2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

898 lines
44 KiB

#if !defined(__gls_h_)
#define __gls_h_
** Copyright 1995-2095, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
#include <windef.h>
#include <wingdi.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */
typedef __int64 GLlong;
typedef unsigned __int64 GLulong;
typedef GLuint GLSenum;
typedef GLuint GLSopcode;
typedef struct {
GLuint mask;
GLuint value;
} GLScommandAlignment;
typedef void (GLS_LINKAGE *GLScaptureFunc)(GLSopcode inOpcode);
typedef size_t (GLS_LINKAGE *GLSreadFunc)(size_t inCount, GLubyte *outBuf);
typedef size_t (GLS_LINKAGE *GLSwriteFunc)(size_t inCount, const GLubyte *inBuf);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
typedef void (GLS_LINKAGE *GLSfunc)(...);
#else /* !defined(__cplusplus) */
typedef void (GLS_LINKAGE *GLSfunc)();
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */
#define glsCSTR(p) ((const GLubyte*)(p))
#define glsSTR(p) ((GLubyte*)(p))
/* CaptureFlags */
/* GLS_NONE */
#define GLS_CAPTURE_EXECUTE_BIT 0x00000001
#define GLS_CAPTURE_WRITE_BIT 0x00000002
/* CommandAttrib */
/* GLS_NONE */
#define GLS_COMMAND_GEN_BIT 0x00000001
#define GLS_COMMAND_GET_BIT 0x00000002
#define GLS_COMMAND_REPLY_BIT 0x00000004
/* ImageFlags */
/* GLS_NONE */
#define GLS_IMAGE_NULL_BIT 0x00000001
/* StreamAttrib */
/* GLS_NONE */
#define GLS_STREAM_CONTEXT_BIT 0x00000001
#define GLS_STREAM_NAMED_BIT 0x00000002
#define GLS_STREAM_READABLE_BIT 0x00000004
#define GLS_STREAM_SEEKABLE_BIT 0x00000008
#define GLS_STREAM_WRITABLE_BIT 0x00000010
/* WriteFlags */
/* GLS_NONE */
#define GLS_WRITE_APPEND_BIT 0x00000001
/* Fundamental */
#define GLS_NONE 0x0000
/* AbortMode */
/* GLS_NONE */
#define GLS_ALL 0x0010
#define GLS_LAST 0x0011
/* API */
#define GLS_API_GLS 0x0020
#define GLS_API_GL 0x0021
/* BlockType */
#define GLS_FRAME 0x0030
#define GLS_HEADER 0x0031
#define GLS_INIT 0x0032
#define GLS_STATIC 0x0033
/* CaptureFuncTarget */
#define GLS_CAPTURE_EXIT_FUNC 0x0041
/* CaptureStreamType */
#define GLS_CONTEXT 0x0050
#define GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST 0x0051
#define GLS_BINARY_MSB_FIRST 0x0052
#define GLS_TEXT 0x0053
/* ChannelTarget */
/* Consti */
#define GLS_API_COUNT 0x0070
#define GLS_MAX_CALL_NESTING 0x0071
#define GLS_VERSION_MAJOR 0x0073
#define GLS_VERSION_MINOR 0x0074
/* Constiv */
#define GLS_ALL_APIS 0x0080
/* Constubz */
#define GLS_EXTENSIONS 0x0090
#define GLS_PLATFORM 0x0091
#define GLS_RELEASE 0x0092
#define GLS_VENDOR 0x0093
/* ContextFunc */
#define GLS_READ_FUNC 0x00A1
#define GLS_UNREAD_FUNC 0x00A2
#define GLS_WRITE_FUNC 0x00A3
/* ContextListl */
#define GLS_OUT_ARG_LIST 0x00B0
/* ContextListubz */
/* ContextPointer */
#define GLS_DATA_POINTER 0x00E0
/* Contexti */
#define GLS_ABORT_MODE 0x00E0
#define GLS_BLOCK_TYPE 0x00E1
#define GLS_CALL_NESTING 0x00E2
#define GLS_CURRENT_GLRC 0x00E5
#define GLS_OUT_ARG_COUNT 0x00E6
#define GLS_PIXEL_SETUP_GEN 0x00E7
/* Contextubz */
#define GLS_WRITE_PREFIX 0x0100
/* CopyStreamType */
/* GLS_NONE */
/* GLS_TEXT */
/* DisplayFormat */
#define GLS_IIII 0x0110
#define GLS_RGBA 0x0111
#define GLS_RRRA 0x0112
/* DisplayMap */
#define GLS_DISPLAY_MAP_I_TO_R 0x0120
#define GLS_DISPLAY_MAP_I_TO_G 0x0121
#define GLS_DISPLAY_MAP_I_TO_B 0x0122
#define GLS_DISPLAY_MAP_I_TO_A 0x0123
/* ErrorCode */
/* GLS_NONE */
#define GLS_CALL_OVERFLOW 0x0130
#define GLS_DECODE_ERROR 0x0131
#define GLS_ENCODE_ERROR 0x0132
#define GLS_INVALID_ENUM 0x0133
#define GLS_INVALID_STREAM 0x0135
#define GLS_INVALID_STRING 0x0136
#define GLS_INVALID_VALUE 0x0137
#define GLS_NOT_FOUND 0x0138
#define GLS_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x0139
/* ExternStreamType */
/* GLS_TEXT */
/* FlushType */
/* GLS_ALL */
/* GLS_LAST */
/* GetStreamType */
/* GLS_NONE */
/* GLS_TEXT */
#define GLS_UNKNOWN 0x0150
/* GLRCi */
#define GLS_LAYER 0x0160
#define GLS_READ_LAYER 0x0161
#define GLS_SHARE_GLRC 0x0162
/* Headerf */
#define GLS_ASPECT 0x0170
#define GLS_BORDER_WIDTH 0x0171
#define GLS_CONTRAST_RATIO 0x0172
#define GLS_HEIGHT_MM 0x0173
/* Headerfv */
#define GLS_BORDER_COLOR 0x0180
#define GLS_GAMMA 0x0181
#define GLS_ORIGIN 0x0182
#define GLS_PAGE_COLOR 0x0183
#define GLS_PAGE_SIZE 0x0184
#define GLS_RED_POINT 0x0185
#define GLS_GREEN_POINT 0x0186
