#include #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_DLL #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Microsoft Default Cryptographic Provider" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "rsabase.dll" #include "common.ver" //Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // //#include "afxres.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NOSIG "CAPI: The install program could not open signature file" IDS_SIZEFILE "CAPI: The install program could not get the size of Rsabase.sig" IDS_MEMORY "CAPI: The install program could not allocate memory" IDS_READFILE "CAPI: The install program could not Read Rsabase.sig" IDS_OPENREGISTRY "CAPI: The install program could not open the registry" IDS_WRITEREGISTRY "CAPI: The install program could not write to the registry" IDS_OPENDLL "CAPI: The install program could not Read Rsabase.dll" IDS_SIZEDLL "CAPI: The install program could not get the size of Rsabase.dll" IDS_READDLL "CAPI: The install program could not Read Rsabase.dll" IDS_REINSTALL "CAPI: The registry entry wasn't created, please reinstall rsabase.dll" IDS_READREGISTRY "CAPI: The install program could not read the registry" IDS_BADINSTALL "CAPI: The install failed. The rsabase.dll that is being installed doesn't match the signature file or the value in the registry" IDS_NORES "CAPI: The install program could not find the signature resource" IDS_BADRES "CAPI: The install program could not load the resource" END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED