595 lines
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595 lines
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// Defines for Access to the MP Agent
// this file can be used on assembly language files and C Files
#ifndef _MPAGENT_H_
#define _MPAGENT_H_
#define MPA_BASE_ADDRESS 0xbffff000 /* Base to address the MP_Agent */
#define MPA_BOOT_MESSAGE 6 /* to start the other processors */
#define MPA_KERNEL_MESSAGE 10 /* kernel requested IPI */
#define MPA_TIMER_MESSAGE 11 /* timer interrupt */
#define MPA_RESTART_MESSAGE 12 /* restart requested */
// define relative offsets of the MP Agent registers
// (little endian mode)
#define MPA_cpureg 0x000 // (0x00 * 8) configuration cpu register
#define MPA_cpuda1reg 0x008 // (0x01 * 8) general register
#define MPA_msgdata 0x010 // (0x02 * 8) data for message passing
#define MPA_msgstatus 0x018 // (0x03 * 8) message status
#define MPA_snooper 0x020 // (0x04 * 8) snooper configuration register
#define MPA_tagreg 0x028 // (0x05 * 8) tag ram R/W index register
#define MPA_snpadreg 0x030 // (0x06 * 8) adress of first MBus fatal error
#define MPA_itpend 0x038 // (0x07 * 8) Interrupt register
#define MPA_datamsg1 0x040 // (0x08 * 8) data message register 1
#define MPA_datamsg2 0x048 // (0x09 * 8) data message register 2
#define MPA_datamsg3 0x050 // (0x0a * 8) data message register 3
#define MPA_lppreg0 0x058 // (0x0b * 8) LPP register cpu 0
#define MPA_lppreg1 0x060 // (0x0c * 8) LPP register cpu 1
#define MPA_lppreg2 0x068 // (0x0d * 8) LPP register cpu 2
#define MPA_lppreg3 0x070 // (0x0e * 8) LPP register cpu 3
#define MPA_tagram 0x078 // (0x0f * 8) tag ram R/W register
#define MPA_crefcpt 0x080 // (0x10 * 8) cpu general read counter register
#define MPA_ctarcpt 0x088 // (0x11 * 8) cpu programmable access counter
#define MPA_srefcpt 0x090 // (0x12 * 8) snooper general read counter reg.
#define MPA_starcpt 0x098 // (0x13 * 8) snooper programmable accesscounter
#define MPA_linkreg 0x0a0 // (0x14 * 8) link register
#define MPA_software1 0x0a8 // (0x15 * 8) software register1
#define MPA_msgaddress 0x0b0 // (0x16 * 8) address message register
#define MPA_mem_operator 0x0b8 // (0x17 * 8) operator internal burst register
#define MPA_software2 0x0c0 // (0x18 * 8) software register2
/* +---------------------------+ */
/* ! cpureg register (0x00) ! */
/* +---------------------------+ */
The CPUREG Register (LOW-PART) , which has the following bits:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| ED| ED| ED| | MI| MI| MI| EI| EI| EI| EI| EI| EI| R | 1 | 0 | 0 Low Activ; 1 High activ;
|__________ enable shared 1-> TagCopy for S
|_____________ enable message sending
|_________________ reserved
|_____________________ enable external Interrupts
|________________________ enable external Interrupts
|____________________________ enable external Interrupts
|________________________________ enable external Interrupts
|____________________________________ enable external Interrupts
|__________________________________________ enable external Interrupts
|______________________________________________ enable Message Reg. Int.
|__________________________________________________ enable Message Reg. Int.
|______________________________________________________ enable Message Reg. Int.
