2011 lines
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2011 lines
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// SH.CXX - Symbol Handler: Low level management
// Copyright (C)1991-94, Microsoft Corporation
// Purpose: Provide layer between SH functions and linked list manager.
// Notes: Also included are fixup/unfixup functions until OSDEBUG is on-line.
// ----------------------------------------------
// During startup of debugging a user application, a large number of
// Symbol Handler functions need to be called. Here is the order in
// which it makes sense to call them, and what they do:
// (1) SHCreateProcess
// To create a handle for the new debuggee process which
// is being debugged.
// (2) SHSetHpid
// This doesn't have to be called right now, but it should
// be called as soon as the HPID of the debuggee is known.
// (3) SHAddDll
// Call this a number of times: once for the EXE which is
// being debugged, and once for each DLL being debugged
// (e.g., in CodeView, for all the /L xxxx.DLL files).
// This doesn't load the symbolic information off disk;
// it just lets the SH know that these files are being
// debugged.
// (4) SHAddDllsToProcess
// This associates all added DLLs with the added EXE, so
// the SH knows that they are all being debugged as part
// of the same process.
// (5) SHLoadDll
// Call this once for the EXE and each DLL, passing FALSE
// for the fLoading parameter. This actually loads the
// symbolic information off disk.
// (6) Start debuggee running
// (7) SHLoadDll
// Call this for EXEs/DLLs as notifications are received
// indicating that they have been loaded into memory.
// This time, pass TRUE for the fLoading parameter.
// (8) SHUnloadDll
// Call this for EXEs/DLLs as notifications are received
// indicating that they have been unloaded from memory.
// This does not actually unload the symbolic information.
// Revision History:
// 07-Nov-94 BryanT
// Merge in NT changes. Changes include: removing PASCAL/LOADDS/FAR/NEAR
// references. Calls to STRxxx and MEMxxx functions (use strxxx/memxxx)
// Replace calls to SHSplitPath with splitpath. Remove non-WIN32 host
// support. Change EXS structure to EXE. LLLock(hexe) yields a lpexe like
// all other Handles do. Eliminate need for EXR structure. Consolidate
// several static locals into global xxxCache variables so they can be
// cleared when a process terminates (for multiprocess support).
// Remove single user for SHHexeRemove (it can be done in place).
// Add a vldChk arg to SHAddDllExt so one can pass a timestamp/checksum
// to be used for image lookup.
// Store just the name in exg.lszModule (SHAddDllExt). The full path is
// still stored in exg.lszName. Needed for cmd window support.
// Remove hlliMds references. Rather than use the LL code, change
// loadomf.cpp to keep an array with the index stored in each node
// (no need to iterate to find, etc).
// Define SHGetModule (used for ntsd syntax support)
// Remove the dual global Exg lists and replace with a single one
// Rewrite LoadDll to handle symbol sharing and multiple processes.
// Add SHLszGetErrorText (to return the error message for an SH error code)
// Add SHWantSymbols (To allow other parts of the debugger to indicate
// symbols s/b loaded for a module).
// Change SHChangeProcess to return the old HPDS.
// [untagged] 21-Oct-93 MarkBro
// Added SHUnloadSymbolHandler for NB10 notifications. Can
// also be used in the future to free up memory so symbol
// handler doesn't need to be free'd and reloaded.
// [02] 05-Mar-93 DanS
// Added critical section for win32 build.
// [01] 31-dec-91 DavidGra
// Fix bug with far addresses being unfixed up in the disassembler
// when passed through the symbol handler.
// [00] 11-dec-91 DavidGra
// Make SHAddDll return an she indicating file not found or
// out of memory or success. Create SHAddDllExt to handle
// the internal support and thunk it with SHAddDll to keep
// the API the same.
#include "shinc.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "strings.h"
HLLI HlliPds; // List of processes
HPDS hpdsCur; // Current process which is being debugged
HPID hpidCurr; // Current PID
MODCACHE ModCache; // Last module returned from SHHextFromHmod
LINECACHE LineCache; // Last Linenumber from SLFLineToAddr
HSFCACHE HsfCache; // Last Hsf returned from SLHmodFromHsf
CXTCACHE CxtCache; // Last Context info from SHSetCxtMod
SLCACHE SlCache; // Last Addr info from SLCAddrFromLine
ADDRCACHE AddrCache; // Last Line info from SLLineFromAddr
static HLLI HlliExgExe;
//static char rgchFile [_MAX_CVPATH];
//static INT fhCur = -1 ;
#define AllocAlign(cb) ( (PVOID) (((DWORD) MHAlloc(cb+1) + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFE) )
// UNDONE: Investigate moving the cache data into the exg, exe, or mds struct.
static VOID VoidCaches(VOID);
// VoidCaches
// Purpose: Reinitialized the various caches to a known state
static VOID
memset(&LineCache, 0, sizeof(LineCache));
memset(&AddrCache, 0, sizeof(AddrCache));
memset(&ModCache, 0, sizeof(ModCache));
memset(&HsfCache, 0, sizeof(HsfCache));
memset(&CxtCache, 0, sizeof(CxtCache));
if (SlCache.lpslp) {
memset(&SlCache, 0, sizeof(SlCache));
SlCache.cslp = -1;
// SHCreateProcess
// Purpose: Create a handle for a new debuggee process. The debuggee
// process doesn't actually have to be running yet; this is
// just an abstract handle for the Symbol Handler's use, so
// that it can keep track of symbols for multiple debuggee
// processes at the same time.
// Output:
// Returns an HPDS, a handle to the new process, or 0 for failure.
