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** Copyright 1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
** $Revision: 1.2 $
** $Date: 1993/09/29 00:45:51 $
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <stdio.h>
** Arena style memory management.
** This memory manager works as follows:
** procs.memory.newArena is called once to allocate an arena from which memory
** will be allocated.
** procs.memory.alloc is called many times to allocate blocks of memory from
** the arena.
** procs.memory.freeAll is called once to free every block ever allocated from
** the arena.
** procs.memory.deleteArena is called once to deallocate the arena.
** The value to this memory management style is that it can be implemented
** very efficiently.
** Structure for arena style memory management. Currently this structure
** is defined here because this memory manager fits into one file, and this
** structure should be private. Later it might make sense to break the
** memory manager into a few files, at which point this structure may need
** to be exposed.
** Quarter megabyte default block size.
#define MINBLOCKSIZE 262144
** An arena is implemented as a linked list of large blocks of memory from
** which smaller blocks are cut. Each block has a block size, it has an
** amount of the block which has already been allocated, it has a data
** pointer to the block, and a link to the next block in the linked list.
typedef struct __GLarenaBlockRec {
unsigned int size;
unsigned int allocated;
void *data;
struct __GLarenaBlockRec *next;
} __GLarenaBlock;
struct __GLarenaRec {
__GLcontext *gc;
__GLarenaBlock *firstBlock;
__GLarenaBlock *lastBlock;
static __GLarenaBlock *NewBlock(__GLcontext *gc, unsigned int size)
__GLarenaBlock *block;
block = (*gc->imports.malloc)(gc, sizeof(__GLarenaBlock));
if (block == NULL) return NULL;
block->next = NULL;
block->size = size;
block->allocated = 0;
block->data = (*gc->imports.malloc)(gc, size);
if (block->data == NULL) {
(*gc->imports.free)(gc, block);
return NULL;
return block;
static void FASTCALL DeleteBlock(__GLcontext *gc, __GLarenaBlock *block)
(*gc->imports.free)(gc, block->data);
(*gc->imports.free)(gc, block);
** Allocate a brand new arena.
__GLarena *__glNewArena(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLarena *arena;
__GLarenaBlock *block;
arena = (*gc->imports.malloc)(gc, sizeof(__GLarena));
if (arena == NULL) return NULL;
arena->gc = gc;
block = NewBlock(gc, MINBLOCKSIZE);
if (block == NULL) {
(*gc->imports.free)(gc, arena);
return NULL;
arena->firstBlock = arena->lastBlock = block;
return arena;
** Delete an old arena (and free all memory ever allocated from it).
void FASTCALL __glDeleteArena(__GLarena *arena)
__GLcontext *gc;
__GLarenaBlock *block, *next;
* if malloc failed during the allocation of the arena
* then arena will be null. During cleanup, it causes
* an exception. Checking for NULL solves the problem
if ( NULL != arena )
gc = arena->gc;
for (block = arena->firstBlock; block; block=next) {
next = block->next;
DeleteBlock(gc, block);
(*gc->imports.free)(gc, arena);
** Allocate block of memory from an arena. This function needs to be
** as fast as possible.
void *__glArenaAlloc(__GLarena *arena, unsigned int size)
__GLcontext *gc;
__GLarenaBlock *block, *newblock;
unsigned int bsize, allocated;
block = arena->lastBlock;
bsize = block->size;
allocated = block->allocated;
* Align to an 8 byte boundary
size = (size+7)&((unsigned int)-8);
if (size <= (bsize-allocated)) {
block->allocated = allocated+size;
return ((char *) block->data) + allocated;
** Need to allocate a new block.
bsize = size;
gc = arena->gc;
newblock = NewBlock(gc, bsize);
#ifdef NT
if( newblock == NULL )
return NULL;
block->next = newblock;
arena->lastBlock = newblock;
newblock->allocated = size;
return newblock->data;
** Free all memory ever allocated from this arena. This function should
** be reasonably fast.
void FASTCALL __glArenaFreeAll(__GLarena *arena)
__GLcontext *gc;
__GLarenaBlock *block, *next;
gc = arena->gc;
block = arena->firstBlock;
next = block->next;
block->next = NULL;
block->allocated = 0;
arena->lastBlock = block;
for (block = next; block; block = next) {
next = block->next;
DeleteBlock(gc, block);