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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993 - 1993.
// File: pattbl.cxx
// Contents: File pattern to clsid table.
// Classes: CPatternTbl
// CScmPatternTbl
// CChicoPatternTbl
// Functions: none
// History: 20-May-94 Rickhi Created
// 12-Dec-94 BruceMa Support pattern table on Chicago
// 20-Feb-95 BruceMa Don't pick up file patterns for
// invalid CLSID's
// CODEWORK: Should add Docfile pattern in here and create a private
// storage API that accepts a file handle and returns the
// clsid so we minimize the Opens in all cases.
#include <ole2int.h>
#include <pattbl.hxx>
// member: CPatternTbl::FindPattern
// Synopsis: Finds a pattern in a file.
// Arguments: [hFile] - handle to the file to look in
// [pclsid] - where to return the clsid
// Returns: S_OK if successfull
HRESULT CPatternTbl::FindPattern(HANDLE hFile, CLSID *pClsid)
if (!IsEmpty())
return SearchForPattern(hFile, pClsid);
// no entry found, and the cache is not full, so return an error.
// member: CPatternTbl::SearchForPattern
// Synopsis: searches in the file for a know pattern, and returns the
// CLSID index if found.
// Arguments: [hFile] - handle to the file to look in
// [pclsid] - where to return the clsid
// Returns: pEntry if found, NULL otherwise.
HRESULT CPatternTbl::SearchForPattern(HANDLE hFile, CLSID *pClsid)
LONG lLastOffset = 0;
ULONG ulLastCb = 0;
BYTE bStackBuf[256];
BYTE *pBuf = bStackBuf;
if (_pTblHdr->cbLargest > sizeof(bStackBuf))
// allocate a buffer big enough for largest pattern
pBuf = (BYTE *) PrivMemAlloc(_pTblHdr->cbLargest);
// now grovel through the file looking for a pattern match
BYTE *pCurr = _pStart;
BYTE *pEnd = _pStart + (_pTblHdr->OffsEnd - _pTblHdr->OffsStart);
while (pCurr < pEnd)
SPatternEntry *pEntry = (SPatternEntry *)pCurr;
BOOL fLook = TRUE;
if (pEntry->lFileOffset != lLastOffset ||
pEntry->ulCb > ulLastCb)
// must read part of the file
DWORD cbRead = 0;
DWORD dwMethod;
LONG cbMove;
if (pEntry->lFileOffset < 0)
cbMove = -1;
dwMethod = FILE_END;
cbMove = 0;
dwMethod = FILE_BEGIN;
fLook = FALSE; // assume failure
if (SetFilePointer(hFile, pEntry->lFileOffset, &cbMove, dwMethod)
!= 0xffffffff)
if (ReadFile(hFile, pBuf, pEntry->ulCb, &cbRead, NULL))
// remember the last read positions
lLastOffset = pEntry->lFileOffset;
ulLastCb = pEntry->ulCb;
fLook = TRUE;
// compare the patterns
if (fLook && Matches(pBuf, pEntry))
// found a match, return the index of the CLSID
memcpy(pClsid, &pEntry->clsid, sizeof(CLSID));
return S_OK;
// get the next entry
pCurr = pCurr + pEntry->ulEntryLen;
// free the buffer if we need to
if (pBuf != bStackBuf)
return hr;
// member: CPatternTbl::Matches
// Synopsis: checks if the bytes in the buffer match the given pattern
// Arguments: [pFileBuf] - buffer containing the file data
// [pEntry] -
// Returns: pEntry if found, NULL otherwise.
BOOL CPatternTbl::Matches(BYTE *pFileBuf, SPatternEntry *pEntry)
// the pattern bytes follow the mask bytes. they are the same size.
BYTE *pbMask = pEntry->abData;
BYTE *pbPattern = pbMask + pEntry->ulCb;
for (ULONG iCtr = 0; iCtr < pEntry->ulCb; iCtr++)
if ((BYTE)(*(pFileBuf + iCtr) & *pbMask) != *pbPattern)
return FALSE;
// update the mask & pattern bytes
return TRUE;
// member: CScmPatternTbl::InitTbl
// Synopsis: reads the registry entries and converts them to a shared
// memory table format
// Arguments: [pulSize] - where to return the table size
// Returns: S_OK if successfull.
