553 lines
14 KiB
553 lines
14 KiB
*tchar.h - definitions for generic international text functions
* Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Definitions for generic international functions, mostly defines
* which map string/formatted-io/ctype functions to char, wchar_t, or
* MBCS versions. To be used for compatibility between single-byte,
* multi-byte and Unicode text models.
#ifndef _INC_TCHAR
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4505) /* disable unwanted C++ /W4 warning */
/* #pragma warning(default:4505) */ /* use this to reenable, if necessary */
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* No Model-independent functions under Win32 */
#define __far
/* Default for Win32 is no inlining. Define _USE_INLINING to overide */
#define _NO_INLINING
/* No model-independent string functions for Win32 */
#define _ftcscat _tcscat
#define _ftcschr _tcschr
#define _ftcscmp _tcscmp
#define _ftcscpy _tcscpy
#define _ftcscspn _tcscspn
#define _ftcslen _tcslen
#define _ftcsncat _tcsncat
#define _ftcsncmp _tcsncmp
#define _ftcsncpy _tcsncpy
#define _ftcspbrk _tcspbrk
#define _ftcsrchr _tcsrchr
#define _ftcsspn _tcsspn
#define _ftcsstr _tcsstr
#define _ftcstok _tcstok
#define _ftcsdup _tcsdup
#define _ftcsicmp _tcsicmp
#define _ftcsnicmp _tcsnicmp
#define _ftcsnset _tcsnset
#define _ftcsrev _tcsrev
#define _ftcsset _tcsset
/* Redundant "logical-character" mappings */
#define _ftcsclen _tcsclen
#define _ftcsnccat _tcsnccat
#define _ftcsnccpy _tcsnccpy
#define _ftcsnccmp _tcsnccmp
#define _ftcsncicmp _tcsncicmp
#define _ftcsncset _tcsncset
#define _ftcsdec _tcsdec
#define _ftcsinc _tcsinc
#define _ftcsnbcnt _tcsncnt
#define _ftcsnccnt _tcsncnt
#define _ftcsnextc _tcsnextc
#define _ftcsninc _tcsninc
#define _ftcsspnp _tcsspnp
#define _ftcslwr _tcslwr
#define _ftcsupr _tcsupr
#define _ftclen _tclen
#define _ftccpy _tccpy
#define _ftccmp _tccmp
#ifdef _UNICODE
typedef wchar_t _TCHAR;
typedef wint_t _TINT;
#if !__STDC__
typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
#define _TEOF WEOF
#define __T(x) L ## x
/* Formatted i/o */
#define _tprintf wprintf
#define _ftprintf fwprintf
#define _stprintf swprintf
#define _sntprintf _snwprintf
#define _vtprintf vwprintf
#define _vftprintf vfwprintf
#define _vstprintf vswprintf
#define _vsntprintf _vsnwprintf
#define _tscanf wscanf
#define _ftscanf fwscanf
#define _stscanf swscanf
/* Unformatted i/o */
#define _fgettc fgetwc
#define _fgettchar _fgetwchar
#define _fgetts fgetws
#define _fputtc fputwc
#define _fputtchar _fputwchar
#define _fputts fputws
#define _gettc getwc
#define _gettchar getwchar
#define _puttc putwc
#define _puttchar putwchar
#define _ungettc ungetwc
/* String conversion functions */
#define _tcstod wcstod
#define _tcstol wcstol
#define _tcstoul wcstoul
/* String functions */
#define _tcscat wcscat
#define _tcschr wcschr
#define _tcscmp wcscmp
#define _tcscpy wcscpy
#define _tcscspn wcscspn
#define _tcslen wcslen
#define _tcsncat wcsncat
#define _tcsncmp wcsncmp
#define _tcsncpy wcsncpy
#define _tcspbrk wcspbrk
#define _tcsrchr wcsrchr
#define _tcsspn wcsspn
#define _tcsstr wcsstr
#define _tcstok wcstok
#define _tcsdup _wcsdup
#define _tcsicmp _wcsicmp
#define _tcsnicmp _wcsnicmp
#define _tcsnset _wcsnset
#define _tcsrev _wcsrev
#define _tcsset _wcsset
/* Redundant "logical-character" mappings */
#define _tcsclen wcslen
#define _tcsnccat wcsncat
#define _tcsnccpy wcsncpy
#define _tcsnccmp wcsncmp
#define _tcsncicmp _wcsnicmp