SHCreateProcess (
HPDS hpds = SHFAddNewPds();
return hpds;
// SHSetHpid
// Purpose: Tell the SH what HPID to assign to the current process.
// Each debuggee process has an HPID, and this call associates
// an HPID with a HPDS in the SH.
// Input: hpid The HPID to make current.
SHSetHpid (
HPID hpid
LPPDS lppds = (LPPDS) LLLock(hpdsCur);
lppds->hpid = hpidCurr = hpid;
// SHDeleteProcess
// Purpose: Delete a debuggee process handle (HPDS). Removes it from
// the SH's internal list of HPDS's.
// Input: hpds The HPDS to delete.
// Output:
// TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
SHDeleteProcess (
HPDS hpds
HPDS hpdsT = hpdsCur;
HPID hpidT = hpidCurr;
SHChangeProcess (hpds);
LLDelete(HlliPds, hpdsCur);
if (hpdsT != hpdsCur) {
hpdsCur = hpdsT;
hpidCurr = hpidT;
} else {
hpdsCur = LLNext (HlliPds, NULL);
if ( hpdsCur != 0 ) {
LPPDS lppds = (LPPDS) LLLock (hpdsCur);
hpidCurr = lppds->hpid;
LLUnlock (hpdsCur);
return TRUE;
// SHChangeProcess
// Purpose: Change the current debuggee process handle (HPDS). The SH
// can maintain symbols for multiple processes; this sets which
// one is current, so that symbol lookups will be done on the
// right set of symbolic information.
// Input: hpds The HPDS to make current.
HPDS hpds
LPPDS lppds;
HPDS hpdsLast = hpdsCur;
hpdsCur = hpds;
lppds = (LPPDS) LLLock (hpdsCur);
hpidCurr = lppds->hpid;
LLUnlock (hpdsCur);
FInitLists (
// Create the pds list
HlliPds = LLInit ( sizeof ( PDS ), 0, KillPdsNode, CmpPdsNode );
HlliExgExe = LLInit ( sizeof ( EXG ), 0, KillExgNode, CmpExgNode );
return HlliPds && HlliExgExe;
// KillPdsNode
// Purpose: Destroy private contents of a process node
// Input: pointer to node data
// Notes: Only data in the pds structure to destroy is a list of exe's.
KillPdsNode (
PVOID lpvPdsNode
LPPDS lppds = (LPPDS) lpvPdsNode;
LLDestroy ( lppds->hlliExe );
CmpPdsNode (
PVOID lpv1,
PVOID lpv2,
LONG lParam
LPPDS lppds = (LPPDS) lpv1;
HPID *lphpid = (HPID *) lpv2;
Unreferenced (lParam);
return !(lppds->hpid == *lphpid);
LPALM lpalm
if (lpalm) {
MHFree ( lpalm );
LPSHT lpsht
if (lpsht) {
if (lpsht->rgib) {
lpsht->rgib = 0;
if (lpsht->rgcib) {
lpsht->rgcib = 0;
KillAlm (lpsht->lpalm);
lpsht->lpalm = 0;
LPGST lpgst
if (lpgst) {
KillSht ( &lpgst->shtName );
KillSht ( &lpgst->shtAddr );
KillAlm ( lpgst->lpalm );
lpgst->lpalm = 0;
// KillExgNode
// Purpose: Destroy information contained in an exe node
// Input: pointer to node data
KillExgNode (
PVOID lpvExgNode
LPEXG lpexg = (LPEXG) lpvExgNode;
// Debug info file name
if (lpexg->lszDebug) {
MHFree (lpexg->lszDebug);
lpexg->lszDebug = 0;
// .exe/.com file name
if (lpexg->lszName) {
MHFree (lpexg->lszName);
lpexg->lszName = 0;
// AltName
if (lpexg->lszAltName) {
lpexg->lszAltName = 0;
// Pdb name
if (lpexg->lszPdbName) {
MHFree (lpexg->lszPdbName);
lpexg->lszPdbName = 0;
// Type table
if (lpexg->lpalmTypes) {
lpexg->lpalmTypes = 0;
// Free up memory associated with the dll name
if (lpexg->lszModule) {
MHFree ( lpexg->lszModule );
lpexg->lszModule = 0;
// Nuke the OMF symbolic.
// And any possible cache references to this module.
LSZ lsz
LSZ p;
p = lsz + _tcslen(lsz);
// Search from the end back for the path delimiter.
while ( p > lsz && *p != '\\' && *p != ':' ) {
p = _tcsdec(lsz, p);
if (p > lsz) {
// We're pointing at the delimiter. Move forward one.
p = _tcsinc(p);
return p;
// CmpExgNode
// Purpose: Compare global exe nodes
// Input: pointer to node data
CmpExgNode (
PVOID lpv1,
PVOID lpv2,
LONG lParam
LPEXG lpexg1 = (LPEXG) lpv1;
LSZ lsz1 = lpexg1->lszName;
LSZ lsz2 = (LSZ) lpv2;
if (lParam == MATCH_NAMEONLY) {
lsz1 = NameOnly(lsz1);
lsz2 = NameOnly(lsz2);
return _tcsicmp(lsz1, lsz2);
// KillExeNode
// Purpose: Destroy information contained in an exe node
// Input: pointer to node data
PVOID lpvExeNode
assert (((LPEXE)lpvExeNode)->pDebugData == NULL);
// All we need to do is flush the global cache (in case we're still in it)
PVOID lpv1,
PVOID lpv2,
LPEXE lpexe1 = (LPEXE) lpv1;
return !(lpexe1->hexg == (HEXG) lpv2);
// KillMdsNode
// Purpose: Free up memory allocations associated with node
// Input: pointer to the mds node
KillMdsNode (
PVOID lpvMdsNode
LPMDS lpmds = (LPMDS)lpvMdsNode;
if (lpmds->name) {
MHFree (lpmds->name);
lpmds->name = 0;
if (lpmds->lpsgc) {
MHFree (lpmds->lpsgc);
lpmds->lpsgc = 0;
if (lpmds->symbols) {
if (lpmds->pmod) {
// For PDB, symbols is a copy.