|______________________________________________________________ Edge Config for Interrupts
|__________________________________________________________________ Edge Config for Interrupts
|______________________________________________________________________ Edge Config for Interrupts
The CPUREG Register (HIGH-PART), which has the following bits:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24| 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | MA| MA| MA| MA| MA| MA| MA| ED| ED| ED| ED| 0 Low Activ; 1 High activ;
|_________ Edge Config for Interrupts
|_____________ Edge Config for Interrupts
|________________ Edge Config for Interrupts
|____________________ Edge Config for Interrupts
|________________________ Interrupt Mask on external Request
|____________________________ Interrupt Mask on external Request
|________________________________ Interrupt Mask on external Request
|____________________________________ Interrupt Mask on external Request
|__________________________________________ Interrupt Mask on external Request
|______________________________________________ Interrupt Mask on external Request
|__________________________________________________ Interrupt Mask on external Request
|______________________________________________________ maximal Retry Count on MP-Bus
|__________________________________________________________ maximal Retry Count on MP-Bus
|______________________________________________________________ maximal Retry Count on MP-Bus
|__________________________________________________________________ maximal Retry Count on MP-Bus
|______________________________________________________________________ maximal Retry Count on MP-Bus
#define MPA_ENSHARED 0x00000001 /* (0) If the MP_Agent has not the data in
* exclusif state, the MP_Agent forces
* the data to shared state for all
* coherent access.
* (1) If no other MP_agent has the data
* in exclusif state, the requester
* can put the data in share or exclusif
* state.
#define MPA_ENSENDMSG 0x00000002 /* (1) 0 -> disable message passing
* 1 -> enable message passing
#define MPA_ENINT_MASK 0x00001ffc /* (12:2) enable interrupt mask */
#define MPA_ENINT_MASKSHIFT 3 /* shift for enable interrupt mask */
#define MPA_ENINT_SR_IP3 0x00000008 /* (3) enable external interrupt SR_IP3 */
#define MPA_ENINT_SR_IP4 0x00000010 /* (4) enable external interrupt SR_IP4 */
#define MPA_ENINT_SR_IP5 0x00000020 /* (5) enable external interrupt SR_IP5 */
#define MPA_ENINT_SR_IP6 0x00000040 /* (6) enable external interrupt SR_IP6 */
#define MPA_ENINT_SR_IP7 0x00000080 /* (7) enable external interrupt SR_IP7 */
#define MPA_ENINT_SR_IP8 0x00000100 /* (8) enable external interrupt SR_IP8 */
#define MPA_ENINT_ITMSG1 0x00000200 /* (9) enable interrupt message1 register */
#define MPA_ENINT_ITMSG2 0x00000400 /* (10) enable interrupt message2 register */
#define MPA_ENINT_ITMSG3 0x00000800 /* (11) enable interrupt message3 register */
#define MPA_ENINT_MPBERR 0x00001000 /* (12) enable interrupt MP_Agent fatal error */
#define MPA_INTCONF_MASK 0x000fe000 /* (19:13) select interrupt level
* 0 -> falling
* 1 -> raising */
#define MPA_INTCONF_SR_IP3 0x00002000 /* (13) select raising mode for SR_IP3 */
#define MPA_INTCONF_SR_IP4 0x00004000 /* (14) select raising mode for SR_IP4 */
#define MPA_INTCONF_SR_IP5 0x00008000 /* (15) select raising mode for SR_IP5 */
#define MPA_INTCONF_SR_IP6 0x00010000 /* (16) select raising mode for SR_IP6 */
#define MPA_INTCONF_SR_IP7 0x00020000 /* (17) select raising mode for SR_IP7 */
#define MPA_INTCONF_SR_IP8 0x00040000 /* (18) select raising mode for SR_IP8 */
#define MPA_INTCONF_SR_NMI 0x00080000 /* (19) select raising mode for SR_NMI */
#define MPA_INTMSK 0x07f00000 /* (26:20) mask sent during external request stage */
#define MPA_MAXRTY_MASK 0xf8000000 /* (31:27) mask for maximum number of retry on
* INV / UPD / MESS / RD_COH */
/* +---------------------------+ */
/* ! cpuda1reg register (0x01) ! */
/* +---------------------------+ */
The CPU1REG Register (LOW-PART) , which has the following bits:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| SS| SS| TI| 1 | DP| DP| R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | 0 Low Activ; 1 High activ;
|_________ reserved
|_____________ reserved
|________________ reserved
