240 lines
5.0 KiB
240 lines
5.0 KiB
#include "compdir.h"
#define PVOID void *
#include <stdarg.h>
// Walk down list and add Node using InsertFront
void AddToList(LinkedFileList Node, LinkedFileList *List)
int Result;
LinkedFileList *TmpPtr;
// If Node is empty do nothing
if (Node == NULL)
// If list is empty just point to Node
if (*List == NULL)
*List = Node;
// Otherwise go down the list and add
// in sorted order
else if (*List != NULL) {
Result = strcmp ((*Node).Name, (**List).Name);
if (Result < 0) {
InsertFront(Node, List);
TmpPtr = &(**List).Next;
while (*TmpPtr != NULL) {
Result = strcmp ((*Node).Name, (**TmpPtr).Name);
if (Result < 0) {
InsertFront(Node, &(*TmpPtr));
TmpPtr = &(**TmpPtr).Next;
} /* end while */
*TmpPtr = Node;
} /*end else */
} /* AddToList */
// See if Name matches any name on ExtenList
BOOL AnyMatches(char **ExtenList, char *Name, int Length)
if (ExtenList == NULL)
return FALSE;
if ((*ExtenList == NULL) || (Length == 0))
return FALSE;
return (Match(*ExtenList, Name) ||
AnyMatches(ExtenList + 1, Name, Length - 1));
} /* AnyMatches */
// Allocate memory and fill in data of Node
void CreateNode(LinkedFileList *Node, struct find_t *Buff)
struct tm temptm;
temptm.tm_sec = ((*Buff).wr_time & 0x1f) * 2;
temptm.tm_min = ((*Buff).wr_time >> 5) & 0x0f;
temptm.tm_hour = ((*Buff).wr_time >> 9);
temptm.tm_mday = (*Buff).wr_date & 0x1f;
temptm.tm_mon = ((*Buff).wr_date >> 5) & 0x0f;
temptm.tm_year = ((*Buff).wr_date >> 9) + 80;
void CreateNode(LinkedFileList *Node, WIN32_FIND_DATA *Buff)
(*Node) = malloc(sizeof(struct NodeStruct));
if ((*Node) == NULL)
(**Node).Name = _strlwr(_strdup((*Buff).cFileName));
if ((**Node).Name == NULL)
strcpy((**Node).Flag, "");
(**Node).Attributes = (*Buff).dwFileAttributes;
if ((*Buff).dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
strcpy((**Node).Flag, "DIR");
(**Node).SizeHigh = 0;
(**Node).SizeLow = (*Buff).size;
(**Node).Time = mktime(&temptm);
(**Node).SizeHigh = (*Buff).nFileSizeHigh;
(**Node).SizeLow = (*Buff).nFileSizeLow;
(**Node).Time.dwLowDateTime = (*Buff).ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
(**Node).Time.dwHighDateTime = (*Buff).ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime;
(**Node).Next = NULL;
(**Node).DiffNode = NULL;
} /* CreateNode */
// Walk list and delete entry that matches Name using RemoveFront
LinkedFileList DeleteFromList(char *Name, LinkedFileList *List)
LinkedFileList Node = NULL;
LinkedFileList *FindNode = NULL;
FindNode = FindInList(Name, List);
Node = RemoveFront(FindNode);
if (Node != NULL) {
(*Node).Next = NULL;
return Node;
} /* DeleteFromList */
LinkedFileList *FindInList(char *Name, LinkedFileList *List)
int Result;
LinkedFileList *tmpptr = List;
while (*tmpptr != NULL) {
Result = strcmp((**tmpptr).Name, Name);
if (Result == 0)
return tmpptr;
if (Result > 0)
return NULL;
tmpptr = &(**tmpptr).Next;
return NULL;
} /* FindInList */
// Walk down list and free each entry
void FreeList(LinkedFileList *List)
LinkedFileList Node;
while ((*List) != NULL) {
Node = RemoveFront(List);
free (*List);
} /* FreeList */
void InsertFront(LinkedFileList Node, LinkedFileList *List)
// If List is empty have it point to Node
if ((Node != NULL) &&
(*List == NULL) )
*List = Node;
else if ((Node != NULL)&&
(*List != NULL) ) {
(*Node).Next = *List;
*List = Node;
} /* InsertFront */
// This function is is the same as strcat except
// that it does the memory allocation for the string
LPSTR MyStrCat(char *FirstString, char *SecondString)
char *String;
String = malloc(strlen(FirstString) + strlen(SecondString) + 1);
if (String == NULL)
strcpy(String, FirstString);
strcpy(&(String[strlen(FirstString)]), SecondString);
} /* MyStrCat */
BOOL Match (char *Pat, char* Text)
switch (*Pat) {
case '\0':
return *Text == '\0';
case '?':
return *Text != '\0' && Match (Pat + 1, Text + 1);
case '*':
do {
if (Match (Pat + 1, Text))
return TRUE;
} while (*Text++);
return FALSE;
return toupper (*Text) == toupper (*Pat) && Match (Pat + 1, Text + 1);
} /* Match */
void OutOfMem(void)
fprintf(stderr, "-out of memory-\n");
} /* OutOfMem */
LinkedFileList RemoveFront(LinkedFileList *List)
LinkedFileList Node = *List;
if (*List != NULL)
*List = (**List).Next;
(*Node).Next = NULL;
return Node;
} /* RemoveFront */