2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

1091 lines
36 KiB

//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <xxsetjmp.h>
#include "ntsdp.h"
#include "86asm.h"
void X86assem(PADDR, PUCHAR);
UCHAR CheckData(void);
PUCHAR ProcessOpcode(void);
UCHAR MatchTemplate(PULONG);
void CheckTemplate(void);
UCHAR CheckPrefix(PUCHAR);
void AssembleInstr(void);
void OutputInstr(void);
void OutputValue(UCHAR size, PUCHAR pchValue);
extern void error(ULONG);
extern UCHAR PeekAsmChar(void);
extern ULONG PeekAsmToken(PULONG);
extern void AcceptAsmToken(void);
extern void GetAsmExpr(PASM_VALUE, UCHAR);
extern void GetAsmOperand(PASM_VALUE);
extern PUCHAR X86SearchOpcode(PUCHAR);
extern ULONG savedAsmClass;
extern OPNDTYPE mapOpndType[];
// flags and values to build the assembled instruction
static UCHAR fWaitPrfx; // if set, use WAIT prefix for float instr
static UCHAR fOpndOvrd; // if set, use operand override prefix
static UCHAR fAddrOvrd; // if set, use address override prefix
static UCHAR segOvrd; // if nonzero, use segment override prefix
static UCHAR preOpcode; // if nonzero, use byte before opcode
static UCHAR inOpcode; // opcode of instruction
static UCHAR postOpcode; // if nonzero, use byte after opcode
static UCHAR fModrm; // if set, modrm byte is defined
static UCHAR modModrm; // if fModrm, mod component of modrm
static UCHAR regModrm; // if fModrm, reg component of modrm
static UCHAR rmModrm; // if fModrm, rm component of modrm
static UCHAR fSib; // if set, sib byte is defined
static UCHAR scaleSib; // if fSib, scale component of sib
static UCHAR indexSib; // if fSib, index component of sib
static UCHAR baseSib; // if fSib, base component of sib
static UCHAR fSegPtr; // if set, segment for far call defined
static USHORT segPtr; // if fSegPtr, value of far call segment
static UCHAR addrSize; // size of address: 0, 1, 2, 4
static LONG addrValue; // value of address, if used
static UCHAR immedSize; // size of immediate: 0, 1, 2, 4
static LONG immedValue; // value of immediate, if used
static UCHAR immedSize2; // size of second immediate, if used
static LONG immedValue2; // value of second immediate, if used
static ULONG addrAssem; // assembly address (formal)
static PUCHAR pchBin; // pointer to binary result string
// flags and values of the current instruction template being used
static UCHAR cntTmplOpnd; // count of operands in template
static UCHAR tmplType[3]; // operand types for current template
static UCHAR tmplSize[3]; // operand sizes for current template
static UCHAR fForceSize; // set if operand size must be specified
static UCHAR fAddToOp; // set if addition to opcode
static UCHAR fNextOpnd; // set if character exists for next operand
static UCHAR fSegOnly; // set if only segment is used for operand
static UCHAR fMpNext; // set on 'Mv' tmpl if next tmpl is 'Mp'
static UCHAR segIndex; // index of segment for PUSH/POP
// values describing the operands processed from the command line
static UCHAR cntInstOpnd; // count of operands read from input line
static UCHAR sizeOpnd; // size of operand for template with size v
static ASM_VALUE avInstOpnd[3]; // asm values from input line
PUCHAR pchAsmLine; // pointer to input line (formal)
UCHAR fDBit = TRUE; // set for 32-bit addr/operand mode
UCHAR segToOvrdByte[] = {
0x00, // segX
0x26, // segES
0x2e, // segCS
0x36, // segSS
0x3e, // segDS
0x64, // segFS
0x65 // segGS
void X86assem(PADDR paddr, PUCHAR pchInput)
ULONG length;
UCHAR chBinary[60];
length = (ULONG)asm386(Flat(*paddr), pchInput, chBinary);
if (length) {
//printf("setting memory at addr: %08lx - count: %d\n", Flat(paddr), length);
if (length != SetMemString(paddr, chBinary, length))
UCHAR asm386 (ULONG addrAssemble, PUCHAR pchAssemble, PUCHAR pchBinary)
PUCHAR pchTemplate;
