&rc, FALSE, szViewPos); /* * Null out the global window handle for the view window * for safety's sake. */ ghwndView = NULL; } break; default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } /************************************************************************ * ViewChar * * Handles WM_CHAR messages for the view window. Currently this just * includes the '+' and '-' keys, which are used to cycle through all * the possible screen colors. * * Arguments: * * History: * ************************************************************************/ STATICFN VOID NEAR ViewChar( UINT uiChar) { INT i; INT iNext; switch (uiChar) { /* * Advance to the next screen color. */ case '+': iNext = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (grgbScreen == gargbDefaultColor[i]) { iNext = i + 1; break; } } if (iNext >= 16) iNext = 0; SetScreenColor(gargbDefaultColor[iNext]); break; /* * Back up to the prior screen color. */ case '-': iNext = 16 - 1; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (grgbScreen == gargbDefaultColor[i]) { iNext = i - 1; break; } } if (iNext < 0) iNext = 16 - 1; SetScreenColor(gargbDefaultColor[iNext]); break; } } /**************************************************************************** * ViewSetPixel * * This function colors a pixel in the View window directly. It is * provided as an optimization when drawing a point. The ghdcImage * bitmap must be updated as well or the image on the screen will * get out of synch with it. * * History: * ****************************************************************************/ VOID ViewSetPixel( INT x, INT y, INT nBrushSize) { HDC hDC; HBRUSH hbrOld; INT Size; INT SizeX; INT SizeY; hDC = GetDC(ghwndView); hbrOld = SelectObject(hDC, ghbrDrawSolid); SizeX = x - nBrushSize / 2; SizeY = y - nBrushSize / 2; PatBlt(hDC, PALETTEMARGIN + gViewBackMargin + (SizeX >= 0 ? SizeX : 0), PALETTEMARGIN + gViewBackMargin + (SizeY >= 0 ? SizeY : 0), ((Size = gcxImage - SizeX) >= nBrushSize ? nBrushSize : Size), ((Size = gcyImage - SizeY) >= nBrushSize ? nBrushSize : Size), PATCOPY); SelectObject(hDC, hbrOld); ReleaseDC(ghwndView, hDC); } /**************************************************************************** * DrawMarginBorder * * * History: * ****************************************************************************/ VOID DrawMarginBorder( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc) { HBRUSH hbrOld; HPEN hpenOld; RECT rc; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); hpenOld = SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN)); hbrOld = SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)); Rectangle(hdc, PALETTEMARGIN, PALETTEMARGIN, rc.right - PALETTEMARGIN, rc.bottom - PALETTEMARGIN); SelectObject(hdc, hpenOld); SelectObject(hdc, hbrOld); } /**************************************************************************** * DrawSunkenRect * * * History: * ****************************************************************************/ VOID DrawSunkenRect( PRECT prc, HDC hdc) { HPEN hpenOld; hpenOld = SelectObject(hdc, hpenDarkGray); MMoveTo(hdc, prc->left, prc->top); LineTo(hdc, prc->right - 1, prc->top); MMoveTo(hdc, prc->left, prc->top); LineTo(hdc, prc->left, prc->bottom - 1); SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN)); MMoveTo(hdc, prc->left + 1, prc->bottom - 1); LineTo(hdc, prc->right, prc->bottom - 1); MMoveTo(hdc, prc->right - 1, prc->top + 1); LineTo(hdc, prc->right - 1, prc->bottom - 1); SelectObject(hdc, hpenOld); }