lpmds->symbols = 0;
lpmds->cbSymbols = 0;
if (lpmds->hst) {
// Just a pointer to the cv data
lpmds->hst = 0;
if (lpmds->pmod) {
if (!ModClose(lpmds->pmod)) {
assert (FALSE);
lpmds->pmod = 0;
// CmpMdsNode
// Purpose: To compare two mds nodes.
// Input:
// lpv1 far pointer to first node
// lpv2 far pointer to second node
// lParam comparison type ( MDS_INDEX is only valid one, for now)
// Output: Returns zero if imds are equal, else non-zero
CmpMdsNode (
PVOID lpv1,
PVOID lpv2,
LONG lParam
LPMDS lpmds1 = (LPMDS) lpv1;
LPMDS lpmds2 = (LPMDS) lpv2;
assert (lParam == MDS_INDEX);
return lpmds1->imds != lpmds2->imds;
// SHHexgFromHmod
// Purpose: Get the hexg from the specified mds handle
// Input: handle to a VALID mds node
// Output: handle to the hmod's parent (hexe)
SHHexgFromHmod (
HMOD hmod
HEXG hexg;
hexg = ((LPMDS)hmod)->hexg;
return hexg;
// SHHexeFromHmod
// Purpose: Get the hexe from the specified module handle
// Input: handle to a VALID mds node
// Output: handle to the hmod's parent (hexe)
SHHexeFromHmod (
HMOD hmod
HEXG hexg;
LPEXG lpexg;
LPPDS lppds;
if (hmod == NULL) {
return hexeNull;
// If this isn't the same hmod or hpds as last time, look up
// the hexe in current process list and return.
if ((hmod != ModCache.hmod) || (hpdsCur != ModCache.hpds)) {
hexg = ((LPMDS) hmod)->hexg;
if (hexg != NULL) {
ModCache.hmod = hmod;
ModCache.hpds = hpdsCur;
lppds = (LPPDS) LLLock(hpdsCur);
ModCache.hexe = LLFind(lppds->hlliExe, 0, (PVOID) hexg, 0L);
return ModCache.hexe;
// SHGetExeName
// Purpose: Get the exe name for a specified hexe
// Input: handle to the exe node
// Output: pointer to the exe's full path-name file
SHGetExeName (
HEXE hexe
LSZ lsz;
HEXG hexg;
LPEXG lpexg;
assert(hpdsCur && hexe);
if (!hexe) {
hexg = ((LPEXE) LLLock (hexe))->hexg;
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock(hexg);
// If there's an alternate name (as in kernel debugging when hal.dll
// may really be halmp or halncr or...), use it.
if (lpexg->lszAltName) {
lsz = lpexg->lszAltName;
} else {
lsz = lpexg->lszName;
// Bypass the fake "#:\" drive letter the DM added for a remote drive
if (lsz[0] == '#' && lsz[1] == ':' && lsz[2] == '\\') {
lsz += 3;
LLUnlock (hexe);
LLUnlock (hexg);
return lsz;
// SHGetModNameFromHexe
// Purpose: Get the module name from the specified hexe
// Input: handle to the exe node
// Output: pointer to the exe's module name
HEXE hexe
LSZ lsz;
HEXG hexg;
LPEXG lpexg;
assert(hpdsCur && hexe);
hexg = ((LPEXE) LLLock(hexe))->hexg;
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock(hexg);
lsz = lpexg->lszModule;
LLUnlock (hexe);
LLUnlock (hexg);
return lsz;
// SHGetSymFName
// Purpose: Get the symbol file name for the specified hexe
// Input: handle to the exe node
// Output: pointer to the exe's full path-name file
HEXE hexe
LSZ lsz;
HEXG hexg;
LPEXG lpexg;
assert(hpdsCur && hexe);
hexg = ((LPEXE)LLLock(hexe))->hexg;
lpexg = (LPEXG)LLLock(hexg);
lsz = lpexg->lszDebug;
if (!lsz) {
lsz = lpexg->lszName;
// Bypass the fake "#:\" drive letter the DM added for a remote drive
if (lsz[0] == '#' && lsz[1] == ':' && lsz[2] == '\\') {
lsz += 3;
return lsz;
// SHGetNextExe
// Purpose: Get the handle to the next node in the exe list for the CURRENT
// process. If the hexe is null, then get the first one in the list.
// Input: handle to the "previous" node. If null, get the first one in
// the exe list.
// Output: Returns a handle to the next node. Returns NULL if the end of
// the list is reached (ie: hexe is last node in the list)
SHGetNextExe (
HEXE hexe
HEXE hexeRet;
HLLI hlli;
if (!hpdsCur) // check for non-null process [rm]
return NULL;
hlli = ((LPPDS) LLLock (hpdsCur))->hlliExe;
hexeRet = LLNext (hlli, hexe);
LLUnlock (hpdsCur);
return hexeRet;
// SHHmodGetNext
// Purpose: Retrieve the next module in the list. If a hmod is specified, get
// the next in the list. If the hmod is NULL, then get the first module
// in the exe. If no hexe is specified, then get the first exe in the list.
// Input:
// hexe hexe containing list of hmod's. If NULL, get first in CURRENT
// process list.
// hmod module to get next in list. If NULL, get first in the list.
// Output: Returns an hmod of the next one in the list. NULL if the end of
// the list is reached.
SHHmodGetNext (
HEXE hexe,
HMOD hmod
HMOD hmodRet = 0;
if (!hpdsCur) {
return hmodRet;
if (hmod) {
hmodRet = (HMOD)((LPMDS)hmod + 1);
if (((LPMDS)(hmodRet))->imds == 0xFFFF) {
hmodRet = NULL;
if (hexe) {
MDS *pMds;
HEXG hexg;
LPEXG lpexg;
LPEXE lpexe;
lpexe = (LPEXE) LLLock(hexe);
// The test for 10 is arbitrary. Testing for only NULL
// may allow some cases to slip through.
if (lpexe < (LPEXE) 10) {
hexg = lpexe->hexg;
if (hexg == 0) {
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock(hexg);
if (lpexg < (LPEXG) 10) {
pMds = lpexg->rgMod;
if (pMds != NULL) {
hmodRet = (HMOD) &pMds[1];
return hmodRet;
// SHFAddNewPds
// Purpose: Create a new process node and make it current!
// Input: Word value to identify pds indexing
// Output: Non-zero if successful, else zero.
// Notes: Creates a new node and initializes private list of exe's.
SHFAddNewPds (
LPPDS lppds;
HPDS hpds;
if (hpds = (HIND) LLCreate (HlliPds)) {
lppds = (LPPDS) LLLock (hpds);
lppds->hlliExe = LLInit (sizeof(EXE), 0, KillExeNode, CmpExeNode);
// If the list create failed, destroy the node and return failure
if (!lppds->hlliExe) {
LLUnlock (hpds);
MMFree ((HDEP) hpds);
hpds = 0;
} else {
// Otherwise, add the pds to the list and return success
LLAdd (HlliPds, hpds);
hpdsCur = hpds;
return hpds;
// SHHexeAddNew
// Purpose: Create and initialize an exe node.
// Input:
// hpds Process hexe is assoceiated with
// hexg Symbol information for the exe.
// Output: Returns hexg of newly created node. NULL if OOM.
SHHexeAddNew (
HPDS hpds,
HEXG hexg,
DWORD LoadAddress
HEXE hexe;
LPEXE lpexe;
LPEXG lpexg;
HLLI hlli;
if (!hpds) {
hpds = hpdsCur;
hlli = ((LPPDS)LLLock(hpds))->hlliExe;
// Ensure that the hexg isn't already in the list
hexe = LLFind(hlli, 0, (PVOID)hexg, 0L);
if (!hexe && (hexe = LLCreate (hlli))) {
// Not already there. Create one, init the fields, and add it to the list
lpexe = (LPEXE) LLLock (hexe);
lpexe->hexg = hexg;
lpexe->hpds = hpdsCur;
lpexe->fIsLoaded = TRUE;
lpexe->LoadAddress = LoadAddress;
lpexe->pDebugData = NULL;
LLAdd (hlli, hexe);
LLUnlock (hexe);
// Increment the ref count on the image.
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock(hexg);
LLUnlock (hexg);
} else {
lpexe = (LPEXE) LLLock (hexe);
lpexe->LoadAddress = LoadAddress;
LLUnlock (hexe);
LLUnlock (hpds);
return hexe;
// SHAddDll
// Purpose: Notify the SH about an EXE/DLL for which symbolic information
// will need to be loaded later.
// During the startup of a debuggee application, this function
// will be called once for the EXE, and once for each DLL that
// is used by the EXE. After making these calls,
// SHAddDllsToProcess will be called to associate those DLLs
// with that EXE.
// See the comments at the top of this file for more on when
// this function should be called.
// Input:
// lsz Fully qualified path/file specification.
// fDll TRUE if this is a DLL, FALSE if it is an EXE.
// Output:
// Returns nonzero for success, zero for out of memory.
// Notes:
// This function does NOT actually load the symbolic information;
// SHLoadDll does that.
SHAddDll (
LSZ lsz,
HEXG hexg = hexgNull;
SHE sheRet;
sheRet = SHAddDllExt (lsz, fDll, TRUE, NULL, &hexg);
return sheRet;
// SHAddDllExt
// Purpose: Notify the SH about an EXE/DLL for which symbolic information
// will need to be loaded later.
// During the startup of a debuggee application, this function
// will be called once for the EXE, and once for each DLL that
// is used by the EXE. After making these calls,
// SHAddDllsToProcess will be called to associate those DLLs
// with that EXE.
// See the comments at the top of this file for more on when
// this function should be called.
// Input:
// lsz Fully qualified path/file specification.
// fDll TRUE if this is a DLL, FALSE if it is an EXE.
// fMustExist TRUE if success requires that the dll must be found
// i.e. the user asked for symbol info for this dll
// and would expect a warning if it isn't found.
// Output:
// [Public interface]
// Returns nonzero for success, zero for out of memory.
// [Private SAPI interface]
// Returns HEXG of newly created node, or NULL if out of memory.
// Notes:
// This function does NOT actually load the symbolic information;
// SHLoadDll does that.
// This function is used internally, AND it is also exported
// to the outside world. When exported, the return value should
// just be considered a BOOL: zero means out of memory, nonzero
// means success.
