1672 lines
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1672 lines
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: srvhndlr.cpp
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 9-18-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
#include <le2int.h>
#include "handler.hxx"
#define DH_INIT_NEW 32
#if DBG==1
// Note: the following variable should be per appartment
// global variable
unsigned long gdwServerHandlerOptions;
// Function: CreateServerHandler
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pClsID] --
// [punk] --
// [pClntHndlr] --
// [ppSrvHdlr] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-20-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
HRESULT CreateServerHandler(const CLSID *pClsID, IUnknown *punk, IClientSiteHandler *pClntHndlr, IServerHandler **ppSrvHdlr)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "IN CreateServerHandler(pUnk:%p)(pClntHndlr:%p)\n",punk, pClntHndlr));
Assert((punk != NULL && "CreateServerHandler: invalid punk"));
// verify the class id for the default serverhandler
if (IsEqualCLSID(*pClsID, CLSID_ServerHandler))
*ppSrvHdlr = new CServerHandler(punk);
if (*ppSrvHdlr == NULL)
else if (pClntHndlr)
((CServerHandler *) *ppSrvHdlr)->SetClientSiteHandler(pClntHndlr);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "CreateServerHandler: invalid CLSID\n"));
*ppSrvHdlr = NULL;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "OUT CreateServerHandler(ppSrvHdlr:%p) return %lx\n",*ppSrvHdlr,hres));
return hres;
// Method: CServerHandler::CServerHandler
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 8-22-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
CServerHandler::CServerHandler(IUnknown *pUnk)
_cRefs = 1; // this is the first addref for the serverhandler interface
_cTotalRefs = 1; // same
_dwId = ID_ServerHandler;
_pUnkObj = pUnk;
_pOO = NULL;
_OpState = OpState_NoOp;
_OleContainer._cRefs = 0;
_OleContainer._dwId = ID_Container;
_OleContainer._pSrvHndlr = this;
_OleContainer._pOContDelegate = NULL;
_OleInPlaceSite._cRefs = 0;
_OleInPlaceSite._dwId = ID_InPlaceSite;
_OleInPlaceSite._pSrvHndlr = this;
_OleInPlaceSite._pOIPSDelegate = NULL;
_OleClientSite._cRefs = 0;
_OleClientSite._dwId = ID_ClientSite;
_OleClientSite._pSrvHndlr = this;
_OleClientSite._pCSDelegate = NULL;
_OleClientSiteActive._cRefs = 0;
_OleClientSiteActive._dwId = ID_ClientSiteActive;
_OleClientSiteActive._pSrvHndlr = this;
_OleClientSiteActive._pCSDelegate = NULL;
pOutSrvInPlace = NULL;
_hrCanInPlaceActivate = S_FALSE;
// Method: CServerHandler::~CServerHandler
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 8-22-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
if (pOutSrvInPlace)
delete pOutSrvInPlace;
// Method: CServerHandler::GetContainerDelegate
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP_(IOleContainer *) CServerHandler::GetContainerDelegate(void)
IOleContainer *pOCont = NULL;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::GetContainerDelegate\n", this));
if (_OleContainer._pOContDelegate == NULL)
if (_pCSH->PrivQueryInterface(ID_ClientSite, IID_IOleContainer, (void **)&pOCont) == NOERROR)
_OleContainer._pOContDelegate = pOCont;
HdlAssert((_OleContainer._pOContDelegate != NULL));
pOCont = _OleContainer._pOContDelegate;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::GetContainerDelegate\n", this));
return pOCont;
// Method: CServerHandler::ReleaseObject
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CServerHandler::ReleaseObject()
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::ReleaseObject\n", this));
if (_pOO)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p ___ CServerHandler::ReleaseObject OO(%p)\n", this, _pOO));
_pOO = NULL;
if (_pUnkObj)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p ___ CServerHandler::ReleaseObject pUnkObj(%p)\n", this, _pUnkObj));