#define GLS_BLUE_POINT 0x0187
#define GLS_WHITE_POINT 0x0188
/* Headeri */
#define GLS_FRAME_COUNT 0x01A0
#define GLS_GLRC_COUNT 0x01A1
#define GLS_HEIGHT_PIXELS 0x01A2
#define GLS_LAYER_COUNT 0x01A3
#define GLS_TILEABLE 0x01A4
/* Headeriv */
#define GLS_CREATE_TIME 0x01B0
#define GLS_MODIFY_TIME 0x01B1
/* Headerubz */
#define GLS_AUTHOR 0x01C0
#define GLS_DESCRIPTION 0x01C1
#define GLS_NOTES 0x01C2
#define GLS_TITLE 0x01C3
#define GLS_TOOLS 0x01C4
#define GLS_VERSION 0x01C5
/* Layerf */
/* Layeri */
#define GLS_INVISIBLE 0x01E2
#define GLS_LEVEL 0x01E4
#define GLS_STEREO 0x01E5
#define GLS_TRANSPARENT 0x01E6
#define GLS_INDEX_BITS 0x01E7
#define GLS_RED_BITS 0x01E8
#define GLS_GREEN_BITS 0x01E9
#define GLS_BLUE_BITS 0x01EA
#define GLS_ALPHA_BITS 0x01EB
#define GLS_DEPTH_BITS 0x01EC
#define GLS_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS 0x01F0
#define GLS_AUX_BUFFERS 0x01F2
/* ListOp */
#define GLS_APPEND 0x0200
#define GLS_PREPEND 0x0201
/* GL_SGIS_multisample */
#define GLS_SAMPLES_SGIS 0x0401
/* GLS opcodes */
#define GLS_OP_glsBeginGLS 16
#define GLS_OP_glsBlock 17
#define GLS_OP_glsCallStream 18
#define GLS_OP_glsEndGLS 19
#define GLS_OP_glsError 20
#define GLS_OP_glsGLRC 21
#define GLS_OP_glsGLRCLayer 22
#define GLS_OP_glsHeaderGLRCi 23
#define GLS_OP_glsHeaderLayerf 24
#define GLS_OP_glsHeaderLayeri 25
#define GLS_OP_glsHeaderf 26
#define GLS_OP_glsHeaderfv 27
#define GLS_OP_glsHeaderi 28
#define GLS_OP_glsHeaderiv 29
#define GLS_OP_glsHeaderubz 30
#define GLS_OP_glsRequireExtension 31
#define GLS_OP_glsUnsupportedCommand 32
#define GLS_OP_glsAppRef 33
#define GLS_OP_glsBeginObj 34
#define GLS_OP_glsCharubz 35
#define GLS_OP_glsComment 36
#define GLS_OP_glsDisplayMapfv 37
#define GLS_OP_glsEndObj 38
#define GLS_OP_glsNumb 39
#define GLS_OP_glsNumbv 40
#define GLS_OP_glsNumd 41
#define GLS_OP_glsNumdv 42
#define GLS_OP_glsNumf 43
#define GLS_OP_glsNumfv 44
#define GLS_OP_glsNumi 45
#define GLS_OP_glsNumiv 46
#define GLS_OP_glsNuml 47
#define GLS_OP_glsNumlv 48
#define GLS_OP_glsNums 49
#define GLS_OP_glsNumsv 50
#define GLS_OP_glsNumub 51
#define GLS_OP_glsNumubv 52
#define GLS_OP_glsNumui 53
#define GLS_OP_glsNumuiv 54
#define GLS_OP_glsNumul 55
#define GLS_OP_glsNumulv 56
#define GLS_OP_glsNumus 57
#define GLS_OP_glsNumusv 58
#define GLS_OP_glsPad 59
#define GLS_OP_glsSwapBuffers 60
/* GL opcodes */
#define GLS_OP_glAccum 277
#define GLS_OP_glAlphaFunc 304
#define GLS_OP_glAreTexturesResidentEXT 65502
#define GLS_OP_glArrayElementEXT 65493
#define GLS_OP_glBegin 71
#define GLS_OP_glBindTextureEXT 65503
#define GLS_OP_glBitmap 72
#define GLS_OP_glBlendColorEXT 65520
#define GLS_OP_glBlendEquationEXT 65521
#define GLS_OP_glBlendFunc 305
#define GLS_OP_glCallList 66
#define GLS_OP_glCallLists 67
#define GLS_OP_glClear 267
#define GLS_OP_glClearAccum 268
#define GLS_OP_glClearColor 270
#define GLS_OP_glClearDepth 272
#define GLS_OP_glClearIndex 269
#define GLS_OP_glClearStencil 271
#define GLS_OP_glClipPlane 214
#define GLS_OP_glColor3b 73
#define GLS_OP_glColor3bv 74
#define GLS_OP_glColor3d 75
#define GLS_OP_glColor3dv 76
#define GLS_OP_glColor3f 77
#define GLS_OP_glColor3fv 78
#define GLS_OP_glColor3i 79
#define GLS_OP_glColor3iv 80
#define GLS_OP_glColor3s 81
#define GLS_OP_glColor3sv 82
#define GLS_OP_glColor3ub 83
#define GLS_OP_glColor3ubv 84
#define GLS_OP_glColor3ui 85
#define GLS_OP_glColor3uiv 86
#define GLS_OP_glColor3us 87
#define GLS_OP_glColor3usv 88
#define GLS_OP_glColor4b 89
#define GLS_OP_glColor4bv 90
#define GLS_OP_glColor4d 91
#define GLS_OP_glColor4dv 92
#define GLS_OP_glColor4f 93
#define GLS_OP_glColor4fv 94
#define GLS_OP_glColor4i 95
#define GLS_OP_glColor4iv 96
#define GLS_OP_glColor4s 97
#define GLS_OP_glColor4sv 98
#define GLS_OP_glColor4ub 99
#define GLS_OP_glColor4ubv 100
#define GLS_OP_glColor4ui 101
#define GLS_OP_glColor4uiv 102
#define GLS_OP_glColor4us 103
#define GLS_OP_glColor4usv 104
#define GLS_OP_glColorMask 274
#define GLS_OP_glColorMaterial 215
#define GLS_OP_glColorPointerEXT 65494
#define GLS_OP_glColorSubTableEXT 65424
#define GLS_OP_glColorTableParameterfvSGI 65477
#define GLS_OP_glColorTableParameterivSGI 65478
#define GLS_OP_glColorTableEXT 65476
#define GLS_OP_glConvolutionFilter1DEXT 65528
#define GLS_OP_glConvolutionFilter2DEXT 65529