#define _tcsncset _wcsnset
#define _tcsdec _wcsdec
#define _tcsinc _wcsinc
#define _tcsnbcnt _wcsncnt
#define _tcsnccnt _wcsncnt
#define _tcsnextc _wcsnextc
#define _tcsninc _wcsninc
#define _tcsspnp _wcsspnp
#define _tcslwr _wcslwr
#define _tcsupr _wcsupr
#define _tcsxfrm wcsxfrm
#define _tcscoll wcscoll
#define _tcsicoll _wcsicoll
#if !__STDC__ || defined(_NO_INLINING)
#define _tclen(_pc) (1)
#define _tccpy(_pc1,_cpc2) ((*(_pc1) = *(_cpc2)))
#define _tccmp(_cpc1,_cpc2) ((*(_cpc1))-(*(_cpc2)))
__inline size_t _tclen(const wchar_t *_cpc) { return (_cpc,1); }
__inline void _tccpy(wchar_t *_pc1, const wchar_t *_cpc2) { *_pc1 = (wchar_t)*_cpc2; }
__inline int _tccmp(const wchar_t *_cpc1, const wchar_t *_cpc2) { return (int) ((*_cpc1)-(*_cpc2)); }
/* ctype functions */
#define _istalpha iswalpha
#define _istupper iswupper
#define _istlower iswlower
#define _istdigit iswdigit
#define _istxdigit iswxdigit
#define _istspace iswspace
#define _istpunct iswpunct
#define _istalnum iswalnum
#define _istprint iswprint
#define _istgraph iswgraph
#define _istcntrl iswcntrl
#define _istascii iswascii
#define _totupper towupper
#define _totlower towlower
#define _istlegal (1)
#if !__STDC__ || defined(_NO_INLINING)
#define _wcsdec(_cpc, _pc) ((_pc)-1)
#define _wcsinc(_pc) ((_pc)+1)
#define _wcsnextc(_cpc) ((unsigned int) *(_cpc))
#define _wcsninc(_pc, _sz) (((_pc)+(_sz)))
#define _wcsncnt(_cpc, _sz) ((wcslen(_cpc)>_sz) ? _sz : wcslen(_cpc))
#define _wcsspnp(_cpc1, _cpc2) ((*((_cpc1)+wcsspn(_cpc1,_cpc2))) ? ((_cpc1)+wcsspn(_cpc1,_cpc2)) : NULL)
__inline wchar_t * _wcsdec(const wchar_t * _cpc, const wchar_t * _pc) { return (wchar_t *)(_cpc,(_pc-1)); }
__inline wchar_t * _wcsinc(const wchar_t * _pc) { return (wchar_t *)(_pc+1); }
__inline unsigned int _wcsnextc(const wchar_t * _cpc) { return (unsigned int)*_cpc; }
__inline wchar_t * _wcsninc(const wchar_t * _pc, size_t _sz) { return (wchar_t *)(_pc+_sz); }
__inline size_t _wcsncnt( const wchar_t * _cpc, size_t _sz) { size_t len; len = wcslen(_cpc); return (len>_sz) ? _sz : len; }
__inline wchar_t * _wcsspnp( const wchar_t * _cpc1, const wchar_t * _cpc2) { return (*(_cpc1 += wcsspn(_cpc1,_cpc2))!='\0') ? (wchar_t*)_cpc1 : NULL; }
#else /* ndef _UNICODE */
#if !defined(_CHAR_UNSIGNED) && !defined(_JWARNING_DEFINED)
/* #pragma message("TCHAR.H: Warning: The /J option is recommended for international compilation") */
#include <string.h>
#define __T(x) x
/* Formatted i/o */
#define _tprintf printf
#define _ftprintf fprintf
#define _stprintf sprintf
#define _sntprintf _snprintf
#define _vtprintf vprintf
#define _vftprintf vfprintf
#define _vstprintf vsprintf
#define _vsntprintf _vsnprintf
#define _tscanf scanf
#define _ftscanf fscanf
#define _stscanf sscanf
/* Unformatted i/o */
#define _fgettc(_f) (_TINT)fgetc((_f))
#define _fgettchar (_TINT)_fgetchar
#define _fgetts(_s,_i,_f) fgets((_s),(_i),(_f))
#define _fputtc(_i,_f) (_TINT)fputc((int)(_i),(_f))
#define _fputtchar(_i) (_TINT)_fputchar((int)(_i))
#define _fputts(_s,_f) (_TINT)fputs((_s),(_f))
#define _gettc(_f) (_TINT)getc((_f))
#define _gettchar (_TINT)getchar
#define _puttc(_i,_f) (_TINT)putc((int)(_i),(_f))
#define _puttchar(_i) (_TINT)putchar((int)(_i))
#define _ungettc(_i,_f) (_TINT)ungetc((int)(_i),(_f))
/* String conversion functions */
#define _tcstod strtod
#define _tcstol strtol
#define _tcstoul strtoul
#ifdef _MBCS
typedef char _TCHAR;
typedef unsigned int _TINT;
#if !__STDC__
typedef char TCHAR;
