#include #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_DRV #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_DRV_PRINTER #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Windows Spooler Driver" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "winspool.drv" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "winspool.drv" #include "common.ver" #include "browse.h" BMP_BROWSE BITMAP browse.bmp STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE PRELOAD { IDS_CONNECTTOPRINTER "Connect to Printer" IDS_COULDNOTCONNECTTOPRINTER "Could not connect to the printer: %s" IDS_PAUSED, "Paused" IDS_ERROR, "Error" IDS_PENDING_DELETION, "Pending Deletion" IDS_READY, "Ready" IDS_UNKNOWN "Unknown" IDS_COULDNOTSHOWHELP "Could not show help." IDS_INSUFFPRIV_CREATEPRINTER "You do not have sufficient access to your machine to connect to the selected printer, since a driver needs to be installed locally." IDS_MUSTSUPPLYVALIDNAME "You must supply a valid printer name." IDS_INSTALLDRIVER "Install Driver" IDS_ERRORRUNNINGSPLSETUP "Printer driver setup error: %s" IDS_CANNOTOPENPRINTER "Could not open the selected printer." IDS_CONFIRMINSTALLDRIVER "The server on which the printer resides does not have a suitable printer driver installed. Click on OK if you wish to install the driver on your local machine." IDS_CONFIRMINSTALLKNOWNDRIVER "The server on which the printer resides does not have a suitable %s printer driver installed. Click on OK if you wish to install the driver on your local machine." IDS_UNKNOWN_ERROR "Unknown error." IDS_CANNOT_COPY_DRIVER_FILES "The driver you selected is not currently installed. You do not have permission to install new software. Please contact your administrator." IDS_ERROR_VALIDATING_ACCESS "Printer creation cannot continue: %s" IDS_WORKING "Working..." IDS_COULD_NOT_LOAD_NETAPI32 "Could not load NETAPI32.DLL: %s" IDS_COULD_NOT_GET_PROC_ADDRESS "Could not locate an entry point in NETAPI32.DLL: %s" IDS_CONNECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS "You already have a connection to %s." IDS_PRINTER_IS_LOCAL "You cannot connect to %s, since it is a local printer." IDS_LOCALMONITOR, "Local Port" IDS_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE "Could not open the file: %s" IDS_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILE "The output file already exists. Click OK to overwrite." IDS_PROMPTFORINF "File Needed: Printer driver INF for %s" } rcinclude browse.dlg