#define GLS_OP_glConvolutionParameterfEXT 65530
#define GLS_OP_glConvolutionParameterfvEXT 65531
#define GLS_OP_glConvolutionParameteriEXT 65532
#define GLS_OP_glConvolutionParameterivEXT 65533
#define GLS_OP_glCopyColorTableSGI 65479
#define GLS_OP_glCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT 65534
#define GLS_OP_glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT 65535
#define GLS_OP_glCopyPixels 319
#define GLS_OP_glCopyTexImage1DEXT 65487
#define GLS_OP_glCopyTexImage2DEXT 65456
#define GLS_OP_glCopyTexSubImage1DEXT 65457
#define GLS_OP_glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT 65458
#define GLS_OP_glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT 65459
#define GLS_OP_glCullFace 216
#define GLS_OP_glDeleteLists 68
#define GLS_OP_glDeleteTexturesEXT 65472
#define GLS_OP_glDepthFunc 309
#define GLS_OP_glDepthMask 275
#define GLS_OP_glDepthRange 352
#define GLS_OP_glDetailTexFuncSGIS 65489
#define GLS_OP_glDisable 278
#define GLS_OP_glDrawArraysEXT 65495
#define GLS_OP_glDrawBuffer 266
#define GLS_OP_glDrawPixels 321
#define GLS_OP_glEdgeFlag 105
#define GLS_OP_glEdgeFlagPointerEXT 65496
#define GLS_OP_glEdgeFlagv 106
#define GLS_OP_glEnable 279
#define GLS_OP_glEnd 107
#define GLS_OP_glEndList 65
#define GLS_OP_glEvalCoord1d 292
#define GLS_OP_glEvalCoord1dv 293
#define GLS_OP_glEvalCoord1f 294
#define GLS_OP_glEvalCoord1fv 295
#define GLS_OP_glEvalCoord2d 296
#define GLS_OP_glEvalCoord2dv 297
#define GLS_OP_glEvalCoord2f 298
#define GLS_OP_glEvalCoord2fv 299
#define GLS_OP_glEvalMesh1 300
#define GLS_OP_glEvalMesh2 302
#define GLS_OP_glEvalPoint1 301
#define GLS_OP_glEvalPoint2 303
#define GLS_OP_glFeedbackBuffer 258
#define GLS_OP_glFinish 280
#define GLS_OP_glFlush 281
#define GLS_OP_glFogf 217
#define GLS_OP_glFogfv 218
#define GLS_OP_glFogi 219
#define GLS_OP_glFogiv 220
#define GLS_OP_glFrontFace 221
#define GLS_OP_glFrustum 353
#define GLS_OP_glGenLists 69
#define GLS_OP_glGenTexturesEXT 65473
#define GLS_OP_glGetBooleanv 322
#define GLS_OP_glGetClipPlane 323
#define GLS_OP_glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT 65481
#define GLS_OP_glGetColorTableParameterivEXT 65482
#define GLS_OP_glGetColorTableEXT 65480
#define GLS_OP_glGetConvolutionFilterEXT 65504
#define GLS_OP_glGetConvolutionParameterfvEXT 65505
#define GLS_OP_glGetConvolutionParameterivEXT 65506
#define GLS_OP_glGetDetailTexFuncSGIS 65490
#define GLS_OP_glGetDoublev 324
#define GLS_OP_glGetError 325
#define GLS_OP_glGetFloatv 326
#define GLS_OP_glGetHistogramEXT 65509
#define GLS_OP_glGetHistogramParameterfvEXT 65510
#define GLS_OP_glGetHistogramParameterivEXT 65511
#define GLS_OP_glGetIntegerv 327
#define GLS_OP_glGetLightfv 328
#define GLS_OP_glGetLightiv 329
#define GLS_OP_glGetMapdv 330
#define GLS_OP_glGetMapfv 331
#define GLS_OP_glGetMapiv 332
#define GLS_OP_glGetMaterialfv 333
#define GLS_OP_glGetMaterialiv 334
#define GLS_OP_glGetMinmaxEXT 65512
#define GLS_OP_glGetMinmaxParameterfvEXT 65513
#define GLS_OP_glGetMinmaxParameterivEXT 65514
#define GLS_OP_glGetPixelMapfv 335
#define GLS_OP_glGetPixelMapuiv 336
#define GLS_OP_glGetPixelMapusv 337
#define GLS_OP_glGetPointervEXT 65497
#define GLS_OP_glGetPolygonStipple 338
#define GLS_OP_glGetSeparableFilterEXT 65507
#define GLS_OP_glGetSharpenTexFuncSGIS 65492
#define GLS_OP_glGetString 339
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexColorTableParameterfvSGI 65483
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexColorTableParameterivSGI 65484
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexEnvfv 340
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexEnviv 341
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexGendv 342
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexGenfv 343
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexGeniv 344
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexImage 345
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexLevelParameterfv 348
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexLevelParameteriv 349
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexParameterfv 346
#define GLS_OP_glGetTexParameteriv 347
#define GLS_OP_glHint 222
#define GLS_OP_glHistogramEXT 65515
#define GLS_OP_glIndexMask 276