_pUnkObj = NULL;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::ReleaseObject\n", this));
// Method: CServerHandler::QueryInterface
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [riid] --
// [ppv] --
// Returns:
// History: 9-18-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppv )
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p _IN CServerHandler::QueryInterface (%lx, %p)\n", this, riid, ppv));
if ( IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)
|| IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IServerHandler) )
*ppv = (void FAR *)this;
hresult = E_NOINTERFACE;
*ppv = NULL;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p OUT CServerHandler::QueryInterface (%lx)[%p]\n", this, hresult, *ppv));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::AddRef
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 9-18-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerHandler::AddRef( void )
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p _IN CServerHandler::AddRef\n", this));
InterlockedIncrement((long *)&_cRefs);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p OUT CServerHandler::AddRef (%ld)\n", this, _cRefs));
return _cRefs;
// Method: CServerHandler::Release
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 9-18-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerHandler::Release( void )
ULONG cRefs;
ULONG cRefsUnk;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p _IN CServerHandler::Release\n", this));
cRefs = _cRefs - 1;
HdlAssert((cRefs >= 0 ));
cRefsUnk = PrivRelease(_dwId, cRefs);
HdlAssert(( cRefsUnk >= cRefs));
// release all objects if refcount on the serverhandler becomes zero
if (0 == InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &_cRefs) )
return 0;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p OUT CServerHandler::Release (%ld)\n", this, cRefs));
return cRefs;
// Method: CServerHandler::RunAndInitialize
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pRunInit] --
// Returns:
// History: 9-18-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::RunAndInitialize (INSRVRUN *pInSrvRun, OUTSRVRUN **ppOutSrvRun)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::RunAndInitialize(%p)\n", this,pInSrvRun));
IPersistStorage *pPStg = NULL;
IDataObject *pDO = NULL;
IOleObject *pOO = NULL;
COutSrvRun *pOutSrvRun;
CInSrvRun *pISR = (CInSrvRun *)pInSrvRun;
OperationState os = GetOpState();
os = SetOpState(OpState_RunAndInitialize);
_dwOperation = pInSrvRun->dwOperation;
Assert((ppOutSrvRun != NULL));
if ( (pOutSrvRun = new COutSrvRun) == NULL)
hresult = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
goto errRtn;
*ppOutSrvRun = (OUTSRVRUN *)pOutSrvRun;
Assert((_pUnkObj != NULL));
// QI for the IPersitStorage
if (pInSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_NeedPersistStorage)
hresult = _pUnkObj->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStorage, (void**) &pPStg);
if (FAILED(hresult))
goto errRtn;
pOutSrvRun->pPStg = pPStg;
if (NULL != pInSrvRun->pStg)
if( (pInSrvRun->dwInFlags & DH_INIT_NEW) )
hresult = pPStg->InitNew(pInSrvRun->pStg);
hresult = pPStg->Load(pInSrvRun->pStg);
pOutSrvRun->hrPStg = hresult;
if (FAILED(hresult))
goto errRtn;
// QI for the IDataObject
if (pInSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_NeedDataObject)
hresult = _pUnkObj->QueryInterface(IID_IDataObject, (void**) &pDO);
if (FAILED(hresult))
goto errRtn;
pOutSrvRun->pDO = pDO;
// QI for the OleObject
if (pInSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_NeedOleObject)
hresult = _pUnkObj->QueryInterface(IID_IOleObject, (void**) &pOO);
if (FAILED(hresult))
goto errRtn;
HdlAssert((_pOO == NULL));
_pOO = pOO;
_pOO->AddRef(); // Hold an extra reference here in the SvrHndlr.