SHAddDllExt (
LSZ lsz,
BOOL fDll,
BOOL fMustExist,
VLDCHK *vldChk,
HEXG *lphexg
HEXG hexg;
LPEXG lpexg;
if (fDll) {
struct _stat statT;
_TXCHAR *lpszPath;
_tsplitpath (lsz, szDir, szDir + _MAX_DRIVE, szFile, szExt);
_tcscat(szFile, *szExt ? szExt : ".DLL");
_tcscat (szDir, szDir + _MAX_DRIVE);
_tfullpath (szPath, szDir, _MAX_CVDIR);
_tcsupr (szPath);
lpszPath = szPath;
lpszPath = _tcsdec(lpszPath, _tcschr(lpszPath, '\0'));
if (*lpszPath != '\\') {
_tcscat(szPath, "\\");
_tcsupr (szFile);
_tcscat (szPath, szFile);
if (!*szDir || _tstat (szPath, &statT)) {
_tsearchenv (szFile, "PATH", szPath);
if (*szPath == 0) {
if (fMustExist) {
*lphexg = hexgNull;
return sheFileOpen;
} else {
// Retain the full path instead of just the filname
// If we just remember the file name then during
// a restart when we get the same dll load again
// the IDE will report an error as the paths don't
// match.
_tcscpy (szPath, lsz);
} else {
_tcscpy(szPath, lsz);
hexg = LLFind (HlliExgExe, 0, &szPath, vldChk ? MATCH_NAMEONLY : 0L);
// If we have an image and a validity check structure, make
// sure we have the correct image...
if ((hexg != hexgNull) && vldChk) {
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock(hexg);
// A TimeAndDateStamp field of -1 means we don't care.
if (vldChk->TimeDateStamp == 0xffffffff) {
vldChk->TimeDateStamp = lpexg->ulTimeStamp;
if ((vldChk->TimeDateStamp != lpexg->ulTimeStamp) ||
(vldChk->CheckSum != lpexg->ulCheckSum)) {
hexg = hexgNull;
} else {
if ((hexg == hexgNull) &&
((hexg = LLCreate (HlliExgExe)) != hexgNull)) {
lpexg = (LPEXG)LLLock(hexg);
memset(lpexg, 0, sizeof(EXG));
lpexg->fOmfLoaded = FALSE;
if (lpexg->lszModule = (LSZ) MHAlloc (_tcslen(lsz) + 1)) {
// Skip past the fake "#:\" drive the DM might have added
if (lsz[0] == '#' && lsz[1] == ';' && lsz[2] == '\\') {
lsz += 3;
_tsplitpath(lsz, NULL, NULL, lpexg->lszModule, NULL);
if (lpexg->lszName = (LSZ) MHAlloc(_tcslen(szPath) + 1)) {
_tcscpy(lpexg->lszName, (LSZ) szPath);
if (!lpexg->lszName || !lpexg->lszModule || (*lpexg->lszName == '\0')) {
// If any of the allocated fields are NULL,
// then destroy the node and return failure
LLUnlock( hexg );
hexg = hexgNull;
} else {
// Otherwise, add the node to the list
LLAdd (HlliExgExe, hexg);
*lphexg = hexg;
return (hexg == hexgNull) ? sheOutOfMemory : sheNone;
// SHHmodGetNextGlobal
// Purpose: Retrieve the next module in the current PROCESS.
// Input:
// phexe Pointer to hexe. This will be updated. If NULL, then
// start at the first exe in the current process.
// hmod Handle to mds. If NULL, set *phexe to the next process.
// and get the first module in it. Otherwise get the next
// module in the list.
// Output: Returns a handle to the next module in the proces list. Will
// return hmodNull if the end of the list is reached.
SHHmodGetNextGlobal (
HEXE *phexe,
HMOD hmod
do {
// If either the hexe or hmod is NULL, then on to the next exe.
if (!*phexe || !hmod) {
*phexe = SHGetNextExe (*phexe);
hmod = hmodNull; // Start at the beginning of the next one
// If we've got an exe, get the next module
if (*phexe) {
hmod = SHHmodGetNext(*phexe, hmod);
} while(!hmod && *phexe);
return hmod;
// SHGetSymbol
// Searches for a symbol value in the symbol table containing the seg and off
// Entry conditions:
// paddrOp:
// segment and offset of the symbol to be found
// paddrLoc:
// assumes that the module variable startaddr is set to the beginning
// of the code line currently being disassembled.
// sop:
// symbol options: what kinds of symbols to match. (???)
// lpodr:
// pointer where delta to symbol will be stored as well as
// near/farness, FPO/NON-FPO, cbProlog and symbol name.