#define GLS_OP_glIndexPointerEXT 65498
#define GLS_OP_glIndexd 108
#define GLS_OP_glIndexdv 109
#define GLS_OP_glIndexf 110
#define GLS_OP_glIndexfv 111
#define GLS_OP_glIndexi 112
#define GLS_OP_glIndexiv 113
#define GLS_OP_glIndexs 114
#define GLS_OP_glIndexsv 115
#define GLS_OP_glInitNames 261
#define GLS_OP_glIsEnabled 350
#define GLS_OP_glIsList 351
#define GLS_OP_glIsTextureEXT 65474
#define GLS_OP_glLightModelf 227
#define GLS_OP_glLightModelfv 228
#define GLS_OP_glLightModeli 229
#define GLS_OP_glLightModeliv 230
#define GLS_OP_glLightf 223
#define GLS_OP_glLightfv 224
#define GLS_OP_glLighti 225
#define GLS_OP_glLightiv 226
#define GLS_OP_glLineStipple 231
#define GLS_OP_glLineWidth 232
#define GLS_OP_glListBase 70
#define GLS_OP_glLoadIdentity 354
#define GLS_OP_glLoadMatrixd 356
#define GLS_OP_glLoadMatrixf 355
#define GLS_OP_glLoadName 262
#define GLS_OP_glLogicOp 306
#define GLS_OP_glMap1d 284
#define GLS_OP_glMap1f 285
#define GLS_OP_glMap2d 286
#define GLS_OP_glMap2f 287
#define GLS_OP_glMapGrid1d 288
#define GLS_OP_glMapGrid1f 289
#define GLS_OP_glMapGrid2d 290
#define GLS_OP_glMapGrid2f 291
#define GLS_OP_glMaterialf 233
#define GLS_OP_glMaterialfv 234
#define GLS_OP_glMateriali 235
#define GLS_OP_glMaterialiv 236
#define GLS_OP_glMatrixMode 357
#define GLS_OP_glMinmaxEXT 65516
#define GLS_OP_glMultMatrixd 359
#define GLS_OP_glMultMatrixf 358
#define GLS_OP_glNewList 64
#define GLS_OP_glNormal3b 116
#define GLS_OP_glNormal3bv 117
#define GLS_OP_glNormal3d 118
#define GLS_OP_glNormal3dv 119
#define GLS_OP_glNormal3f 120
#define GLS_OP_glNormal3fv 121
#define GLS_OP_glNormal3i 122
#define GLS_OP_glNormal3iv 123
#define GLS_OP_glNormal3s 124
#define GLS_OP_glNormal3sv 125
#define GLS_OP_glNormalPointerEXT 65499
#define GLS_OP_glOrtho 360
#define GLS_OP_glPassThrough 263
#define GLS_OP_glPixelMapfv 315
#define GLS_OP_glPixelMapuiv 316
#define GLS_OP_glPixelMapusv 317
#define GLS_OP_glPixelStoref 313
#define GLS_OP_glPixelStorei 314
#define GLS_OP_glPixelTexGenSGIX 65462
#define GLS_OP_glPixelTransferf 311
#define GLS_OP_glPixelTransferi 312
#define GLS_OP_glPixelZoom 310
#define GLS_OP_glPointSize 237
#define GLS_OP_glPolygonMode 238
#define GLS_OP_glPolygonOffsetEXT 65522
#define GLS_OP_glPolygonStipple 239
#define GLS_OP_glPopAttrib 282
#define GLS_OP_glPopMatrix 361
#define GLS_OP_glPopName 264
#define GLS_OP_glPrioritizeTexturesEXT 65475
#define GLS_OP_glPushAttrib 283
#define GLS_OP_glPushMatrix 362
#define GLS_OP_glPushName 265
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos2d 126
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos2dv 127
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos2f 128
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos2fv 129
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos2i 130
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos2iv 131
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos2s 132
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos2sv 133
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos3d 134
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos3dv 135
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos3f 136
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos3fv 137
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos3i 138
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos3iv 139
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos3s 140
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos3sv 141
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos4d 142
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos4dv 143
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos4f 144
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos4fv 145
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos4i 146
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos4iv 147
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos4s 148
#define GLS_OP_glRasterPos4sv 149
#define GLS_OP_glReadBuffer 318
#define GLS_OP_glReadPixels 320
#define GLS_OP_glRectd 150
#define GLS_OP_glRectdv 151
#define GLS_OP_glRectf 152
#define GLS_OP_glRectfv 153
#define GLS_OP_glRecti 154
#define GLS_OP_glRectiv 155
#define GLS_OP_glRects 156
#define GLS_OP_glRectsv 157
#define GLS_OP_glRenderMode 260
