2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

163 lines
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// stab.cpp - symbol table for created UDT syms
#include "shinc.hpp"
struct STAB {
BOOL fFindSym(LPSSTR lpsstr, PFNCMP pfnCmp, SHFLAG fCase, UDTPTR* ppsym, unsigned *piHash);
BOOL fAddSym(LPSSTR lpsstr, unsigned iHash, UDTPTR* ppsym);
unsigned itMac;
unsigned itEntries;
UDTPTR* rgpsym;
BOOL fCreateNewUDTSym(LPSSTR lpsstr, unsigned iHash, UDTPTR* ppsym);
BOOL resize();
unsigned hash(LPB lpName)
return hashPbCb(lpName + 1, *lpName, itMac);
unsigned hash(LPSSTR lpsstr)
return hashPbCb(lpsstr->lpName, lpsstr->cb, itMac);
void* __cdecl operator new (size_t cb)
return MHAlloc(cb);
void __cdecl operator delete(void *pv)
BOOL STABOpen(STAB **ppstab)
*ppstab = new STAB;
return *ppstab != 0;
BOOL STABFindUDTSym(STAB* pstab, LPSSTR lpsstr, PFNCMP pfnCmp, SHFLAG fCase, UDTPTR *ppsym, unsigned *piHash)
*piHash = 0;
return pstab->fFindSym(lpsstr, pfnCmp, fCase, (UDTPTR *)ppsym, piHash);
BOOL STABAddUDTSym(STAB* pstab, LPSSTR lpsstr, unsigned iHash, UDTPTR* ppsym)
return pstab->fAddSym(lpsstr, iHash, (UDTPTR *)ppsym);
void STABClose(STAB* pstab)
delete pstab;
itEntries = 0;
itMac = 1024;
rgpsym = (UDTPTR *) MHAlloc(itMac * sizeof(UDTPTR));
memset(rgpsym, 0, itMac * sizeof(UDTPTR));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < itMac; i++)
if (rgpsym[i])
itEntries = 0;
itMac = 1024;
rgpsym = 0;
BOOL STAB::fFindSym(LPSSTR lpsstr, PFNCMP pfnCmp, SHFLAG fCase, UDTPTR* ppsym, unsigned* piHash)
*ppsym = 0;
// nothing but S_UDTs here - if were looking for a specific type of sym
// and its not a S_UDT - don't bother
if ((lpsstr->searchmask & SSTR_symboltype ) &&
( lpsstr->symtype != S_UDT ))
return FALSE;
for (*piHash = hash(lpsstr);
*piHash = (*piHash < itMac) ? *piHash + 1: 0) {
// thats right pfnCmp returns 0 if compare succeeds
if (!(*pfnCmp) ( lpsstr, (SYMPTR)rgpsym[*piHash], (char *)(rgpsym[*piHash]->name), fCase )) {
// got it - return the sym
*ppsym = rgpsym[*piHash];
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
BOOL STAB::fAddSym(LPSSTR lpsstr, unsigned iHash, UDTPTR* ppsym)
if (!fCreateNewUDTSym(lpsstr, iHash, ppsym))
return FALSE;
if ((itEntries >> 1) > itMac) {
// over half full - double itMac and rehash the table
if (!resize())
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL STAB::fCreateNewUDTSym(LPSSTR lpsstr, unsigned iHash, UDTPTR* ppsym)
*ppsym = rgpsym[iHash] = (UDTPTR) MHAlloc(sizeof(UDTSYM) + lpsstr->cb);
if (*ppsym) {
(*ppsym)->reclen = sizeof(UDTSYM) + lpsstr->cb;
(*ppsym)->rectyp = S_UDT;
(*ppsym)->typind = 0;
(*ppsym)->name[0] = lpsstr->cb;
memcpy((*ppsym)->name + 1, lpsstr->lpName, lpsstr->cb);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
BOOL STAB::resize()
unsigned itMac_ = itMac;
itMac <= 1; // double size of hash table
UDTPTR *rgpsym_ = rgpsym;
rgpsym = (UDTPTR *) MHAlloc(itMac * sizeof(UDTPTR));
if (!rgpsym) {
rgpsym = rgpsym_;
return FALSE;
memset(rgpsym, 0, itMac * sizeof(UDTPTR));
for (unsigned i_ = 0; i_ < itMac_; i_++) {
if (rgpsym_[i_]) {
for (unsigned i = hash((LPB)(rgpsym_[i_]->name));
i = (i < itMac) ? i + 1: 0);
rgpsym[i] = rgpsym_[i_];
return TRUE;