2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

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** Copyright 1991, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "mips.h"
** Clip check the clip coordinates against the frustum planes.
GLuint FASTCALL __glClipCheckFrustum(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat x, y, z, w, negW, invW;
GLuint code;
w = vx->clip.w;
if (w == (__GLfloat) 1.0) {
x = vx->clip.x;
y = vx->clip.y;
z = vx->clip.z;
negW = (__GLfloat) -1.0;
vx->window.w = (__GLfloat) 1.0;
/* Set clip codes */
code = 0;
if (x < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_LEFT;
else if (x > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_RIGHT;
if (y < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_BOTTOM;
else if (y > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_TOP;
if (z < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_NEAR;
else if (z > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_FAR;
/* Compute window coordinates if not clipped */
if (!code) {
__GLviewport *vp = &gc->state.viewport;
__GLfloat wx, wy, wz;
wx = x * vp->xScale + vp->xCenter;
wy = y * vp->yScale + vp->yCenter;
wz = z * vp->zScale + vp->zCenter;
vx->window.x = wx;
vx->window.y = wy;
vx->window.z = wz;
} else {
/* XXX (mf) prevent divide-by-zero */
if( w != (__GLfloat) 0.0 )
invW = __glOne / w;
invW = (__GLfloat) 0.0;
x = vx->clip.x;
y = vx->clip.y;
z = vx->clip.z;
negW = -w;
/* Set clip codes */
code = 0;
** NOTE: it is possible for x to be less than negW and greater than w
** (if w is negative). Otherwise there would be "else" clauses here.
if (x < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_LEFT;
if (x > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_RIGHT;
if (y < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_BOTTOM;
if (y > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_TOP;
if (z < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_NEAR;
if (z > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_FAR;
vx->window.w = invW;
/* Compute window coordinates if not clipped */
if (!code) {
__GLviewport *vp = &gc->state.viewport;
__GLfloat wx, wy, wz;
wx = x * vp->xScale * invW + vp->xCenter;
wy = y * vp->yScale * invW + vp->yCenter;
wz = z * vp->zScale * invW + vp->zCenter;
vx->window.x = wx;
vx->window.y = wy;
vx->window.z = wz;
return code;
** Clip check the clip coordinates against the frustum planes.
GLuint FASTCALL __glClipCheckFrustum2D(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat x, y, z, w, negW, invW;
GLuint code;
/* W is 1.0 */
w = vx->clip.w;
x = vx->clip.x;
y = vx->clip.y;
negW = (__GLfloat) -1.0;
/* Set clip codes */
code = 0;
if (x < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_LEFT;
else if (x > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_RIGHT;
if (y < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_BOTTOM;
else if (y > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_TOP;
vx->window.w = (__GLfloat) 1.0;
if (!code) {
__GLviewport *vp = &gc->state.viewport;
__GLfloat wx, wy, wz;
z = vx->clip.z;
wx = x * vp->xScale + vp->xCenter;
wy = y * vp->yScale + vp->yCenter;
wz = z * vp->zScale + vp->zCenter;
vx->window.x = wx;
vx->window.y = wy;
vx->window.z = wz;
return code;
GLuint FASTCALL __glClipCheckAll2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
vx->obj.z = __glZero;
vx->obj.w = __glOne;
return __glClipCheckAll(gc, vx);
GLuint FASTCALL __glClipCheckAll3(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
vx->obj.w = __glOne;
return __glClipCheckAll(gc, vx);