pOutSrvRun->pOO = pOO;
if (_pOO)
// set clientsite and hostname
if (pInSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_GotClientSite)
_OleClientSite._pCSDelegate = _pCSH;
_OleClientSite._dwId = ID_ClientSite;
// Set up the ClientSite from the ClientSiteHandler
_pOO->SetClientSite((IOleClientSite *)&_OleClientSite);
if (pInSrvRun->pszContainerObj)
hresult = _pOO->SetHostNames (pInSrvRun->pszContainerApp,
if (FAILED(hresult))
pOutSrvRun->hrSetHostNames = hresult;
goto errRtn;
hresult = _pOO->Advise ((IAdviseSink *)pInSrvRun->pAS,
pOutSrvRun->hrAdvise = hresult;
goto errRtn;
// set the moniker if available
if (pInSrvRun->pMnk)
_pOO->SetMoniker(OLEWHICHMK_OBJREL, pInSrvRun->pMnk);
// get the UserClassID
if (pInSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_NeedUserClassID)
// Note: UserClassID should be a variable of OutSrvRun
pOutSrvRun->pUserClassID = new CLSID;
if (pOutSrvRun->pUserClassID)
// Stop the server we just launced
SafeReleaseAndNULL( (IUnknown**) &(pOutSrvRun->pOO) );
SafeReleaseAndNULL( (IUnknown**) &(pOutSrvRun->pDO) );
SafeReleaseAndNULL( (IUnknown**) &(pOutSrvRun->pPStg) );
_dwOperation = 0;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::RunAndInitialize return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::RunAndDoVerb
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pRunDoVerb] --
// Returns:
// History: 9-18-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::RunAndDoVerb (INSRVRUN *pInSrvRun, OUTSRVRUN **ppOutSrvRun)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::RunAndDoVerb(%p)\n", this,pInSrvRun));
HdlAssert((FALSE && "Method not implemented"));
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::RunAndDoVerb return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::DoVerb
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pDoVerb] --
// Returns:
// History: 9-18-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::DoVerb (INSRVRUN *pInSrvRun, OUTSRVRUN **ppOutSrvRun)
HRESULT hresult = E_FAIL;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::DoVerb(%p)\n", this,pInSrvRun));
IOleClientSite *pOCSActive = NULL;
CInSrvRun *pISR = (CInSrvRun *)pInSrvRun;
COutSrvRun *pOutSrvRun;
Assert(( ppOutSrvRun != NULL));
if ( (pOutSrvRun = new COutSrvRun) == NULL)
goto errRtn;
*ppOutSrvRun = (OUTSRVRUN *)pOutSrvRun;
if (_pOO)
_dwOperation = pInSrvRun->dwOperation;
OperationState os = GetOpState();
os = SetOpState(OpState_DoVerb);
if (pInSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_GotClientSiteActive)
// Set up our OleClientSiteActive
_OleClientSiteActive._pCSDelegate = _pCSH;
_OleClientSiteActive._dwId = ID_ClientSiteActive;
pOCSActive = (IOleClientSite *)&_OleClientSiteActive;
if (pInSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_GotInPlaceSite)
_hrCanInPlaceActivate = pInSrvRun->dwInPlace;
_OleInPlaceSite._pOIPSDelegate = _pCSH;
hresult = _pOO->DoVerb(pInSrvRun->iVerb, pInSrvRun->lpmsg, pOCSActive,
pInSrvRun->lindex, pInSrvRun->hwndParent, pInSrvRun->lprcPosRect);
// pass back flag if OleInPlaceSite is used or not
if (pInSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_GotClientSiteActive)
if (_OleClientSiteActive._cRefs != 0)
pOutSrvRun->dwOperation |= OP_GotClientSiteActive;
_OleClientSiteActive._pCSDelegate = NULL;
// pass back if OleInPlaceSite is used
if (pInSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_GotInPlaceSite)
if (_OleInPlaceSite._cRefs != 0)
pOutSrvRun->dwOperation |= OP_GotInPlaceSite;
_OleInPlaceSite._pOIPSDelegate = NULL;
// pass back if OleContainer is used
if (pInSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_GotContainer)
if (_OleContainer._cRefs != 0)
pOutSrvRun->dwOperation |= OP_GotContainer;
_OleContainer._pOContDelegate = NULL;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::DoVerb return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::CloseAndRelease
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [dwClose] --
// Returns:
// History: 9-18-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::CloseAndRelease(DWORD dwClose)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::CloseAndRelease(%ld)\n", this, dwClose));
// CODEWORK: maybe just assert that these interface ptrs are non-NULL
if (_pUnkObj)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::Release pUnkObj(%p) release\n", this, _pUnkObj));
_pUnkObj = NULL;
if (_pOO)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::Release OO(%p) release\n", this, _pOO));
_pOO = NULL;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::CloseAndRelease return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::SetClientSiteHandler
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pCSH] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-10-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::SetClientSiteHandler(IClientSiteHandler *pCSH)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::SetClientSiteHandler(%p)\n", this, pCSH));
if (pCSH)
_pCSH = pCSH;
hresult = E_INVALIDARG;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::SetClientSiteHandler return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// IOleWindow Methods