|____________________ reserved
|________________________ reserved
|____________________________ reserved
|________________________________ reserved
|____________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________ CPU Data Pattern
|______________________________________________________ CPU Data Pattern
|__________________________________________________________ Int. Update Policy 0 - direct
|______________________________________________________________ Test Interrupts
|__________________________________________________________________ Cpu Port Statistics
|______________________________________________________________________ Cpu Port Statistics
The CPU1REG Register (HIGH-PART), which has the following bits:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24| 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
| R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | IS| IS| IS| 1 | SS| 0 Low Activ; 1 High activ;
|_________ Cpu Port Statistics
|_____________ Enable Read Anticipate mode
|________________ Select Interrupt for Internal Ints
|____________________ Select Interrupt for Internal Ints
|________________________ Select Interrupt for Internal Ints
|____________________________ reserved
|________________________________ reserved
|____________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________________________________ reserved
#define MPA_CPURDPAT_MASK 0x00000c00 /* (11:10) number of wait-state between 2 double
* cpu reads. */
#define MPA_CPURDPAT_DD 0x00000000 /* 0 : dd */
#define MPA_CPURDPAT_DDX 0x00000400 /* 1 : dd. */
#define MPA_CPURDPAT_DDXX 0x00000800 /* 2 : dd.. */
#define MPA_CPURDPAT_DXDX 0x00000c00 /* 3 : d.d. */
#define MPA_ENDIRECT 0x00001000 /* (12) 0 send interrupt to all MP_Agent
* 1 use LPP mechanism to dispatch interrupt
#define MPA_ENTESTIT 0x00002000 /* (13) 0 disable test mode (interrupts from MPBus)
* 1 enable test mode (interrupts from INTCONF(6:0))
#define MPA_CPUSELSTAT_MASK 0x0001c000 /* (16:14) select programmable mode for cpu
* access
#define MPA_ENRDANT 0x00020000 /* (17) 0 disable overlapping memory/MP_Agent
* 1 enable overlapping memory/MP_Agent
* The Tag copy checking is done concurently
* with memory access. The memory must support
* the 'read abort' command (not supported
* by current Asic chipset rev.0).
#define MPA_SELITI_MASK 0x001c0000 /* (20:18) define routage for internal interrupts */
#define MPA_SELITI_SR_IP3 0x00000000 /* Internal interrupts go on SR_IP3 */
#define MPA_SELITI_SR_IP4 0x00040000 /* Internal interrupts go on SR_IP4 */
#define MPA_SELITI_SR_IP5 0x00080000 /* Internal interrupts go on SR_IP5 */
#define MPA_SELITI_SR_IP6 0x000c0000 /* Internal interrupts go on SR_IP6 */
#define MPA_SELITI_SR_IP7 0x00100000 /* Internal interrupts go on SR_IP7 */
#define MPA_SELITI_SR_IP8 0x00140000 /* Internal interrupts go on SR_IP8 */
/* +---------------------------+ */
/* ! msgstatus register (0x03) ! */
/* +---------------------------+ */
/* message passing status register */
#define MPA_VALSTAT 0x00000001 /* (0) 0 -> status is invalid
* 1 -> status is valid */
// if (MPA_VALSTAT != 0)
#define MPA_SENDMSG 0x00000002 /* (1) 1 -> message not acknowledged by MPBus */
#define MPA_ERRMSG 0x00000004 /* (2) 0 -> message has been acknowledged
* 1 -> at least one MP_Agent has refused */
#define MPA_BUSY 0x00000008
#define MPA_ADERR_MASK 0x000000f0 /* (7:4) list of refusing processor(s) */
#define MPA_ADERR_SHIFT 0x4
/* +---------------------------+ */
/* ! snooper register (0x04) ! */
/* +---------------------------+ */
The SNOOPER Register (LOW-PART), which has the following bits:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| 1 | R | R | R | R | - | - | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | - | R | R | 1 | 0 Low Activ; 1 High activ;
|_________ enable Message receive
|_____________ reserved
|________________ reserved
|____________________ LineSize
|________________________ LineSize
|____________________________ Three/ Two Party
|________________________________ enable Read+Link
|____________________________________ enable Coherency
|__________________________________________ MP Statistics
|______________________________________________ MP Statistics
|__________________________________________________ MP Statistics
