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* mktable - table-building program to ease table maintenance problems
* Several parts of the FORTRAN compiler need large tables.
* For example, the lexer contains tables of keywords and multicharacter
* tokens; the intrinsic-function handler contains a table of all the
* FORTRAN intrinsic functions.
* Maintaining these tables can be aggravating, since they are typically
* large and involve lots of drudge work (like changing many sequentially-
* numbered macro definitions) to modify.
* `mktable' can be used to build tables automatically as part of the
* usual compiler building process. Its usages and semantics are as
* follows.
* `mktable' takes a "table" file on its standard input. Each line of
* the table file has one of the following forms:
* # commentary information
* "key-string" [index-macro-name [arbitrary-stuff]]
* <blank line>
* The key string and arbitrary-stuff form the contents of a single
* table record. The index-macro-name is #define'd to be the index
* of the given record in the table. If the index-macro-name is absent or
* is an empty string ("") then no macro definition is produced for the
* record.
* `mktable' produces its output on four files:
* mktable.keys: the key string
* mktable.defs: #define <index_macro_name> <index to mktable.keys>
* mktable.indx: contains the initialization part of a definition
* for an index array for key-letter indexed tables,
* or the initialization part of a collision-resolution
* table for linear-list hashed tables.
* (not generated for sorted or _open-addressed tables.)
* mktable.info: contains arbitrary-stuff
* For example, if the table to be defined were named "symtab" and the
* table being constructed was of the "sorted" type (suitable for binary
* search),
* # contents of symtab:
* "alpha" ST_ALPHA 2, 4, MONADIC
* "gamma" ST_GAMMA 2, 3, MONADIC
* "delta" ST_DELTA 2, 1, DYADIC
* "epsilon"
* then `mktable' produces the following in mktable.keys:
* "alpha","delta","epsilon","gamma"
* and the following in mktable.defs:
* #define ST_ALPHA 0
* #define ST_DELTA 1
* #define ST_GAMMA 2
* and in mktable.info :
* {2, 4, MONADIC}, {2, 1, DYADIC}, {0}, {2, 3, MONADIC}
* The files might be included in a C source program in the
* following way:
* #include "mktable.defs"
* ...
* char *symname[] = {
* # include "mktable.keys"
* };
* struct syminfo
* {
* int size;
* int cycles;
* int arity;
* };
* struct syminfo symtab[] = {
* # include "mktable.info"
* };
* The `mktable' command itself is used in one of the following ways:
* mktable "open" size <tablefile
* This form creates an _open-addressed hash table, keyed on
* the string fields at the beginning of each record in the
* table file. The hash function used is the absolute value
* of the sum of all the characters in a key, modulo the table
* size. The collision resolution function is simply one plus
* the last hash, modulo the table size.
* Since some of the entries in the hash table may be empty,
* and `mktable' has no way of knowing how to fill them,
* one of the records supplied by the user will be replicated
* in the empty entries with its key value set to NULL.
* "table.c" will be created with the hash table itself, and
* "table.h" will be created with index-macro definitions that
* may be used to index directly into the table in "table.c".
* mktable "hashed" size <tablefile
* This form creates a hash table keyed on the string fields
* at the beginning of each table file record. The hash function
* is the absolute value of the sum of all the characters in a
* key, modulo the table size. Collision resolution is handled
* with linear chaining, as follows: If two keys hash to the
* same table location, the first one will be placed in the table,
* and the corresponding entry of the collision resolution vector
* will contain the (integer) index of the next table slot to be
* checked for the hash synonym. When the collision resolution
* vector entry is -1, the end of the chain has been reached.
* Note that since all entries are stored in the main table, the
* `size' must be at least as large as the number of entries.
* As with _open addressing, some slots in the table may be
* padded with a replicated entry (key value set to NULL).
* "table.c" receives the hash table. "table.h" receives the
* index-macro definitions that will index into the table in
* "table.c". "tabindex.c" receives the conflict resolution
* vector.
* mktable "sorted" <tablefile
* This form creates a table sorted in ascending order, keyed
* on the string fields at the beginning of each record in the
* table file. Comparisons are ordered according to the ASCII
* values of the characters being compared.
* "table.c" will be created with the sorted table itself, and
* "table.h" will be created with index-macro definitions that
* may be used to index directly into the table in "table.c".
* mktable "key-letter" <tablefile
* This form creates a key-letter-indexed table.
* The string fields serve as the
* key letter. An auxiliary table indexed from 'A' to 'Z'+1
* gives the starting index of all the entries whose keys begin
* with each letter (the last entry duplicates the entry for 'Z').
* "table.c" will contain the sorted table. "tabindex.c" will
* contain the auxiliary index table information. "table.h" will
* contain the index-macro definitions that may be used to index
* directly into the "table.c" table.
* Note that key-letter tables are sorted in a peculiar way;
* in ascending order by first letter of the key, but descending
* order by the remainder of the key. This is required by
* FORTRAN, to insure that longer keywords are matched before
* shorter keywords that are initial substrings of the longer
* keywords.
* Also note that the key strings themselves are missing the first
* char, since by indexing into the table, we are always assured
* of having matched the first char.
* February, 1984 Allen Akin
* March 8, 1984 Allen Akin
* Added linear-list resolved hashing.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXRECORDS 300 /* maximum-size table we can handle */
#define MAXLINE 82 /* maximum line length (incl "\n\0") */
#define HASHED 0 /* flag used by table loader */
#define LINEAR 1 /* ditto */
#define OPENADDR 2 /* ditto */
#define KEYFILE "mktable.key" /* name of table output file */
#define DEFFILE "mktable.def" /* name of index defs output file */
#define INDEXFILE "mktable.ind" /* name of table index output file */
#define INFOFILE "mktable.inf" /* gots the infos in it */
typedef struct rec
char *key; /* key-string field */
char *id; /* index macro identifier */
char *other; /* other stuff in the record - output untouched */
struct rec *link; /* pointer to next record in hash synonyms list */
} Rec_t;
int Upper = 0;
FILE *Fkeys, *Findex, *Fdefs, *Finfo;
/* Function Prototypes */
void main (int argc, char **argv);
void usage (void);
void error(char * message);
void open_addr(int size);
void hash_linear(int size);
void sorted(void);
void key_letter(void);
int load(Rec_t *record, int method, int size);
void startoutput(void);
void endoutput(void);
void outrec(Rec_t *rec);
void outdef(char *name, int value);
void outinx(int value);
void sortrec(Rec_t **rptr, int size);
int hash(register char *name);
/* Program code */
void main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc <= 1)
if(strcmp(argv[1], "-U") == 0)
Upper = 1;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "open") == 0)
if (argc != 3)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "hashed") == 0)
if (argc != 3)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "sorted") == 0)
if (argc != 2)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "key-letter") == 0)
if (argc != 2)
void usage (void)
"usage: mktable (open SIZE | hashed SIZE | sorted | key-letter) <table-master"
void error(char * message)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message);
void open_addr(int size)
register Rec_t
*record; /* points to array storing all records */
defrec; /* "default" record for empty array slot */
register int
if (size <= 0)
error("hash table size specified is less than zero");
if ((record = (Rec_t *)calloc(size, sizeof(Rec_t))) == NULL)
error("insufficient memory for hash table");
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
record[i].key = NULL;
if (load(record, OPENADDR, size) == 0)
error("couldn't find any input records");
defrec.key = NULL;
defrec.id = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (record[i].key != NULL)
defrec.other = record[i].other;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (record[i].key == NULL)
outdef(record[i].id, i);
void hash_linear(int size)
register Rec_t
*record, /* stores some records, all buckets */
defrec; /* default record for empty hash table slots */
register int
nextslot, /* next empty slot in main hash table */
if (size <= 0)
error("hash table size specified is less than zero");
if ((record = (Rec_t *)calloc(size, sizeof(Rec_t))) == NULL)
error("insufficient memory for hash table");
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
record[i].key = NULL;
record[i].link = NULL;
if ((i = load(record, HASHED, size)) == 0)
error("couldn't find any input records");
if (i > size)
error("too many records to hold in table");
defrec.key = NULL;
defrec.id = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (record[i].key != NULL)
defrec.other = record[i].other;
defrec.link = NULL;
* The `load' routine has built a hash table `record'.
* Each entry in `record' is either empty (key == NULL) or contains a record.
* Each record may have a NULL link field, or a link field that points to
* a hash synonym.
* With this section of code, we rearrange the linked lists of hash synonyms
* so that all the entries are stored in `record'.