#define GLS_OP_glResetHistogramEXT 65517
#define GLS_OP_glResetMinmaxEXT 65518
#define GLS_OP_glRotated 363
#define GLS_OP_glRotatef 364
#define GLS_OP_glSampleMaskSGIS 65525
#define GLS_OP_glSamplePatternSGIS 65526
#define GLS_OP_glScaled 365
#define GLS_OP_glScalef 366
#define GLS_OP_glScissor 240
#define GLS_OP_glSelectBuffer 259
#define GLS_OP_glSeparableFilter2DEXT 65508
#define GLS_OP_glShadeModel 241
#define GLS_OP_glSharpenTexFuncSGIS 65491
#define GLS_OP_glStencilFunc 307
#define GLS_OP_glStencilMask 273
#define GLS_OP_glStencilOp 308
#define GLS_OP_glTagSampleBufferSGIX 65527
#define GLS_OP_glTexColorTableParameterfvSGI 65485
#define GLS_OP_glTexColorTableParameterivSGI 65486
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord1d 158
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord1dv 159
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord1f 160
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord1fv 161
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord1i 162
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord1iv 163
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord1s 164
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord1sv 165
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord2d 166
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord2dv 167
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord2f 168
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord2fv 169
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord2i 170
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord2iv 171
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord2s 172
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord2sv 173
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord3d 174
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord3dv 175
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord3f 176
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord3fv 177
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord3i 178
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord3iv 179
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord3s 180
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord3sv 181
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord4d 182
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord4dv 183
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord4f 184
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord4fv 185
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord4i 186
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord4iv 187
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord4s 188
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoord4sv 189
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoordPointerEXT 65500
#define GLS_OP_glTexEnvf 248
#define GLS_OP_glTexEnvfv 249
#define GLS_OP_glTexEnvi 250
#define GLS_OP_glTexEnviv 251
#define GLS_OP_glTexGend 252
#define GLS_OP_glTexGendv 253
#define GLS_OP_glTexGenf 254
#define GLS_OP_glTexGenfv 255
#define GLS_OP_glTexGeni 256
#define GLS_OP_glTexGeniv 257
#define GLS_OP_glTexImage1D 246
#define GLS_OP_glTexImage2D 247
#define GLS_OP_glTexImage3DEXT 65519
#define GLS_OP_glTexImage4DSGIS 65460
#define GLS_OP_glTexParameterf 242
#define GLS_OP_glTexParameterfv 243
#define GLS_OP_glTexParameteri 244
#define GLS_OP_glTexParameteriv 245
#define GLS_OP_glTexSubImage1DEXT 65523
#define GLS_OP_glTexSubImage2DEXT 65524
#define GLS_OP_glTexSubImage3DEXT 65488
#define GLS_OP_glTexSubImage4DSGIS 65461
#define GLS_OP_glTranslated 367
#define GLS_OP_glTranslatef 368
#define GLS_OP_glVertex2d 190
#define GLS_OP_glVertex2dv 191
#define GLS_OP_glVertex2f 192
#define GLS_OP_glVertex2fv 193
#define GLS_OP_glVertex2i 194
#define GLS_OP_glVertex2iv 195
#define GLS_OP_glVertex2s 196
#define GLS_OP_glVertex2sv 197
#define GLS_OP_glVertex3d 198
#define GLS_OP_glVertex3dv 199
#define GLS_OP_glVertex3f 200
#define GLS_OP_glVertex3fv 201
#define GLS_OP_glVertex3i 202
#define GLS_OP_glVertex3iv 203
#define GLS_OP_glVertex3s 204
#define GLS_OP_glVertex3sv 205
#define GLS_OP_glVertex4d 206
#define GLS_OP_glVertex4dv 207
#define GLS_OP_glVertex4f 208
#define GLS_OP_glVertex4fv 209
#define GLS_OP_glVertex4i 210
#define GLS_OP_glVertex4iv 211
