128 lines
2.7 KiB
128 lines
2.7 KiB
# comm16 makefile
# Copyright (c) 1992, Microsoft Corporation
# History:
# 27-Mar-1992 Nandurir
# Created.
# 6-Feb-1994 LeeHart
# Modified for version resources & CV Symbols
# If using BUILD.EXE, edit .\sources. if you want to add a new source
# file to this component. This file merely indirects to the real make file
# that is shared by all the components of NT OS/2.
!INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def
.SUFFIXES: .c .asm .h .inc .obj .lst .sys .exe .com .map .sym .def .lib .rc .res
!ifdef INCLUDE
INCS = -I..\..\inc -I..\..\..\inc
########## Path definition so we find 16 bit tools ##########
# Also works around stupid bug in RC 3.1 that doesn't allow rcpp.err to be
# in a directory that is greater than 128 chars down the path, even if
# rc 3.1 is running as an OS/2 app.
PATH = $(_NTBINDIR)\private\mvdm\tools16;$(PATH)
CW16 = -AS -G2sw -Os -W3 -Zp $(DEFINES) $(INCS)
CW16B = $(CW16) -B1 c1l.exe -B2 c2l.exe -B3 c3l.exe
LINK = /map /align:16
!if "$(NTDEBUG)"!="" && "$(NTDEBUG)"!="retail" && "$(NTDEBUG)" != "ntsdnodbg"
AOBJ = $(AOBJ) -Zd
CW16 = $(CW16) /Od /Oi /Zd
W16LIBS = ..\..\lib\snocrtd.lib
masm $(AOBJ) $*;
masm $(AOBJ) -l $*,nul,$*.lst;
cl16 -c -nologo $(CW16) $*.c
cl16 -c -nologo $(CW16) -Fonul -Fc$*.lst $*.c
implib $*.lib $*.def
mapsym $*
rc16 -r $(INCS) -fo $@ $*.rc
all: comm.drv comm.map comm.sym comm.lrf
binplace comm.drv comm.map comm.sym
clean: cleanup all
if exist *.lrf del *.lrf
if exist *.obj del *.obj
if exist *.exe del *.exe
if exist *.map del *.map
if exist *.sym del *.sym
if exist *.drv del *.drv
if exist *.res del *.res
ccom.obj ccom.lst: ccom.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc
ibmsetup.obj ibmsetup.lst: ibmsetup.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc ins8250.inc
ibmcom.obj: $*.asm $*.inc comdev.inc ins8250.inc
ibmint.obj: $*.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc ins8250.inc
ibmlpt.obj: $*.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc
commmsg.obj: $*.asm
comm.res: $*.rc $*.rcv ..\..\inc\common.ver
comm.lrf: makefile
echo ccom+ibmsetup+ibmcom+ibmint+ibmlpt+commmsg >$@
echo $*.exe/align:16>>$@
echo $* $(LINK)>>$@
echo ..\..\lib\libw.lib ..\..\lib\snocrtd.lib /map /nod>>$@
echo $*;>>$@
comm.drv: ccom.obj ibmsetup.obj ibmcom.obj ibmint.obj ibmlpt.obj commmsg.obj \
$*.def $*.res $*.lrf
link16 @$*.lrf;
rc16 -t $*.res $*.exe
if exist *.drv del *.drv
ren $*.exe $@
comm.sym: $*.map
mapsym $*