2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

976 lines
42 KiB

This is a dynamic link library that runs under Windows 3.00. Duties of
this library include saving screen image to a file, retrieving screen
image from file & displaying it on screen, and comparing two screen
Routines in this module are responsible for comparing and displaying
screen images/information.
For the usage of this libray, please refer to the WattScr user's guide,
WattScrU.doc. For the technical information, please refer to the
WattScr maintenance's guide, WattScrT.doc.
Revision History:
[ 0] 20-Feb-1990 AngelaCh: Created program
[ 1] 03-Mar-1990 AngelaCh: added info for version number
and programming environment
to the header of screen file
[ 2] 12-Mar-1990 AngelaCh: added functions for retrieving
info on version number, total
number of screens in file, and
programming enviornment
[ 3] 13-Mar-1990 AngelaCh: changed the info returned by
function fFileInfo: it now
returns starting and ending
coordinates (bug #34)
[ 4] 13-Mar-1990 AngelaCh: added code to release memory
18-Apr-1990 that was allocated for the
compressed screen image
(bug #32)
procedure DiBToBM was moved
to Libmain.c
[ 5] 16-Mar-1990 AngelaCh: added another parameter to
indication the failure when
fail to open a screen file
[ 6] 20-Mar-1990 AngelaCh: add 300 to all return codes
[ 7] 20-Mar-1990 AngelaCh: add iFlag to fCompFiles to
indicate if the starting
coordinates are important
[ 8] 21-Mar-1990 AngelaCh: added 2 new parameters to
function fCompScreen to
determine if the starting
coordinates are important
[ 9] 21-Mar-1990 AngelaCh: added function fCompWindow
[10] 27-Mar-1990 AngelaCh: modified some routines so
that size and location of the
bitmap when displaying can be
decided by the user
[11] 10-Apr-1990 AngelaCh: eliminating checking for size
of bitmaps when comparing
images in files because bits
may not identical if picture
is not on even-byte boundary
(i.e. sizes of identical images
may be different (bug 59)
[12] 11-Apr-1990 AngelaCh: Changed error codes from num
const to symbolic constants
[13] 24-Apr-1990 AngelaCh: make local copy of the screen
region so that the original
values will not be modified
[14] 03-Jul-1990 AngelaCh: added support for Video 7
and 8515/a (bug #64)
[15] 03-Jul-1990 AngelaCh: change version number so that
each version number can have
up to 10 different version of
file format
[16] 18-Jul-1991 DavidSc: Added WattDrvr TRAP support
[17] 12-14-91 dougbo added Activate dokey versions
#include "windows.h"
#include <port1632.h>
#include "dump.h"
* PURPOSE: Display a device dependence bitmap on a specific window *
* RETURN: 0 will be returned if no unexpected error occurs *
* GLOBALS: None *
* CONDITIONS:hwnd is the valid handle of a window *
* width is the width of the original bitmap (non-zero) *
* height is the height of the bitmap (non-zero) *
* hbm is the valid handle to a bitmap *
* action is a valid action code describing how to display the *
* bitmap *
* rn defines a screen region on which the bitmap will be displayed*
INT PRIVATE DisplayBMP(hwnd, width, height, hbm, action, rn) /* [10] */
HWND hwnd ; /* handle of window for display */
INT width ; /* width of the bitmap */
INT height ; /* height of the bitmap */
HBITMAP hbm ; /* handle of a device-dep bitmap */
INT action ; /* how the bitmap is displayed */
REN FAR *rn ; /* screen area for displaying bitmap */
HDC hMemDC ;
INT i ;
/* display a device-dependent bitmap onto the appropriate window
according to the action given */
hDC = GetDC(hwnd) ; /* device context represents the */
hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC) ; /* output screen */
SelectObject(hMemDC, hbm) ;
switch (action)
case DisplaySrn: /* just copy it to the window */
i = StretchBlt(hDC, rn->col, rn->row, rn->width, rn->height,
hMemDC, 0, 0, width, height, SRCCOPY) ; /* [10] */
break ;
case DisplayDif: /* xor it to whatever on the window */
{ /* if pictures are the same, a black */
i = StretchBlt(hDC, rn->col, rn->row, rn->width, rn->height,
hMemDC, 0, 0, width, height, SRCINVERT) ;
if ( i ) /* region will be resulted; invert it */