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::GetWindow(
/* [out] */ HWND __RPC_FAR *phwnd)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::GetWindow\n", this));
if ( (_pSrvHndlr->GetOpState() == OpState_DoVerb)
&& (_pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace->dwOperation & OP_GetWindow) )
HdlAssert(( _pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace ));
HdlAssert(( _pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace->hwnd ));
*phwnd = _pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace->hwnd;
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->GetWindow(phwnd);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleCInPlaceSiteImpl::GetWindow return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// IOleInPlaceSite Methods
// Method: CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::ContextSensitiveHelp
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [fEnterMode] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::ContextSensitiveHelp(
/* [in] */ BOOL fEnterMode)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleCInPlaceSiteImpl::ContextSensitiveHelp\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->ContextSensitiveHelp(fEnterMode);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleCInPlaceSiteImpl::ContextSensitiveHelp return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::CanInPlaceActivate( void)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::CanInPlaceActivate\n", this));
if (_pSrvHndlr->GetOpState() == OpState_DoVerb)
hresult = _pSrvHndlr->_hrCanInPlaceActivate;
// call back to client site
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->CanInPlaceActivate();
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::CanInPlaceActivate return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnInPlaceActivate
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnInPlaceActivate( void)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnInPlaceActivate\n", this));
if (_pSrvHndlr->GetOpState() == OpState_DoVerb)
CInSrvInPlace InSrvInPlace;
InSrvInPlace.dwInFlags = 0;
InSrvInPlace.dwOperation = 0;
// Note: we do not knwo on which OleClientSite
// ShowWindow will be called
InSrvInPlace.dwDelegateID = ID_ClientSite;
// set operation for this call
InSrvInPlace.dwOperation |= OP_OnInPlaceActivate;
InSrvInPlace.dwOperation |= OP_GetWindow ;
// Note: the following operations do not work with some applications!
// it would save two more rpc calls!
//InSrvInPlace.dwOperation |= OP_GetWindowContext ;
//InSrvInPlace.dwOperation |= OP_OnShowWindow ;
// delete the old OutSrvRun data
if (_pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace)
delete _pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace;
_pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace = NULL;
// call back to client site
hresult = _pSrvHndlr->_pCSH->GoInPlaceActivate(&InSrvInPlace, (OUTSRVINPLACE **)&(_pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace));
HdlAssert((hresult == NOERROR));
HdlAssert((_pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace != NULL));
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->OnInPlaceActivate();
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnInPlaceActivate return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnUIActivate
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnUIActivate( void)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnUIActivate\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->OnUIActivate();
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnUIActivate return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::GetWindowContext
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [ppFrame] --
// [ppDoc] --
// [lprcPosRect] --
// [lprcClipRect] --
// [lpFrameInfo] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::GetWindowContext(
/* [out] */ IOleInPlaceFrame __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppFrame,
/* [out] */ IOleInPlaceUIWindow __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppDoc,
/* [out] */ LPRECT lprcPosRect,
/* [out] */ LPRECT lprcClipRect,
/* [out][in] */ LPOLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO lpFrameInfo)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::GetWindowContext\n", this));
if ( (_pSrvHndlr->GetOpState() == OpState_DoVerb)
&& (_pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace->dwOperation & OP_GetWindowContext) )
COutSrvInPlace *pOutSrvInPlace = _pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace;
*ppFrame = pOutSrvInPlace->pOIPFrame;
*ppDoc = pOutSrvInPlace->pOIPUIWnd;
lprcPosRect = pOutSrvInPlace->lprcPosRect;
lprcClipRect = pOutSrvInPlace->lprcClipRect;
lpFrameInfo = pOutSrvInPlace->lpFrameInfo;
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->GetWindowContext(ppFrame, ppDoc,lprcPosRect, lprcClipRect, lpFrameInfo);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::GetWindowContext return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::Scroll
