2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

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//#pragma comment(exestr, "$Header: /usr4/winnt/SOURCES/halpcims/src/hal/halsnipm/mips/RCS/snidef.h,v 1.5 1995/11/30 11:12:21 sylvie Exp $")
Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG
Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module is the header file that describes hardware addresses
common for all SNI systems.
#ifndef _SNIDEF_
#define _SNIDEF_
#if DBG
#define DebugPrint(arg) DbgPrint arg
#define DebugPrint(arg) ;
#include "snipci.h"
#define VESA_BUS_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x1d000000
#define VESA_IO_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x1e000000
#define PROM_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x1fc00000 // physical base of boot PROM
#define EISA_MEMORY_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x10000000 // physical base of EISA memory
#define EISA_CONTROL_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x14000000 // physical base of EISA I/O Space
// Cache replace addresse for multi-processor machines
#define MPAGENT_RESERVED 0x17c00000 // MP-Agent operator (VL machines and tower PCI)
#define RM300_RESERVED 0x00c00000 // cache replace (memory) for RM300 PCI
#define NET_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x18000000 // physical base of ethernet control
#define SCSI_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x19000000 // physical base of SCSI control 1
#define FLOPPY_CHANNEL 0x2 // Floppy DMA channel
#define FLOPPY_RELATIVE_BASE 0x3f0 // base of floppy control
#define PARALLEL_RELATIVE_BASE 0x3bc // base of parallel port
#define SERIAL0_RELATIVE_BASE 0x3f8 // base of serial port 0
#define SERIAL1_RELATIVE_BASE 0x2f8 // base of serial port 1
#define FLOPPY_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x140003f0 // base of floppy control
#define PARALLEL_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x140003bc // base of parallel port
#define SERIAL0_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x140003f8 // base of serial port 0
#define SERIAL1_PHYSICAL_BASE 0x140002f8 // base of serial port 1
// the UCONF, MachineStatus, LED and MachineConfig Registers in the ASIC
// (identical on all SNI machines)
#define UCONF_PHYSICAL_ADDR 0x1fff0000 // interruptions, interface protocol
#define UCONF_ADDR 0xbfff0000 // interruptions, | KSEG1_BASE
#define IOMEMCONF_PHYSICAL_ADDR 0x1fff0010 // I/O and Memory Config (for disable Timeout int)
#define IOMEMCONF_ADDR 0xbfff0010 // I/O and memconf | KSEG1_BASE
// some debugging information registers in the ASIC
// common on all SNI machines
#define DMACCES_PHYSICAL_ADDR 0x1fff0028 // Counter: # of DMA accesses
#define DMACCES 0xbfff0028 // Counter: # of DMA accesses | KSEG1_BASE
#define DMAHIT_PHYSICAL_ADDR 0x1fff0030 // Counter: # of DMA hits
#define DMAHIT 0xbfff0030 // Counter: # of DMA hits | KSEG1_BASE
#define IOMMU_PHYSICAL_ADDR 0x1fff0018 // Select IO space addressing
#define IOMMU 0xbfff0018 // Select IO space addressing | KSEG1_BASE
#define IOADTIMEOUT1_PHYSICAL_ADDR 0x1fff0020 // Current IO context for the first CPU timeout
#define IOADTIMEOUT1 0xbfff0020 // first CPU timeout | KSEG1_BASE
#define IOADTIMEOUT2_PHYSICAL_ADDR 0x1fff0008 // Current IO context on all CPU timeouts
#define IOADTIMEOUT2 0xbfff0008 // all CPU timeouts | KSEG1_BASE
// Define system time increment value.
#define TIME_INCREMENT (10 * 1000 * 10) // Time increment in 100ns units
#define MAXIMUM_INCREMENT (10 * 1000 * 10)
#define MINIMUM_INCREMENT (1 * 1000 * 10)
#define EXTRA_TIMER_CLOCK_IN 7159090 // 7.15909 Mhz (hard value)
// #define EXTRA_TIMER_CLOCK_IN 7900000 // adjustement to get fq = 10ms
#define PRE_COUNT 3 //
// Define basic Interrupt Levels which correspond to Cause register bits.