i = StretchBlt(hDC, rn->col, rn->row, rn->width, rn->height,
hMemDC, 0, 0, width, height, DSTINVERT) ;
} /* so that nothing will be shown if */
break ; /* there is no difference in pictures */
ReleaseDC (hwnd, hDC) ; /* release memory related to the */
DeleteDC (hMemDC) ; /* bitmap before returning */
DeleteObject (hbm) ;
if ( !i )
return DispScreen ; /* [6] [12] */
return NoError ; /* [12] */
// Babakj: For Debugging only
void DisplayBMsforTest( HBITMAP hbm1, HBITMAP hbm2 ) {
HWND hWnd;
HDC hDC, hdcMem;
hWnd = FindWindow( NULL, "Ownee Top Level 0" );
MessageBox( GetDesktopWindow(), "My test", "Test, Attention!", MB_OK );
hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC );
SelectObject( hdcMem, hbm1 );
GetObject( hbm1, sizeof( BITMAP), (LPSTR)&bm );
BitBlt( hDC, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
DeleteDC( hdcMem);
ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
hWnd = FindWindow( NULL, "OWNER Top Level 0" );
hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC );
SelectObject( hdcMem, hbm2 );
GetObject( hbm2, sizeof( BITMAP), (LPSTR)&bm );
BitBlt( hDC, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
DeleteDC( hdcMem);
ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
* PURPOSE: Given handles to 2 device-dependent bitmaps, check if those *
* 2 bitmaps are repesenting the same picture by comparing the *
* actual bytes repesenting the bitmaps *
* RETURN: return 0 if bitmaps are indeed representing the same picture *
* GLOBALS: None *
* CONDITIONS:hbm1 and hbm2 are valid handles to 2 device-dep bitmaps *
INT PRIVATE fCompBMPs(hbm1, hbm2)
HBITMAP hbm1 ; /* Handle to the 1st Device-dep bitmap */
HBITMAP hbm2 ; /* Handle to the 2nd Device-dep bitmap */
GLOBALHANDLE hGMem1 ; /* handle to a global memory area */
GLOBALHANDLE hGMem2 ; /* handle to a global memory area */
LPSTR lp1 ; /* pointer to the global heap */
LPSTR lp2 ; /* pointer to the global heap */
LONG fb ;
WORD maskv ; /* mask value to ignore insignificant */
/* bits when doing comparsion */
WORD bbytes1 ; /* size of byte-array representing bitmap1 */
WORD bbytes2 ; /* size of byte-array representing bitmap1 */
INT i ;
/* obtain the bytes representing the 1st device-dependent bitmap */
if ( GetObject(hbm1, sizeof(bm), (LPSTR)&bm) == 0 )
DeleteObject(hbm1) ;
DeleteObject(hbm2) ;
return CreateDDB ; /* [6] [12] */
/* allocate memory for the decompressed screen */
fb = (LONG) bm.bmWidthBytes * bm.bmPlanes * bm.bmHeight ;
if ( !hGMem1 ) /* cannot allocate enough space */
DeleteObject(hbm1) ;
DeleteObject(hbm2) ;
return OutOMemory ; /* [6] [12] */
lp1 = (LPSTR) GlobalLock (hGMem1) ;
bbytes1 = (WORD) GetBitmapBits(hbm1, fb, lp1) ;/* get the bytes represent */
DeleteObject (hbm1) ; /* the first bitmap */
if ( bbytes1 == 0 )
DeleteObject(hbm2) ;
return CreateDDB ; /* [6] [12] */
/* obtain the bytes representing the 2nd device-dependent bitmap */
if ( GetObject(hbm2, sizeof(bm), (LPSTR)&bm) == 0 )
DeleteObject(hbm2) ;
return CreateDDB ; /* [6] [12] */
/* allocate memory for the decompressed screen */
fb = (LONG) bm.bmWidthBytes * bm.bmPlanes * bm.bmHeight ;
if ( !hGMem2 ) /* cannot allocate enough space */
DeleteObject(hbm2) ;
return OutOMemory ; /* [6] [12] */
lp2 = (LPSTR) GlobalLock (hGMem2) ;
bbytes2 = (WORD) GetBitmapBits(hbm2, fb, lp2) ; /* get the bytes represent */
DeleteObject (hbm2) ; /* the second bitmap */
if ( bbytes2 == 0 )
return CreateDDB ; /* [6] [12] */
if ( bbytes1 != bbytes2 ) /* size of the 2 byte-arrays are */
return ImageDiff ; /* different, no need to compare [6] [12] */
/* calculate the mask value for the screen region:
bits to be ignored i = bm.bmWidthBytes * 8 - bm.bmWidth * bm.bmBitsPixel
so maskv value = 0xffff - (2 to the power i - 1)
since maskv is passed as an unsiged integer; upper and lower bytes
needed to be exchanged */
maskv = 0xffff - (WORD)((1 << ((bm.bmWidthBytes << 3) - bm.bmWidth * bm.bmBitsPixel)) - 1) ; /* [14] */
maskv = (maskv >> 8) + (maskv << 8) ; /* exchanged upper and lower bytes */
/* comparing the actual bytes of the 2 bitmaps */
i = 0 ;
// lp1 is an LPSTR, while CompString expects LPWORD. So a potential problem.
