/* Impure data needed by routines pulled from Y2.C */ #define y2imp YES #include "dtxtrn.h" /* communication variables between various I/O routines */ char *infile; /* input file name */ int numbval; /* value of an input number */ char tokname[NAMESIZE]; /* input token name */ /* storage of names */ char cnames[CNAMSZ]; /* place where token and nonterminal names are stored */ int cnamsz = CNAMSZ; /* size of cnames */ char * cnamp = cnames; /* place where next name is to be put in */ int ndefout = 3; /* number of defined symbols output */ /* storage of types */ int ntypes; /* number of types defined */ char * typeset[NTYPES]; /* pointers to type tags */ /* symbol tables for tokens and nonterminals */ int ntokens = 0; struct toksymb tokset[NTERMS]; int toklev[NTERMS]; int nnonter = -1; struct ntsymb nontrst[NNONTERM]; int start; /* start symbol */ /* assigned token type values */ int extval = 0; /* input and output file descriptors */ FILE * finput = NULL; /* yacc input file */ FILE * faction = NULL; /* file for saving actions */ FILE * fdefine = NULL; /* file for # defines */ FILE * ftable = NULL; /* y.tab.c file */ FILE * ftemp = NULL; /* tempfile to pass 2 */ FILE * foutput = NULL; /* y.output file */ /* storage for grammar rules */ int mem0[MEMSIZE] ; /* production storage */ int *mem = mem0; int nprod= 1; /* number of productions */ int *prdptr[NPROD]; /* pointers to descriptions of productions */ int levprd[NPROD] ; /* precedence levels for the productions */ /* Statics pulled from modules */ int peekline; /* from gettok() */