305 lines
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305 lines
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$Log: S:\products\wangview\oiwh\display\privprt.c_v $
* Rev 1.8 22 Apr 1996 08:12:04 BEG06016
* Cleaned up error checking.
* Rev 1.7 05 Mar 1996 15:49:58 RC
* Added print palettes
* Rev 1.6 05 Mar 1996 07:44:42 BEG06016
* Added color and gamma correction.
* Fixed access violations when freeing pattern brush bitmaps.
* This is not complete but will allow unlocking of most files.
* Rev 1.5 02 Jan 1996 10:34:24 BLJ
* Changed alot of UINTs to ints.
* Changed IMG structure to include the image data.
* Changed lp prefix to p.
* Rev 1.4 13 Oct 1995 12:27:44 RAR
* Use StretchDIBits() instead of Rectangle() for non-highlighted filled
* rectangles (only when printing). Work around for printer drivers (HPLJ4
* drivers) that ignore SetROP2() drawing mode.
* Rev 1.3 06 Oct 1995 18:02:06 RAR
* Fixed memory leak. Pointer to DIB returned by IPtoDIB was not being freed.
* Rev 1.2 04 Oct 1995 15:19:18 RAR
* Pen width scaling wasn't being done when printing. Now, the horizontal scale
* is always being nsed, but this may change in the next release and the vertical
* scale may be nsed in some circumstances.
* Rev 1.1 22 Sep 1995 11:18:12 RAR
* Set new param for dithering annotations to FALSE in function call
* PaintAnnotations.
* Rev 1.0 22 Sep 1995 09:02:06 RAR
* Initial entry
#include "privdisp.h"
StretchToPrtDC Transfer/scale data to printer DC.
int WINAPI StretchToPrtDC(HWND hWnd, HDC hDCScreen, HPALETTE hPalette,
PWINDOW pWindow, IMG *pImg, HPALETTE *phOldPal,
BOOL bForceBackgroundPalette, LRECT *plrScDisplayRect,
RECT *prRect, RECT *prRepaintRect, PIMAGE pImage,
PBITMAPINFOHEADER *ppDib, int PaintAnnoFlag,
BOOL bPaintSelectedWithoutHandles, int nHScale,
int nVScale, long lHOffset, long lVOffset,
PMARK **pppMarks, int *pnMarks,
RECT rDstRenderRect, BOOL bForceOpaqueRectangles){
int nStatus = 0;
char *hpDib;
RECT rStretchDIRect;
RECT rImgRect;
LRECT lrWDisplayRect;
PMARK pMark;
int nMarkIndex;
int nClipFlag = 0;
plrScDisplayRect->left - lHOffset,
plrScDisplayRect->top - lVOffset,
plrScDisplayRect->right - lHOffset,
plrScDisplayRect->bottom - lVOffset);
CopyRectLtoR(rImgRect, *plrScDisplayRect);
min(prRepaintRect->left, lrWDisplayRect.right),
min(prRepaintRect->top, lrWDisplayRect.bottom),
min(prRepaintRect->right, lrWDisplayRect.right),
min(prRepaintRect->bottom, lrWDisplayRect.bottom));
if (hPalette){
pWindow->bDontServiceRepaint = TRUE;
*phOldPal = SelectPalette(hDCScreen, hPalette, bForceBackgroundPalette);
if (RealizePalette(hDCScreen)){
pWindow->bRepaintClientRect = TRUE;
pWindow->bDontServiceRepaint = FALSE;
// Copy image data to DC.
// Image data must be scaled prior to this call.
CheckError2( IPtoDIB(pImage, pImg, ppDib, rImgRect));
hpDib = (char *) *ppDib;
hpDib += sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + ((*ppDib)->biClrUsed * 4);
if (rStretchDIRect.right - rStretchDIRect.left
&& rStretchDIRect.bottom - rStretchDIRect.top){
// StretchDIBits must be nsed since it allows a horizontal offset
if (!StretchDIBits(hDCScreen, rDstRenderRect.left, rDstRenderRect.top,
rDstRenderRect.right - rDstRenderRect.left,
rDstRenderRect.bottom - rDstRenderRect.top,
0, 0, rStretchDIRect.right - rStretchDIRect.left,
rStretchDIRect.bottom - rStretchDIRect.top,
goto Exit;
// Draw annotation stuff here.