if ( (i = CompStrings(lp1,lp2,(bbytes1>>1),(bm.bmWidthBytes>>1),maskv)) != 0)
i = ImageDiff ; /* bitmaps are different [6] [12] */
if ( GlobalUnlock(hGMem1) || GlobalUnlock(hGMem2) ) /* unsucessfully */
i = RelMemory ; /* releasing memory [6] [12] */
if ( GlobalFree(hGMem1) || GlobalFree(hGMem2) )
i = RelMemory ; /* [6] [12] */
return i ;
* PURPOSE: Read bitmap info (in DiB format) from file and determine what *
* action should be taken place with the information *
* RETURN: 0 will be returned if no unexpected error occurs *
* GLOBALS: None *
* CONDITIONS:fd1 and fd2 are valid file handles (for screen files) *
* pscr consists of the basic informmation about the 1st bitmap *
* pscr2 consists of the basic informmation about the 2nd bitmap *
* hwnd is the valid handle to a window *
* action is a valid action code *
* rn defines a screen region on which the bitmap will be displayed*
INT PRIVATE fReadScreen(fd1, fd2, pscr, pscr2, hwnd, action, rn) /* [10][11] */
FD fd1 ; /* handle to the screen file1 */
FD fd2 ; /* handle to the screen file2 */
SCR *pscr ; /* pointer to the screen table */
SCR FAR *pscr2 ; /* pointer to the screen table [11] */
HWND hwnd ; /* handle to the window where the */
/* picture will be displayed */
INT action ; /* how the picture to be displayed */
REN FAR *rn ; /* screen area for displaying bitmap */
HBITMAP hbm1 = NULL, hbm2 = NULL ; /* handles to bitmaps */
INT y ;
INT oHeight, nHeight ;
INT ornHeight ; /* [10] */
INT IsComp ;
INT i = 0, j = 0 ;
oHeight = pscr->ren.height ; /* get info of the DiBitmap from file */
ornHeight = rn->height ; /* [10] */
y = pscr->ren.row ;
if ( IsPalDev ) /* this is a palette device, need */
{ /* to obtain a logical palette which */
hPal = CreatePalFromDIB() ; /* represents the available colours */
/* [14] */
if ( !hPal ) /* logical color palette is not */
return CreatePal ; /* available */
do /* read in bitmap as different 64K */
{ /* sub-bitmaps if the original screen */
if (pscr->cb[i] != 0) /* region is saved as diff sub-bitmaps */
{ /* and convert it from device-indep */
nHeight = oHeight / (MaxCb-i) ; /* format to device-dependent */
rn->height = ornHeight / (MaxCb-i) ; /* [10] */
/* convert bitmap to device-dependent format and take action */
IsComp = (1 << (i % 16)) & pscr->cbComp[i>>4] ; /* [14] */
hbm1 = DiBToBM(fd1, pscr->ren.width, nHeight, pscr->cb[i], IsComp) ;
if ( !hbm1 ) /* error in creating DDB */
j = CreateDDB ; /* [6] [12] */
if ( action != CompFS && action != CompFF )/* not for comparison,
so display the screen contents */
j = DisplayBMP(hwnd, pscr->ren.width, nHeight, hbm1, action, rn) ;/* [10] */
if ( action == CompFS ) /* compare file with current screen */
hbm2 = GetBMap(pscr->ren.col, y, pscr->ren.width, nHeight) ;
else /* comp contents of 2 screen files */
IsComp = (1 << (i % 16)) & pscr2->cbComp[i>>4] ; /* [14] */
hbm2 = DiBToBM(fd2, pscr2->ren.width, nHeight, pscr2->cb[i], IsComp) ; /* [10] */
if ( !hbm2 ) /* error in getting the 2nd bitmap */
j = CreateDDB ; /* [6] [12] */
// BabakJ: for debug
// DisplayBMsforTest( hbm1, hbm2 );
j = fCompBMPs(hbm1, hbm2) ; /* compare image of 2 bitmaps */
oHeight -= nHeight ;
y += nHeight ;
ornHeight -= rn->height ; /* [10] */
rn->row += rn->height ;
i++ ;
} while ( i < MaxCb && j == 0 ) ;
if ( IsPalDev ) /* release resource before exit */