// Exit conditions:
// *lpdoff:
// offset from symbol to the address
// return value:
// ascii name of symbol, or NULL if no match found
SHGetSymbol (
LPADDR paddrOp,
LPADDR paddrLoc,
SOP sop,
LPODR lpodr
CXT cxt = {0};
ADDR addrT = *paddrLoc;
ADDR addrOp = *paddrOp;
if (!ADDR_IS_FLAT(addrOp) && GetAddrSeg (addrOp) == 0) {
return NULL;
SYUnFixupAddr ( &addrT );
if (sop & sopStack) {
// UNDONE: This is the only caller of FindBpOrReg... Optimize
if (SHFindBpOrReg (&addrT,
GetAddrOff ( addrOp ),
(WORD) (ADDR_IS_OFF32 (*paddrOp) ? S_BPREL32 : S_BPREL16),
lpodr->dwDeltaOff = 0;
return lpodr->lszName;
} else {
return NULL;
} else {
SYUnFixupAddr ( &addrOp );
cxt.hMod = 0;
if (sop & sopData) {
SHSetCxtMod (&addrT, &cxt);
} else {
SHSetCxtMod (&addrOp, &cxt);
cxt.addr = addrOp;
// get the closest symbol, including locals
SHdNearestSymbol (&cxt, sop, lpodr);
if ((sop & sopExact) && lpodr->dwDeltaOff) {
return NULL;
} else {
if (lpodr->dwDeltaOff == CV_MAXOFFSET) {
return NULL;
} else {
return lpodr->lszName;
SHGetModule (
LPADDR paddrOp,
LSZ rgbName
CXT cxt = {0};
ADDR addrOp = *paddrOp;
HEXE hexe;
HEXG hexg;
LPEXG lpexg;
rgbName[0] = '\0';
SYUnFixupAddr (&addrOp);
cxt.hMod = 0;
SHSetCxtMod (&addrOp, &cxt);
if (!cxt.hMod ) {
return NULL;
cxt.addr = addrOp;
hexe = SHHexeFromHmod(cxt.hMod);
if (hexe) {
hexg = ((LPEXE) LLLock (hexe))->hexg;
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock(hexg);
_tcscpy(rgbName, lpexg->lszModule);
LLUnlock (hexe);
LLUnlock (hexg);
return rgbName;
return NULL;
// SHHexeFromName - private function */
SHHexeFromName (
LSZ lszName
BOOL fFound = FALSE;
HEXE hexe = hexeNull;
// Find the hexe associated with the libname
while(!fFound && (hexe = SHGetNextExe (hexe))) {
HEXG hexg = ((LPEXE)LLLock(hexe))->hexg;
LLUnlock (hexe);
fFound = !_tcsicmp (((LPEXG)LLLock(hexg))->lszName, lszName);
LLUnlock (hexg);
return fFound ? hexe : hexeNull;
// SHUnloadDll
// Purpose: Mark an EXE/DLL as no longer resident in memory. The debugger
// should call this function when it receives a notification from
// the OS indicating that the module has been unloaded from
// memory. This does not unload the symbolic information for the
// module.
// See the comments at the top of this file for more on when this
// function should be called.
// Input: hexe - The handle to the EXE/DLL which was unloaded. After
// getting a notification from the OS, the debugger can
// determine the HEXE by calling SHGethExeFromName.
SHUnloadDll (
HEXE hexe
LPEXE lpexe;
LPEXG lpexg;
HPDS hpds;
HEXG hexg;
LPPDS lppds;
lpexe = (LPEXE) LLLock (hexe);
hexg = lpexe->hexg;
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock (hexg);
hpds = lpexe->hpds;
lppds = (LPPDS) LLLock(hpds);
// Decrement the reference count
// See if it's in the deferred load queue. If so, remove it.
if (lpexg->fOmfDefered) {
// If this exe has exg DEBUGDATA, free it.
if (lpexe->pDebugData) {
// Free the copy of the debug data that we got from the exg.
if (lpexe->pDebugData != &lpexg->debugData) {
// This must be a fixed up copy
lpexe->pDebugData = NULL;
// If we're the last reference to the module, delete it from the image list.
if (lpexg->cRef == 0) {
LLDelete(HlliExgExe, hexg);
} else {
LLUnlock (hexe);
// Remove this image from the process list.
LLDelete(lppds->hlliExe, hexe);
// SHLoadDll
// Purpose: This function serves two purposes:
// (1) Load symbolic information for an EXE/DLL into memory,
// so its symbols are available to the user.
// (2) Indicate to the SH whether the EXE/DLL itself is loaded
// into memory.
// Because it serves two purposes, this function may be called
// more than once for the same EXE/DLL. See the comments at
// the top of this file for more on when this function should
// be called.
// Input:
// lszName The name of the EXE or DLL.
// fLoading TRUE if the EXE/DLL itself is actually loaded at this
// time, FALSE if not.
// Output:
// Returns an SHE error code.
SHLoadDll (
LSZ lszName,
BOOL fLoading
SHE she = sheNone;
HEXE hexe;
HEXG hexg = hexgNull;
LSZ lsz = lszName;
LSZ lsz2 = NULL;
LSZ lsz3;
INT hfile = -1;
HEXG hexgMaybe = hexgNull;
LSZ AltName = NULL;
char ch = 0;
VLDCHK vldChk= {0, 0};
LPEXG lpexg;
LSZ lszFname;
BOOL fContinueSearch = TRUE;
DWORD dllLoadAddress = 0;
BOOL fMpSystem = FALSE;
// Check for the possiblity that we have a module only name
// We may get two formats of names. The first is just a name,
// no other information. The other is a big long string
// for PE exes.
if (*lszName == '|') {
// name
lsz2 = _tcschr(lszName, '|');
lsz = lsz2;
if (lsz && *lsz == '|') {
// timestamp
vldChk.TimeDateStamp = strtoul(++lsz, &lsz, 16);
if (lsz && *lsz == '|') {
// checksum
vldChk.CheckSum = strtoul(++lsz, &lsz, 16);
if (lsz && *lsz == '|') {
// hfile
hfile = strtoul(++lsz, &lsz, 16);
// Always close the handle returned from the DM.
// We'll reopen it iff need be in OlLoadOmf.
if (hfile) {
hfile = -1;
if (lsz && *lsz == '|') {
// image base
dllLoadAddress = strtoul(++lsz, &lsz, 16);
if (lsz && *lsz == '|') {
// alternate symbol file name
if (*lsz) {
lsz3 = _tcschr(lsz, '|');
*lsz3 = 0;
if (AltName = (LSZ) MHAlloc(_tcslen(lsz) + 1)) {
_tcscpy(AltName, (LSZ) lsz);
*lsz3 = '|';
lsz = lsz3;
// isolate name
if (lsz2) {
*lsz2 = 0;
// We can't just call SHExeFromName here because there may be
// multiple images with the same name (for instance, when debugging
// more than one process or more than one machine) and we want to
// to share symbols wherever possible.