HRESULT CScmPatternTbl::InitTbl(ULONG *pulSize)
// init size to zero
*pulSize = 0;
// allocate local memory in which to build the table
_pLocTbl = (BYTE *) PrivMemAlloc(PATTBL_GROW_SIZE);
if (!_pLocTbl)
// cast for simplicity
STblHdr *pLocTbl = (STblHdr *) _pLocTbl;
// initialize the table header
pLocTbl->ulSize = PATTBL_GROW_SIZE;
pLocTbl->OffsStart = sizeof(STblHdr);
pLocTbl->OffsEnd = sizeof(STblHdr);
pLocTbl->cbLargest = 0;
// build the table from the data in the registry
HKEY hkFileType;
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"FileType",&hkFileType)== ERROR_SUCCESS)
// enumerate the clsid's under this key
WCHAR szBuf[40];
DWORD iClsid = 0;
while (RegEnumKey(hkFileType, iClsid, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
// ensure this is a valid clsid
LONG cbTemp = sizeof(szTemp);
WCHAR szClsid[80];
lstrcpyW(szClsid, L"Clsid\\");
lstrcatW(szClsid, szBuf);
if (RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szClsid, szTemp, &cbTemp)
// clsid exist, open the key and enumerate the entries.
HKEY hkClsid;
CLSID clsid;
BOOL fValid;
// Fetch asociated file patterns only if CLSID is valid
if (GUIDFromString(szBuf, &clsid) &&
RegOpenKey(hkFileType, szBuf, &hkClsid) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
// enumerate the patterns under this clsid
WCHAR szNum[10];
DWORD iPattern = 0;
while (RegEnumKey(hkClsid, iPattern, szNum, sizeof(szNum))
// read the registry value and parse the string to
// create a table entry
WCHAR szPattern[512];
LONG cb = sizeof(szPattern);
if (RegQueryValue(hkClsid, szNum, szPattern, &cb) ==
SPatternEntry *pEntry = (SPatternEntry *)
((BYTE *)_pLocTbl + pLocTbl->OffsEnd);
if (ParseEntry(szPattern, cb, pEntry, clsid) ==
// update the table header
pLocTbl->cbLargest = MAX(pLocTbl->cbLargest,
pLocTbl->OffsEnd += pEntry->ulEntryLen;
// update the table size to something reasonable. Use the combined size
// of all the entries we generated above, plus some padding for
// expansion. We return this size to the caller.
pLocTbl->ulSize = sizeof(STblHdr) + pLocTbl->OffsEnd;
*pulSize = pLocTbl->ulSize;
return S_OK;
// member: CScmPatternTbl::IsValidPattern
// Synopsis: determines if the pattern entry read from the registry is of
// a valid format. See ParseEntry for the format.
// Arguments: [psz] - pattern buffer
// [cb] - size of buffer read
// Returns: TRUE if pattern is valid, FALSE otherwise
BOOL CScmPatternTbl::IsValidPattern(LPWSTR psz, LONG cb)
// we must find exactly 3 commas before the end of the string
// in order for the entry to be of a parseable format.
ULONG cCommas = 0;
LPWSTR pszEnd = psz + (cb / sizeof(WCHAR));
while (psz < pszEnd && *psz)
if (*psz == ',')
return (cCommas == 3) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// member: CScmPatternTbl::ParseEntry
// Synopsis: takes the registry string and parses it into a table entry.
// Arguments: [psz] - ptr to string from registry
// [cb] - size of psz
// [pEntry] - ptr to pattern table entry
// [rclsid] - clsid the pattern maps to
// Returns: S_OK - pEntry updated
// Notes: the format of the registry string is...
// <offset>,<cb>,<mask>,<pattern>
// where...
// <offset> and <cb> are decimal unless preceeded by 0x
// <mask> is optional (not there means use all 1's
HRESULT CScmPatternTbl::ParseEntry(LPWSTR psz, LONG cb,
SPatternEntry *pEntry, REFCLSID rclsid)
// validate the pattern before we attempt to parse it, simplifies
// error handling in the rest of the routine.
if (!IsValidPattern(psz, cb))
// copy in the clsid
memcpy(&pEntry->clsid, &rclsid, sizeof(CLSID));
// get the file offset
pEntry->lFileOffset = wcstol(psz, NULL, 0);
psz = SkipToNext(psz);
// get the byte count
pEntry->ulCb = wcstol(psz, NULL, 0);
Assert(pEntry->ulCb > 0);
// get the mask ptrs
LPWSTR pszMask = SkipToNext(psz);
BYTE *pbMask = pEntry->abData;
// get the pattern ptrs
LPWSTR pszPattern = SkipToNext(pszMask);
BYTE *pbPattern = pbMask + pEntry->ulCb;
// convert and copy the mask & pattern bytes into the pEntry
for (ULONG ulCb = pEntry->ulCb; ulCb > 0; ulCb--)
if (*pszMask == ',')
// missing mask means use 0xff
*pbMask = 0xff;
// convert the mask string to a byte
*pbMask = ToHex(pszMask);
pszMask += 2;
// convert the pattern string to a byte
*pbPattern = ToHex(pszPattern);
pszPattern += 2;
// compute this entry size, rounded to 8 byte alignment.