for (nMarkIndex = 0; nMarkIndex < *pnMarks; nMarkIndex++){
pMark = (*pppMarks)[nMarkIndex];
if ((int) pMark->Attributes.uType == OIOP_AN_IMAGE){
CheckError2( GetAMarkNamedBlock(pMark, szOiAnoDat, (PPSTR) &pAnRotation));
CheckError2( PaintAnnotations(hWnd, hDCScreen, pWindow, pImage,
rDstRenderRect, PaintAnnoFlag, bPaintSelectedWithoutHandles,
nHScale, nHScale, nVScale, lHOffset, 0,
pppMarks, pnMarks, nClipFlag, DONT_USE_BI_LEVEL_DITHERING,
if (pAnRotation && !pAnRotation->bFormMark){
pAnRotation->bClipboardOp = FALSE;
if (*phOldPal){
SelectPalette(hDCScreen, *phOldPal, TRUE);
return nStatus;
PrivRenderToDC this will render image into callers DC
int WINAPI PrivRenderToDC(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, RECT rSrcRenderRect,
RECT rDstRenderRect, UINT RenderFlag,
BOOL bForceOpaqueRectangles){
int nStatus;
PWINDOW pWindow;
PIMAGE pImage;
CheckError2( Init(hWnd, &pWindow, &pAnoImage, FALSE, TRUE));
CheckError2( ValidateCache(hWnd, pAnoImage));
pImage = pAnoImage->pBaseImage;
/* Limn - to describe; to depict by painting or drawing */
CheckError2( LimnToDC(hWnd, hDC, rSrcRenderRect, rDstRenderRect,
pWindow, pImage, pAnoImage->pBasePlusFormImg, RenderFlag,
return nStatus;
int WINAPI LimnToDC(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, RECT rSrcRenderRect,
RECT rDstRenderRect, PWINDOW pWindow, PIMAGE pImage,
PIMG pBasePlusFormImg, int RenderFlag,
BOOL bForceOpaqueRectangles){
int nStatus;
int nDisplayPalette;
int nDisplayType;
int nNumberOfPaletteEntries;
HPALETTE hPalette;
BOOL bForceBackgroundPalette;
BOOL bOverride = FALSE;
int nOldScale;
long lOldHOff;
long lOldVOff;
long lVScale;
long lHScale;
BOOL bDoTheRender = FALSE;
LRECT lrScDisplayRect;
HPALETTE hGlobalOldPaletteMemory = 0;
RECT rRect;
RECT rRepaintRect;
BOOL bLastTime = FALSE;
BOOL bRestoreScale = FALSE;
WORD wPalVersion;
WORD wPalNumEntries;
int nIndex ;
BOOL bUsingCustPal = FALSE ;
CheckError2( GetDisplayValues(hWnd, pWindow, pImage, &nDisplayPalette,
&nDisplayType, &Corrections,
&nNumberOfPaletteEntries, &hPalette, &bForceBackgroundPalette));
// create duplicate palette for print, otherwise when a repaint is
// triggered it tries to load this palette into the screen dc, but
// fails as it is already loaded in the printer dc
if (nDisplayPalette == DISP_PALETTE_COMMON) {
hPalette = hCommonPalPrint ;
}else if (nDisplayPalette == DISP_PALETTE_CUSTOM) {
LogCusPal.wPalVersion = 0x300;
LogCusPal.wPalNumEntries = pImage->nPaletteEntries;
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < (int) pImage->nPaletteEntries; nIndex++){
LogCusPal.PalEntry[nIndex].peRed = pImage->PaletteTable[nIndex].rgbRed;
LogCusPal.PalEntry[nIndex].peGreen = pImage->PaletteTable[nIndex].rgbGreen;
LogCusPal.PalEntry[nIndex].peBlue = pImage->PaletteTable[nIndex].rgbBlue;
LogCusPal.PalEntry[nIndex].peFlags = 0;
// generate windows palette
hPalette = CreatePalette((PLOGPALETTE) &LogCusPal);
bUsingCustPal = TRUE ;
}else if (nDisplayPalette == DISP_PALETTE_GRAY8) {
hPalette = hGray8PalPrint ;
/* we always render at full scale */
nOldScale = pWindow->nScale;
pWindow->nScale = 1000;
lOldHOff = pWindow->lHOffset;
lOldVOff = pWindow->lVOffset;
pWindow->lHOffset = rSrcRenderRect.left;
pWindow->lVOffset = rSrcRenderRect.top;
lVScale = ((rDstRenderRect.bottom - rDstRenderRect.top) * 1000) /
(rSrcRenderRect.bottom - rSrcRenderRect.top);
lHScale = ((rDstRenderRect.right - rDstRenderRect.left) * 1000) /
(rSrcRenderRect.right - rSrcRenderRect.left);
bRestoreScale = TRUE;
CopyRectRtoL(lrScDisplayRect, rSrcRenderRect);
CopyRectLtoR(rRepaintRect, lrScDisplayRect);
rRect.left = 0;
rRect.right = rSrcRenderRect.right - rSrcRenderRect.left;
rRect.top = 0;
rRect.bottom = rSrcRenderRect.bottom - rSrcRenderRect.top;
rRepaintRect = rRect;
CheckError2( StretchToPrtDC(hWnd, hDC, hPalette,
pWindow, pBasePlusFormImg, &hGlobalOldPaletteMemory,
bForceBackgroundPalette, &lrScDisplayRect,
&rRect, &rRepaintRect, pImage, &pDib,
RenderFlag, TRUE, lHScale, lVScale,
pWindow->lHOffset, pWindow->lVOffset,
rDstRenderRect, bForceOpaqueRectangles));
/* relaize pal into input dc */
// commented out by RC
/* if (hPalette){
pWindow->bDontServiceRepaint = TRUE;
hGlobalOldPaletteMemory = SelectPalette( hDC, hPalette, bForceBackgroundPalette);
if (RealizePalette(hDC)){
pWindow->bRepaintClientRect = TRUE;
pWindow->bDontServiceRepaint = FALSE;
if (bRestoreScale){
/* restore the actual display scale */
pWindow->nScale = nOldScale;
pWindow->lHOffset = lOldHOff;
pWindow->lVOffset = lOldVOff;
/* clean np */
// commented out by RC
/* if (hGlobalOldPaletteMemory){
SelectPalette(hDC, hGlobalOldPaletteMemory, TRUE);
// delete the custom palette, other palettes are deleted in processdetach
if (bUsingCustPal) {
DeleteObject (hPalette) ;
bUsingCustPal = FALSE ;
FreeMemory((PPSTR) &pDib);
return nStatus;