|______________________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________________________________ FATAL INTERRUPT inactive
The SNOOPER Register (HIGH-PART), which has the following bits:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24| 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | R | R | R | R | R | M | M | M | C | C | C | 0 Low Activ; 1 High activ;
|_________ Cderrtag TagSeq direct error code
|_____________ Cderrtag
|________________ Cderrtag
|____________________ Mderrtag SnpTagSeq memo Error code
|________________________ Mderrtag
|____________________________ Mderrtag
|________________________________ reserved
|____________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________________ Agent Address
|__________________________________________________________ Agent Address
|______________________________________________________________ seq. cpu error
|__________________________________________________________________ tag seq. error
|______________________________________________________________________ ext. seq. error
#define MPA_ENRCVMESS 0x00000001 /* (0) 0 -> disable message receiving
* 1 -> enable message receiving */
#define MPA_LSIZE_MASK 0x00000018 /* (4:3) secondary linesize mask */
#define MPA_LSIZE16 0x00000000 /* secondary linesize = 16 bytes */
#define MPA_LSIZE32 0x00000008 /* secondary linesize = 32 bytes */
#define MPA_LSIZE64 0x00000010 /* secondary linesize = 64 bytes */
#define MPA_LSIZE128 0x00000018 /* secondary linesize = 128 bytes */
/* NOTE: MP_Agent doesn't support linesize greater than 64 bytes !! */
#define MPA_DISTPARTY 0x00000020 /* (5) 0 -> enable three-party mode
* MP_Agent requester/MP_Agent target
* + memory (for update)
* 1 -> disable three-party mode
* MP_Agent requester/MP_Agent target
#define MPA_ENLINK 0x00000040 /* (6) 0 -> The cpu read and link command is
* disabled.
* 1 -> The cpu read and link command is
* enabled.
#define MPA_ENCOHREQ 0x00000080 /* (7) 0 -> disable sending external request
* for coherency to cpu by his MP_Agent
* 1 -> enable sending external request
* for coherency to cpu by his MP_Agent
#define MPA_SNPSELSTAT_MASK 0x00000700 /* (10:8) select programmable mode for snooper
* access
#define MPA_RSTSNPERR 0x00008000 /* (15) 1 -> reset all MP bus fatal error
* 0 -> enable new fatal error on MP bus
* sent by interrupt.
#define MPA_CDERRTAG 0x00070000 /* (18:16) (Read only) error code */
#define MPA_MCDERRTAG 0x00380000 /* (21:19) (Read only) error code */
#define MPA_MCDERREXT 0x00c00000 /* (23:22) (Read only) error code */
#define MPA_ADAGT_MASK 0x18000000 /* (28:27) (Read only) MP_Agent address mask */
#define MPA_ADAGT_SHIFT 27 /* shift address agent value */
#define MPA_MSEQERR 0xe0000000 /* (31:29) (Read only) error code */
#define MPA_RETRYERR 0x20000000 /* (31:29) (Read only) error code */
/* +---------------------------+ */
/* ! itpend register (0x07) ! */
/*+---------------------------+ */
The Interrupt Pending Register (LOW-PART) , which has the following bits:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| UE| UE| UE| UE| R | F | M | M | M | R | E | E | E | E | E | E | 0 Low Activ; 1 High activ;
|_________ pending external Interrupts
|_____________ pending external Interrupts
|________________ pending external Interrupts
|____________________ pending external Interrupts
|________________________ pending external Interrupts
|____________________________ pending external Interrupts
|________________________________ reserved
|____________________________________ Message Register 1
|__________________________________________ Message Register 2
|______________________________________________ Message Register 3
|__________________________________________________ FATAL MP Agent Error
|______________________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________________ last updated external State
|______________________________________________________________ last updated external State
|__________________________________________________________________ last updated external State
|______________________________________________________________________ last updated external State
The Interrupt Pending Register (HIGH-PART), which has the following bits:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24| 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