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [scrollExtant] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::Scroll(
/* [in] */ SIZE scrollExtant)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::Scroll\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->Scroll(scrollExtant);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::Scroll return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnUIDeactivate
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [fUndoable] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnUIDeactivate(
/* [in] */ BOOL fUndoable)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnUIDeactivate\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->OnUIDeactivate(fUndoable);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnUIDeactivate return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnInPlaceDeactivate
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnInPlaceDeactivate( void)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnInPlaceDeactivate\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->OnInPlaceDeactivate();
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnInPlaceDeactivate return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::DiscardUndoState
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::DiscardUndoState( void)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::DiscardUndoState\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->DiscardUndoState();
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::DiscardUndoState return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::DeactivateAndUndo
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::DeactivateAndUndo( void)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::DeactivateAndUndo\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->DeactivateAndUndo();
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::DeactivateAndUndo return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnPosRectChange
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [lprcPosRect] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnPosRectChange(
/* [in] */ LPCRECT lprcPosRect)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnPosRectChange\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOIPSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleInPlaceSite invalid OleInPlace object!\n"));
hresult = _pOIPSDelegate->OnPosRectChange(lprcPosRect);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleInPlaceSiteImpl::OnPosRectChange return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// IOleClientSite
// Method: CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::GetContainer
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [ppContainer] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::GetContainer(
/* [out] */ IOleContainer __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppContainer)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::GetContainer\n", this));
if ( (_pSrvHndlr->GetOpState() == OpState_DoVerb)
&& (_pSrvHndlr->_dwOperation & OP_GotContainer) )
// give out our local OleContainer object
*ppContainer = (IOleContainer *)&_pSrvHndlr->_OleContainer;
HdlAssert(( _pCSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleClient invalid OleClientSite object!\n"));
hresult = _pCSDelegate->GetContainer(_dwId, ppContainer);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::GetContainer return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::ShowObject
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::ShowObject( void)
HRESULT hresult = S_OK;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::ShowObject\n", this));
if ( (_pSrvHndlr->GetOpState() == OpState_DoVerb)
&& (_pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace)
&& (_pSrvHndlr->pOutSrvInPlace->dwOperation & OP_OnShowWindow) )
// done on GoInPlaceActive
HdlAssert(( _pCSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleClient invalid OleClientSite object!\n"));
hresult = _pCSDelegate->ShowObject(_dwId);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::ShowObject return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::OnShowWindow
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [fShow] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::OnShowWindow(
/* [in] */ BOOL fShow)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::OnShowWindow\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pCSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleClient invalid OleClientSite object!\n"));
hresult = _pCSDelegate->OnShowWindow(_dwId, fShow);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::OnShowWindow return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::RequestNewObjectLayout
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::RequestNewObjectLayout( void)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::RequestNewObjectLayout\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pCSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleClient invalid OleClientSite object!\n"));