#ifdef SGI
** Clip check if matrix is 2D. Convert straight to window coords,
** bypassing clip coords and compute clip codes. Incoming vertex was
** from a glVertex2*() call.
GLuint FASTCALL __glClipCheck2D_2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat x, y, ox, oy;
GLuint code;
__GLmatrix *m;
m = &(gc->transform.matrix2D);
ox = vx->obj.x;
oy = vx->obj.y;
x = ox * m->matrix[0][0] + oy * m->matrix[1][0] + m->matrix[3][0];
y = ox * m->matrix[0][1] + oy * m->matrix[1][1] + m->matrix[3][1];
code = 0;
if (x < gc->transform.fminx) code |= __GL_CLIP_LEFT;
if (x >= gc->transform.fmaxx) code |= __GL_CLIP_RIGHT;
if (y < gc->transform.fminy) {
if (gc->constants.yInverted) {
code |= __GL_CLIP_TOP;
} else {
code |= __GL_CLIP_BOTTOM;
if (y >= gc->transform.fmaxy) {
if (gc->constants.yInverted) {
code |= __GL_CLIP_BOTTOM;
} else {
code |= __GL_CLIP_TOP;
vx->window.x = x;
vx->window.y = y;
/* z is not needed */
return code;
#endif // SGI
#ifdef SGI
** Clip check if matrix is 2D. Convert straight to window coords,
** bypassing clip coords and compute clip codes. Incoming vertex was
** from a glVertex3*() call.
GLuint FASTCALL __glClipCheck2D_3(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat ox, oy, x, y, z;
GLuint code;
__GLmatrix *m;
m = &(gc->transform.matrix2D);
ox = vx->obj.x;
oy = vx->obj.y;
z = vx->obj.z;
x = ox * m->matrix[0][0] + oy * m->matrix[1][0] + m->matrix[3][0];
y = ox * m->matrix[0][1] + oy * m->matrix[1][1] + m->matrix[3][1];
z = z * m->matrix[2][2] + m->matrix[3][2];
code = 0;
if (x < gc->transform.fminx) code |= __GL_CLIP_LEFT;
if (x >= gc->transform.fmaxx) code |= __GL_CLIP_RIGHT;
if (y < gc->transform.fminy) {
if (gc->constants.yInverted) {
code |= __GL_CLIP_TOP;
} else {
code |= __GL_CLIP_BOTTOM;
if (y >= gc->transform.fmaxy) {
if (gc->constants.yInverted) {
code |= __GL_CLIP_BOTTOM;
} else {
code |= __GL_CLIP_TOP;
if (z > __glOne) code |= __GL_CLIP_FAR;
if (z < -1.0f) code |= __GL_CLIP_NEAR;
if (!code) {
vx->window.x = x;
vx->window.y = y;
/* z is not needed */
return code;
#endif // SGI
#ifdef SGI
** This one called when the user calls glVertex4*() when a 2D matrix is loaded.
** They deserve to go slow at that point.
GLuint FASTCALL __glClipCheck_Punt4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
(*gc->transform.modelView->mvp.xf4)(&vx->clip, &vx->obj.x,
return (*gc->procs.clipCheck4Chain)(gc, vx);
#endif // SGI
** Clip check against the frustum and user clipping planes.
GLuint FASTCALL __glClipCheckAll(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat x, y, z, w, negW, invW, zero, dot;
GLuint code, bit, clipPlanesMask;
__GLcoord *plane;
/* We need eye coordinates to do user clip plane clipping */
(*vx->validate)(gc, vx, __GL_HAS_EYE);
** Do frustum checks.
** NOTE: it is possible for x to be less than negW and greater than w
** (if w is negative). Otherwise there would be "else" clauses here.
w = vx->clip.w;
invW = __glOne / w;
x = vx->clip.x;
y = vx->clip.y;
z = vx->clip.z;
negW = -w;
code = 0;
if (x < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_LEFT;
if (x > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_RIGHT;
if (y < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_BOTTOM;
if (y > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_TOP;
if (z < negW) code |= __GL_CLIP_NEAR;
if (z > w) code |= __GL_CLIP_FAR;
vx->window.w = invW;
** Now do user clip plane checks
x = vx->eye.x;
y = vx->eye.y;
z = vx->eye.z;
w = vx->eye.w;
clipPlanesMask = gc->state.enables.clipPlanes;
plane = &gc->state.transform.eyeClipPlanes[0];
bit = __GL_CLIP_USER0;
zero = __glZero;