UCHAR index; // loop index and temp
ULONG temp; // general temporary value
UCHAR errIndex; // error index of all templates
ULONG errType; // error type of all templates
// initialize flags and state variables
addrAssem = addrAssemble; // make assembly address global
pchAsmLine = pchAssemble; // make input string pointer global
pchBin = pchBinary; // make binary string pointer global
savedAsmClass = (ULONG)-1; // no peeked token
segOvrd = 0; // no segment override
cntInstOpnd = 0; // no input operands read yet
fModrm = fSib = fSegPtr = FALSE; // no modrm, sib, or far seg
addrSize = immedSize = immedSize2 = 0; // no addr or immed
// check for data entry commands for byte (db), word (dw), dword (dd)
// if so, process multiple operands directly
if (!CheckData()) {
// from the string in pchAsmLine, parse and lookup the opcode
// to return a pointer to its template. check and process
// any prefixes, reading the next opcode for each prefix
pchTemplate = ProcessOpcode();
while (CheckPrefix(pchTemplate));
// if a pending opcode to process, pchTemplate is not NULL
if (pchTemplate) {
// fNextOpnd is initially set on the condition of characters
// being available for the first operand on the input line
fNextOpnd = (UCHAR)(PeekAsmToken(&temp) != ASM_EOL_CLASS);
// continue until match occurs or last template read
errIndex = 0; // start with no error
do {
// get infomation on next template - return pointer to
// next template or NULL if last in list
pchTemplate = GetTemplate(pchTemplate);
// match the loaded template against the operands input
// if mismatch, index has the operand index + 1 of
// the error while temp has the error type.
index = MatchTemplate(&temp);
// determine the error to report as templates are matched
// update errIndex to index if later operand
// if same operand index, prioritize to give best error:
// medium: OPERAND
if (index > errIndex
|| (index == errIndex &&
(errType == TOOFEW || errType == TOOMANY
|| temp == SIZE || temp == BADRANGE
|| temp == OVERFLOW))) {
errIndex = index;
errType = temp;
while (index && pchTemplate);
// if error occured on template match, process it
if (index)
// preliminary type and size matching has been
// successful on the current template.
// perform further checks for size ambiguity.
// at this point, the assembly is committed to the current
// template. either an error or a successful assembly
// follows.
// from the template and operand information, set the field
// information of the assembled instruction
// from the assembled instruction information, create the
// corresponding binary information
// return the size of the binary string output (can be zero)
return (UCHAR)(pchBin - pchBinary); // length of binary string
UCHAR CheckData (void)
PUCHAR pchBinStart = pchBin;
UCHAR size = 0;
ULONG temp;
// perform an explicit parse for 'db', 'dw', and 'dd'
// and set size to that of the data item
ch = PeekAsmChar();
if (tolower(ch) == 'd') {
ch = (UCHAR)tolower(*(pchAsmLine + 1));
if (ch == 'b')
size = 1;
if (ch == 'w')
size = 2;
if (ch == 'd')
size = 4;
if (size) {
ch = *(pchAsmLine + 2);
if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\0')
size = 0;
// if a valid command entered, then size is nonzero
if (size) {
// move pointer over command and set loop condition
pchAsmLine += 2;
// for each item in list:
// check for binary buffer overflow
// get expression value - error if not immediate value
// test for byte and word overflow, if applicable
// write the value to the binary buffer
// check for comma for next operand
while (temp == ASM_COMMA_CLASS) {
if (pchBin >= pchBinStart + 40)
GetAsmExpr(&avItem, FALSE);
if (avItem.flags != fIMM)
if (avItem.reloc > 1)
if ((size == 1 && ((LONG)avItem.value < -0x80L
|| (LONG)avItem.value > 0xffL))