hresult = _pCSDelegate->RequestNewObjectLayout(_dwId);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::RequestNewObjectLayout return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::SaveObject
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::SaveObject( void)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::SaveObject\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pCSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleClient invalid OleClientSite object!\n"));
hresult = _pCSDelegate->SaveObject(_dwId);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::SaveObject return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::GetMoniker
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [dwAssign] --
// [dwWhichMoniker] --
// [ppmk] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::GetMoniker(
/* [in] */ DWORD dwAssign,
/* [in] */ DWORD dwWhichMoniker,
/* [out] */ IMoniker __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppmk)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::GetMoniker\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pCSDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleClient invalid OleClientSite object!\n"));
hresult = _pCSDelegate->GetMoniker(_dwId, dwAssign, dwWhichMoniker, ppmk);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleClientSiteImpl::GetMoniker return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// IOleContainer methods
// Method: CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::ParseDisplayName
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pbc] --
// [pszDisplayName] --
// [pchEaten] --
// [ppmkOut] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::ParseDisplayName(
/* [unique][in] */ IBindCtx __RPC_FAR *pbc,
/* [in] */ LPOLESTR pszDisplayName,
/* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pchEaten,
/* [out] */ IMoniker __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppmkOut)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::ParseDisplayName\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOContDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleClient invalid OleContainer object!\n"));
hresult = _pOContDelegate->ParseDisplayName(pbc, pszDisplayName, pchEaten, ppmkOut);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::ParseDisplayName return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::EnumObjects
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [grfFlags] --
// [ppenum] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::EnumObjects(
/* [in] */ DWORD grfFlags,
/* [out] */ IEnumUnknown __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppenum)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::EnumObjects\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOContDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleClient invalid OleContainer object!\n"));
hresult = _pOContDelegate->EnumObjects(grfFlags, ppenum);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::EnumObjects return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Method: CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::LockContainer
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [fLock] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::LockContainer(
/* [in] */ BOOL fLock)
HRESULT hresult;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::LockContainer\n", this));
HdlAssert(( _pOContDelegate != NULL && "CServerHandler::OleClient invalid OleContainer object!\n"));
hresult = _pOContDelegate->LockContainer(fLock);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::COleContainerImpl::LockContainer return %lx\n", this, hresult));
return hresult;
// Unknown for OleClientSite
// Synopsis: Macro for IUnknown implementation of nested classes of
// serverhandler object.
// Arguments: [CClassName] -- the class name
// [VarName] -- the variable of the nested class
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
#define UNKNOWNIMP(CClassName,VarName) \
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::CClassName::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppv ) \
{ \
HRESULT hresult = NOERROR; \
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p _IN CServerHandler::"#CClassName"::QueryInterface (%lx, %p)\n", this, riid, ppv)); \
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) \
{ \
*ppv = this; \
InterlockedIncrement((long *)&_cRefs); \
hresult = _pSrvHndlr->PrivAddRef(_dwId); \
} \
else \
{ \
hresult = _pSrvHndlr->PrivQueryInterface(_dwId, riid, ppv); \
} \
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p OUT CServerHandler::"#CClassName"::QueryInterface (%lx)[%p]\n", this, hresult, *ppv)); \
return hresult; \
} \
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerHandler::CClassName::AddRef( void ) \
{ \
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p _IN CServerHandler::"#CClassName"::AddRef\n", this)); \
InterlockedIncrement((long *)&_cRefs); \
_pSrvHndlr->PrivAddRef(_dwId); \
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p OUT CServerHandler::"#CClassName"::AddRef (%ld)\n", this, _cRefs)); \