while (clipPlanesMask) {
if (clipPlanesMask & 1) {
** Dot the vertex clip coordinate against the clip plane and see
** if the sign is negative. If so, then the point is out.
dot = x * plane->x + y * plane->y + z * plane->z + w * plane->w;
if (dot < zero) {
code |= bit;
clipPlanesMask >>= 1;
bit <<= 1;
/* Compute window coordinates if not clipped */
if (!code) {
__GLviewport *vp = &gc->state.viewport;
__GLfloat wx, wy, wz;
x = vx->clip.x;
y = vx->clip.y;
z = vx->clip.z;
wx = x * vp->xScale * invW + vp->xCenter;
wy = y * vp->yScale * invW + vp->yCenter;
wz = z * vp->zScale * invW + vp->zCenter;
vx->window.x = wx;
vx->window.y = wy;
vx->window.z = wz;
return code;
** NOTE: This code is written like this so the compiler will realize that
** there is no aliasing going on here, and it will do something reasonable
** (as opposed to the code it usually generates).
#ifndef __GL_ASM_SAVEN
void FASTCALL __glSaveN(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat x,y,z;
void (FASTCALL *vertex)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
vertex = gc->procs.vertex;
x = gc->state.current.normal.x;
y = gc->state.current.normal.y;
z = gc->state.current.normal.z;
vx->normal.x = x;
vx->normal.y = y;
vx->normal.z = z;
(*vertex)(gc, vx);
#endif /* __GL_ASM_SAVEN */
#ifndef __GL_ASM_SAVECI
void FASTCALL __glSaveCI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
void (FASTCALL *vertex)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
__GLfloat index;
vertex = gc->procs.vertex;
index = gc->state.current.userColorIndex;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r = index;
(*vertex)(gc, vx);
#endif /* __GL_ASM_SAVECI */
#ifndef __GL_ASM_SAVEC
void FASTCALL __glSaveC(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat r,g,b,a;
void (FASTCALL *vertex)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
vertex = gc->procs.vertex;
r = gc->state.current.color.r;
g = gc->state.current.color.g;
b = gc->state.current.color.b;
a = gc->state.current.color.a;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r = r;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].g = g;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].b = b;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].a = a;
(*vertex)(gc, vx);
#endif /* __GL_ASM_SAVEC */
#ifndef __GL_ASM_SAVET
void FASTCALL __glSaveT(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
void (FASTCALL *vertex)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
__GLfloat x,y,z,w;
vertex = gc->procs.vertex;
x = gc->state.current.texture.x;
y = gc->state.current.texture.y;
z = gc->state.current.texture.z;
w = gc->state.current.texture.w;
vx->texture.x = x;
vx->texture.y = y;
vx->texture.z = z;
vx->texture.w = w;
(*vertex)(gc, vx);
#endif /* __GL_ASM_SAVET */
#ifndef __GL_ASM_SAVECT
void FASTCALL __glSaveCT(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat r,g,b,a;
__GLfloat x,y,z,w;
void (FASTCALL *vertex)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
vertex = gc->procs.vertex;
r = gc->state.current.color.r;
g = gc->state.current.color.g;
b = gc->state.current.color.b;
a = gc->state.current.color.a;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r = r;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].g = g;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].b = b;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].a = a;
x = gc->state.current.texture.x;
y = gc->state.current.texture.y;
z = gc->state.current.texture.z;
w = gc->state.current.texture.w;
vx->texture.x = x;
vx->texture.y = y;
vx->texture.z = z;
vx->texture.w = w;
(*vertex)(gc, vx);
#endif /* __GL_ASM_SAVECT */
