410 lines
10 KiB
410 lines
10 KiB
Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Type declarations and constants for default values returned to 16-bit
clients. Data expected by downlevel clients but not available to NT
is defined here.
David Treadwell (davidtr) 09-Jan-1991
Revision History:
#ifndef _XSDEF16_
#define _XSDEF16_
// The string definitions in this file are put into 16-bit
// structures with a macro that converts Unicode->Ansi.
// Therefore, these definitions should be Unicode.
// All other definitions are Ascii, and should be left alone.
// 16-bit info structures for manual filling of defaults.
#include <packon.h>
typedef struct _ACCESS_16_INFO_1 {
LPSTR acc1_resource_name;
WORD acc1_attr;
WORD acc1_count;
typedef struct _PRQINFO_16 {
LPSTR pszName;
WORD uPriority;
WORD uStartTime;
WORD uUntilTime;
WORD pad1;
LPSTR pszSepFile;
LPSTR pszPrProc;
LPSTR pszParms;
LPSTR pszComment;
WORD fsStatus;
WORD cJobs;
LPSTR pszPrinters;
LPSTR pszDriverName;
PBYTE pDriverData;
typedef struct _PRJINFO_16 {
WORD uJobId;
WORD uPriority;
LPSTR pszUserName;
WORD uPosition;
WORD fsStatus;
DWORD ulSubmitted;
DWORD ulSize;
LPSTR pszComment;
LPSTR pszDocument;
typedef struct _PRINTQ_16_INFO_5 {
LPSTR pszName;
} PRQ_16_INFO_5, *PPRQ_16_INFO_5;
typedef struct _SERVER_16_INFO_2 {
BYTE sv2_name[LM20_CNLEN + 1];
BYTE sv2_version_major;
BYTE sv2_version_minor;
DWORD sv2_type;
LPSTR sv2_comment;
DWORD sv2_ulist_mtime;
DWORD sv2_glist_mtime;
DWORD sv2_alist_mtime;
WORD sv2_users;
WORD sv2_disc;
LPSTR sv2_alerts;
WORD sv2_security;
WORD sv2_auditing;
WORD sv2_numadmin;
WORD sv2_lanmask;
WORD sv2_hidden;
WORD sv2_announce;
WORD sv2_anndelta;
BYTE sv2_guestacct[LM20_UNLEN + 1];
BYTE sv2_pad1;
LPSTR sv2_userpath;
WORD sv2_chdevs;
WORD sv2_chdevq;
WORD sv2_chdevjobs;
WORD sv2_connections;
WORD sv2_shares;
WORD sv2_openfiles;
WORD sv2_sessopens;
WORD sv2_sessvcs;
WORD sv2_sessreqs;
WORD sv2_opensearch;
WORD sv2_activelocks;
WORD sv2_numreqbuf;
WORD sv2_sizreqbuf;
WORD sv2_numbigbuf;
WORD sv2_numfiletasks;
WORD sv2_alertsched;
WORD sv2_erroralert;
WORD sv2_logonalert;
WORD sv2_accessalert;
WORD sv2_diskalert;
WORD sv2_netioalert;
WORD sv2_maxauditsz;
LPSTR sv2_srvheuristics;
typedef struct _SERVER_16_INFO_3 {
BYTE sv3_name[LM20_CNLEN + 1];
BYTE sv3_version_major;
BYTE sv3_version_minor;
DWORD sv3_type;
LPSTR sv3_comment;
DWORD sv3_ulist_mtime;
DWORD sv3_glist_mtime;
DWORD sv3_alist_mtime;
WORD sv3_users;
WORD sv3_disc;
LPSTR sv3_alerts;
WORD sv3_security;
WORD sv3_auditing;
WORD sv3_numadmin;
WORD sv3_lanmask;
WORD sv3_hidden;
WORD sv3_announce;
WORD sv3_anndelta;
BYTE sv3_guestacct[LM20_UNLEN + 1];
BYTE sv3_pad1;
LPSTR sv3_userpath;
WORD sv3_chdevs;
WORD sv3_chdevq;
WORD sv3_chdevjobs;
WORD sv3_connections;
WORD sv3_shares;
WORD sv3_openfiles;
WORD sv3_sessopens;
WORD sv3_sessvcs;
WORD sv3_sessreqs;
WORD sv3_opensearch;
WORD sv3_activelocks;
WORD sv3_numreqbuf;
WORD sv3_sizreqbuf;