#define GLS_OP_glVertex4s 212
#define GLS_OP_glVertex4sv 213
#define GLS_OP_glVertexPointerEXT 65501
#define GLS_OP_glViewport 369
#define GLS_OP_glArrayElement 370
#define GLS_OP_glBindTexture 371
#define GLS_OP_glColorPointer 372
#define GLS_OP_glDisableClientState 373
#define GLS_OP_glDrawArrays 374
#define GLS_OP_glDrawElements 375
#define GLS_OP_glEdgeFlagPointer 376
#define GLS_OP_glEnableClientState 377
#define GLS_OP_glIndexPointer 378
#define GLS_OP_glIndexub 379
#define GLS_OP_glIndexubv 380
#define GLS_OP_glInterleavedArrays 381
#define GLS_OP_glNormalPointer 382
#define GLS_OP_glPolygonOffset 383
#define GLS_OP_glTexCoordPointer 384
#define GLS_OP_glVertexPointer 385
#define GLS_OP_glAreTexturesResident 386
#define GLS_OP_glCopyTexImage1D 387
#define GLS_OP_glCopyTexImage2D 388
#define GLS_OP_glCopyTexSubImage1D 389
#define GLS_OP_glCopyTexSubImage2D 390
#define GLS_OP_glDeleteTextures 391
#define GLS_OP_glGenTextures 392
#define GLS_OP_glGetPointerv 393
#define GLS_OP_glIsTexture 394
#define GLS_OP_glPrioritizeTextures 395
#define GLS_OP_glTexSubImage1D 396
#define GLS_OP_glTexSubImage2D 397
#define GLS_OP_glPushClientAttrib 398
#define GLS_OP_glPopClientAttrib 399
/* GLS global commands */
extern GLSenum GLS_LINKAGE glsBinary (GLboolean inSwapped);
extern GLSenum GLS_LINKAGE glsCommandAPI (GLSopcode inOpcode);
extern const GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsCommandString (GLSopcode inOpcode);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsContext (GLuint inContext);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsDeleteContext (GLuint inContext);
extern const GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsEnumString (GLSenum inAPI, GLSenum inEnum);
extern GLuint GLS_LINKAGE glsGenContext (void);
extern GLuint* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetAllContexts (void);
extern GLScommandAlignment* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetCommandAlignment (GLSopcode inOpcode, GLSenum inExternStreamType, GLScommandAlignment *outAlignment);
extern GLbitfield GLS_LINKAGE glsGetCommandAttrib (GLSopcode inOpcode);
extern GLint GLS_LINKAGE glsGetConsti (GLSenum inAttrib);
extern const GLint* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetConstiv (GLSenum inAttrib);
extern const GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetConstubz (GLSenum inAttrib);
extern GLuint GLS_LINKAGE glsGetCurrentContext (void);
extern GLint* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetCurrentTime (GLint *outTime);
extern GLSenum GLS_LINKAGE glsGetError (GLboolean inClear);
extern GLint GLS_LINKAGE glsGetOpcodeCount (GLSenum inAPI);
extern const GLSopcode* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetOpcodes (GLSenum inAPI);
extern GLboolean GLS_LINKAGE glsIsContext (GLuint inContext);
extern GLboolean GLS_LINKAGE glsIsExtensionSupported (const GLubyte *inExtension);
extern GLboolean GLS_LINKAGE glsIsUTF8String (const GLubyte *inString);
extern GLlong GLS_LINKAGE glsLong (GLint inHigh, GLuint inLow);
extern GLint GLS_LINKAGE glsLongHigh (GLlong inVal);
extern GLuint GLS_LINKAGE glsLongLow (GLlong inVal);
extern GLSfunc GLS_LINKAGE glsNullCommandFunc (GLSopcode inOpcode);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsPixelSetup (void);
extern GLulong GLS_LINKAGE glsULong (GLuint inHigh, GLuint inLow);
extern GLuint GLS_LINKAGE glsULongHigh (GLulong inVal);
extern GLuint GLS_LINKAGE glsULongLow (GLulong inVal);
extern GLint GLS_LINKAGE glsUCS4toUTF8 (GLuint inUCS4, GLubyte *outUTF8);
extern GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsUCStoUTF8z (size_t inUCSbytes, const GLvoid *inUCSz, size_t inUTF8max, GLubyte *outUTF8z);
extern GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsUCS1toUTF8z (const GLubyte *inUCS1z, size_t inUTF8max, GLubyte *outUTF8z);
extern GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsUCS2toUTF8z (const GLushort *inUCS2z, size_t inUTF8max, GLubyte *outUTF8z);
extern GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsUCS4toUTF8z (const GLuint *inUCS4z, size_t inUTF8max, GLubyte *outUTF8z);
extern GLint GLS_LINKAGE glsUTF8toUCS4 (const GLubyte *inUTF8, GLuint *outUCS4);
extern GLboolean GLS_LINKAGE glsUTF8toUCSz (size_t inUCSbytes, const GLubyte *inUTF8z, size_t inUCSmax, GLvoid *outUCSz);