#ifndef __GL_ASM_SAVENT
void FASTCALL __glSaveNT(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat x,y,z,w;
void (FASTCALL *vertex)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
vertex = gc->procs.vertex;
x = gc->state.current.normal.x;
y = gc->state.current.normal.y;
z = gc->state.current.normal.z;
vx->normal.x = x;
vx->normal.y = y;
vx->normal.z = z;
x = gc->state.current.texture.x;
y = gc->state.current.texture.y;
z = gc->state.current.texture.z;
w = gc->state.current.texture.w;
vx->texture.x = x;
vx->texture.y = y;
vx->texture.z = z;
vx->texture.w = w;
(*vertex)(gc, vx);
#endif /* __GL_ASM_SAVENT */
void FASTCALL __glSaveCIAll(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat x,y,z,w;
void (FASTCALL *vertex)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
__GLfloat index;
index = gc->state.current.userColorIndex;
vertex = gc->procs.vertex;
x = gc->state.current.normal.x;
y = gc->state.current.normal.y;
z = gc->state.current.normal.z;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r = index;
vx->normal.x = x;
vx->normal.y = y;
vx->normal.z = z;
x = gc->state.current.texture.x;
y = gc->state.current.texture.y;
z = gc->state.current.texture.z;
w = gc->state.current.texture.w;
vx->texture.x = x;
vx->texture.y = y;
vx->texture.z = z;
vx->texture.w = w;
(*vertex)(gc, vx);
#endif /* __GL_ASM_SAVECIALL */
void FASTCALL __glSaveCAll(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat r,g,b,a;
__GLfloat x,y,z,w;
void (FASTCALL *vertex)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
vertex = gc->procs.vertex;
x = gc->state.current.normal.x;
y = gc->state.current.normal.y;
z = gc->state.current.normal.z;
r = gc->state.current.color.r;
g = gc->state.current.color.g;
b = gc->state.current.color.b;
a = gc->state.current.color.a;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r = r;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].g = g;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].b = b;
vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].a = a;
vx->normal.x = x;
vx->normal.y = y;
vx->normal.z = z;
x = gc->state.current.texture.x;
y = gc->state.current.texture.y;
z = gc->state.current.texture.z;
w = gc->state.current.texture.w;
vx->texture.x = x;
vx->texture.y = y;
vx->texture.z = z;
vx->texture.w = w;
(*vertex)(gc, vx);
#endif /* __GL_ASM_SAVECALL */
#define __NORMAL 1
#define __COLOR 2
#define __TEX 4
static void (FASTCALL *CISaveProcs[4])(__GLcontext*, __GLvertex*) = {
0, /* none */
__glSaveN, /* __NORMAL */
__glSaveCI, /* __COLOR */
0, /* __NORMAL | __COLOR */
static void (FASTCALL *RGBSaveProcs[8])(__GLcontext*, __GLvertex*) = {
0, /* none */
__glSaveN, /* __NORMAL */
__glSaveC, /* __COLOR */
0, /* __NORMAL | __COLOR */
__glSaveT, /* __TEX */
__glSaveNT, /* __NORMAL | __TEX */
__glSaveCT, /* __COLOR | __TEX */
__glSaveCAll, /* __NORMAL | __COLOR | __TEX */
void FASTCALL __glGenericPickVertexProcs(__GLcontext *gc)
GLuint enables = gc->state.enables.general;
GLuint needs = gc->vertex.needs;
GLint ix;
GLenum mvpMatrixType;
__GLmatrix *m;
m = &(gc->transform.modelView->mvp);
mvpMatrixType = m->matrixType;
/* Pick clipCheck proc */
if (gc->state.enables.clipPlanes) {
** Transform and clip routines that are called from the assemblerized
** vertex handlers are supposed to preserve t0, t1, t2 and t3.
** Since we don't have assembly code versions for ClipCheckAll
** routines we call assembly-code wrappers that save those registers
** and then call the equivalent c code routine.
gc->procs.clipCheck2 = __glMipsClipCheckAll2;
gc->procs.clipCheck3 = __glMipsClipCheckAll3;
gc->procs.clipCheck4 = __glMipsClipCheckAll;