#define INT0_LEVEL 3
#define INT3_LEVEL 3
#define SCSIEISA_LEVEL 4 // SCSI/EISA device int. vector
#define EISA_DEVICE_LEVEL 4 // EISA bus interrupt level ???
#define DUART_VECTOR 5 // DUART SC 2681 int. vector
#define INT6_LEVEL 6
#define EXTRA_CLOCK_LEVEL 5 // extra timer on RM300
#define PROFILE_LEVEL 8 // Profiling level via Count/compare Interrupt
#define CLOCK_LEVEL (ONBOARD_VECTORS + 0) // Timer channel 0 in the PC core
// all others are vectors in the interrupt dispatch table.
#define SCSI_VECTOR 9 // SCSI device interrupt vector
#define SCSI1_VECTOR 9 // SCSI 1 device interrupt vector
#define SCSI2_VECTOR 10 // SCSI 2 device interrupt vector
#define NET_DEFAULT_VECTOR 7 // ethernet device internal vector on R4x00 PC !!!
// configured in the Firmware Tree !!!!!
#define NET_LEVEL 10 // ethernet device int. vector
#define OUR_IPI_LEVEL 7 // multipro machine
#define NETMULTI_LEVEL 5 // multipro machine : ethernet device int. vector
#define EIP_VECTOR 15 // EIP Interrupt routine
#define DCU_VECTOR 15 // DCU Interrupt routine
#define CLOCK2_LEVEL CLOCK_LEVEL // System Clock Level
#define MAXIMUM_ONBOARD_VECTOR (15 + ONBOARD_VECTORS) // maximum Onboard (PC core) vector
// Define EISA device interrupt vectors.
// they only occur when an Eisa Extension is installed in the Desktop model
#define EISA_VECTORS 32
#define MAXIMUM_EISA_VECTOR (15 + EISA_VECTORS) // maximum EISA vector
// relative interrupt vectors
// only the interrupt vectors relative to the Isa/EISA bus are defined
#define KEYBOARD_VECTOR 1 // Keyboard device interrupt vector
#define SERIAL1_VECTOR 3 // Serial device 1 interrupt vector
#define SERIAL0_VECTOR 4 // Serial device 0 interrupt vector
#define FLOPPY_VECTOR 6 // Floppy device interrupt vector
#define PARALLEL_VECTOR 7 // Parallel device interrupt vector
#define MOUSE_VECTOR 12 // PS/2 Mouse device interrupt vector
// PCI interrupts
#define INTA_VECTOR 50 // PCI INTA first interrupt number
#define INTB_VECTOR 100 // PCI INTB first interrupt number
#define INTC_VECTOR 150 // PCI INTC first interrupt number
#define INTD_VECTOR 200 // PCI INTD first interrupt number
// The MAXIMUM_MAP_BUFFER_SIZE defines the maximum map buffers which the system
// will allocate for devices which require phyically contigous buffers.
#define MAXIMUM_MAP_BUFFER_SIZE 0xc0000 // 768KB for today
// Define the initial buffer allocation size for a map buffers for systems with
// no memory which has a physical address greater than MAXIMUM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS.
// Define the initial buffer allocation size for a map buffers for systems with
// no memory which has a physical address greater than MAXIMUM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS.
#define INITIAL_MAP_BUFFER_LARGE_SIZE 0xc0000 // 256KB as start
// Define the incremental buffer allocation for a map buffers.
// Define the maximum number of map registers that can be requested at one time
// if actual map registers are required for the transfer.
// Define the maximum physical address which can be handled by an Isa card.
// (16MB)
// Define the maximum physical address of Main memory on SNI machines
// (256 MB)
#define NO_SCATTER_GATHER 0x00000001
#endif /* _SNIDEF_ */