/*++ Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name wcall.h Abstract: Common data and definitions for windows-version of call count info. Author: Mark Enstrom (marke) 13-Dec-1995 Enviornment: User Mode Revision History: --*/ #define NUMBER_SERVICE_TABLES 2 // // Define forward referenced routine prototypes. // #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 #define DELAY_TIME 1000 #define TOP_CALLS 150 extern UCHAR *CallTable[]; VOID SortUlongData ( IN ULONG Count, IN ULONG Index[], IN ULONG Data[] ); int ReadCallCountInfo( PSYSTEM_CALL_COUNT_INFORMATION pCurrentCallCountInfo ); LONG FAR PASCAL WndProc( HWND hWnd, unsigned msg, UINT wParam, LONG lParam); void WriteResults(HFILE hFile); VOID SaveResults(); BOOL APIENTRY ResultsDlgProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT wParam, LONG lParam); char * SelectOutFileName(HWND hWnd); typedef struct _WCALL_CONTEXT { HINSTANCE hInstMain; HWND hWndMain; HWND hWndT; HWND hWndTool; LONG NumberOfCounts; ULONG Index[BUFFER_SIZE]; ULONG CountBuffer1[BUFFER_SIZE]; ULONG CountBuffer2[BUFFER_SIZE]; ULONG CallData[BUFFER_SIZE]; ULONG iTimer; BOOL bTime; } WCALL_CONTEXT,*PWCALL_CONTEXT; extern WCALL_CONTEXT wCxt; // // toolbar calls // VOID DrawButton( HDC hDC, PRECT pRect, PUCHAR pszBut, BOOL bDown); LONG FAR PASCAL ToolWndProc( HWND hWnd, unsigned msg, UINT wParam, LONG lParam); BOOL PointInRect( int x, int y, PRECT prcl ); int HitCheck( int x, int y, PRECT prcl );