161 lines
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161 lines
3.8 KiB
Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
C++ include for C++ OR modules.
Mario Goertzel [mariogo] Feb-10-95
Revision History:
#ifndef __OR_HXX
#define __OR_HXX
#include <or.h>
// Protcol defined timeouts
const unsigned short BasePingInterval = 10;
const unsigned short BaseNumberOfPings = 3;
const unsigned short BaseTimeoutInterval = (BasePingInterval * BaseNumberOfPings);
const unsigned short InitialProtseqBufferLength = 118;
// Well known tower IDs
const unsigned short ID_LPC = 0x10; // ncalrpc, IsLocal() == TRUE
const unsigned short ID_WMSG = 0x01; // mswmsg, IsLoclal() == TRUE
const unsigned short ID_NP = 0x0F; // ncacn_np, IsLocal() == FALSE
// Timer ID
#define IDT_DCOM_RUNDOWN 1234
// Shared memory constants
const ULONG DCOMSharedHeapName = 1111;
#define DCOMSharedGlobalBlockName L"DCOMSharedGlobals12321"
// Name of global mutex used to protect shred memory structures
#define GLOBAL_MUTEX_NAME TEXT("ObjectResolverGlobalMutex")
// Building blocks
#include <base.hxx>
#include <ipidtbl.hxx> // OXIDEntry, RUNDOWN_TIMER_INTERVAL
#include <remoteu.hxx> // gpMTARemoteUnknown, CRemoteUnknown
#include <memapi.hxx> // CPrivAlloc
#include <smemor.hxx> // shared memory OR client interface
#include <intor.hxx> // internal version of OR client interface
#include <time.hxx>
#include <mutex.hxx>
#include <misc.hxx>
#include <callid.hxx>
#include <refobj.hxx>
#include <string.hxx>
#include <linklist.hxx>
#include <gentable.hxx>
#include <dsa.hxx>
// Class forward declarations
class CMid;
class COxid;
class COid;
class CProcess;
// Global variables and constants
#define OXID_TABLE_SIZE 16
#define MID_TABLE_SIZE 16
#define MAX_PROTSEQ_IDS 100
extern DWORD MyProcessId;
extern DWORD *gpdwLastCrashedProcessCheckTime;
extern CSmAllocator gSharedAllocator; // global shared memory allocator
extern DUALSTRINGARRAY *gpLocalDSA; // phony bindings for this machine
extern MID gLocalMID; // MID of this machine
extern CMid *gpLocalMid; // Mid object for this machine
extern PWSTR gpwstrProtseqs;
extern CGlobalMutex *gpMutex; // global mutex to protect shared memory
extern LONG *gpIdSequence; // shared sequence for generating IDs
extern DWORD *gpNextThreadID; // shared apartment ID generator
extern BOOL DCOM_Started;
extern CProcess *gpProcess; // self pointer
extern CProcess *gpPingProcess; // pointer to surrogate for ping thread
extern USHORT *gpcRemoteProtseqs; // count of remote protseqs
extern USHORT *gpRemoteProtseqIds; // array of remote protseq ids
extern PWSTR gpwstrProtseqs; // remote protseqs strings catenated
extern PROTSEQ_INFO gaProtseqInfo[];
// Security data passed to processes on connect.
// BUGBUG: this should be in shared memory to speed startup
extern BOOL s_fEnableDCOM;
extern DWORD s_lAuthnLevel;
extern DWORD s_lImpLevel;
extern BOOL s_fMutualAuth;
extern BOOL s_fSecureRefs;
extern DWORD s_cServerSvc;
extern USHORT *s_aServerSvc;
extern DWORD s_cClientSvc;
extern USHORT *s_aClientSvc;
// Global tables
// cannot use short forms for table types due to declaration order
extern TCSafeResolverHashTable<COxid> * gpOxidTable;
extern TCSafeResolverHashTable<COid> * gpOidTable;
extern TCSafeResolverHashTable<CMid> * gpMidTable;
extern TCSafeResolverHashTable<CProcess> * gpProcessTable;
// Headers which may use globals
#include <oxid.hxx>
#include <process.hxx>
#include <mid.hxx>
#include <set.hxx>
#include <globals.hxx>
// Startup routine.
#pragma hdrstop
#endif // __OR_HXX