#define _TEOF EOF
#include <mbstring.h>
/* Helper macros for MB casts */
#define _MB(_s) ((unsigned char *)(_s))
#define _CMB(_s) ((const unsigned char *)(_s))
/* String functions */
#define _tcscat(_s1,_s2) (_TCHAR*)_mbscat(_MB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcschr(_s,_i) (_TCHAR*)_mbschr(_CMB(_s),(_i))
#define _tcscmp(_s1,_s2) _mbscmp(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcscpy(_s1,_s2) (_TCHAR*)_mbscpy(_MB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcscspn(_s1,_s2) _mbscspn(_CMB(_s2),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcslen(_s) strlen((_s))
#define _tcsncat(_s1,_s2,_n) (_TCHAR*)_mbsnbcat(_MB(_s1),_CMB(_s2),(_n))
#define _tcsncmp(_s1,_s2,_n) _mbsnbcmp(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2),(_n))
#define _tcsncpy(_s1,_s2,_n) (_TCHAR*)_mbsnbcpy(_MB(_s1),_CMB(_s2),(_n))
#define _tcspbrk(_s1,_s2) (_TCHAR*)_mbspbrk(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcsrchr(_s,_i) (_TCHAR*)_mbsrchr(_CMB(_s),(_i))
#define _tcsspn(_s1,_s2) _mbsspn(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcsstr(_s1,_s2) (_TCHAR*)_mbsstr(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcstok(_s1,_s2) (_TCHAR*)_mbstok(_MB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcsdup(_s) (_TCHAR*)_mbsdup(_CMB(_s))
#define _tcsicmp(_s1,_s2) _mbsicmp(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcsnicmp(_s1,_s2,_n) _mbsnbicmp(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2),(_n))
#define _tcsnset(_s,_i,_n) (_TCHAR*)_mbsnbset(_MB(_s),(_i),(_n))
#define _tcsrev(_s) (_TCHAR*)_mbsrev(_MB(_s))
#define _tcsset(_s,_i) (_TCHAR*)_mbsset(_MB(_s),(_i))
/* "logical-character" mappings */
#define _tcsclen(_s) _mbslen(_MB(_s))
#define _tcsnccat(_s1,_s2,_n) (_TCHAR*)_mbsncat(_MB(_s1),_CMB(_s2),(_n))
#define _tcsnccpy(_s1,_s2,_n) (_TCHAR*)_mbsncpy(_MB(_s1),_CMB(_s2),(_n))
#define _tcsnccmp(_s1,_s2,_n) _mbsncmp(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2),(_n))
#define _tcsncicmp(_s1,_s2,_n) _mbsnicmp(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2),(_n))
#define _tcsncset(_s,_i,_n) (_TCHAR*)_mbsnset(_MB(_s),(_i),(_n))
/* MBCS-specific mappings */
#define _tcsdec(_s1,_s2) (_TCHAR*)_mbsdec(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcsinc(_s) (_TCHAR*)_mbsinc(_CMB(_s))
#define _tcsnbcnt(_s,_n) _mbsnbcnt(_CMB(_s),(_n))
#define _tcsnccnt(_s,_n) _mbsnccnt(_CMB(_s),(_n))
#define _tcsnextc(_s) _mbsnextc(_CMB(_s))
#define _tcsninc(_s,_n) (_TCHAR*)_mbsninc(_CMB(_s),(_n))
#define _tcsspnp(_s1,_s2) (_TCHAR*)_mbsspnp(_CMB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tcslwr(_s) (_TCHAR*)_mbslwr(_MB(_s))
#define _tcsupr(_s) (_TCHAR*)_mbsupr(_MB(_s))
#define _tcsxfrm(_d,_s,_n) (strncpy((_d),(_s),(_n)),strlen((_s)))
#define _tcscoll _tcscmp
#define _tcsicoll _tcsicmp
#define _tclen(_s) _mbclen(_CMB(_s))
#define _tccpy(_s1,_s2) _mbccpy(_MB(_s1),_CMB(_s2))
#define _tccmp(_s1,_s2) _tcsnccmp((_s1),(_s2),1)
/* ctype functions */
#define _istalpha _ismbcalpha
#define _istupper _ismbcupper
#define _istlower _ismbclower
#define _istdigit _ismbcdigit
#define _istxdigit _isxdigit
#define _istspace _ismbcspace
#define _istpunct _ismbbpunct
#define _istalnum _ismbbalnum
#define _istgraph _ismbbgraph
#define _istprint _ismbcprint
#define _istcntrl _iscntrl
#define _istascii _isascii
#define _totupper _mbctoupper
#define _totlower _mbctolower
#define _istlegal _ismbclegal
#else /* !_MBCS */
typedef char _TCHAR;
typedef int _TINT;
#if !__STDC__