WORD sv3_numbigbuf;
WORD sv3_numfiletasks;
WORD sv3_alertsched;
WORD sv3_erroralert;
WORD sv3_logonalert;
WORD sv3_accessalert;
WORD sv3_diskalert;
WORD sv3_netioalert;
WORD sv3_maxauditsz;
LPSTR sv3_srvheuristics;
DWORD sv3_auditedevents;
WORD sv3_autoprofile;
LPSTR sv3_autopath;
#define DEF16_sv_ulist_mtime 0
#define DEF16_sv_glist_mtime 0
#define DEF16_sv_alist_mtime 0
#define DEF16_sv_alerts TEXT("")
#define DEF16_sv_security SV_USERSECURITY
#define DEF16_sv_auditing 0
#define DEF16_sv_numadmin -1
#define DEF16_sv_lanmask 0x0F
#define DEF16_sv_guestacct TEXT("")
#define DEF16_sv_chdevs 65535
#define DEF16_sv_chdevq 65535
#define DEF16_sv_chdevjobs 65535
#define DEF16_sv_connections 2000
#define DEF16_sv_shares 65535
#define DEF16_sv_openfiles 8000
#define DEF16_sv_sessreqs 65535
#define DEF16_sv_activelocks 64
#define DEF16_sv_numreqbuf 300
#define DEF16_sv_numbigbuf 80
#define DEF16_sv_numfiletasks 8
#define DEF16_sv_alertsched 5
#define DEF16_sv_erroralert 5
#define DEF16_sv_logonalert 5
#define DEF16_sv_accessalert 5
#define DEF16_sv_diskalert 300
#define DEF16_sv_netioalert 5
#define DEF16_sv_maxauditsz 100
#define DEF16_sv_srvheuristics TEXT("0110151110111001331")
#define DEF16_sv_auditedevents 0xFFFFFFFF
#define DEF16_sv_autoprofile 0
#define DEF16_sv_autopath TEXT("")
typedef struct _SESSION_16_INFO_1 {
LPSTR sesi1_cname;
LPSTR sesi1_username;
WORD sesi1_num_conns;
WORD sesi1_num_opens;
WORD sesi1_num_users;
DWORD sesi1_time;
DWORD sesi1_idle_time;
DWORD sesi1_user_flags;
typedef struct _SESSION_16_INFO_2 {
LPSTR sesi2_cname;
LPSTR sesi2_username;
WORD sesi2_num_conns;
WORD sesi2_num_opens;
WORD sesi2_num_users;
DWORD sesi2_time;
DWORD sesi2_idle_time;
DWORD sesi2_user_flags;
LPSTR sesi2_cltype_name;
typedef struct _SESSION_16_INFO_10 {
LPSTR sesi10_cname;
LPSTR sesi10_username;
DWORD sesi10_time;
DWORD sesi10_idle_time;
#define DEF16_ses_num_conns 1
#define DEF16_ses_num_users 1
typedef struct _USE_16_INFO_0 {
BYTE ui0_local[LM20_DEVLEN + 1];
BYTE ui0_pad1;
LPSTR ui0_remote;
} USE_16_INFO_0, *PUSE_16_INFO_0;
typedef struct _USER_16_INFO_1 {
BYTE usri1_name[LM20_UNLEN+1];
BYTE usri1_pad_1;
BYTE usri1_password[ENCRYPTED_PWLEN];
DWORD usri1_password_age;
WORD usri1_priv;
LPSTR usri1_home_dir;
LPSTR usri1_comment;
WORD usri1_flags;
LPSTR usri1_script_path;
} USER_16_INFO_1, *PUSER_16_INFO_1;
typedef struct _USER_16_LOGOFF_INFO_1 {
WORD usrlogf1_code;
DWORD usrlogf1_duration;
WORD usrlogf1_num_logons;
typedef struct _USER_16_LOGON_INFO_1 {
WORD usrlog1_code;
BYTE usrlog1_eff_name[UNLEN+1];
BYTE usrlog1_pad_1;
WORD usrlog1_priv;
DWORD usrlog1_auth_flags;
WORD usrlog1_num_logons;
WORD usrlog1_bad_pw_count;
DWORD usrlog1_last_logon;
DWORD usrlog1_last_logoff;
DWORD usrlog1_logoff_time;
DWORD usrlog1_kickoff_time;
DWORD usrlog1_password_age;
DWORD usrlog1_pw_can_change;
DWORD usrlog1_pw_must_change;
LPSTR usrlog1_computer;
LPSTR usrlog1_domain;
LPSTR usrlog1_script_path;