DeleteObject(hPal) ;
return j ;
* PURPOSE: This is called everytime a request to display a screen whose *
* contents were saved in a file is received *
* RETURN: 0 will be returned if screen can be displayed *
* GLOBALS: None *
* CONDITIONS:FileName is name of file in correct format (8.3) *
* hwnd is the valid handle to a window on which picture will be *
* displayed *
* rnIn defines screen region on which the bitmap will be displayed*
* nscr is valid (> 0) *
* pscale is valid ( > 0) *
INT FARPUBLIC fViewScreen(FileName, hwnd, rnIn, nscr, action, pscale) /* [10] */
LPSTR FileName ; /* name of the screen file */
HWND hwnd ; /* handle to window for displaying */
REN FAR *rnIn ; /* where to display the picture */
INT nscr ; /* identify which screen to view */
INT action ; /* the manner that the picture will */
/* be displayed */
INT pscale ; /* size of the picture in respect of */
{ /* the size of the actual bitmap */
FD fdScreen = fdNull ; /* handle to screen file */
REN rn ; /* [13] */
INT i = 0, j=0 ;
VM vmCurr;
// No trapping is done on hwnd; it is assumed to be correct in this case
if ( !hwnd ) /* if handle of window is not valid */
return ErrorTrap(InValWHand) ; /* can't display the picture [6] [12] */
if ( action != DisplaySrn && action != DisplayDif)
return ErrorTrap(InValidAct) ; /* unrecognizable action [6] [12] */
if ( pscale < 0 ) /* invalid scale [10] */
return ErrorTrap(InValScale) ; /* [12] */
GetCurrentVideoMode( &vmCurr );
/* prepare screen file for viewing */
if ( (i = ProcessSrnFile(FileName, &fdScreen, nscr, omRead)) != 0 )
return ErrorTrap(i) ;
rn = *rnIn ; /* [13] */
if ( (i = fGetScreenParams(&rn)) != 0 ) /* calculate the exact dimensions */
{ /* the display area [10] */
M_lclose(fdScreen) ;
return ErrorTrap(i) ;
/* current video mode is different from when the picture was saved */
if ( !VideoModesEqual( vmCurr, fssScreen.vmG ) )
M_lclose(fdScreen) ;
return ErrorTrap(InValSrnMd) ; /* [6] [12] */
/* if pscale = 0, size of output picture is determined by the screen
region given; otherwise, it is determined by the scaling factor
(pscale) [10] */
if ( pscale )
if ( pscale > FullSize ) /* scale up the bitmap [10] */
{ /* but the max size is full screen */
if ( (INT)((double)rgscr[nscr-1].ren.width*((double)pscale/(double)FullSize)) > i++ )
pscale = (INT)(((double)i*(double)FullSize)/(double)rgscr[nscr-1].ren.width) ;
if ( (INT)((double)rgscr[nscr-1].ren.height*((double)pscale/(double)FullSize)) > j++ )
pscale = (INT)(((double)j*(double)FullSize)/(double)rgscr[nscr-1].ren.height) ;
rn.width = (INT)((double)rgscr[nscr-1].ren.width*((double)pscale/(double)FullSize)) ;
rn.height = (INT)((double)rgscr[nscr-1].ren.height*((double)pscale/(double)FullSize)) ;
if ( rn.width < 1 ) /* calculate the width of the output */
rn.width = 1 ; /* picture; min size is 1 [10] */
if ( rn.height < 1 ) /* calculate the width of the output */
rn.height = 1 ; /* picture; min size is 1 [10] */
/* read screen contents from file and display the screen */
i = fReadScreen(fdScreen, fdScreen, &rgscr[nscr-1], &rgscr[nscr-1], hwnd, action, &rn) ; /* [10][11] */
M_lclose(fdScreen) ;
return ErrorTrap(i) ;
* PURPOSE: This is called everytime a request to compare the contents of a *
* screen file with the current screen is received *