nextslot = 0;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (record[i].key != NULL && record[i].link != NULL &&
(record[i].link < record || record[i].link >= record + size))
for (prev = i, rp = record[i].link; rp != NULL; rp = rp->link)
while (record[nextslot].key != NULL)
record[prev].link = &record[nextslot];
record[nextslot] = *rp;
prev = nextslot;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (record[i].key == NULL)
if (record[i].link == NULL)
outinx(record[i].link - record); /* cvt. to inx in table */
outdef(record[i].id, i);
void sorted(void)
register int
size = load(record, LINEAR, MAXRECORDS);
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
rptr[i] = &record[i];
sortrec(rptr, size);
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
outdef(rptr[i]->id, i);
void key_letter(void)
register int
register char
size = load(record, LINEAR, MAXRECORDS);
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
rptr[i] = &record[i];
sortrec(rptr, size);
for (i = 0; i < size; i = j)
for (j = i; j < size; ++j)
if (rptr[i]->key[0] != rptr[j]->key[0])
l = j - 1;
for (k = i; k < l; ++k, --l)
temp = rptr[k];
rptr[k] = rptr[l];
rptr[l] = temp;
lastletter = (char)((Upper ? 'A' : '_') - 1);
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
while (rptr[i]->key[0] > lastletter)
outdef(rptr[i]->id, i);
for (; lastletter < (char)((Upper ? 'Z' : 'z') + 1); ++lastletter)
int load(Rec_t *record, int method, int size)
char *line;
register char *p;
int rec, h, chainlen, maxchainlen = 0, collisions = 0;
Rec_t r;
for (rec = 0; ; ++rec)
if ((line = malloc(MAXLINE)) == NULL)
error("insufficient memory to load records");
if (fgets(line, MAXLINE, stdin) == NULL)
if (rec >= size)
error("too many records to handle");
r.key = r.id = r.other = NULL;
r.link = NULL;
for (p = line; *p && isspace(*p); ++p)
if (*p != '"')
r.key = ++p;
for (; *p != '"'; ++p)
if(Upper && (islower(*p)))
*p = (char)toupper(*p);
*p++ = '\0';
for (; *p && isspace(*p); ++p) /* skip space key and id */
if (*p == '"' && *(p + 1) == '"') /* no id */
r.id = NULL;
p += 2;
else if (*p)
r.id = p++; /* id start */
for (; *p && ( ! isspace(*p)); ++p) /* til first space */
*p++ = '\0'; /* terminate id */
for (; *p && isspace(*p); ++p) /* skip space til other info */
r.other = p++;
for (; *p != '\n' && *p != '\0'; ++p)
*p = '\0';
if (method == LINEAR)
record[rec] = r;
else if (method == OPENADDR)
chainlen = 0;
for(h = hash(r.key) % size; record[h].key; h = (h+1) % size)
maxchainlen = (chainlen < maxchainlen)? maxchainlen: chainlen;
record[h] = r;
else /* method == HASHED */
h = hash(r.key) % size;
if (record[h].key == NULL)
record[h] = r;
if ((rp = (Rec_t *)malloc(sizeof(Rec_t))) == NULL)
error("insufficient memory to store all records");
*rp = record[h];
r.link = rp;
record[h] = r;
chainlen = 1;
for (rp = &record[h]; rp->link != NULL; rp = rp->link)
maxchainlen = (chainlen < maxchainlen)? maxchainlen: chainlen;
if (method == HASHED || method == OPENADDR)
fprintf(stderr, "%d collisions, max chain length %d\n", collisions,
return rec;
void startoutput(void)
if ((Fkeys = fopen(KEYFILE, "w")) == NULL)
error("can't open keys output file");
if ((Findex = fopen(INDEXFILE, "w")) == NULL)
error("can't open index output file");
if ((Fdefs = fopen(DEFFILE, "w")) == NULL)
error("can't open definitions output file");
if ((Finfo = fopen(INFOFILE, "w")) == NULL)
error("can't open info output file");
void endoutput(void)
void outrec(Rec_t *rec)
if (rec->key == NULL)
fprintf(Fkeys, "NULL,\n");
fprintf(Fkeys, "\"%s\",\n", ((rec->key) + 1));
if (rec->other == NULL)
fprintf(Finfo, "{0},\n");
fprintf(Finfo, "{%s},\n", rec->other);
void outdef(char *name, int value)
if (name != NULL)
fprintf(Fdefs, "#define %s %d\n", name, value);
void outinx(int value)
fprintf(Findex, "%d,\n", value);
* Following code defines the hash function used in `mktable' and in
* the compiler. Since we must guarantee they are the same function,
* we use a single source file.
* `mktable' does not use the standard include file that the compiler
* uses, so we define the allowable register declarations here.
#define REG1 register
#define REG2 register
#define REG3 register
void sortrec(Rec_t **rptr, int size)
register int
for (gap = size / 2; gap > 0; gap /= 2)
for (i = gap; i < size; ++i)
for (j = i - gap; j >= 0; j -= gap)
if (strcmp(rptr[j]->key, rptr[j + gap]->key) <= 0)
temp = rptr[j];
rptr[j] = rptr[j + gap];
rptr[j + gap] = temp;
int hash(register char *name)
register int i;
i = 0;
while(*name) {
i += *name++ ;
return(i) ;