DWORD usrlog1_reserved1;
typedef struct _WKSTA_16_INFO_0 {
WORD wki0_reserved_1;
DWORD wki0_reserved_2;
LPSTR wki0_root;
LPSTR wki0_computername;
LPSTR wki0_username;
LPSTR wki0_langroup;
BYTE wki0_ver_major;
BYTE wki0_ver_minor;
DWORD wki0_reserved_3;
WORD wki0_charwait;
DWORD wki0_chartime;
WORD wki0_charcount;
WORD wki0_reserved_4;
WORD wki0_reserved_5;
WORD wki0_keepconn;
WORD wki0_keepsearch;
WORD wki0_maxthreads;
WORD wki0_maxcmds;
WORD wki0_reserved_6;
WORD wki0_numworkbuf;
WORD wki0_sizworkbuf;
WORD wki0_maxwrkcache;
WORD wki0_sesstimeout;
WORD wki0_sizerror;
WORD wki0_numalerts;
WORD wki0_numservices;
WORD wki0_errlogsz;
WORD wki0_printbuftime;
WORD wki0_numcharbuf;
WORD wki0_sizcharbuf;
LPSTR wki0_logon_server;
LPSTR wki0_wrkheuristics;
WORD wki0_mailslots;
typedef struct _WKSTA_16_INFO_1 {
WORD wki1_reserved_1;
DWORD wki1_reserved_2;
LPSTR wki1_root;
LPSTR wki1_computername;
LPSTR wki1_username;
LPSTR wki1_langroup;
BYTE wki1_ver_major;
BYTE wki1_ver_minor;
DWORD wki1_reserved_3;
WORD wki1_charwait;
DWORD wki1_chartime;
WORD wki1_charcount;
WORD wki1_reserved_4;
WORD wki1_reserved_5;
WORD wki1_keepconn;
WORD wki1_keepsearch;
WORD wki1_maxthreads;
WORD wki1_maxcmds;
WORD wki1_reserved_6;
WORD wki1_numworkbuf;
WORD wki1_sizworkbuf;
WORD wki1_maxwrkcache;
WORD wki1_sesstimeout;
WORD wki1_sizerror;
WORD wki1_numalerts;
WORD wki1_numservices;
WORD wki1_errlogsz;
WORD wki1_printbuftime;
WORD wki1_numcharbuf;
WORD wki1_sizcharbuf;
LPSTR wki1_logon_server;
LPSTR wki1_wrkheuristics;
WORD wki1_mailslots;
LPSTR wki1_logon_domain;
LPSTR wki1_oth_domains;
WORD wki1_numdgrambuf;
typedef struct _WKSTA_16_INFO_10 {
LPSTR wki10_computername;
LPSTR wki10_username;
LPSTR wki10_langroup;
BYTE wki10_ver_major;
BYTE wki10_ver_minor;
LPSTR wki10_logon_domain;
LPSTR wki10_oth_domains;
} WKSTA_16_INFO_10, *PWKSTA_16_INFO_10, *LPWKSTA_16_INFO_10;
typedef struct _WKSTA_16_USER_LOGON_REQUEST_1 {
BYTE wlreq1_name[LM20_UNLEN + 1];
BYTE wlreq1_pad1;
BYTE wlreq1_password[LM20_PWLEN + 1];
BYTE wlreq1_pad2;
BYTE wlreq1_workstation[LM20_CNLEN + 1];
typedef struct _WKSTA_16_USER_LOGOFF_REQUEST_1 {
BYTE wlreq1_name[LM20_UNLEN + 1];
BYTE wlreq1_pad_1;
BYTE wlreq1_workstation[LM20_CNLEN + 1];
#define DEF16_ses_num_conns 1
#define DEF16_ses_num_users 1
#define DEF16_wk_username TEXT("")
#define DEF16_wk_keepsearch 600
#define DEF16_wk_numworkbuf 15
#define DEF16_wk_sizeworkbuf 4096
#define DEF16_wk_maxwrkcache 64
#define DEF16_wk_sizerror 512
#define DEF16_wk_numalerts 12
#define DEF16_wk_numservices 8
#define DEF16_wk_errlogsz 100
#define DEF16_wk_printbuftime 60
#define DEF16_wk_numcharbuf 5
#define DEF16_wk_sizcharbuf 512
#define DEF16_wk_logon_server TEXT("")
#define DEF16_wk_wrk_heuristics TEXT("")
#define DEF16_wk_mailslots 1
#define DEF16_wk_logon_domain TEXT("")
#define DEF16_wk_oth_domains TEXT("")
#define DEF16_wk_numdgrambuf 14
#include <packoff.h>
#endif // ndef _XSDEF16_