* RETURN: 0 will be returned if no differece is detected *
* GLOBALS: None *
* CONDITIONS:FileName is name of file in correct format (8.3) *
* rnIn consists of the upper-left and lower-rigth coordinates of *
* screen region which will be compared with an image in file *
* nscr is valid (> 0) *
* hFlag is valid (0 no need to hide the calling app's window) *
* iFlag is valid (0 starting coordinates in file are not important*
* i.e. rn has the information of the coordinates) *
INT FARPUBLIC fCompScreenActivate(FileName, OpenKeys,CloseKeys,rnIn, nscr, hFlag, iFlag) /* [8] */
LPSTR FileName ; /* name of screen file */
LPSTR OpenKeys; /* keys to activate something */
LPSTR CloseKeys; /* keys to deactivate something */
REN FAR *rnIn ; /* coord of a screen region */
INT nscr ; /* screen identifier */
INT hFlag ; /* need to hide a window or not */
INT iFlag ; /* is starting coordinate important */
INT ret;
HWND hWndCallingApp ; /* window of the calling application */
if (hFlag && !(hWndCallingApp = HideApp()) ) /* application first */
return ErrorTrap(HideWin) ;
if (LoadTESTEVT())
return ErrorTrap(LibLoadErr);
if (OpenKeys)
/* do some yields to allow keys to get to app and some time for it
** to respond.
yield(); yield(); yield(); yield(); yield();
ret = fCompScreen(FileName,rnIn, nscr, FALSE, iFlag);
if (CloseKeys)
if ( hFlag ) /* if window has been hidded */
RestoreApp(hWndCallingApp) ; /* restore it */
return NoTrap(ret);
* PURPOSE: This is called everytime a request to compare the contents of a *
* screen file with the current screen is received *
* RETURN: 0 will be returned if no differece is detected *
* GLOBALS: None *
* CONDITIONS:FileName is name of file in correct format (8.3) *
* rnIn consists of the upper-left and lower-rigth coordinates of *
* screen region which will be compared with an image in file *
* nscr is valid (> 0) *
* hFlag is valid (0 no need to hide the calling app's window) *
* iFlag is valid (0 starting coordinates in file are not important*
* i.e. rn has the information of the coordinates) *
INT FARPUBLIC fCompScreen(FileName, rnIn, nscr, hFlag, iFlag) /* [8] */
LPSTR FileName ; /* name of screen file */
REN FAR *rnIn ; /* coord of a screen region */
INT nscr ; /* screen identifier */
INT hFlag ; /* need to hide a window or not */
INT iFlag ; /* is starting coordinate important */
FD fdScreen = fdNull ; /* handle to screen file */
HWND hWndCallingApp ; /* handle of the calling app's window */
REN rn ; /* [13] */
INT i;
VM vmCurr ;
/* prepare screen file for comparsion */
if ( (i = ProcessSrnFile(FileName, &fdScreen, nscr, omRead)) != 0 )
return ErrorTrap(i) ;
GetCurrentVideoMode( &vmCurr );
/* current video mode is different from when the picture was saved */
if ( !VideoModesEqual( vmCurr, fssScreen.vmG ) )
M_lclose(fdScreen) ;
return ErrorTrap(InValSrnMd) ; /* [6] [12] */
/* read screen contents from file and compare it with the current screen */
rn = *rnIn ; /* [13] */
if ( !iFlag ) /* starting coordinate is not important */
{ /* [8] */
if (rn.col < 0 || rn.col >= (INT) vmCurr.XresMAX) /* x-coord out of bound [13] */
rn.col = 0 ; /* set it to 0 */
if (rn.row < 0 || rn.row >= (INT) vmCurr.YresMAX) /* y-coord out of bound */
rn.row = 0 ; /* set it to 0 */
rgscr[nscr-1].ren.col = rn.col ; /* these are the actual xy-coord */
