/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: attrib.hxx Abstract: This module contains the declarations for NTFS_ATTRIBUTE, which models an NTFS attribute instance. An attribute instance models the user's view of an attribute, as a [type, name, value] triple. (The name is optional.) It does not correspond to any specific disk structure. An attribute instance may exist in: 1) a single resident attribute record, 2) a single non-resident attribute record, or 3) multiple, non-overlapping non-resident attribute records. Case (3) is rare, so we don't need to optimize for it, but we do need to handle it. The client may initialize an Attribute object by supplying the value directly [resident]; by supplying a description of the value's location on disk [non-resident]; or by supplying an attribute record or list of attribute records for the attribute. On disk, an attribute may be resident (with the data contained in the attribute record) or it may be nonresident (with the data residing on disk, outside the File Record Segment). This is reflected in the attribute object by having the value stored directly (in space allocated by the attribute object and copied at initialization) or stored on disk (with the attribute object keeping an Extent List which describes this disk storage). I chose not to reflect this difference with different classes for three reasons: first, an attribute may wish to transform itself from one form to another; second, this would introduce many virtual methods; and third, I want to have special attribute classes derive from the attribute class, and dividing attributes into resident and nonresident would force me to use multiple inheritance. Generally, the difference between resident and nonresident attributes is not visible to clients of this class. The most important exception is GetResidentValue; this method is provided for performance reasons--Read will supply the same effect, but requires copying the data. Author: Bill McJohn (billmc) 19-June-91 Environment: ULIB, User Mode --*/ #if !defined( _NTFS_ATTRIBUTE_DEFN_ ) #define _NTFS_ATTRIBUTE_DEFN_ #include "extents.hxx" #include "wstring.hxx" #include "drive.hxx" DECLARE_CLASS( LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_FILE_RECORD_SEGMENT ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_EXTENT_LIST ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_ATTRIBUTE_RECORD ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_ATTRIBUTE_RECORD_LIST ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_BITMAP ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_ATTRIBUTE ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_BAD_CLUSTER_FILE ); DECLARE_CLASS( NUMBER_SET ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_ATTRIBUTE ); class NTFS_ATTRIBUTE : public OBJECT { public: UNTFS_EXPORT DECLARE_CONSTRUCTOR( NTFS_ATTRIBUTE ); VIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT ~NTFS_ATTRIBUTE ( ); NONVIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN Initialize ( IN OUT PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE Drive, IN ULONG ClusterFactor, IN PCVOID Value, IN ULONG ValueLength, IN ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CODE TypeCode, IN PCWSTRING Name DEFAULT NULL, IN USHORT Flags DEFAULT 0 ); NONVIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN Initialize ( IN OUT PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE Drive, IN ULONG ClusterFactor, IN PCNTFS_EXTENT_LIST Extents, IN BIG_INT ValueLength, IN BIG_INT ValidLength, IN ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CODE TypeCode, IN PCWSTRING Name DEFAULT NULL, IN USHORT Flags DEFAULT 0 ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN Initialize ( IN OUT PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE Drive, IN ULONG ClusterFactor, IN PCNTFS_ATTRIBUTE_RECORD AttributeRecord ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN AddAttributeRecord ( IN PCNTFS_ATTRIBUTE_RECORD AttributeRecord ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN VerifyAndFix( IN BIG_INT VolumeSectors ); NONVIRTUAL ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CODE QueryTypeCode ( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL PCWSTRING GetName ( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL VOID QueryValueLength ( OUT PBIG_INT ValueLength, OUT PBIG_INT AllocatedLength DEFAULT NULL, OUT PBIG_INT ValidLength DEFAULT NULL ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BIG_INT QueryValueLength( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BIG_INT QueryValidDataLength( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BIG_INT QueryAllocatedLength( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BIG_INT QueryClustersAllocated( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsResident ( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsIndexed ( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL VOID SetIsIndexed( IN BOOLEAN State DEFAULT TRUE ); NONVIRTUAL PCVOID GetResidentValue ( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN QueryLcnFromVcn ( IN VCN Vcn, OUT PLCN Lcn, OUT PBIG_INT RunLength DEFAULT NULL ) CONST; VIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN InsertIntoFile ( IN OUT PNTFS_FILE_RECORD_SEGMENT BaseFileRecordSegment, IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP Bitmap OPTIONAL ); VIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN MakeNonresident ( IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP Bitmap ); VIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN Resize ( IN BIG_INT NewSize, IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP Bitmap OPTIONAL ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN AddExtent ( IN VCN Vcn, IN LCN Lcn, IN BIG_INT RunLength ); NONVIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN Read ( OUT PVOID Data, IN BIG_INT ByteOffset, IN ULONG BytesToRead, OUT PULONG BytesRead ); NONVIRTUAL VOID PrimeCache ( IN BIG_INT ByteOffset, IN ULONG BytesToRead ); VIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN Write ( IN PCVOID Data, IN BIG_INT ByteOffset, IN ULONG BytesToWrite, OUT PULONG BytesWritten, IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP Bitmap OPTIONAL ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN Fill ( IN BIG_INT Offset, IN CHAR FillCharacter ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN Fill ( IN BIG_INT Offset, IN CHAR FillCharacter, IN ULONG NumberOfBytes ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsStorageModified ( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE GetDrive( ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN RecoverAttribute( IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP VolumeBitmap, IN OUT PNUMBER_SET BadClusters, OUT PBIG_INT BytesRecovered DEFAULT NULL ); NONVIRTUAL USHORT QueryFlags( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL UCHAR QueryResidentFlags( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN MarkAsAllocated( IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP VolumeBitmap ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL ULONG QueryCompressionUnit( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsCompressed( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN Hotfix( IN VCN Vcn, IN BIG_INT RunLength, IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP VolumeBitmap, IN OUT PNUMBER_SET BadClusters, IN BOOLEAN Contiguous DEFAULT FALSE ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN ReplaceVcns( IN VCN StartingVcn, IN LCN NewLcn, IN BIG_INT NumberOfClusters ); NONVIRTUAL PCNTFS_EXTENT_LIST GetExtentList( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsAllocationZeroed( OUT PBOOLEAN Error DEFAULT NULL ); FRIEND BOOLEAN operator==( IN RCNTFS_ATTRIBUTE Left, IN RCNTFS_ATTRIBUTE Right ); protected: NONVIRTUAL VOID SetStorageModified ( ); NONVIRTUAL VOID ResetStorageModified ( ); NONVIRTUAL ULONG QueryClusterFactor( ) CONST; private: NONVIRTUAL VOID Construct ( ); NONVIRTUAL VOID Destroy ( ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN InsertMftDataIntoFile ( IN OUT PNTFS_FILE_RECORD_SEGMENT BaseFileRecordSegment, IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP Bitmap OPTIONAL, IN BOOLEAN BeConservative ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN ReadCompressed ( OUT PVOID Data, IN BIG_INT ByteOffset, IN ULONG BytesToRead, OUT PULONG BytesRead ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN WriteCompressed ( IN PCVOID Data, IN BIG_INT ByteOffset, IN ULONG BytesToWrite, OUT PULONG BytesWritten, IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP Bitmap OPTIONAL ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN RecoverCompressedAttribute( IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP VolumeBitmap, IN OUT PNUMBER_SET BadClusters, OUT PBIG_INT BytesRecovered DEFAULT NULL ); PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE _Drive; ULONG _ClusterFactor; ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CODE _Type; DSTRING _Name; USHORT _Flags; UCHAR _FormCode; UCHAR _CompressionUnit; BIG_INT _ValueLength; BIG_INT _ValidDataLength; PVOID _ResidentData; PNTFS_EXTENT_LIST _ExtentList; UCHAR _ResidentFlags; BOOLEAN _StorageModified; }; INLINE BOOLEAN NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::IsResident( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This method returns whether the attribute value is resident. Arguments: None. Return Value: TRUE if the value is resident; FALSE if it is non-resident. --*/ { return( _ResidentData != NULL ); } INLINE BIG_INT NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::QueryValueLength( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the length of the attribute value in bytes. Arguments: None. Return Value: The length of the attribute value in bytes. --*/ { return _ValueLength; } INLINE BIG_INT NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::QueryValidDataLength( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the valid data length. Arguments: None. Return Value: The valid data length. --*/ { return _ValidDataLength; } INLINE BIG_INT NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::QueryAllocatedLength( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine return the number of bytes allocated for this attribute on disk. Arguments: None. Return Value: The amount of disk space allocated for this attribute. --*/ { BIG_INT Result; if( IsResident() ) { Result = QuadAlign( _ValueLength.GetLowPart() ); } else { Result = (_ExtentList->QueryNextVcn()*_ClusterFactor* _Drive->QuerySectorSize()); } return Result; } INLINE ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CODE NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::QueryTypeCode( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: Returns the attribute's type code. Arguments: None. Return Value: The attribute's type code. --*/ { return _Type; } INLINE PCWSTRING NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::GetName( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: Returns the attribute's name. (Note that this returns a