|| (size == 2 && ((LONG)avItem.value < -0x8000L
|| (LONG)avItem.value > 0xffffL)))
OutputValue(size, (PUCHAR)&avItem.value);
temp = PeekAsmToken(&temp);
if (temp == ASM_COMMA_CLASS)
else if (temp != ASM_EOL_CLASS)
// check for any remaining part after the last operand
if (PeekAsmChar() != '\0')
// return size of item listed (zero for none)
return size;
PUCHAR ProcessOpcode (void)
UCHAR cbOpcode = 0;
PUCHAR pchTemplate;
UCHAR szOpcode[12];
// skip over any leading white space
ch = *pchAsmLine++;
while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t');
// return NULL if end of line
if (ch == '\0')
return NULL;
// parse out opcode - first string [a-z] [0-9] (case insensitive)
ch = (UCHAR)tolower(ch);
while (((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) &&
cbOpcode < 11) {
szOpcode[cbOpcode++] = ch;
ch = (UCHAR)tolower(*pchAsmLine); pchAsmLine++;
// if empty or too long, then error
if (cbOpcode == 0 || cbOpcode == 11)
// allow opcode to have trailing colon and terminate
if (ch == ':') {
szOpcode[cbOpcode++] = ch;
ch = (UCHAR)tolower(*pchAsmLine); pchAsmLine++;
szOpcode[cbOpcode] = '\0';
// get pointer to template series for opcode found
pchTemplate = X86SearchOpcode(szOpcode);
if (pchTemplate == NULL)
return pchTemplate;
PUCHAR GetTemplate (PUCHAR pchTemplate)
UCHAR ftEnd; // set if tEnd for last template in list
UCHAR feEnd; // set if eEnd for last token in template
// initialize template variables and flags
cntTmplOpnd = segIndex = 0;
tmplType[0] = tmplType[1] = tmplType[2] = typNULL;
tmplSize[0] = tmplSize[1] = tmplSize[2] = sizeX;
fForceSize = fAddToOp = fSegOnly = fMpNext = FALSE;
fWaitPrfx = FALSE; // no WAIT prefix
fOpndOvrd = fAddrOvrd = FALSE; // no operand or addr overrides
preOpcode = postOpcode = 0; // no pre- or post-opcode
regModrm = 0; // this is part of some opcodes
ch = *pchTemplate++;
// set pre-opcode for two-byte opcodes (0x0f??) and advance
// template if needed
if (ch == 0x0f) {
preOpcode = ch;
ch = *pchTemplate++;
inOpcode = ch; // set opcode
// set post-opcode and advance template for floating-point
// instructions (0xd8 - 0xdf) using a second byte in
// the range 0xc0 - 0xff that is read from the template
if ((ch & ~0x7) == 0xd8) {
ch = *pchTemplate;
if (ch >= 0xc0) {
postOpcode = ch;
// loop for each flag and/or operand token in template
// the last token in the list has the eEnd bit set.
do {
// read the next template token
ch = *pchTemplate++;
// extract the tEnd and eEnd bits from the token
ftEnd = (UCHAR)(ch & tEnd);
feEnd = (UCHAR)(ch & eEnd);
ch &= ~(tEnd | eEnd);
// if extracted token is a flag, do the appropriate action
if (ch < asRegBase)
switch (ch) {
case as0x0a:
// the postOpcode is set for some decimal instructions
postOpcode = 0x0a;
case asOpRg:
// fAddToOp is set if the register index is added
// directly to the base opcode value
fAddToOp = TRUE;
case asSiz0:
// fOpndOvrd is set or cleared to force a 16-bit operand
fOpndOvrd = fDBit;
case asSiz1:
// fOpndOvrd is set or cleared to force a 32-bit operand
fOpndOvrd = (UCHAR)!fDBit;
case asWait:
// the flag fWaitPrfx is set to emit WAIT before the
// instruction
fWaitPrfx = TRUE;
case asSeg:
// in XLAT, the optional memory operand is used to
// just specify a segment override prefix
fSegOnly = TRUE;
case asFSiz:
// fForceSize is set when a specific size of a memory
// operand must be given for some floating instrs
fForceSize = TRUE;
case asMpNx:
// fMpNext is set when the next template operand is
// 'Mp' and is used to determine how to match
// 'Md' since it matches both 'Mp' and 'Mv'
fMpNext = TRUE;
// if token is REG value bit, set the variable regModrm to
// set the opcode-dependent reg value in the modrm byte
else if (ch < opnBase)
regModrm = (UCHAR)(ch - asRegBase);
// otherwise, token is operand descriptor.