rgscr[nscr-1].ren.row = rn.row ; /* for the screen region */
if ( hFlag ) /* need to hide the calling app's */
if ( !(hWndCallingApp = HideApp ()) ) /* window before taking picture */
return ErrorTrap(HideWin) ; /* on the current screen [6] [12] */
i = fReadScreen(fdScreen, fdScreen, &rgscr[nscr-1], &rgscr[nscr-1], NULL, CompFS, &rn) ; /* [10][11] */
if ( hFlag ) /* restore window of the calling */
RestoreApp(hWndCallingApp) ; /* app if it is hidden */
M_lclose(fdScreen) ;
return ErrorTrap(i) ;
/* [17] */
INT FARPUBLIC fCompWindowActivate(FileName,OpenKeys,CloseKeys, nscr, hFlag, iFlag)
LPSTR FileName ; /* name of screen file */
LPSTR OpenKeys; /* keys to activate something */
LPSTR CloseKeys; /* keys to deactivate something */
INT nscr ; /* screen identifier */
INT hFlag ; /* need to hide a window or not */
INT iFlag ; /* is starting coordinate important */
INT ret;
HWND hWndCallingApp ; /* window of the calling application */
if ( hFlag && !(hWndCallingApp = HideApp()) ) /* application first */
return ErrorTrap(HideWin) ;
if (LoadTESTEVT())
return ErrorTrap(LibLoadErr);
if (OpenKeys)
/* do some yields to allow keys to get to app and some time for it
** to respond.
yield(); yield(); yield(); yield(); yield();
ret = fCompWindow(FileName,NULL, nscr, FALSE, iFlag);
if (CloseKeys)
if ( hFlag ) /* if window has been hidded */
RestoreApp(hWndCallingApp) ; /* restore it */
return NoTrap(ret);
* PURPOSE: This is called everytime a request to compare the contents of a *
* screen file with a particular window *
* RETURN: 0 will be returned if no differece is detected *
* GLOBALS: None *
* CONDITIONS:FileName is name of file in correct format (8.3) *
* hWnd is a valid handle (Null is handle of the current active *
* window) *
* nscr is valid (> 0) *
* hFlag is valid (0 no need to hide the calling app's window *
* iFlag is valid (0 starting coordinates in file are not important*
* i.e. need to get the coordinates of the current active *
* window) *
INT FARPUBLIC fCompWindow(FileName, hWnd, nscr, hFlag, iFlag) /* [9] */
LPSTR FileName ; /* name of screen file */
HWND hWnd ; /* handle of a particular window */
INT nscr ; /* screen identifier */
INT hFlag ; /* need to hide a window or not */
INT iFlag ; /* is starting coordinate important */
REN rn ;
HWND hWndCallingApp = NULL ; /* handle of the calling app's window */
INT i ;
if ( !iFlag ) /* if starting coord is not important */
if( FWinTrapCheckAndTrap( hWnd ) )
return ErrorTrap(InValWHand) ;
if ( (i = fGetWndDim(hWnd, &hWndCallingApp, &hFlag, (REN FAR *)&rn)) != 0 )
return ErrorTrap(i) ; /* get dimenions of the active window */
i = fCompScreen(FileName, (REN FAR *)&rn, nscr, hFlag, iFlag) ;
/* take picture of the screen region */
if ( hWndCallingApp ) /* need to restore the calling app's */
RestoreApp(hWndCallingApp) ; /* window if it has been hidden */
return NoTrap(i) ; // EventError already called in fCompScreen
* PURPOSE: This is called everytime the program wants to compare the *
* contents of two screen files *
* RETURN: 0 will be returned if no differece is detected *
* GLOBALS: None *
* CONDITIONS:FileName1 is name of file in correct format (8.3) *
* FileName2 is name of file in correct format (8.3) *
* nscr1 and nscr2 are valid (> 0) *
* iFlag is valid (0 starting coordinates in file are not important*
