180 lines
4.5 KiB
180 lines
4.5 KiB
// xiosbase internal header (from <ios>)
#ifndef _XIOSBASE_
#define _XIOSBASE_
#include <use_ansi.h>
#include <xlocale>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
* Currently, all MS C compilers for Win32 platforms default to 8 byte
* alignment.
#pragma pack(push,8)
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
// CLASS ios_base
class ios_base {
// CLASS failure
class failure : public runtime_error {
explicit failure(const string &_S)
: runtime_error(_S) {}
virtual ~failure()
virtual void _Doraise() const
{_RAISE(*this); }
enum _Fmtflags {skipws = 0x0001, unitbuf = 0x0002,
uppercase = 0x0004, showbase = 0x0008,
showpoint = 0x0010, showpos = 0x0020,
left = 0x0040, right = 0x0080, internal = 0x0100,
dec = 0x0200, oct = 0x0400, hex = 0x0800,
scientific = 0x1000, fixed = 0x2000, boolalpha = 0x4000,
adjustfield = 0x01c0, basefield = 0x0e00,
floatfield = 0x3000, _Fmtmask = 0x7fff, _Fmtzero = 0};
enum _Iostate {goodbit = 0x0, eofbit = 0x1,
failbit = 0x2, badbit = 0x4, _Statmask = 0x7};
enum _Openmode {in = 0x01, out = 0x02, ate = 0x04,
app = 0x08, trunc = 0x10, binary = 0x20};
enum seekdir {beg = 0, cur = 1, end = 2};
enum event {erase_event, imbue_event, copyfmt_event};
typedef void (*event_callback)(event, ios_base&, int);
_BITMASK(_Fmtflags, fmtflags);
_BITMASK(_Iostate, iostate);
_BITMASK(_Openmode, openmode);
typedef short io_state, open_mode, seek_dir;
// class Init
class Init {
static int _Init_cnt;
ios_base& operator=(const ios_base& _R)
{if (this != &_R)
{_State = _R._State;
copyfmt(_R); }
return (*this); }
operator bool() const
{return (!fail()); }
bool operator!() const
{return (fail()); }
void clear(int = goodbit, bool = false);
void clear(io_state _St)
{clear((iostate)_St); }
iostate rdstate() const
{return (_State); }
void setstate(iostate _St, bool _Ex = false)
{if (_St != goodbit)
clear((iostate)((int)rdstate() | (int)_St), _Ex); }
void setstate(io_state _St)
{setstate((iostate)_St); }
bool good() const
{return (rdstate() == goodbit); }
bool eof() const
{return ((int)rdstate() & (int)eofbit); }
bool fail() const
{return ((int)rdstate() & ((int)badbit | (int)failbit)); }
bool bad() const
{return ((int)rdstate() & (int)badbit); }
iostate exceptions() const
{return (_Except); }
void exceptions(iostate _Ne)
{_Except = _Ne & _Statmask;
clear(_State); }
void exceptions(io_state _St)
{exceptions((iostate)_St); }
fmtflags flags() const
{return (_Fmtfl); }
fmtflags flags(fmtflags _Nf)
{fmtflags _Of = _Fmtfl;
_Fmtfl = _Nf & _Fmtmask;
return (_Of); }
fmtflags setf(fmtflags _Nf)
{ios_base::fmtflags _Of = _Fmtfl;
_Fmtfl |= _Nf & _Fmtmask;
return (_Of); }
fmtflags setf(fmtflags _Nf, fmtflags _M)
{ios_base::fmtflags _Of = _Fmtfl;
_Fmtfl = (_Fmtfl & ~_M) | (_Nf & _M & _Fmtmask);
return (_Of); }
void unsetf(fmtflags _M)
{_Fmtfl &= ~_M; }
streamsize precision() const
{return (_Prec); }
streamsize precision(int _Np)
{streamsize _Op = _Prec;
_Prec = _Np;
return (_Op); }
streamsize width() const
{return (_Wide); }
streamsize width(streamsize _Nw)
{streamsize _Ow = _Wide;
_Wide = _Nw;
return (_Ow); }
locale getloc() const
{return (_Loc); }
locale imbue(const locale&);
static int xalloc()
{return (_Index++); }
long& iword(int _Idx)
{return (_Findarr(_Idx)._Lo); }
void *& pword(int _Idx)
{return (_Findarr(_Idx)._Vp); }
void register_callback(event_callback, int);
ios_base& copyfmt(const ios_base&);
virtual ~ios_base();
: _Loc(_Noinit), _Stdstr(0) {}
void _Addstd();
void _Init();
// STRUCT _Iosarray
struct _Iosarray {
_Iosarray(int _Idx, _Iosarray *_Link)
: _Next(_Link), _Index(_Idx), _Lo(0), _Vp(0) {}
_Iosarray *_Next;
int _Index;
long _Lo;
void *_Vp;
// STRUCT _Fnarray
struct _Fnarray {
_Fnarray(int _Idx, event_callback _P, _Fnarray *_Link)
: _Next(_Link), _Index(_Idx), _Pfn(_P) {}
_Fnarray *_Next;
int _Index;
event_callback _Pfn;
void _Callfns(event);
_Iosarray& _Findarr(int);
void _Tidy();
iostate _State, _Except;
fmtflags _Fmtfl;
int _Prec, _Wide;
static int _Index;
_Iosarray *_Arr;
_Fnarray *_Calls;
locale _Loc;
size_t _Stdstr;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
#endif /* _XIOSBASE_ */
* Copyright (c) 1995 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.