} else {
** Pick faster clip checkers if we know that incoming W is 1 and
** mvp matrix doesn't change it.
if (mvpMatrixType >= __GL_MT_W0001) {
if (mvpMatrixType >= __GL_MT_IS2D &&
m->matrix[3][2] >= -1.0f && m->matrix[3][2] <= 1.0f) {
gc->procs.clipCheck2 = __glMipsClipCheckFrustum2D;
} else {
gc->procs.clipCheck2 = __glMipsClipCheckFrustum_W;
gc->procs.clipCheck3 = __glMipsClipCheckFrustum_W;
} else {
gc->procs.clipCheck2 = __glMipsClipCheckFrustum;
gc->procs.clipCheck3 = __glMipsClipCheckFrustum;
gc->procs.clipCheck4 = __glMipsClipCheckFrustum;
if (gc->state.enables.clipPlanes) {
gc->procs.clipCheck2 = __glClipCheckAll2;
gc->procs.clipCheck3 = __glClipCheckAll3;
gc->procs.clipCheck4 = __glClipCheckAll;
} else {
gc->procs.clipCheck3 = __glClipCheckFrustum;
gc->procs.clipCheck4 = __glClipCheckFrustum;
if (mvpMatrixType >= __GL_MT_IS2D &&
m->matrix[3][2] >= -1.0f && m->matrix[3][2] <= 1.0f) {
gc->procs.clipCheck2 = __glClipCheckFrustum2D;
} else {
gc->procs.clipCheck2 = __glClipCheckFrustum;
/* Pick vertex validation routines */
if (gc->vertex.faceNeeds[__GL_FRONTFACE] == 0) {
gc->procs.validateVertex2 = __glNopVertexInt;
gc->procs.validateVertex3 = __glNopVertexInt;
gc->procs.validateVertex4 = __glNopVertexInt;
} else {
gc->procs.validateVertex2 = __glValidateVertex2;
gc->procs.validateVertex3 = __glValidateVertex3;
gc->procs.validateVertex4 = __glValidateVertex4;
if (gc->renderMode == GL_FEEDBACK) {
if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode) {
gc->procs.v = __glSaveCIAll;
} else {
gc->procs.v = __glSaveCAll;
} else {
ix = 0;
if (enables & __GL_LIGHTING_ENABLE) {
ix |= __NORMAL;
} else {
ix |= __COLOR;
if (gc->modes.rgbMode && gc->texture.textureEnabled) {
ix |= __TEX;
if (enables & __GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S_ENABLE) {
if (gc->state.texture.s.mode == GL_SPHERE_MAP) {
ix |= __NORMAL;
if (enables & __GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T_ENABLE) {
if (gc->state.texture.t.mode == GL_SPHERE_MAP) {
ix |= __NORMAL;
if (gc->modes.rgbMode) {
gc->procs.v = RGBSaveProcs[ix];
} else {
gc->procs.v = CISaveProcs[ix];
assert(gc->procs.v != 0);
void FASTCALL __glValidateVertex2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx, GLuint needs)
GLuint has = vx->has;
GLuint wants = needs & ~has;
if (wants & __GL_HAS_EYE) {
__GLtransform *tr = gc->transform.modelView;
(*tr->matrix.xf2)(&vx->eye, &vx->obj.x, &tr->matrix);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_NORMAL) {
__GLcoord ne;
__GLtransform *tr = gc->transform.modelView;
if (tr->matrix.matrixType == __GL_MT_GENERAL) {
/* this is needed only if there is projection info */
vx->normal.w =
-(vx->normal.x * vx->obj.x + vx->normal.y * vx->obj.y);
if (tr->updateInverse) {
(*gc->procs.computeInverseTranspose)(gc, tr);
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE) {
(*tr->inverseTranspose.xf3)(&ne, &vx->normal.x,
(*gc->procs.normalize)(&vx->normal.x, &ne.x);
} else {
&vx->normal.x, &tr->inverseTranspose);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_FOG) {
vx->fog = (*gc->procs.fogVertex)(gc, vx);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_TEXTURE) {
vx->obj.z = __glZero;
vx->obj.w = __glOne;
(*gc->procs.calcTexture)(gc, vx);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_FRONT_COLOR) {
(*gc->procs.calcColor)(gc, __GL_FRONTFACE, vx);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_BACK_COLOR) {
(*gc->procs.calcColor)(gc, __GL_BACKFACE, vx);