* i.e. need to get the coordinates of the current active *
* window) *
INT FARPUBLIC fCompFiles(FileName1, nscr1, FileName2, nscr2, iFlag)
LPSTR FileName1 ; /* name of screen file 1 */
INT nscr1 ; /* screen identifier of file 1*/
LPSTR FileName2 ; /* name of screen file 2 */
INT nscr2 ; /* screen identifier of file 2*/
INT iFlag ; /* [7] */
FD fd1 = fdNull, fd2 = fdNull; /* handle to the screen files */
VMD vd ;
SCR scr ;
INT i ;
INT j ;
VM vm1, vmCurr ;
/* prepare the 1st screen file */
if ( (i = ProcessSrnFile(FileName1, &fd1, nscr1, omRead)) != 0)
return ErrorTrap(i) ;
vm1 = fssScreen.vmG ;
GetCurrentVideoMode( &vmCurr );
/* current video mode is different from when the picture was saved */
if ( !VideoModesEqual( vmCurr, vm1 ) )
M_lclose(fd1) ;
M_lclose(fd2) ;
return ErrorTrap(InValSrnMd) ; /* [6] [12] */
scr = rgscr[nscr1-1] ;
vd = fssScreen.vmd ;
/* prepare the 2nd screen file */
if ( (i = ProcessSrnFile(FileName2, &fd2, nscr2, omRead)) != 0)
M_lclose(fd1) ;
return ErrorTrap(i) ;
/* current video mode is different from when the picture was saved */
if ( !VideoModesEqual( vmCurr, fssScreen.vmG ) )
M_lclose(fd1) ;
M_lclose(fd2) ;
return ErrorTrap(InValSrnMd) ; /* [6] [12] */
/* fssScreen and *pscr contain the information of the 2nd screen file */
if (!VideoModesEqual(fssScreen.vmG, vm1)) /* check the video modes under */
i = InValSrnMd ; /* which pictures were taken [12] */
i = j = 0 ;
/* check the dimensions of the pictures only if the starting coordinates
are important */
if ( i == 0 && iFlag ) /* [7] */
if ( scr.ren.col != rgscr[nscr2-1].ren.col || scr.ren.row != rgscr[nscr2-1].ren.row )
i = SrnSizeDif ; /* [6] [12] */
if ( i == 0 )
if ( scr.ren.width != rgscr[nscr2-1].ren.width || scr.ren.height != rgscr[nscr2-1].ren.height )
i = SrnSizeDif ; /* [6] [12] */
/* information in both file is the same so FAR; extract bitmap information
from files and compare them: action = CompFF */
if ( i == 0 )
i = fReadScreen(fd2, fd1, &rgscr[nscr2-1], (SCR FAR *)&scr, NULL, CompFF, (REN FAR *)&scr.ren) ; /* [10][11] */
M_lclose(fd1) ;
M_lclose(fd2) ;
return ErrorTrap(i) ;
* PURPOSE: Return the information of a specific screen in file. *
* RETURN: 0 will be returned if information is retrieved successfully *
* rn holds the info on screen region *
* vd returns the info on current screen mode *
* n returns the total number of screens in file *
* GLOBALS: fssScreen, rgscrn *
* CONDITIONS:FileName is a valid name in 8.3 format *
* n is a valid screen id *
INT FARPUBLIC fFileInfo(FileName, rn, vd, n)
LPSTR FileName ; /* name of screen file */
REN FAR *rn ; /* info on screen region */
INT FAR *vd ; /* info on current video mode */
INT FAR *n ; /* current screen identifier */
FD fd = fdNull ;
INT nscr ;
INT i ;
nscr = *n ; /* read file header and screen table */
if ( (i = ProcessSrnFile(FileName, &fd, nscr, omRead)) != 0 )
return ErrorTrap(i) ;
*rn = rgscr[nscr-1].ren ; /* return infomation */
rn->width += rn->col - 1; /* convert width to ending x-coord [3] */
rn->height += rn->row - 1; /* convert width to ending y-coord [3] */
*vd = (INT)fssScreen.vmd ;
*n = fssScreen.cscr ;
M_lclose (fd) ;
return ErrorTrap(NoError) ; /* [12] */
* PURPOSE: This is called everytime a request to find out the version no *
* of the WattScr (also the version number for the screen file) *