return _cRefs; \
} \
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerHandler::CClassName::Release( void ) \
{ \
ULONG cRefs = 0; \
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p _IN CServerHandler::"#CClassName"::Release\n", this)); \
InterlockedDecrement((long *)&_cRefs); \
cRefs = _cRefs; \
_pSrvHndlr->PrivRelease(_dwId, cRefs); \
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p OUT CServerHandler::"#CClassName"::Release (%ld)\n", this, cRefs)); \
return cRefs; \
UNKNOWNIMP(COleInPlaceSiteImpl, _OleInPlaceSite)
UNKNOWNIMP(COleContainerImpl, _OleContainer)
// Method: CServerHandler::PrivQueryInterface
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [dwId] --
// [riid] --
// [ppv] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CServerHandler::PrivQueryInterface( DWORD dwId, REFIID riid, void **ppv )
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p _IN CServerHandler::PrivQueryInterface (%lx, %p)\n", this, riid, ppv));
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IOleClientSite))
*ppv = (void FAR *)(IOleClientSite *)&_OleClientSite;
else if ( (_dwOperation & OP_GotInPlaceSite)
&& ( IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IOleInPlaceSite)
|| IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IOleWindow)) )
*ppv = (void FAR *)(IOleInPlaceSite *)&_OleInPlaceSite;
else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IOleContainer))
// Note: serverhandler should know if client supports OleContainer
if ( GetContainerDelegate() )
*ppv = (void FAR *)(IOleContainer *)&_OleContainer;
*ppv = NULL;
hresult = E_NOINTERFACE;
else if ( (GetOpState() == OpState_DoVerb)
&& (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IOleObject)) )
if (!(_dwOperation & OP_GotOleObjectOfContainer))
*ppv = NULL;
hresult = E_NOINTERFACE;
// call back and get the interface
hresult = _pCSH->PrivQueryInterface(dwId, riid, ppv);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::PrivQueryInterface on pUnkObj (%lx)[%p]\n", this, hresult, *ppv));
else if ( ( (GetOpState() == OpState_DoVerb)
||(GetOpState() == OpState_RunAndInitialize))
&& (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IMsoDocumentSite)) )
if (!(_dwOperation & OP_HaveMsoDocumentSite))
*ppv = NULL;
hresult = E_NOINTERFACE;
// call back and get the interface
hresult = _pCSH->PrivQueryInterface(dwId, riid, ppv);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::PrivQueryInterface on pUnkObj (%lx)[%p]\n", this, hresult, *ppv));
hresult = _pCSH->PrivQueryInterface(dwId, riid, ppv);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::PrivQueryInterface on pUnkObj (%lx)[%p]\n", this, hresult, *ppv));
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p OUT CServerHandler::PrivQueryInterface (%lx)[%p]\n", this, hresult, *ppv));
return hresult;
// Function: PrivAddRef
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [dwId] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerHandler::PrivAddRef( DWORD dwId)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p _IN CServerHandler::PrivAddRef\n", this));
InterlockedIncrement((long *)&_cTotalRefs);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p OUT CServerHandler::PrivAddRef (%ld)\n", this, _cTotalRefs));
return _cTotalRefs;
// Function: PrivRelease
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [dwId] --
// [cLRefs] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerHandler::PrivRelease( DWORD dwId, ULONG cLRefs )
ULONG cTotalRefs = 0;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p _IN CServerHandler::PrivRelease\n", this));
InterlockedDecrement((long *)&_cTotalRefs);
cTotalRefs = _cTotalRefs;
HdlAssert(( cLRefs <= cTotalRefs));
HdlAssert(( dwId > ID_NONE && dwId <= ID_ServerHandler));
if (cLRefs == 0)
case ID_ServerHandler:
// nothing to do
case ID_Container:
if (_OleContainer._pOContDelegate)
// Note: the application used the OleContainer object on other methods
// then IUnknown - see GetContainerDelegate
// Release the OleContainer delegate
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::Releasing pOCont\n", this));
_OleContainer._pOContDelegate = NULL;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::Releasing pOCont\n", this));
if (_pCSH)
// release the ClientSiteHandler interface - calls back to the container
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::Releasing object on CSH\n", this));
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::Releasing object on CSH\n", this));
if (cTotalRefs == 0)
// release the ClientSiteHandler interface - calls back to the container
if (_pCSH)
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CServerHandler::Releasing ClientSiteHandler\n", this));
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CServerHandler::Releasing ClientSiteHandler\n", this));
HdlAssert((_pOO == NULL));
delete this;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER_UNKNOWN, "%p OUT CServerHandler::PrivRelease(clRefs:%ld) (cTotalRefs:%ld)\n", this, cLRefs, cTotalRefs));
return cTotalRefs;