vx->has = has | wants;
void FASTCALL __glValidateVertex3(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx, GLuint needs)
GLuint has = vx->has;
GLuint wants = needs & ~has;
if (wants & __GL_HAS_EYE) {
__GLtransform *tr = gc->transform.modelView;
(*tr->matrix.xf3)(&vx->eye, &vx->obj.x, &tr->matrix);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_NORMAL) {
__GLcoord ne;
__GLtransform *tr = gc->transform.modelView;
if (tr->matrix.matrixType == __GL_MT_GENERAL) {
/* this is needed only if there is projection info */
vx->normal.w =
-(vx->normal.x * vx->obj.x + vx->normal.y * vx->obj.y
+ vx->normal.z * vx->obj.z);
if (tr->updateInverse) {
(*gc->procs.computeInverseTranspose)(gc, tr);
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE) {
(*tr->inverseTranspose.xf3)(&ne, &vx->normal.x,
(*gc->procs.normalize)(&vx->normal.x, &ne.x);
} else {
&vx->normal.x, &tr->inverseTranspose);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_FOG) {
vx->fog = (*gc->procs.fogVertex)(gc, vx);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_TEXTURE) {
vx->obj.w = __glOne;
(*gc->procs.calcTexture)(gc, vx);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_FRONT_COLOR) {
(*gc->procs.calcColor)(gc, __GL_FRONTFACE, vx);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_BACK_COLOR) {
(*gc->procs.calcColor)(gc, __GL_BACKFACE, vx);
vx->has = has | wants;
void FASTCALL __glValidateVertex4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx, GLuint needs)
GLuint has = vx->has;
GLuint wants = needs & ~has;
if (wants & __GL_HAS_EYE) {
__GLtransform *tr = gc->transform.modelView;
(*tr->matrix.xf4)(&vx->eye, &vx->obj.x, &tr->matrix);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_NORMAL) {
__GLcoord ne;
__GLtransform *tr = gc->transform.modelView;
if (vx->obj.w) {
vx->normal.w = -(vx->normal.x * vx->obj.x + vx->normal.y * vx->obj.y
+ vx->normal.z * vx->obj.z) / vx->obj.w;
} else {
vx->normal.w = __glZero;
if (tr->updateInverse) {
(*gc->procs.computeInverseTranspose)(gc, tr);
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE) {
(*tr->inverseTranspose.xf3)(&ne, &vx->normal.x,
(*gc->procs.normalize)(&vx->normal.x, &ne.x);
} else {
&vx->normal.x, &tr->inverseTranspose);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_FOG) {
vx->fog = (*gc->procs.fogVertex)(gc, vx);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_TEXTURE) {
(*gc->procs.calcTexture)(gc, vx);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_FRONT_COLOR) {
(*gc->procs.calcColor)(gc, __GL_FRONTFACE, vx);
if (wants & __GL_HAS_BACK_COLOR) {
(*gc->procs.calcColor)(gc, __GL_BACKFACE, vx);
vx->has = has | wants;
#if 0 // not used
void FASTCALL __glValidateVertex2Clip(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx, GLuint needs)
__GLtransform *tr;
tr = gc->transform.modelView;
if (needs & __GL_HAS_CLIP) {
(*tr->mvp.xf2)(&vx->clip, &vx->obj.x, &tr->mvp);
vx->has |= __GL_HAS_CLIP;
void FASTCALL __glValidateVertex3Clip(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx, GLuint needs)
__GLtransform *tr;
tr = gc->transform.modelView;
if (needs & __GL_HAS_CLIP) {
(*tr->mvp.xf3)(&vx->clip, &vx->obj.x, &tr->mvp);
vx->has |= __GL_HAS_CLIP;
void FASTCALL __glValidateVertex4Clip(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx, GLuint needs)
__GLtransform *tr;
tr = gc->transform.modelView;
if (needs & __GL_HAS_CLIP) {
(*tr->mvp.xf4)(&vx->clip, &vx->obj.x, &tr->mvp);
vx->has |= __GL_HAS_CLIP;