444 lines
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444 lines
8.5 KiB
*streamb.cpp - fuctions for streambuf class.
* Copyright (c) 1990-1995, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Functions for streambuf class.
*Revision History:
* 09-10-90 WAJ Initial version.
* 07-02-91 KRS Initial version completed.
* 08-20-91 KRS Treat chars as unsigned; fix sgetn() function.
* 09-06-91 KRS Do a sync() in ~streambuf before destroying buffer.
* 11-18-91 KRS Split off stream1.cxx for input-specific code.
* 12-09-91 KRS Fix up xsputn/xsgetn usage.
* 03-03-92 KRS Added mthread lock init calls to constructors.
* 06-02-92 KRS CAV #1745: Don't confuse 0xFF with EOF in xsputn()
* call to overflow().
* 04-06-93 JWM Changed constructors to enable locking by default.
* 10-28-93 SKS Add call to _mttermlock() in streamb::~streamb to clean
* up o.s. resources associated with a Critical Section.
* 09-06-94 CFW Replace MTHREAD with _MT.
* 01-12-95 CFW Debug CRT allocs.
* 03-17-95 CFW Change debug delete scheme.
* 03-21-95 CFW Remove _delete_crt.
* 06-14-95 CFW Comment cleanup.
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <internal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <dbgint.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef BUFSIZ
#define BUFSIZ 512
*streambuf::streambuf() -
* Default constructor.
_fAlloc = 0;
_fUnbuf = 0;
x_lastc = EOF;
_base = NULL;
_ebuf = NULL;
_pbase = NULL;
_pptr = NULL;
_epptr = NULL;
_eback = NULL;
_gptr = NULL;
_egptr = NULL;
#ifdef _MT
LockFlg = -1; // default is now : locking
#endif /* _MT */
*streambuf::streambuf(char* pBuf, int cbBuf) -
* Constructor which specifies a buffer area.
streambuf::streambuf( char* pBuf, int cbBuf )
_fAlloc = 0;
_fUnbuf = 0;
x_lastc = EOF;
_base = pBuf;
_ebuf = pBuf + (unsigned)cbBuf;
_pbase = NULL;
_pptr = NULL;
_epptr = NULL;
_eback = NULL;
_gptr = NULL;
_egptr = NULL;
if( pBuf == NULL || cbBuf == 0 ){
_fUnbuf = 1;
_base = NULL;
_ebuf = NULL;
#ifdef _MT
LockFlg = -1; // default is now : locking
#endif /* _MT */
*virtual streambuf::~streambuf() -
* Destructor.
#ifdef _MT
#endif /* _MT */
sync(); // make sure buffer empty before possibly destroying it
if( (_fAlloc) && (_base) )
delete _base;
* virtual streambuf * streambuf::setbuf(char * p, int len) -
* Offers the array at p with len bytes to be used as a reserve area.
streambuf * streambuf::setbuf(char * p, int len)
if (!_base)
if ((!p) || (!len))
_fUnbuf = 1; // mark as unbuffered
_base = p;
_ebuf = p + (unsigned)len;
_fUnbuf = 0;
return (this);
return((streambuf *)NULL);
*virtual int streambuf::xsputn( char* pBuf, int cbBuf ) -
* Tries to output cbBuf characters. Returns number of characters
* that were outputted.
int streambuf::xsputn( const char* pBuf, int cbBuf )
int cbOut;
for (cbOut = 0; cbBuf--; cbOut++)
if ((_fUnbuf) || (_pptr >= _epptr))
if (overflow((unsigned char)*pBuf)==EOF) // 0-extend 0xFF !=EOF
*(_pptr++) = *pBuf;
return cbOut;
*virtual int streambuf::xsgetn( char* pBuf, int cbBuf ) -
* Tries to input cbBuf characters. Returns number of characters
* that were read from streambuf.
// #pragma intrinsic(memcpy,__min)
int streambuf::xsgetn( char * pBuf, int cbBuf)
int count;
int cbIn = 0;
if (_fUnbuf)
if (x_lastc==EOF)
while (cbBuf--)
if (x_lastc==EOF)
*(pBuf++) = (char)x_lastc;
while (cbBuf)
if (underflow()==EOF) // make sure something to read
count = __min(egptr() - gptr(),cbBuf);
if (count>0)
pBuf += count;
_gptr += count;
cbIn += count;
cbBuf -= count;
return cbIn;
*virtual int streambuf::sync() -
* Tries to flush all data in put area and give back any data in the
* get area (if possible), leaving both areas empty on exit.
* Default behavior is to fail unless buffers empty.
int streambuf::sync()
if ((gptr() <_egptr) || (_pptr > _pbase))
return EOF;
return 0;
*int streambuf::allocate() -
* Tries to set up a Reserve Area. If one already exists, or if
* unbuffered, just returns 0.
int streambuf::allocate()
if ((_fUnbuf) || (_base))
return 0;
if (doallocate()==EOF) return EOF;
*virtual int streambuf::doallocate() -
* Tries to set up a Reserve Area. Returns EOF if unsuccessful.
int streambuf::doallocate()
char * tptr;
if (!( tptr = _new_crt char[BUFSIZ]))
setb(tptr, tptr + BUFSIZ, 1);
*void streambuf::setb(char * b, char * eb, int a = 0) -
* Sets up reserve area.
void streambuf::setb(char * b, char * eb, int a )
if ((_fAlloc) && (_base))
delete _base;
_base = b;
_fAlloc = a;
_ebuf = eb;
*virtual streampos streambuf::seekoff(streamoff off, ios::seekdir dir, int mode)
* seekoff member function. seek forward or backward in the stream.
* Default behavior: returns EOF.
* off = offset (+ or -) to seek by
* dir = one of ios::beg, ios::end, or ios::cur.
* mode = ios::in or ios::out.
* Returns new file position or EOF if error or seeking not supported.
* Returns EOF if error.
streampos streambuf::seekoff(streamoff,ios::seek_dir,int)
return EOF;
*virtual streampos streambuf::seekpos(streampos pos, int mode) -
* seekoff member function. seek to absolute file position.
* Default behavior: returns seekoff(streamoff(pos), ios::beg, mode).
* pos = absolute offset to seek to
* mode = ios::in or ios::out.
* Returns new file position or EOF if error or seeking not supported.
* Returns EOF if error.
streampos streambuf::seekpos(streampos pos,int mode)
return seekoff(streamoff(pos), ios::beg, mode);
*virtual int streambuf::pbackfail(int c) - handle failure of putback
* pbackfail member function. Handle exception of pback function.
* Default behavior: returns EOF. See spec. for details.
* Note: the following implementation gives default behavior, thanks
* to the default seekoff, but also supports derived classes properly:
* c = character to put back
* Returns c if successful or EOF on error.
* Returns EOF if error. Behavior is undefined if c was not the
* previous character in the stream.
int streambuf::pbackfail(int c)
if (eback()<gptr()) return sputbackc((char)c);
if (seekoff( -1, ios::cur, ios::in)==EOF) // always EOF for streambufs
return EOF;
if (!unbuffered() && egptr())