typedef char TCHAR;
#define _TEOF EOF
/* String functions */
#define _tcscat strcat
#define _tcschr strchr
#define _tcscmp strcmp
#define _tcscpy strcpy
#define _tcscspn strcspn
#define _tcslen strlen
#define _tcsncat strncat
#define _tcsncmp strncmp
#define _tcsncpy strncpy
#define _tcspbrk strpbrk
#define _tcsrchr strrchr
#define _tcsspn strspn
#define _tcsstr strstr
#define _tcstok strtok
#define _tcsdup _strdup
#define _tcsicmp _stricmp
#define _tcsnicmp _strnicmp
#define _tcsnset _strnset
#define _tcsrev _strrev
#define _tcsset _strset
/* "logical-character" mappings */
#define _tcsclen strlen
#define _tcsnccat strncat
#define _tcsnccpy strncpy
#define _tcsnccmp strncmp
#define _tcsncicmp _strnicmp
#define _tcsncset _strnset
/* MBCS-specific functions */
#define _tcsdec _strdec
#define _tcsinc _strinc
#define _tcsnbcnt _strncnt
#define _tcsnccnt _strncnt
#define _tcsnextc _strnextc
#define _tcsninc _strninc
#define _tcsspnp _strspnp
#define _tcslwr _strlwr
#define _tcsupr _strupr
#define _tcsxfrm strxfrm
#define _tcscoll strcoll
#define _tcsicoll _stricoll
#if !__STDC__ || defined(_NO_INLINING)
#define _tclen(_pc) (1)
#define _tccpy(_pc1,_cpc2) (*(_pc1) = *(_cpc2))
#define _tccmp(_cpc1,_cpc2) (((unsigned char)*(_cpc1))-((unsigned char)*(_cpc2)))
__inline size_t _tclen(const char *_cpc) { return (_cpc,1); }
__inline void _tccpy(char *_pc1, const char *_cpc2) { *_pc1 = *_cpc2; }
__inline int _tccmp(const char *_cpc1, const char *_cpc2) { return (int) (((unsigned char)*_cpc1)-((unsigned char)*_cpc2)); }
/* ctype-functions */
#define _istalpha isalpha
#define _istupper isupper
#define _istlower islower
#define _istdigit isdigit
#define _istxdigit isxdigit
#define _istspace isspace
#define _istpunct ispunct
#define _istalnum isalnum
#define _istprint isprint
#define _istgraph isgraph
#define _istcntrl iscntrl
#define _istascii isascii
#define _totupper toupper
#define _totlower tolower
#define _istlegal (1)
/* the following is optional if functional versions are available */
/* define NULL pointer value */
#ifndef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NULL 0
#define NULL ((void *)0)
#if !__STDC__ || defined(_NO_INLINING)
#define _strdec(_cpc, _pc) ((_pc)-1)
#define _strinc(_pc) ((_pc)+1)
#define _strnextc(_cpc) ((unsigned int) *(_cpc))
#define _strninc(_pc, _sz) (((_pc)+(_sz)))
#define _strncnt(_cpc, _sz) ((strlen(_cpc)>_sz) ? _sz : strlen(_cpc))
#define _strspnp(_cpc1, _cpc2) ((*((_cpc1)+strspn(_cpc1,_cpc2))) ? ((_cpc1)+strspn(_cpc1,_cpc2)) : NULL)
#else /* __STDC__ */
__inline char * _strdec(const char * _cpc, const char * _pc) { return (char *)(_cpc,(_pc-1)); }
__inline char * _strinc(const char * _pc) { return (char *)(_pc+1); }
__inline unsigned int _strnextc(const char * _cpc) { return (unsigned int)*_cpc; }
__inline char * _strninc(const char * _pc, size_t _sz) { return (char *)(_pc+_sz); }
__inline size_t _strncnt( const char * _cpc, size_t _sz) { size_t len; len = strlen(_cpc); return (len>_sz) ? _sz : len; }
__inline char * _strspnp( const char * _cpc1, const char * _cpc2) { return (*(_cpc1 += strspn(_cpc1,_cpc2))!='\0') ? (char*)_cpc1 : NULL; }
#endif /* __STDC__ */
#endif /* _MBCS */
#endif /* _UNICODE */
/* Generic text macros to be used with string literals and character constants.
Will also allow symbolic constants that resolve to same. */
#define _T(x) __T(x)
#define _TEXT(x) __T(x)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define _INC_TCHAR
#endif /* _INC_TCHAR */