| R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | UF| UM| UM| UM| R | UE| UE| 0 Low Activ; 1 High activ;
|_________ last updated external State
|_____________ last updated external State
|________________ reserved
|____________________ last updated Message State
|________________________ last updated Message State
|____________________________ last updated Message State
|________________________________ last updated FATAL E State
|____________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________________________ reserved
|__________________________________________________________________ reserved
|______________________________________________________________________ reserved
/* external interrupts */
#define MPA_INTN_MASKGEN 0x000007ff /* (10:0) pending general interrupt mask */
#define MPA_INTN_EXT_MASK 0x0000003f /* (5:0) pending external interrupt mask */
#define MPA_INTN_SR_IP3 0x00000001 /* (0) pending external interrupt SR_IP3 */
#define MPA_INTN_SR_IP4 0x00000002 /* (1) pending external interrupt SR_IP4 */
#define MPA_INTN_SR_IP5 0x00000004 /* (2) pending external interrupt SR_IP5 */
#define MPA_INTN_SR_IP6 0x00000008 /* (3) pending external interrupt SR_IP6 */
#define MPA_INTN_SR_IP7 0x00000010 /* (4) pending external interrupt SR_IP7 */
#define MPA_INTN_SR_IP8 0x00000020 /* (5) pending external interrupt SR_IP8 */
/* internal interrupts */
#define MPA_INTN_ITNMI 0x00000040 /* (6) unused */
#define MPA_INTN_ITMSG1 0x00000080 /* (7) pending interrupt message1 register */
#define MPA_INTN_ITMSG2 0x00000100 /* (8) pending interrupt message2 register */
#define MPA_INTN_ITMSG3 0x00000200 /* (9) pending interrupt message3 register */
#define MPA_INTN_MPBERR 0x00000400 /* (10) pending interrupt MP_Agent fatal error */
/* pending internal interrupts mask */
/* old interrupts written in the processor cause register */
/* external interrupts */
#define MPA_OINTN_MASKGEN 0x007ff000 /* (22:12) old general interrupt mask */
#define MPA_OINTN_SHIFT 12 /* shift to compare to pending interrupt */
#define MPA_OINTN_MASK 0x0003f000 /* (17:12) old external interrupt mask */
#define MPA_OINTN_SR_IP3 0x00001000 /* (12) old external interrupt SR_IP3 */
#define MPA_OINTN_SR_IP4 0x00002000 /* (13) old external interrupt SR_IP4 */
#define MPA_OINTN_SR_IP5 0x00004000 /* (14) old external interrupt SR_IP5 */
#define MPA_OINTN_SR_IP6 0x00008000 /* (15) old external interrupt SR_IP6 */
#define MPA_OINTN_SR_IP7 0x00010000 /* (16) old external interrupt SR_IP7 */
#define MPA_OINTN_SR_IP8 0x00020000 /* (17) old external interrupt SR_IP8 */
/* internal interrupts */
#define MPA_OINTN_ITNMI 0x00040000 /* (18) unused */
#define MPA_OINTN_ITMSG1 0x00080000 /* (19) old interrupt message1 register */
#define MPA_OINTN_ITMSG2 0x00100000 /* (20) old interrupt message2 register */
#define MPA_OINTN_ITMSG3 0x00200000 /* (21) old interrupt message3 register */
#define MPA_OINTN_MPBERR 0x00400000 /* (22) old interrupt MP_Agent fatal error */
/* +---------------------------+ */
/* ! msgaddress register(0x16) ! */
/* +---------------------------+ */
/* Message address for message passing */
#define MPA_CPUTARGET_MASK 0x0000000f /* (3:0) target cpu mask */
#define MPA_CPUTARGET_ALL 0x0000000f /* cpu target : all */
#define MPA_CPUTARGET_CPU0 0x00000001 /* cpu target : 0 */
#define MPA_CPUTARGET_CPU1 0x00000002 /* cpu target : 1 */
#define MPA_CPUTARGET_CPU2 0x00000004 /* cpu target : 2 */
#define MPA_CPUTARGET_CPU3 0x00000008 /* cpu target : 3 */
#define MPA_REGTARGET_MASK 0x000001f0 /* (8:4) target register */
#define MPA_REGTARGET_MSG1 0x00000080 /* msg1reg target register */
#define MPA_REGTARGET_MSG2 0x00000090 /* msg2reg target register */
#define MPA_REGTARGET_MSG3 0x000000a0 /* msg3reg target register */
#define MPA_ENMSGLPP 0x00000200 /* (9) 0 disable LPP mode for message passing */
/* +---------------------------+ */
/* ! mem_operator reg. (0x17) ! */
/* +---------------------------+ */
/* For fake read on a 4Mb segment. Used for cache replace functions */
#define MPA_OP_ENABLE 0x00000001 /* (0) 0 disable operator (address invalid)
* 1 enable operator (address valid)
#define MPA_OP_ADDR_MASK 0xffc00000 /* (31:22) base physical address of a 4Mb kseg0
* reserved segment (4Mb == 0x00400000).
