/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: help.hxx Abstract: Author: Barry J. Gilhuly Environment: ULIB, User Mode --*/ #if !defined( _HELP_ ) #define _HELP_ // // Define the possible error codes // #define NO_ERRORS 0 #define HELP_ERROR 2 #define NO_HELP_FOUND 3 #define USED_ROWS 3 STR *Internal_Commands[] = { "ASSOC", "BREAK", "CALL", "CD", "CHDIR", "CLS", "COLOR", "COPY", "DATE", "DEL", "DIR", "ECHO", "ENDLOCAL", "ERASE", "EXIT", "FOR", "FTYPE", "GOTO", "IF", "MD", "MKDIR", "MOVE", "PATH", "PAUSE", "POPD", "PROMPT", "PUSHD", "RD", "REM", "REN", "RENAME", "RMDIR", "SET", "SETLOCAL", "SHIFT", "START", "TIME", "TITLE", "TYPE", "VER", "VERIFY", "VOL", NULL }; // // jaimes - 10/15/91 // The array below contains the name of external utilities that have .com // extension. We have to add the .com extension after the utility name // before we invoke cmd, otherwise cmd will look for .exe, and it // won't find it. // STR *ExternalDotComCommands[] = { "CHCP", "DISKCOMP", "DISKCOPY", "FORMAT", "GRAFTABL", "KEYB", "MODE", "MORE", "TREE", NULL }; #include "object.hxx" #include "keyboard.hxx" #include "program.hxx" DECLARE_CLASS( HELP ); class HELP : public PROGRAM { public: DECLARE_CONSTRUCTOR( HELP ); NONVIRTUAL VOID Destruct( ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN Initialize( ); NONVIRTUAL VOID GetHelp( ); private: NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN FindHelpFile( ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsInternal( PWSTRING pCmdString ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsExternalDotComCommand( PWSTRING pCmdString ); NONVIRTUAL VOID PrintCmd( ); NONVIRTUAL VOID PrintList( ); PFILE_STREAM _HelpStream; STRING_ARGUMENT _FileName; WCHAR _CommentChar; }; #endif // _HELP_