// if segment operand, get segment number from template
// normalize and map to get operand type and size.
else {
if (ch == opnSeg)
segIndex = *pchTemplate++;
ch -= opnBase;
tmplType[cntTmplOpnd] = mapOpndType[ch].type;
tmplSize[cntTmplOpnd++] = mapOpndType[ch].size;
while (!ftEnd);
// return either the pointer to the next template or NULL if
// the last template for the opcode has been processed
return (feEnd ? NULL : pchTemplate);
UCHAR MatchTemplate (PULONG pErrType)
UCHAR fMatch = TRUE;
UCHAR index;
ULONG temp;
PASM_VALUE pavInstOpnd; // pointer to current operand from input
// process matching for each operand in the specified template
// stop at last operand or when mismatch occurs
for (index = 0; index < cntTmplOpnd && fMatch; index++) {
// set pointer to current instruction operand
pavInstOpnd = &avInstOpnd[index];
// if input operand has not yet been read, check flag
// for existence and process it.
if (index == cntInstOpnd) {
fMatch = fNextOpnd;
*pErrType = TOOFEW;
if (fMatch) {
// recompute existence of next possible operand
// comma implies TRUE, EOL implies FALSE, else error
temp = PeekAsmToken(&temp);
if (temp == ASM_COMMA_CLASS) {
fNextOpnd = TRUE;
else if (temp == ASM_EOL_CLASS)
fNextOpnd = FALSE;
error(EXTRACHARS); // bad parse - immediate error
if (fMatch) {
fMatch = MatchOperand(pavInstOpnd, tmplType[index]);
*pErrType = OPERAND;
// if the template and operand type match, do preliminary
// check on size based solely on template size specified
if (fMatch) {
if (tmplType[index] == typJmp) {
// for relative jumps, test if byte offset is
// sufficient by computing offset which is
// the target offset less the offset of the
// next instruction. (assume Jb instructions
// are two bytes in length.
temp = pavInstOpnd->value - (addrAssem + 2);
fMatch = (UCHAR)(tmplSize[index] == sizeV
|| ((LONG)temp >= -0x80 && (LONG)temp <= 0x7f));
*pErrType = BADRANGE;
else if (tmplType[index] == typImm) {
// for immediate operand,
// template sizeV matches sizeB, sizeW, sizeV (all)
// template sizeW matches sizeB, sizeW
// template sizeB matches sizeB
fMatch = (UCHAR)(tmplSize[index] == sizeV
|| pavInstOpnd->size == tmplSize[index]
|| pavInstOpnd->size == sizeB);
*pErrType = OVERFLOW;
else {
// for nonimmediate operand,
// template sizeX (unspecified) matches all
// operand sizeX (unspecified) matches all
// same template and operand size matches
// template sizeV matches operand sizeW and sizeD
// (EXCEPT for sizeD when fMpNext and fDBit set)
// template sizeP matches operand sizeD and sizeF
// template sizeA matches operand sizeD and sizeQ
fMatch = (UCHAR)(tmplSize[index] == sizeX
|| pavInstOpnd->size == sizeX
|| tmplSize[index] == pavInstOpnd->size
|| (tmplSize[index] == sizeV
&& (pavInstOpnd->size == sizeW
|| (pavInstOpnd->size == sizeD
&& (!fMpNext || fDBit))))
|| (tmplSize[index] == sizeP
&& (pavInstOpnd->size == sizeD
|| pavInstOpnd->size == sizeF))
|| (tmplSize[index] == sizeA
&& (pavInstOpnd->size == sizeD
|| pavInstOpnd->size == sizeQ)));
*pErrType = SIZE;
// if more operands to read, then no match
if (fMatch & fNextOpnd) {
fMatch = FALSE;
index++; // next operand is in error
*pErrType = TOOMANY;
return fMatch ? (UCHAR)0 : index;
void CheckTemplate (void)
UCHAR index;
// if fForceSize is set, then the first (and only) operand is a
// memory type. return an error if its size is unspecified.
if (fForceSize && avInstOpnd[0].size == sizeX)
// test for template with leading entries of 'Xb', where
// 'X' includes all types except immediate ('I'). if any
// are defined, at least one operand must have a byte size.