extern GLboolean GLS_LINKAGE glsUTF8toUCS1z (const GLubyte *inUTF8z, size_t inUCS1max, GLubyte *outUCS1z);
extern GLboolean GLS_LINKAGE glsUTF8toUCS2z (const GLubyte *inUTF8z, size_t inUCS2max, GLushort *outUCS2z);
extern GLboolean GLS_LINKAGE glsUTF8toUCS4z (const GLubyte *inUTF8z, size_t inUCS4max, GLuint *outUCS4z);
/* GLS immediate commands */
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsAbortCall (GLSenum inMode);
extern GLboolean GLS_LINKAGE glsBeginCapture (const GLubyte *inStreamName, GLSenum inCaptureStreamType, GLbitfield inWriteFlags);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsCallArray (GLSenum inExternStreamType, size_t inCount, const GLubyte *inArray);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsCaptureFlags (GLSopcode inOpcode, GLbitfield inFlags);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsCaptureFunc (GLSenum inTarget, GLScaptureFunc inFunc);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsChannel (GLSenum inTarget, FILE *inChannel);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsCommandFunc (GLSopcode inOpcode, GLSfunc inFunc);
extern GLSenum GLS_LINKAGE glsCopyStream (const GLubyte *inSource, const GLubyte *inDest, GLSenum inDestType, GLbitfield inWriteFlags);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsDataPointer (GLvoid *inPointer);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsDeleteReadPrefix (GLuint inIndex);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsDeleteStream (const GLubyte *inName);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsEndCapture (void);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsFlush (GLSenum inFlushType);
extern GLbitfield GLS_LINKAGE glsGetCaptureFlags (GLSopcode inOpcode);
extern GLSfunc GLS_LINKAGE glsGetCommandFunc (GLSopcode inOpcode);
extern GLSfunc GLS_LINKAGE glsGetContextFunc (GLSenum inAttrib);
extern GLlong GLS_LINKAGE glsGetContextListl (GLSenum inAttrib, GLuint inIndex);
extern const GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetContextListubz (GLSenum inAttrib, GLuint inIndex);
extern GLvoid* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetContextPointer (GLSenum inAttrib);
extern GLint GLS_LINKAGE glsGetContexti (GLSenum inAttrib);
extern const GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetContextubz (GLSenum inAttrib);
extern GLint GLS_LINKAGE glsGetGLRCi (GLuint inGLRC, GLSenum inAttrib);
extern GLfloat GLS_LINKAGE glsGetHeaderf (GLSenum inAttrib);
extern GLfloat* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetHeaderfv (GLSenum inAttrib, GLfloat *outVec);
extern GLint GLS_LINKAGE glsGetHeaderi (GLSenum inAttrib);
extern GLint* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetHeaderiv (GLSenum inAttrib, GLint *outVec);
extern const GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetHeaderubz (GLSenum inAttrib);
extern GLfloat GLS_LINKAGE glsGetLayerf (GLuint inLayer, GLSenum inAttrib);
extern GLint GLS_LINKAGE glsGetLayeri (GLuint inLayer, GLSenum inAttrib);
extern GLbitfield GLS_LINKAGE glsGetStreamAttrib (const GLubyte *inName);
extern GLuint GLS_LINKAGE glsGetStreamCRC32 (const GLubyte *inName);
extern const GLubyte* GLS_LINKAGE glsGetStreamReadName (const GLubyte *inName);
extern size_t GLS_LINKAGE glsGetStreamSize (const GLubyte *inName);
extern GLSenum GLS_LINKAGE glsGetStreamType (const GLubyte *inName);
extern GLboolean GLS_LINKAGE glsIsContextStream (const GLubyte *inName);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsPixelSetupGen (GLboolean inEnabled);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsReadFunc (GLSreadFunc inFunc);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsReadPrefix (GLSenum inListOp, const GLubyte *inPrefix);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsUnreadFunc (GLSwriteFunc inFunc);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsWriteFunc (GLSwriteFunc inFunc);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsWritePrefix (const GLubyte *inPrefix);
/* GLS encodable commands */
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsBeginGLS (GLint inVersionMajor, GLint inVersionMinor);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsBlock (GLSenum inBlockType);