pointer to the attribute's private copy of its name.) Arguments: None. Return Value: A pointer to the attribute's name, if it has one; NULL if it has none. --*/ { return &_Name; } INLINE VOID NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::QueryValueLength( OUT PBIG_INT ValueLength, OUT PBIG_INT AllocatedLength, OUT PBIG_INT ValidLength ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: Returns the attribute's value lengths (actual, allocated and valid length). Arguments: ValueLength -- receives the attribute value's length AllocatedLength -- receives the attribute value's allocated length (ignored if NULL) ValidLength -- receives the attribute value's valid length (ignored if NULL ); Return Value: None. --*/ { *ValueLength = _ValueLength; if( AllocatedLength != NULL ) { *AllocatedLength = QueryAllocatedLength(); } if( ValidLength != NULL ) { *ValidLength = _ValidDataLength; } } INLINE BOOLEAN NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::IsIndexed( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This method returns whether the attribute is indexed. Arguments: None. Return Value: TRUE if the attribute is indexed; FALSE if not. --*/ { return( (_ResidentData == NULL) ? FALSE : _ResidentFlags & RESIDENT_FORM_INDEXED ); } INLINE VOID NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::SetIsIndexed( IN BOOLEAN State ) /*++ Routine Description: This method marks the attribute as indexed. It has no effect if the attribute is nonresident. Arguments: State -- supplies a value indicating whether the attribute is indexed (TRUE) or not indexed (FALSE). Return Value: None. --*/ { if( _ResidentData != NULL ) { if( State ) { _ResidentFlags |= RESIDENT_FORM_INDEXED; } else { _ResidentFlags &= ~RESIDENT_FORM_INDEXED; } } } INLINE PCVOID NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::GetResidentValue( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: Returns a pointer to the attribute's value. Arguments: None. Return Value: If the attribute value is resident, returns a pointer to the value. If it is nonresident, returns NULL. Notes: This method is provided for clients who know that the value is resident and who want to inspect it without copying it; if the client doesn't know whether the value is resident, Read is a better way to get it. --*/ { return _ResidentData; } INLINE BOOLEAN NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::QueryLcnFromVcn ( IN VCN Vcn, OUT PLCN Lcn, OUT PBIG_INT RunLength ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This method converts a VCN within the attribute into an LCN. (Note that it only applies to nonresident attributes.) Arguments: Vcn -- Supplies the VCN to be converted. Lcn -- Receives the corresponding LCN. RunLength -- Receives the remaining length in the current run starting at this LCN. Return Value: TRUE upon successful completion. --*/ { if( _ExtentList == NULL ) { return FALSE; } else { return _ExtentList->QueryLcnFromVcn( Vcn, Lcn, RunLength ); } } INLINE BOOLEAN NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::IsStorageModified( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: Query whether the attribute's storage (i.e. anything that would go into an attribute record) has changed Arguments: None. Return Value: Returns TRUE if the attribute's storage has been modified since the last time we got it from or put it into a File Record Segment. --*/ { return _StorageModified; } INLINE VOID NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::SetStorageModified ( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine sets the 'IsStorageModified' flag. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { _StorageModified = TRUE; } INLINE VOID NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::ResetStorageModified ( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine resets the 'IsStorageModified' flag. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { _StorageModified = FALSE; } INLINE PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::GetDrive( ) /*++ Routine Description: This method returns the drive on which the Attribute resides. Arguments: None. Return Value: The drive on which the Attribute resides. --*/ { return _Drive; } INLINE USHORT NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::QueryFlags( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns this attribute's flags. Arguments: None. Return Value: This attribute's flags. --*/ { return _Flags; } INLINE UCHAR NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::QueryResidentFlags( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns this attribute's resident flags. Arguments: None. Return Value: This attribute's resident flags. --*/ { return _ResidentFlags; } INLINE ULONG NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::QueryCompressionUnit( ) CONST { return _CompressionUnit; } INLINE BOOLEAN NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::IsCompressed( ) CONST { return ((_Flags & ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_COMPRESSION_MASK) != 0); } INLINE ULONG NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::QueryClusterFactor( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This method returns the cluster factor. Arguments: None. Return Value: The cluster factor. --*/ { return _ClusterFactor; } INLINE PCNTFS_EXTENT_LIST NTFS_ATTRIBUTE::GetExtentList( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns a pointer to this object's extent list. Arguments: None. Return Value: A pointer to the extent list. --*/ { return _ExtentList; } #endif