// Look and see if we already have this debug information loaded
while (fContinueSearch) {
// Find the next OMF set by name of EXE module
hexg = LLFind(HlliExgExe, hexg, lszName, MATCH_NAMEONLY);
if (hexg == hexgNull) {
fContinueSearch = FALSE; // Nothing by this name.
} else {
// If we found one, do the checksum and timestamp match?
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock(hexg);
// If the timestamp is set to -1, use whatever this image has.
if (vldChk.TimeDateStamp == 0xffffffff) {
vldChk.TimeDateStamp = lpexg->ulTimeStamp;
// UNDONE: We don't compare LoadAddresses here to ensure they match
// when the symbols are correct... Investigate if this is a bug.
if ((vldChk.TimeDateStamp != lpexg->ulTimeStamp) ||
(vldChk.CheckSum != lpexg->ulCheckSum)) {
// The debug info no longer matches -- check to see if
// there are any references to the debug info. If not then
// free it as it has been superceded.
if (lpexg->cRef == 0) {
LLDelete(HlliExgExe, hexg);
hexg = hexgNull;
// Keep looking for a match.
} else {
// Timestamp and checksum are valid. Has the user decided
// to change the load status of this exe?
lszFname = lpexg->lszName;
if (!SYGetDefaultShe(lszFname, &she)) {
SYGetDefaultShe(NULL, &she);
switch (she) {
case sheDeferSyms:
case sheNone:
if (!lpexg->fOmfMissing && !lpexg->fOmfSkipped) {
fContinueSearch = FALSE;
} else {
hexgMaybe = hexg;
case sheSuppressSyms:
if (lpexg->fOmfMissing || lpexg->fOmfSkipped) {
fContinueSearch = FALSE;
} else {
hexgMaybe = hexg;
assert((she == sheDeferSyms) ||
(she == sheSuppressSyms) ||
(she == sheNone));
if (hexg) {
// If we did not find an OMF module -- create one
if (hexg == hexgNull && hexgMaybe == hexgNull) {
SHAddDllExt (lszName, TRUE, FALSE, &vldChk, &hexg);
if (hexg == hexgNull) {
she = sheOutOfMemory;
else if (SHHexeAddNew (hpdsCur, hexg, dllLoadAddress) == NULL) {
she = sheOutOfMemory;
else {
if (AltName) {
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock(hexg);
lpexg->lszAltName = AltName;
she = OLLoadOmf(hexg, &vldChk, dllLoadAddress);
} else if (hexg != hexgNull) {
// We found the OMF lying around
// If we found a partial match as well, see if it s/b discarded.
if (hexgMaybe) {
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock(hexgMaybe);
if (lpexg->cRef == 0) {
LLDelete(HlliExgExe, hexgMaybe);
if (SHHexeAddNew(hpdsCur, hexg, dllLoadAddress) == NULL) {
she = sheOutOfMemory;
if (hfile != -1) {
} else {
// Found the right exg, but the wrong load state.
lpexg = (LPEXG) LLLock(hexgMaybe);
if (lpexg->fOmfMissing) {
// no OMF in image. We can't improve things.
she = sheNoSymbols;
} else if (lpexg->fOmfSkipped) {
// decided to load syms this time around.
she = OLLoadOmf(hexgMaybe, &vldChk, dllLoadAddress);
} else {
// have syms and want to discard them.
VoidCaches(); // Just in case.
lpexg->fOmfSkipped = TRUE;
LLUnlock( hexgMaybe );
she = sheSuppressSyms;
if (SHHexeAddNew(hpdsCur, hexgMaybe, dllLoadAddress) == NULL) {
she = sheOutOfMemory;
// Restore damage to the input buffer
if (lsz2 != NULL) {
*lsz2 = '|';
return she;
// SHAddDllsToProcess
// Purpose: Associate all DLLs that have been loaded with the current EXE.
// The debugger, at init time, will call SHAddDll on one EXE
// and zero or more DLLs. Then it should call this function
// to indicate that those DLLs are associated with (used by)
// that EXE; thus, a user request for a symbol from the EXE
// will also search the symbolic information from those DLLs.
// Output: Returns an SHE error code. At this writing, the only legal values
// are sheNone and sheOutOfMemory.
SHAddDllsToProcess (
SHE she = sheNone;
HEXG hexg;
if (!SHHexeAddNew (hpdsCur, LLLast (HlliExgExe), NULL)) {
she = sheOutOfMemory;
} else {
if (she == sheNone) {
for (hexg = LLNext (HlliExgExe, hexgNull);
(hexg != hexgNull) && (she == sheNone);
hexg = LLNext (HlliExgExe, hexg))
if (!SHHexeAddNew (hpdsCur, hexg, NULL)) {
she = sheOutOfMemory;
return she;
// BuildALM
// Purpose: Build an ALM (ALigned Memory) structure. To be used later on
// for demand symbol table loads.