extern GLSenum GLS_LINKAGE glsCallStream (const GLubyte *inName);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsEndGLS (void);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsError (GLSopcode inOpcode, GLSenum inError);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsGLRC (GLuint inGLRC);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsGLRCLayer (GLuint inGLRC, GLuint inLayer, GLuint inReadLayer);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsHeaderGLRCi (GLuint inGLRC, GLSenum inAttrib, GLint inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsHeaderLayerf (GLuint inLayer, GLSenum inAttrib, GLfloat inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsHeaderLayeri (GLuint inLayer, GLSenum inAttrib, GLint inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsHeaderf (GLSenum inAttrib, GLfloat inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsHeaderfv (GLSenum inAttrib, const GLfloat *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsHeaderi (GLSenum inAttrib, GLint inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsHeaderiv (GLSenum inAttrib, const GLint *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsHeaderubz (GLSenum inAttrib, const GLubyte *inString);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsRequireExtension (const GLubyte *inExtension);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsUnsupportedCommand (void);
/* GLS encodable-nop commands */
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsAppRef (GLulong inAddress, GLuint inCount);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsBeginObj (const GLubyte *inTag);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsCharubz (const GLubyte *inTag, const GLubyte *inString);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsComment (const GLubyte *inComment);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsDisplayMapfv (GLuint inLayer, GLSenum inMap, GLuint inCount, const GLfloat *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsEndObj (void);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumb (const GLubyte *inTag, GLbyte inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumbv (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLbyte *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumd (const GLubyte *inTag, GLdouble inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumdv (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLdouble *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumf (const GLubyte *inTag, GLfloat inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumfv (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLfloat *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumi (const GLubyte *inTag, GLint inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumiv (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLint *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNuml (const GLubyte *inTag, GLlong inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumlv (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLlong *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNums (const GLubyte *inTag, GLshort inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumsv (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLshort *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumub (const GLubyte *inTag, GLubyte inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumubv (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLubyte *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumui (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumuiv (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLuint *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumul (const GLubyte *inTag, GLulong inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumulv (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLulong *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumus (const GLubyte *inTag, GLushort inVal);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsNumusv (const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLushort *inVec);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsPad (void);
extern void GLS_LINKAGE glsSwapBuffers (GLuint inLayer);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */
#endif /* defined(__gls_h_) */