* RETURN: the version number if file is valid; otherwise 0 *
* GLOBALS: fssScreen *
* CONDITIONS:FileName is name of file in correct format (8.3) *
INT FARPUBLIC fGetDLLVersion(FileName) /* [1] [2] */
LPSTR FileName ; /* name of screen file */
FD fd = fdNull ;
INT i ; /* [5] */
if ( (fd = fReadHeader(FileName, omRead, FALSE, &i)) == fdNull ) /*[5]*/
return ErrorTrap(i) ; /* file is not valid [5] */
M_lclose(fd) ;
return NoTrap(((INT)(fssScreen.fst.Ver/10)+1)) ; /* return the version no [15] */
* PURPOSE: This is called everytime a request to find out the total number *
* of the screen images in the screen file *
* RETURN: the number of screen images if file is valid; otherwise, 0 *
* GLOBALS: fssScreen *
* CONDITIONS:FileName is name of file in correct format (8.3) *
INT FARPUBLIC fGetMaxScreen(FileName) /* [1] [2] */
LPSTR FileName ; /* name of screen file */
FD fd = fdNull ;
INT i ; /* [5] */
if ( (fd = fReadHeader(FileName, omRead, FALSE, &i)) == fdNull ) /*[5]*/
return ErrorTrap(i) ; /* file is not valid [5] */
M_lclose(fd) ;
return NoTrap(fssScreen.cscr) ; /* otherwise, return the version no */
* PURPOSE: This is called everytime a request to find out the programming *
* enviornment under which the screen file is created *
* RETURN: the programming environment if file is valid; otherwiase, 0 *
* GLOBALS: fssScreen *
* CONDITIONS:FileName is name of file in correct format (8.3) *
INT FARPUBLIC fGetOS(FileName) /* [1] [2] */
LPSTR FileName ; /* name of screen file */
FD fd = fdNull ;
INT i ; /* [5] */
if ( (fd = fReadHeader(FileName, omRead, FALSE, &i)) == fdNull ) /*[5]*/
return ErrorTrap(i) ; /* file is valid [5] */
M_lclose(fd) ;
return NoTrap(fssScreen.fst.Env) ; /* otherwise, return the progamming */
/* environment */
* PURPOSE: This is called to get the screen attributes used for a given *
* screen file *
* This function should only be used for the new file format *
* RETURN: 0 if everything went okay, otherwise an error *
* GLOBALS: fssScreen *
* CONDITIONS:FileName is name of file in correct format (8.3) *
INT FARPUBLIC fGetScreenAttr(FileName, x, y, p )
LPSTR FileName ; /* name of screen file */
FD fd = fdNull ;
INT i ;
if ( (fd = fReadHeader(FileName, omRead, FALSE, &i)) == fdNull )
return ErrorTrap(i) ;
*x = fssScreen.vmG.XresMAX;
*y = fssScreen.vmG.YresMAX;
*p = fssScreen.vmG.PaletteSizeMAX;
M_lclose(fd) ;
if (fssScreen.fst.Ver != VerCur )
return ErrorTrap(OFileForm) ;
return ErrorTrap(NoError) ; /* otherwise, return */
; Purpose:
; Compare 2 strings of words; only compare the significant
; bits within stings
; Entry:
; source and dest point to 2 different strings of words
; tw is the total number of words to be compared
; nMatch is the interval of the non-match bits
; maskv is the mask value used to mask out the non-significant
; bits
; Exit:
; ax = 0 if strings equal; otherwise, ax = -1
; BabakJ: 5-20-92 Brought from Winplay port
INT PRIVATE CompStrings (LPWORD lp1, LPWORD lp2, INT iLen,
INT iMatch, WORD wMask)
LPWORD lpt1, lpt2;
register INT i;
INT iLeft = iLen;
lpt1 = lp1;
lpt2 = lp2;
i = iMatch - 1;
if (i != 0)
if (i > iLeft)
i = iLeft;
if (*lpt1++ != *lpt2++)
return (-1);
while (i!=0);
if ((iLeft <= iMatch) || (iLeft == 0))
return 0; /* success */
iLeft -= iMatch;
if ((*lpt1 ^ *lpt2) & wMask)
return (-1); /* Match failed */
while (TRUE);
return 0;