BuildALM (
BOOL fSeq,
WORD btAlign,
LPB lpbData,
WORD cbBlock
LPALM lpalm;
LPUFOP rgufop = NULL;
lpalm = (LPALM) AllocAlign (sizeof(ALM) + sizeof(UFOP) + sizeof(WORD));
if (lpalm == NULL) {
return NULL;
lpalm->fSeq = fSeq;
lpalm->btAlign = btAlign;
lpalm->cb = cb;
lpalm->cbBlock = cbBlock;
lpalm->pbData = lpbData;
return lpalm;
LpvFromAlmLfo (
LPALM lpalm,
if (lfo > lpalm->cb) {
} else {
return lpalm->pbData + lfo;
// GetNextSym
// Purpose: Return the next symbol from a file. Handle S_ALIGN records as
// they're encountered.
GetNextSym (
SYMPTR psym,
LPALM lpalm
SYMPTR psymNext = (SYMPTR) (((LPB) psym) + psym->reclen + sizeof(WORD));
if ((BYTE *) psymNext > (lpalm->pbData + lpalm->cb)) {
if (psymNext->rectyp == S_ALIGN) {
// If we hit a S_ALIGN record, skip over it.
psymNext = (SYMPTR) (((LPB) psymNext) + psymNext->reclen + sizeof(WORD));
// GetSymbols
// Purpose: Return a pointer to the symbols for a module.
LPMDS lpmds
PVOID lpvRet = NULL;
if (lpmds->symbols) {
lpvRet = lpmds->symbols;
} else if (lpmds->pmod) {
// Allocate space for this module's local symbols, then load them
// from the PDB.
if (ModQuerySymbols(lpmds->pmod, 0, (CB *)&lpmds->cbSymbols) &&
(lpmds->symbols = (LPB) MHAlloc(lpmds->cbSymbols))) {
if (ModQuerySymbols(lpmds->pmod, lpmds->symbols, (CB *)&lpmds->cbSymbols)) {
lpvRet = lpmds->symbols;
} else {
lpmds->symbols = NULL;
lpmds->cbSymbols = 0;
return lpvRet;
BOOL fResetLists
// Put code here to execute just before
// the symbol handler is Freed from memory (FreeLibrary...)
if (HlliPds) {
HlliPds = NULL;
hpdsCur = hpdsNull;
if (HlliExgExe) {
HlliExgExe = NULL;
if (fResetLists) {
// If fResetLists, the symbol handler is NOT being unloaded, but
// the information in the linked lists are no longer valid so we
// will have destroyed the list info, just reinitialize the lists.
} else {
// Otherwise, free up the last system resources.
// Release the symcvt ptr.
if (hLib != NULL) {
hLib = NULL;
// null out the function pointer
pfConvertSymbolsForImage = NULL;
// cleanup synchronization objects
#if 0
// Get the time stamp of the EXE (which has the CV info)
// Returns: sheFileOpen
// sheCorruptOmf
// sheNone
LSZ szExeName,
DWORD *lplTimeStamp
IMAGE_DOS_HEADER doshdr; // Old format MZ header
DWORD dwMagic;
UINT hfile;
SHE sheRet;
if ((hfile = SYOpen (szExeName)) == -1) {
sheRet = sheFileOpen;
goto cleanup;
// Go to beginning of file and read old EXE header
if (SYReadFar (hfile, (LPB) &doshdr, sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)) !=
sheRet = sheCorruptOmf;
goto cleanup;
// Go to beginning of new header, read it in and verify
if (doshdr.e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) {
// DOS/Win16/Win32 image with stub. See if this is a PE image
// and read from there.
if (SYSeek (hfile, doshdr.e_lfanew, SEEK_SET) != doshdr.e_lfanew) {
sheRet = sheCorruptOmf;
goto cleanup;
} else if (doshdr.e_magic == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) {
// Win32 Image w/o a stub or a ROM image. restart at the beginning.
if (SYSeek(hfile, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
sheRet = sheCorruptOmf;
goto cleanup;
if ((SYReadFar (hfile, (LPB) &dwMagic, sizeof(dwMagic)) != sizeof(dwMagic)) ||
sheRet = sheCorruptOmf;
goto cleanup;
// Retrieve the timestamp.
if (SYReadFar (hfile, (LPB) &PEHeader, sizeof(IMAGE_FILE_HEADER)) !=
sheRet = sheCorruptOmf;
goto cleanup;
*lplTimeStamp = PEHeader.TimeDateStamp;
if (hfile != -1) {
SYClose (hfile);
return sheRet;
// SHLszGetErrorText
// Synopsis: lsz = SHLszGetErrorText( she )
// Entry: she - error number to get text for
// Returns: pointer to the string containing the error text
// Description: This routine is used by the debugger to get the
// text for an error which occured in the symbol handler.
SHE she
static LSZ rglsz[] = {
assert((sizeof(rglsz) / sizeof(*rglsz)) == sheMax);
if (she < sheMax) {
return rglsz[she];
return SzSheBadError;
// SHWantSymbols
// Purpose: Loads symbols of a defered module
// Input: HEXE for which to load symbols
HEXE hexe
HEXG hexg;
LPEXE lpexe;
LPEXG lpexg;
if (!hexe) {
fRet = FALSE;
} else {
lpexe = (LPEXE)LLLock(hexe);
hexg = lpexe->hexg;
if (!hexg) {
fRet = FALSE;
} else {
lpexg = (LPEXG)LLLock (hexg);
if (lpexg->fOmfDefered) {
LLUnlock (hexg);
LLUnlock (hexe);
return fRet;
// SHSplitPath
// Custom split path that allows parameters to be null
SHSplitPath (
LSZ lszPath,
LSZ lszDrive,
LSZ lszDir,
LSZ lszName,
LSZ lszExt
// For 32-bit versions, there's no need for all the extra work
_tsplitpath(lszPath, lszDrive, lszDir, lszName, lszExt);