// Note: the struct has 4 bytes in abData, so the sizeof
// returns 4 more than we need.
pEntry->ulEntryLen = ((sizeof(SPatternEntry) - 4 +
(2 * pEntry->ulCb) + 7) & 0xfff8);
return S_OK;
// member: CScmPatternTbl::SkipToNext
// Synopsis: skips missing entries in the list and whitespaces
// Arguments: [sz] - ptr to string
// Returns: ptr to next entry in the list
LPWSTR CScmPatternTbl::SkipToNext(LPWSTR sz)
while (*sz && *sz != ',')
Assert(*sz == ',');
while (*sz)
USHORT CharType[1];
GetStringTypeW (CT_CTYPE1, sz, 1, CharType);
if ((CharType[0] & C1_SPACE) == 0)
return sz;
// member: CScmPatternTbl::ToHex
// Synopsis: converts two characters to a hex byte
// Arguments: [psz] - ptr to string
// Returns: the value of the string in hex
BYTE CScmPatternTbl::ToHex(LPWSTR psz)
BYTE bMask = 0xFF;
USHORT CharTypes[2];
GetStringTypeW (CT_CTYPE1, psz, 2, CharTypes);
if (CharTypes[0] & C1_XDIGIT)
bMask = CharTypes[0] & C1_DIGIT ? *psz - '0' : (BYTE)CharUpperW((LPWSTR)*psz) - 'A' + 10;
if (CharTypes[1] & C1_XDIGIT)
bMask *= 16;
bMask += CharTypes[1] & C1_DIGIT ? *psz - '0' : (BYTE)CharUpperW((LPWSTR)*psz) - 'A' + 10;
return bMask;
// member: CScmPatternTbl::CopyTbl
// Synopsis: copies the locally-built table to shared memory
// Arguments: [pShrTbl] - ptr to shared memory table
// Returns: pointer to end of table
BYTE *CScmPatternTbl::CopyTbl(BYTE *pShrTbl)
BYTE *pEnd = pShrTbl;
if (_pLocTbl != NULL)
// now that we have built a local memory copy of the table, copy
// the table into shared memory.
ULONG ulNeed = ((STblHdr *)_pLocTbl)->ulSize;
memcpy(pShrTbl, _pLocTbl, ulNeed);
pEnd += ulNeed;
return pEnd;
// Member: CChicoPatternTbl::CChicoPatternTbl
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments: fOk - FALSE is initialization failed
// Returns: -
CChicoPatternTbl::CChicoPatternTbl(HRESULT &hr)
// Allocate internal structures
m_pPatTbl = new CPatternTbl();
m_pScmPatTbl = new CScmPatternTbl();
if (m_pPatTbl == NULL || m_pScmPatTbl == NULL)
// Read the patterns from the registry
if (FAILED(hr = m_pScmPatTbl->InitTbl(&m_ulSize)))
// So CPatternTbl can use them
//Good return
hr = S_OK;
// Member: CChicoPatternTbl::~CChicoPatternTbl
// Synopsis: Destructor
// Arguments: -
// Returns: -
delete m_pPatTbl;
delete m_pScmPatTbl;
// Member: CChicoPatternTbl::IsEmpty
// Synopsis: Determines if the pattern table is empty
// Arguments: -
// Returns: TRUE if table is empty; FALSE otherwise
BOOL CChicoPatternTbl::IsEmpty(void)
return m_pPatTbl->IsEmpty();;
// Member: CChicoPatternTbl::FindPattern
// Synopsis: Search for byte patterns in the specified file
// Arguments: hFile - Handle of file to search
// pClsid - Where to store the returned CLSID
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT CChicoPatternTbl::FindPattern(HANDLE hFile, CLSID *pClsid)
return m_pPatTbl->FindPattern(hFile, pClsid);