// this handles the cases of byte or word/dword ambiguity for
// instructions with no register operands.
sizeOpnd = sizeX;
for (index = 0; index < 2; index++)
if (tmplType[index] != typImm && tmplSize[index] == sizeB) {
if (avInstOpnd[index].size != sizeX)
sizeOpnd = avInstOpnd[index].size;
if (index != 0 && sizeOpnd == sizeX)
// for templates with one entry of 'Xp', where 'X' is
// not 'A', allowable sizes are sizeX (unspecified),
// sizeD (dword), and sizeF (fword). process by
// mapping entry sizes 'p' -> 'v', sizeD -> sizeW,
// and sizeF -> sizeD
// (template 'Ap' is absolute with explicit segment and
// 'v'-sized offset - really treated as 'Av')
if (tmplSize[0] == sizeP) {
tmplSize[0] = sizeV;
if (avInstOpnd[0].size == sizeD)
avInstOpnd[0].size = sizeW;
if (avInstOpnd[0].size == sizeF)
avInstOpnd[0].size = sizeD;
// for templates with the second entry of 'Ma', the
// allowable sizes are sizeX (unspecified),
// sizeD (dword), and sizeQ (qword). process by
// mapping entry sizes 'a' -> 'v', sizeD -> sizeW,
// and sizeQ -> sizeD
// (template entry 'Ma' is used only with the BOUND instruction)
if (tmplSize[1] == sizeA) {
tmplSize[1] = sizeV;
if (avInstOpnd[1].size == sizeD)
avInstOpnd[1].size = sizeW;
if (avInstOpnd[1].size == sizeQ)
avInstOpnd[1].size = sizeD;
// test for template with leading entries of 'Xv' optionally
// followed by one 'Iv' entry. if two 'Xv' entries, set
// size error if one is word and the other is dword. if
// 'Iv' entry, test for overflow.
sizeOpnd = sizeX;
for (index = 0; index < 3; index++)
if (tmplSize[index] == sizeV)
if (tmplType[index] != typImm) {
// template entry is 'Xv', set size and check size
if (avInstOpnd[index].size != sizeX) {
if (sizeOpnd != sizeX && sizeOpnd
!= avInstOpnd[index].size)
sizeOpnd = avInstOpnd[index].size;
else {
// template entry is 'Iv', set sizeOpnd to either
// sizeW or sizeD and check for overflow
if (sizeOpnd == sizeX)
sizeOpnd = (UCHAR)(fDBit ? sizeD : sizeW);
if (sizeOpnd == sizeW && avInstOpnd[index].size == sizeD)
UCHAR CheckPrefix (PUCHAR pchTemplate)
UCHAR fPrefix;
fPrefix = (UCHAR)(pchTemplate && *pchTemplate != 0x0f
&& (*pchTemplate & ~7) != 0xd8
&& *(pchTemplate + 1) == (asPrfx + tEnd + eEnd));
if (fPrefix)
*pchBin++ = *pchTemplate;
return fPrefix;
void AssembleInstr (void)
UCHAR size;
UCHAR index;
PASM_VALUE pavInstOpnd;
// set operand override flag if operand size differs than fDBit
// (the flag may already be set due to opcode template flag)
if ((sizeOpnd == sizeW && fDBit)
|| (sizeOpnd == sizeD && !fDBit))
fOpndOvrd = TRUE;
// for each operand of the successfully matched template,
// build the assembled instruction
// for template entries with size 'v', sizeOpnd has the size
for (index = 0; index < cntTmplOpnd; index++) {
pavInstOpnd = &avInstOpnd[index];
size = tmplSize[index];
if (size == sizeV)
size = sizeOpnd;
switch (tmplType[index]) {
case typExp:
case typMem:
if (!segOvrd) // first one only (movsb...)