#define MPA_TAGREG_ADDR_MASK 0x003ffff0
#define MPA_TR_STATE_MASK 0x00000003
#define MPA_TR_NOCOHERENT 0x00000000
* Number of retries before sending a fatal error
#define MPA_MSG_RETRY 10
typedef struct _mp_agent{
/* Register Register
* name number offset description
* ---------- ---- ------ --------------------------------- */
ULONG cpureg; /* 0x00 0x000 configuration cpu register */
ULONG invalid_0;
ULONG cpuda1reg; /* 0x01 0x008 general register */
ULONG invalid_1;
ULONG msgdata; /* 0x02 0x010 data for message passing */
ULONG invalid_2;
ULONG msgstatus; /* 0x03 0x018 message status */
ULONG invalid_3;
ULONG snooper; /* 0x04 0x020 snooper configuration register */
ULONG invalid_4;
ULONG tagreg; /* 0x05 0x028 tag ram R/W index register */
ULONG invalid_5;
ULONG snpadreg; /* 0x06 0x030 adress of first MBus fatal error */
ULONG invalid_6;
ULONG itpend; /* 0x07 0x038 Interrupt register */
ULONG invalid_7;
ULONG datamsg1; /* 0x08 0x040 data message register 1 */
ULONG invalid_8;
ULONG datamsg2; /* 0x09 0x048 data message register 2 */
ULONG invalid_9;
ULONG datamsg3; /* 0x0a 0x050 data message register 3 */
ULONG invalid_a;
ULONG lppreg0; /* 0x0b 0x058 LPP register cpu 0 */
ULONG invalid_b;
ULONG lppreg1; /* 0x0c 0x060 LPP register cpu 1 */
ULONG invalid_c;
ULONG lppreg2; /* 0x0d 0x068 LPP register cpu 2 */
ULONG invalid_d;
ULONG lppreg3; /* 0x0e 0x070 LPP register cpu 3 */
ULONG invalid_e;
ULONG tagram; /* 0x0f 0x078 tag ram R/W register */
ULONG invalid_f;
ULONG crefcpt; /* 0x10 0x080 cpu general read counter register */
ULONG invalid_10;
ULONG ctarcpt; /* 0x11 0x088 cpu programmable access counter */
ULONG invalid_11;
ULONG srefcpt; /* 0x12 0x090 snooper general read counter reg. */
ULONG invalid_12;
ULONG starcpt; /* 0x13 0x098 snooper programmable accesscounter*/
ULONG invalid_13;
ULONG linkreg; /* 0x14 0x0a0 link register */
ULONG invalid_14;
ULONG software1; /* 0x15 0x0a8 software register1 */
ULONG invalid_15;
ULONG msgaddress; /* 0x16 0x0b0 address message register */
ULONG invalid_16;
ULONG mem_operator; /* 0x17 0x0b8 operator internal burst register */
ULONG invalid_17;
ULONG software2; /* 0x18 0x0c0 software register2 */
#define mpagent ((volatile PMP_AGENT) MPA_BASE_ADDRESS) // mpagent address