//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: srs.hxx // // Contents: Class Definitions // // Classes: SRFactory // SRCtrl // SRInPlace // SRDV // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef __SRS_HXX #define __SRS_HXX // // Resource Identifiers: // // Our base id is 0, so our Class Descriptor resource IDs // are identical to the offsets // #define IDS_CLASSID IDOFF_CLASSID #define IDS_USERTYPEFULL IDOFF_USERTYPEFULL #define IDS_USERTYPESHORT IDOFF_USERTYPESHORT #define IDS_USERTYPEAPP IDOFF_USERTYPEAPP #define IDS_DOCFEXT IDOFF_DOCFEXT #define IDR_ICON IDOFF_ICON #define IDR_ACCELS IDOFF_ACCELS #define IDR_MENU IDOFF_MENU #define IDR_MGW IDOFF_MGW #define IDR_MISCSTATUS IDOFF_MISCSTATUS // // resource compiler not interested in the rest... // #ifndef RC_INVOKED #include "oleglue.h" // interface with soundrec C code //OLE2 clsid. DEFINE_OLEGUID(CLSID_SoundRec, 0x00020C01, 0, 0); #define CLSID_SOUNDREC CLSID_SoundRec //OLE1 clsid. DEFINE_OLEGUID(CLSID_Ole1SoundRec, 0x0003000D, 0, 0); #define CLSID_OLE1SOUNDREC CLSID_Ole1SoundRec //+--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: SRFactory // // Purpose: Creates new objects // // Notes: This factory creates SRCtrl objects, which in turn // create the SRDV and SRInPlace subobjects. // //--------------------------------------------------------------- class SRFactory: public StdClassFactory { public: STDMETHOD(CreateInstance) (LPUNKNOWN, REFIID, LPVOID FAR*); STDMETHOD(LockServer) (BOOL fLock); static BOOL Create(HINSTANCE hinst); BOOL Init(HINSTANCE hinst); ~SRFactory() { delete _pClass; } LPCLASSDESCRIPTOR _pClass; }; // // forward declaration of classes // class SRCtrl; typedef SRCtrl FAR* LPSRCTRL; class SRInPlace; typedef SRInPlace FAR* LPSRINPLACE; class SRDV; typedef SRDV FAR* LPSRDV; class CXBag; typedef CXBag FAR* LPXBAG; //+--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: SRCtrl // // Purpose: Manages the control aspect of server // // Notes: Our objects are composed of three subobjects: // a SRCtrl subobject, a SRDV subobject, and an // SRInPlace subobject. Each of these is derived from // a corresponding Srvr base class. // //--------------------------------------------------------------- class SRCtrl: public SrvrCtrl { public: static BOOL ClassInit(LPCLASSDESCRIPTOR pClass); static HRESULT Create(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, LPCLASSDESCRIPTOR pClass, LPUNKNOWN FAR* ppUnkCtrl, LPSRCTRL FAR* ppObj); static HRESULT DoPlay(LPVOID, LONG, LPMSG, LPOLECLIENTSITE, LONG, HWND, LPCRECT); static HRESULT DoShow(LPVOID, LONG, LPMSG, LPOLECLIENTSITE, LONG, HWND, LPCRECT); static HRESULT DoOpen(LPVOID, LONG, LPMSG, LPOLECLIENTSITE, LONG, HWND, LPCRECT); // we are an aggregatable object so we use a delegating IUnknown DECLARE_DELEGATING_IUNKNOWN(SRCtrl); STDMETHOD(GetMoniker) (DWORD dwAssign, DWORD dwWhichMoniker, LPMONIKER FAR* ppmk); STDMETHOD(IsUpToDate) (void); void GetHostNames(LPTSTR FAR* plpstrCntrApp, LPTSTR FAR* plpstrCntrObj); void Lock(void); void UnLock(void); void MarkAsLoaded(void); BOOL IsLoaded(void); // // base-class virtuals overridden to do additional, // server-specific processing // virtual HRESULT RunningToOpened(); virtual HRESULT OpenedToRunning(); virtual HRESULT PassiveToLoaded(); virtual HRESULT LoadedToPassive(); #ifdef WE_SUPPORT_INPLACE virtual HRESULT RunningToInPlace(); virtual HRESULT InPlaceToRunning(); virtual HRESULT UIActiveToInPlace(); #endif //WE_SUPPORT_INPLACE protected: // constructors, initializers, and destructors SRCtrl(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter); HRESULT Init(LPCLASSDESCRIPTOR pClass); virtual ~SRCtrl(void); DECLARE_PRIVATE_IUNKNOWN(SRCtrl); LPUNKNOWN _pDVCtrlUnk; // controlling unknown for DV subobj LPUNKNOWN _pIPCtrlUnk; // controlling unknown for InPlace subobj int _cLock; BOOL _fLoaded; // loaded. }; //+--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: SRHeader // // Purpose: Document information placed at the head of the // documents contents stream // //--------------------------------------------------------------- class SRHeader { public: SRHeader(); HRESULT Read(LPSTREAM pStrm); HRESULT Write(LPSTREAM pStrm); SIZEL _sizel; // our size (HIMETRIC) DWORD _dwNative; // size of native data // // Our native data follows the header... // }; //+--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: SRHeader::SRHeader // // Synopsis: Constructor for SRHeader class // //---------------------------------------------------------------- inline SRHeader::SRHeader() { _sizel.cx = HimetricFromHPix(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON)); _sizel.cy = HimetricFromVPix(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON)); _dwNative = 0; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: SRHeader::Read, public // // Synopsis: Reads a self-delimited header from a stream // // Arguments: [pStrm] -- stream to read from // // Returns: SUCCESS if the item could be read from the stream // // Notes: This also checks the version number in the header // and will fail if the version number is incorrect. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- inline HRESULT SRHeader::Read(LPSTREAM pStrm) { return pStrm->Read(this, sizeof(SRHeader), NULL); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: SRHeader::Write, public // // Synopsis: Writes a self-delimited header to a stream // // Arguments: [pStrm] -- stream to write to // // Returns: SUCCESS if the item could be written to the stream // //---------------------------------------------------------------- inline HRESULT SRHeader::Write(LPSTREAM pStrm) { return pStrm->Write(this, sizeof(SRHeader), NULL); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: SRDV // // Purpose: The data/view subobject of a compound document object // //--------------------------------------------------------------- class SRDV: public SrvrDV { public: static BOOL ClassInit(LPCLASSDESCRIPTOR pClass); static HRESULT Create(LPSRCTRL pCtrl, LPCLASSDESCRIPTOR pClass, LPUNKNOWN FAR* ppUnkCtrl, LPSRDV FAR* ppObj); static HRESULT GetDIB(LPSRVRDV, LPFORMATETC, LPSTGMEDIUM, BOOL); // we use standard aggregation for delegation to the control subobject DECLARE_DELEGATING_IUNKNOWN(SRDV); // base-class virtuals overridden to do additional, // server-specific processing virtual HRESULT RenderContent(DWORD dwDrawAspect, LONG lindex, void FAR* pvAspect, DVTARGETDEVICE FAR * ptd, HDC hicTargetDev, HDC hdcDraw, LPCRECTL lprectl, LPCRECTL lprcWBounds, BOOL (CALLBACK * pfnContinue) (DWORD), DWORD dwContinue); virtual HRESULT GetClipboardCopy(LPSRVRDV FAR* ppDV) { *ppDV = NULL; return E_FAIL; }; STDMETHOD(Load) (LPCOLESTR lpszFileName, DWORD grfMode); protected: // base-class virtuals overridden to do additional, // server-specific processing virtual HRESULT LoadFromStorage(LPSTORAGE pStg); virtual HRESULT SaveToStorage(LPSTORAGE pStg, BOOL fSameAsLoad); // constructors, initializers, and destructors SRDV(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter); HRESULT Init(LPSRCTRL pCtrl, LPCLASSDESCRIPTOR pClass); virtual ~SRDV(void); DECLARE_PRIVATE_IUNKNOWN(SRDV); // // native data // SRHeader _header; // global properties for the document }; //+--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: SRInPlace // // Purpose: InPlace aspect of OLE compound document // // Notes: This class supports SrvrInPlace // //--------------------------------------------------------------- class SRInPlace: public SrvrInPlace { public: static BOOL ClassInit(LPCLASSDESCRIPTOR pClass); static HRESULT Create(LPSRCTRL pSRCtrl, LPCLASSDESCRIPTOR pClass, LPUNKNOWN FAR* ppUnkCtrl, LPSRINPLACE FAR* ppObj); DECLARE_DELEGATING_IUNKNOWN(SRInPlace); protected: SRInPlace(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter); HRESULT Init(LPSRCTRL pSRCtrl, LPCLASSDESCRIPTOR pClass); ~SRInPlace(void); DECLARE_PRIVATE_IUNKNOWN(SRInPlace); // private helpers virtual HWND AttachWin(HWND hwndParent); }; // // Data transfer object // class CXBag: public IDataObject { public: static HRESULT Create(LPXBAG *ppXBag, LPSRCTRL pHost, LPPOINT pptSelect); DECLARE_STANDARD_IUNKNOWN(CXBag); // //IDataObject // STDMETHODIMP DAdvise( FORMATETC FAR* pFormatetc, DWORD advf, LPADVISESINK pAdvSink, DWORD FAR* pdwConnection) { return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } STDMETHODIMP DUnadvise( DWORD dwConnection) { return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } STDMETHODIMP EnumDAdvise( LPENUMSTATDATA FAR* ppenumAdvise) { return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } STDMETHODIMP EnumFormatEtc( DWORD dwDirection, LPENUMFORMATETC FAR* ppenumFormatEtc); STDMETHODIMP GetCanonicalFormatEtc( LPFORMATETC pformatetc, LPFORMATETC pformatetcOut) { pformatetcOut->ptd = NULL; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP GetData(LPFORMATETC pformatetcIn, LPSTGMEDIUM pmedium ); STDMETHODIMP GetDataHere(LPFORMATETC pformatetc, LPSTGMEDIUM pmedium); STDMETHODIMP QueryGetData(LPFORMATETC pformatetc ); STDMETHODIMP SetData(LPFORMATETC pformatetc, STGMEDIUM FAR * pmedium, BOOL fRelease) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // //Public Helpers // HRESULT SnapShotAndDetach(void); void Detach(void) { _pHost = NULL; }; private: CXBag(LPSRCTRL pHost); ~CXBag(); HRESULT BagItInStorage(LPSTGMEDIUM pmedium, BOOL fStgProvided); LPSRCTRL _pHost; // ptr back to host LPSTORAGE _pStgBag; // snapshot storage (or NULL) }; #endif //!RC_INVOKED #endif //__SRS_HXX