segOvrd = segToOvrdByte[pavInstOpnd->segovr];
if (fSegOnly)
fModrm = TRUE;
if (pavInstOpnd->flags == fREG) {
modModrm = 3;
rmModrm = pavInstOpnd->base;
else {
addrValue = (LONG)pavInstOpnd->value;
// for 16-bit or 32-bit index off (E)BP, make
// zero displacement a byte one
if (addrValue == 0
&& (pavInstOpnd->flags != fPTR16
|| pavInstOpnd->base != 6)
&& (pavInstOpnd->flags != fPTR32
|| pavInstOpnd->base != indBP))
modModrm = 0;
else if (addrValue >= -0x80L && addrValue <= 0x7fL) {
modModrm = 1;
addrSize = 1;
else if (pavInstOpnd->flags == fPTR32
|| (pavInstOpnd->flags == fPTR && fDBit)) {
modModrm = 2;
addrSize = 4;
else if (addrValue >= -0x8000L && addrValue <= 0xffffL) {
modModrm = 2;
addrSize = 2;
if (pavInstOpnd->flags == fPTR) {
modModrm = 0;
addrSize = (UCHAR)((1 + fDBit) << 1);
rmModrm = (UCHAR)(6 - fDBit);
else if (pavInstOpnd->flags == fPTR16) {
fAddrOvrd = fDBit;
rmModrm = pavInstOpnd->base;
if (modModrm == 0 && rmModrm == 6)
modModrm = 1;
else {
fAddrOvrd = (UCHAR)!fDBit;
if (pavInstOpnd->index == 0xff
&& pavInstOpnd->base != indSP) {
rmModrm = pavInstOpnd->base;
if (modModrm == 0 && rmModrm == 5)
else {
rmModrm = 4;
fSib = TRUE;
if (pavInstOpnd->base != 0xff) {
baseSib = pavInstOpnd->base;
if (modModrm == 0 && baseSib == 5)
baseSib = 5;
if (pavInstOpnd->index != 0xff) {
indexSib = pavInstOpnd->index;
scaleSib = pavInstOpnd->scale;
else {
indexSib = 4;
scaleSib = 0;
case typGen:
if (fAddToOp)
inOpcode += pavInstOpnd->base;
regModrm = pavInstOpnd->base;
case typSgr:
regModrm = (UCHAR)(pavInstOpnd->base - 1);
// remove list offset
case typReg:
rmModrm = pavInstOpnd->base;
case typImm:
if (immedSize == 0) {
immedSize = size;
immedValue = pavInstOpnd->value;
else {
immedSize2 = size;
immedValue2 = pavInstOpnd->value;
case typJmp:
// compute displacment for byte offset instruction
// and test if in range
addrValue = pavInstOpnd->value - (addrAssem + 2);
if (addrValue >= -0x80L && addrValue <= 0x7fL)
addrSize = 1;
else {
// too large for byte, compute for word offset
// and test again if in range
// also allow for two-byte opcode 0f xx
addrValue -= 1 + (preOpcode == 0x0f);
if (!fDBit) {
if (addrValue >= -0x8000L && addrValue <= 0x7fffL)
addrSize = 2;
else {
// recompute again for dword offset instruction
addrValue -= 2;
addrSize = 4;
fOpndOvrd = FALSE; // operand size override is NOT set
case typCtl:
case typDbg:
case typTrc:
fModrm = TRUE;
modModrm = 3;
regModrm = pavInstOpnd->base;
case typSti:
postOpcode += pavInstOpnd->base;
case typSeg:
case typXsi:
case typYdi:
fAddrOvrd = (UCHAR)
((UCHAR)(pavInstOpnd->flags == fPTR32) != fDBit);
case typOff:
segOvrd = segToOvrdByte[pavInstOpnd->segovr];
goto jumpAssem;
case typAbs:
fSegPtr = TRUE;
segPtr = pavInstOpnd->segment;
addrValue = (LONG)pavInstOpnd->value;
if (!fDBit)
if (addrValue >= -0x8000L && addrValue <= 0xffffL)
addrSize = 2;
addrSize = 4;
UCHAR MatchOperand (PASM_VALUE pavOpnd, UCHAR tmplType)
UCHAR fMatch;
// if immediate operand, set minimum unsigned size
if (pavOpnd->flags == fIMM) {
if ((LONG)pavOpnd->value >= -0x80L && (LONG)pavOpnd->value <= 0xffL)
pavOpnd->size = sizeB;
else if ((LONG)pavOpnd->value >= -0x8000L
&& (LONG)pavOpnd->value <= 0xffffL)
pavOpnd->size = sizeW;
pavOpnd->size = sizeD;
// start matching of operands
// compare the template and input operand types
switch (tmplType) {
case typAX:
fMatch = (UCHAR)((pavOpnd->flags & fREG)
&& pavOpnd->index == regG && pavOpnd->base == indAX);
case typCL:
fMatch = (UCHAR)((pavOpnd->flags & fREG)
&& pavOpnd->index == regG && pavOpnd->size == sizeB
&& pavOpnd->base == indCX);
case typDX:
fMatch = (UCHAR)((pavOpnd->flags & fREG)
&& pavOpnd->index == regG && pavOpnd->size == sizeW
&& pavOpnd->base == indDX);
case typAbs:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags & fFPTR);
case typExp:
fMatch = (UCHAR)((pavOpnd->flags == fREG
&& pavOpnd->index == regG)
|| (pavOpnd->flags == fIMM && pavOpnd->reloc == 1)
|| (pavOpnd->flags & (fPTR | fPTR16 | fPTR32)) != 0);
case typGen:
case typReg:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fREG
&& pavOpnd->index == regG);
case typIm1:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fIMM && pavOpnd->value == 1);
case typIm3:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fIMM && pavOpnd->value == 3);
case typImm:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fIMM && pavOpnd->reloc == 0);
case typJmp:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fIMM);
case typMem:
fMatch = (UCHAR)((pavOpnd->flags == fIMM && pavOpnd->reloc == 1)
|| ((pavOpnd->flags & (fPTR | fPTR16 | fPTR32)) != 0));
case typCtl:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fREG
&& pavOpnd->index == regC);
case typDbg:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fREG
&& pavOpnd->index == regD);
case typTrc:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fREG
&& pavOpnd->index == regT);
case typSt:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fREG
&& pavOpnd->index == regF);
case typSti:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fREG
&& pavOpnd->index == regI);
case typSeg:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fREG && pavOpnd->index == regS
&& pavOpnd->base == segIndex);
case typSgr:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(pavOpnd->flags == fREG
&& pavOpnd->index == regS);
case typXsi:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(((pavOpnd->flags == fPTR16 && pavOpnd->base == 4)
|| (pavOpnd->flags == fPTR32 && pavOpnd->base == indSI
&& pavOpnd->index == 0xff))
&& pavOpnd->value == 0
&& (pavOpnd->segovr == segX
|| pavOpnd->segovr == segDS));
case typYdi:
fMatch = (UCHAR)(((pavOpnd->flags == fPTR16 && pavOpnd->base == 5)
|| (pavOpnd->flags == fPTR32 && pavOpnd->base == indDI
&& pavOpnd->index == 0xff))
&& pavOpnd->value == 0
&& pavOpnd->segovr == segES);
case typOff:
fMatch = (UCHAR)((pavOpnd->flags == fIMM && pavOpnd->reloc == 1)
|| pavOpnd->flags == fPTR);
fMatch = FALSE;
return fMatch;
void OutputInstr (void)
if (fWaitPrfx)
*pchBin++ = 0x9b;
if (fAddrOvrd)
*pchBin++ = 0x67;
if (fOpndOvrd)
*pchBin++ = 0x66;
if (segOvrd)
*pchBin++ = segOvrd;
if (preOpcode)
*pchBin++ = preOpcode;
*pchBin++ = inOpcode;
if (postOpcode)
*pchBin++ = postOpcode;
if (fModrm)
*pchBin++ = (UCHAR)((((modModrm << 3) + regModrm) << 3) + rmModrm);
if (fSib)
*pchBin++ = (UCHAR)((((scaleSib << 3) + indexSib) << 3) + baseSib);
OutputValue(addrSize, (PUCHAR)&addrValue); // size = 0, 1, 2, 4
OutputValue((UCHAR)(fSegPtr << 1), (PUCHAR)&segPtr); // size = 0, 2
OutputValue(immedSize, (PUCHAR)&immedValue); // size = 0, 1, 2, 4
OutputValue(immedSize2, (PUCHAR)&immedValue2); // size = 0, 1, 2, 4
void OutputValue (UCHAR size, PUCHAR pchValue)
while (size--)
*pchBin++ = *pchValue++;